fasterthanlime / cs322

CS-323 project
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Handing in the homework #10

Closed nddrylliog closed 12 years ago

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

Hey guys, since I'll be in Amsterdam this week-end I won't be able to hand in the homework myself, but I think we basically have all the pieces in there, so if you guys could assemble them in a libreoffice document, export it as PDF and hand in a zip of that + the SQL, I believe it's what they want?

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

Ah, mentioning you both to make sure you get an e-mail from this issues: @greut @sebasti4n

greut commented 12 years ago

np, have a nice one!

SeZuo commented 12 years ago

ok, have fun!

greut commented 12 years ago

Thanks to fill the gaps in deliverable1.rst, some helpers if you're new with ReST:

And then use make html and make latexpdf to generate the report. As I'm away this afternoon, I'll only be able to do some work on that tonight.

Cheers mate!