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Create the SQL commands to create the tables in Oracle. #3

Closed greut closed 12 years ago

greut commented 12 years ago

Running it from the command line.

$ sqlplus nba/nba@XE < schema.sql 
nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

Is there an easy way to run Oracle SQL completely on Linux? (Server+Client)

Just curious.

greut commented 12 years ago

I do but it's not super easy because it only comes as rpm and requires strange stuff to install. In other words, it doesn't give a shit about any linux way of managing an app. They recommended us to use a VM.

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

Okay, so Windows it is.

greut commented 12 years ago

VM for Windows as well... Uninstaling it can be tricky!

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

Oh really? How crapalicious. The name of this project is becoming more and more fitting.

greut commented 12 years ago

btw, this schema is on our DB.

greut commented 12 years ago

I'm almost done here but there are two things I'm not super happy with:

Can you take 3 minutes to dive in and give some feedback, btw #2 and doing the deliverable are remaining.


nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

About type switches: were those seen during the course?

As for years, I think it's alright to store them as 1997, the real meaning is implicit.

greut commented 12 years ago

I've made three tables but they look the same and could be one with a parameter (like enum): playoff, regular or allstar. It'll show up doing #2 anyways, which I won't do.

Ok, for the Season, let's KISS :-)

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

For the enum / parameter etc. I think we did see differences in the columns, ie. they didn't look exactly the same and we would have had to have 'dead columns' in some tables. But I might be mistaken, @sebasti4n do you remember what was our conclusion on that?

greut commented 12 years ago

It's not my point here. Do the point 2, you'll see what I mean (I guess).

On mar 20 mar 2012 00:19:42 CET, Amos Wenger wrote:

For the enum / parameter etc. I think we did see differences in the columns, ie. they didn't look exactly the same and we would have had to have 'dead columns' in some tables. But I might be mistaken, @sebasti4n do you remember what was our conclusion on that?

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nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

I would do point #2 if I knew what to do.

greut commented 12 years ago

Lulz, I'd do something UML-likey but it's not very clear to either. I was hoping you'd know :-D

On mar 20 mar 2012 00:34:24 CET, Amos Wenger wrote:

I would do point #2 if I knew what to do.

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nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

I can export a PDF containing schema.sql if that's what they want...

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 12:41 AM, Yoan Blanc <


Lulz, I'd do something UML-likey but it's not very clear to either. I was hoping you'd know :-D

On mar 20 mar 2012 00:34:24 CET, Amos Wenger wrote:

I would do point #2 if I knew what to do.

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Amos Wenger Lead Developer, founder I'm @nddrylliog on GitHub

greut commented 12 years ago

Maybe something in-between tasting nice OOP. Although our ER diagram doesn't have much constraint yet...

greut commented 12 years ago

Something like that?

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

Are you suggesting we use db-main or just make a similar graph?

I've taken a look at the db-main tutorial, but I really don't want to install db-main 6.5 anywhere. Seriously ___

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

FYI, it wasn't obvious to me so I documented credentials here:

(And now installing SQL Developer..)

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

@greut I've given it more thought (and am knee-deep into the logical schema or whatever it's called, ie. #2) and I think the enum is a good idea. I'll make my diagram as if it was an enum already and then you can change the SQL whenever you feel like it :)

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

@greut Should the PLAYER_SEASONS table really reference PEOPLE (through PERSON_ID) or should it reference PLAYERS (through PLAYER_ID) ? I'm wondering.

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

@greut same question for DRAFTS, maybe it should reference players instead of people.

SeZuo commented 12 years ago

@sebasti4n do you remember what was our conclusion on that?

If I remember correctly our discussion was more about "do we use a thin or fat database" - and thin was our choice when we merged the career with the season tables.

I've just checked for unique columns in all tables and there are some. Teams have the following unique stats:

There is no divergence between the three player_*_seasons, however there is between the two relations "offensive" and "defensive" relations.

I'll commit the file as soon as I figure out how to do it.

SeZuo commented 12 years ago

@greut Should the PLAYER_SEASONS table really reference PEOPLE (through PERSON_ID) or should it reference PLAYERS (through PLAYER_ID) ? I'm wondering.

DRAFTS and PLAYER_SEASON both are referencing players and should, in my opinion, point to the PLAYERS table.

PLAYER_SEASON should never hold an entry to a non-player person. Both paths lead to the same complexity, so we should take the safer one.

greut commented 12 years ago

I agree on everything you said.

About the missing fields, do we add them to Stat or shall we create two kinds of Stat: team and player? I don't mind, really.

The career tables are imho denormalized data (in other words data you can obtain from the rest e.g. blog_entries <-> comments where you store a comments_count in the Entry). That's why I dropped them.

I'll update the ER and SQL schema accordingly, no problems.

nddrylliog commented 12 years ago

@greut For Stat, we can have an "ISA" relationship with two "sub-entities", that works for the er graph at least. For the implementation, I guess we can duplicate columns in both PlayerStat and TeamStat. Hm.

greut commented 12 years ago
