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Pystats docs #650

Closed mdboom closed 4 months ago

mdboom commented 5 months ago

This is a first pass at trying to document the fields in the pystats. The most important ones (and the ones I'm most familiar with) are the Tier 2-related ones, so I've started with those and we can come back to the other ones later.

This probably belongs in CPython proper, but we can iterate here and submit there later.

mdboom commented 4 months ago

It occurs to me that what we really ought to do is put this information in the generated output from This PR is still a convenient way to iterate on the language though.

gvanrossum commented 4 months ago

Blocked on @markshannon answering some inline questions.

mdboom commented 4 months ago

I've incorporated @markshannon's content and will go ahead and merge (this is just a local reference -- we can always iterate).