fasterthanlime / cs322

CS-323 project
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Implement query J #19

Closed nddrylliog closed 12 years ago

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

List the last and first name of the players which are shorter than the average height of players who have at least 10,000 rebounds and have more than 12,000 rebounds (if any).

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

Because triggers aren't working for me, this request currently doesn't return anything. Will debug later.

greut commented 12 years ago

we ask you to list the last and first name of the players which have more than 12,000 rebounds and are shorter than the average height of players who have at least 10,000 rebounds (if any).

It's not what I've done.

greut commented 12 years ago

closing it before it happens again :-)

SeZuo commented 12 years ago
