fastenhealth / fasten-onprem

Fasten is an open-source, self-hosted, personal/family electronic medical record aggregator, designed to integrate with 100,000's of insurances/hospitals/clinics
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Store records locally in client/browser for offline access (when travelling, etc) #58

Open AnalogJ opened 1 year ago

AnalogJ commented 1 year ago

migrated away from pouchdb/couchdb database. However keeping this open for eventual offline-first feature(s)

cfu288 commented 1 year ago

This might be far down in priority, but I've found RxDB to be helpful for this. It wraps IndexedDB (using Dexie.js) but enables both CouchDB sync and GraphQL sync without PouchDB (no attachments supported sadly).

Unfortunately this still doesn't work in FF private, but can help with offline sync in other browsers.

AnalogJ commented 1 year ago

thanks! thats a great call-out. As we'd discussed, I ran into constant issues with PouchDB running in an offline-first SPA. I'd definitely like to (eventually) support that use-case, so this will be helpful.