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Jit/NoJit builds #631

Open markshannon opened 8 months ago

markshannon commented 8 months ago

Not all platforms will support a JIT compiler, and even for those that do, building without the JIT is useful for fast build time and for testing.

The optimizer design allows us to jump from tier1 code into optimized (tier2) code at arbitrary points, and back from tier2 code to exit to tier1 code, but it does so with calls. Which is a problem for a couple of reasons:

So we need a transfer mechanism that allows us to pass as much information as we need, ideally in registers, and that won't blow the stack.

JIT build

For a JIT build, we can use a custom calling convention and use tail calls everywhere. We need this for the JIT itself, so it make sense to build the interpreter to use the same conventions.

Non-JIT build

For the non-JIT build, we should implement the tier1 and tier 2 interpreters in a single giant function. Transfer of control should be implemented as gotos and information is passed in (C) local variables.

Types of transfer

Maybe others?

What does this look like in bytecodes.c

My preferred approach would be that each of the above transfers is expressed as a macro-like expression, that is understood by the code generator and replaced will the relevant C code. Using actual C macros tends to get confusing.

Implementing this in the interpreter.

Code examples assume no computed gotos. Those are left as an exercise for the reader 🙂

_Py_CODEUNIT *next_instr becomes union { _Py_CODEUNIT * tier1; PyUopInstruction *tier2; } next_instr

Patchable jumps need to pass their own address to the next piece of code. We can pass this in a register for JIT code, for the interpreter we can pass it in memory.

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

Can't say I like the idea of making next_instr a union. Is this just to save a register? We will still need some way to tell which union member it currently contains -- separate variables will look cleaner (and require fewer changes to existing code that manipulates it -- it's used 120 times in bytecodes.c).

markshannon commented 8 months ago

It is "just" to save a register, yes. Saving a register can be worth a few percent performance on x64.

Almost all of the uses of next_instr next_instr-- are one of:

Having said that, there is no reason why we can't use separate variables to start with, then unify them later.

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

I am going to make a detailed plan of all the things we need to do here. Fortunately executor.c is not even 150 lines. These are its locals:

    _Py_CODEUNIT *ip_offset = (_Py_CODEUNIT *)_PyFrame_GetCode(frame)->co_code_adaptive;
    int pc = 0;
    int opcode;
    int oparg;
    uint64_t operand;

More later.

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

Here are some things I've thought of so far.

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

It would be nice if we could make DEOPT_IF() in Tier 2 jump directly to the correct unspecialized Tier 1 instruction's label, but we first need to decref the executor, so I think that's going to require extra work.

Which reminds me, another variable that may add register pressure is executor (a.k.a. self). We need this because of that decref when jumping back to Tier 1. Maybe we can come up with a clever scheme that doesn't require bumping the executor's refcount while it's executing? Or maybe we can store it in the frame? (Larger frames for fewer registers seems a fine trade-off.)

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

Not every executor is necessarily a "Uop" executor (at least in theory; and there are tests using the "counter" executor). The inline dispatch from Tier 1 to Tier 2, at ENTER_EXECUTOR, must be conditional on the executor being a "Uop" executor. So ENTER_EXECUTOR should become something like this:

        inst(ENTER_EXECUTOR, (--)) {

            PyCodeObject *code = _PyFrame_GetCode(frame);
            _PyExecutorObject *executor = (_PyExecutorObject *)code->co_executors->executors[oparg&255];
            int original_oparg = executor->vm_data.oparg | (oparg & 0xfffff00);
            frame->instr_ptr = next_instr;
            /************ New code *************/
            if (executor->execute == _PyUopExecute) {
                self = (_PyUOpExecutorObject *)executor;
                goto dispatch_tier_two;
            /************ End new code *************/
            frame = executor->execute(executor, frame, stack_pointer);
            if (frame == NULL) {
                frame = tstate->current_frame;
                goto resume_with_error;
            next_instr = frame->instr_ptr;
            goto resume_frame;
gvanrossum commented 8 months ago
Fidget-Spinner commented 8 months ago

It would be nice if we could make DEOPT_IF() in Tier 2 jump directly to the correct unspecialized Tier 1 instruction's label, but we first need to decref the executor, so I think that's going to require extra work.

Also, that would prevent us from introducing cleanup code in side exits. For example, if we want to re-materialize frames lazily or other stuff, and would block many optimizations.

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

The prototype exhibits an interesting problem on Windows: some tests using deep recursion are failing (without enabling uops!), which makes me think that the C stack frame for _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault is larger than before. This makes sense: we have these new locals:

    _Py_CODEUNIT *ip_offset = (_Py_CODEUNIT *)_PyFrame_GetCode(frame)->co_code_adaptive;
    _PyUOpInstruction *next_uop = self->trace;
    uint64_t operand;

Possible hacks to get rid of these could include:

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

In good news, the benchmarks show this doesn't make Tier 1 slower ("1.00x slower at 99th %ile").

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

The benchmarks with uops aren't any better -- if anything, it's worse ("1.07x slower").

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

The benchmarks with uops aren't any better -- if anything, it's worse ("1.07x slower").

It's not much worse though -- with just "uops-forever" I get "1.06x slower".

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

The merge of Tier 2 into Tier 1 has happened. Merging the resulting code into @brandtbucher's justin branch should be simple.

brandtbucher commented 8 months ago

The merge of Tier 2 into Tier 1 has happened. Merging the resulting code into @brandtbucher's justin branch should be simple.

Hm, one thing I missed from this plan is that operands are now fetched using next_uop[-1].operand in the generated code (whereas before it was just an operand local). This makes "burning in" the value basically impossible.

How hard would it be to add the local back (like it is on debug builds) and use that instead? Does it really blow the stack?

gvanrossum commented 8 months ago

Hm, one thing I missed from this plan is that operands are now fetched using next_uop[-1].operand in the generated code (whereas before it was just an operand local). This makes "burning in" the value basically impossible.

How hard would it be to add the local back (like it is on debug builds) and use that instead? Does it really blow the stack?

Oh, sorry! Can you give that a try as a new PR? If the Windows CI passes it should be good.

brandtbucher commented 8 months ago

Yep, I’ll do that tomorrow.

gvanrossum commented 3 months ago

Much later: We now have the Tier 1 and 2 interpreters in the same function, _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(), but we are not expecting the Tier 2 interpreter ever to outrun the Tier 1 interpreter -- instead, we intend to use it to debug the rest of the Tier 2 machinery, and for speed we rely on the JIT (which uses the Tier 2 IR but not the Tier 2 interpreter). IIUC the JIT is invoked via a true C-level call anyway. Perhaps we can revert the fusing of the T1 and T2 interpreters and move the T2 interpreter into its own C call frame? This might make it easier for some C compilers to optimize the T1 interpreter (less code and fewer registers needed).

@markshannon @brandtbucher Your thoughts?

brandtbucher commented 3 months ago

Did merging the interpreters improve performance at all? According to a comment above, it actually made things slower.

I'm not opposed to splitting them back up. It's sort of annoying keeping track of all of the different locals and labels (like what's safe to use, jump to, etc.). Plus we could distinguish between the two tiers in perf.

I'd just want to make sure that we're not seriously hurting tier two performance for platforms without JIT support. Unless, as you say, we never expect it to be turned on except for debugging.

Fidget-Spinner commented 3 months ago

I'd just want to make sure that we're not seriously hurting tier two performance for platforms without JIT support. Unless, as you say, we never expect it to be turned on except for debugging.

Tier 2 performance is anywhere from 7-10% slower on the Linux machine at the benchmarking repo. At this rate, I don't think it will ever be faster. Mark might disagree though.

gvanrossum commented 3 months ago

Here's a comment suggesting that the benchmarks were neutral (following comments suggest it might even be slower).

mdboom commented 3 months ago

Yeah, I tend to think if it's neutral performance, the benefits of having it separate outweight it, especially on Windows where it puts a lot of stack pressure and there's some evidence of hitting compiler optimization limits.

mdboom commented 3 months ago

In the Faster CPython team's internal meeting, we decided that separating this out makes sense, though the prioritization isn't clear.