fastfetch-cli / fastfetch

Like neofetch, but much faster because written mostly in C.
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OS (Linux): prioritize `prettyName` over `name` #1038

Open xbt573 opened 1 week ago

xbt573 commented 1 week ago

PR title pretty much says all about changes in code. Currently fastfetch uses os-release's name over prettyName, which are not always equal (for example Gentoo's name is Gentoo, but prettyName is Gentoo Linux)

This change just swaps order of name and prettyName in if-else if-else chain

CarterLi commented 1 week ago

This PR is known to break alpine linux and debian.

The pretty name of apline linux is Alpine Linux v3.20 while its version is 3.20.0, which results in OS: Alpine Linux v3.20 3.20.0 aarch64

It may also break debian. We fetch point release version of debian in /etc/debian_version, while the pretty name of debian contains only the major version. so that fastfetch will print Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) 12.1 x86_64. See

CarterLi commented 1 week ago

Fastfetch uses NAME instead of PRETTY_NAME to generate more constant and accurate results. Unless this change gets tested in every linux distro, I want the old behavior being kept

xbt573 commented 1 week ago

I tested some popular distros with docker (and my own Gentoo), and i can categorize the results into some categories:

  1. Everything is okay, name equals prettyName: Arch Linux, Clear Linux
  2. Everything is okay, prettyName contains version_id (version duplication prevented by condition): Fedora, RockyLinux
  3. Patch did output better: Alt Linux (Alt name is "starter kit"), Alma Linux (codename added, version duplication prevented by condition), Amazon Linux (version from prettyName is more verbose), Gentoo Linux
  4. Broken: Alpine Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Debian Linux

I propose these solutions:

  1. Introduce some sort of exception list, and use name over prettyName if exception list contains name
  2. Fuzzy version contains: Allow matching version in prettyName by parts, will help with v3.20-3.20.0 and similar, harder
  3. Don't include version if prettyName is used, radical but most of distros specify version in prettyName (8 of 11 tested, 2 is rolling)

I'm ready to assist with every solution you choose and test all fastfetch supported distros (by logo) if needed.

If none of solutions is suitable then just close this PR

CarterLi commented 1 week ago

I would rather fix the name and version.

For example: test if prettyName contains name + " Linux"