fastfetch-cli / fastfetch

An actively maintained, feature-rich and performance oriented, neofetch like system information tool.
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Update builtin.c #1025

Closed Princess-Sunset-Shimmer closed 3 months ago

Princess-Sunset-Shimmer commented 3 months ago

is this correct? ( and i didn't find "logo_builtin.h" file, where is it? )

CarterLi commented 3 months ago

I just updated it myself.

CarterLi commented 3 months ago

Would you mind to share the config file you use?

Princess-Sunset-Shimmer commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your update, and yes SURE, of course i'd very appreciate to share my Config-File

Princess-Sunset-Shimmer commented 3 months ago

goto (this article)[] i wrote ( may have lot of error, unfinished yet ) and click configuration, then click make linux console more awesome and cooler and scroll down to -fastfetch ( you can find my fastfetch-configuration is there ) thanks for your asking my fastfetch-config-file

Princess-Sunset-Shimmer commented 3 months ago

here i copied for you

"logo": {
    "source": "arch",
    "color": {"1": "red", "2": "yellow"}
"display": {
    "color": {"separator": "blue", "output": "white"},
    "separator": " | "
"modules": [ 
    {"type": "kernel", "key": " /\\rch Linux", "keyColor": "magenta"},
    {"type": "custom", "format": ">-----------<+>----------------------------------<", "outputColor": "blue"},
    {"type": "uptime", "key": "   Uptime   ", "keyColor": "green"},
    {"type": "shell", "key": "   Shell    ", "keyColor": "green"},
    {"type": "terminal", "key": "   Terminal ", "keyColor": "green"},
    {"type": "terminalfont", "key": "   Font     ", "keyColor": "green"},
    {"type": "packages", "key": "   Packages ", "keyColor": "green"},
    {"type": "localip", "key": "   Local IP ", "keyColor": "green"},
    {"type": "custom", "format": ">-----------<+>----------------------------------<", "outputColor": "blue"},
    {"type": "display", "key": "   Display  ", "keyColor": "cyan"},
    {"type": "cpu", "key": "   CPU      ", "keyColor": "cyan"},
    {"type": "gpu", "key": "   GPU      ", "keyColor": "cyan"},
    {"type": "memory", "key": "   RAM      ", "keyColor": "cyan"},
    {"type": "swap", "key": "   SWAP     ", "keyColor": "cyan"},
    {"type": "disk", "key": "   Disk     ", "keyColor": "cyan"},
    {"type": "battery", "key": "   Battery  ", "keyColor": "cyan"},
    {"type": "custom", "format": ">-----------<+>----------------------------------<", "outputColor": "blue"},
    {"type":"colors", "paddingLeft": 9}
CarterLi commented 3 months ago

Did a little cleanup

Princess-Sunset-Shimmer commented 3 months ago

Whoa, that's Amazing And very Thanks for you adjusted my code-style and selected my-config as official-example ( i'am so Happy that i may see the change sooner in next Arch Linux package update ) image [pic] above is another testing-style i used just before

Princess-Sunset-Shimmer commented 3 months ago

i see it, i just updated my Arch Linux now, and So thanks to you that i can directly use arch3 as official-builtin-logo right now