fastfetch-cli / fastfetch

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Fastfetch hangs in tty #153

Closed OmegaLambda1998 closed 2 years ago

OmegaLambda1998 commented 2 years ago

When I enter my login details in tty I get the last login message and then my terminal apparently hangs. If I press ctrl+c I'm able to write into the terminal as normal. If I start sway, and open a terminal, then fastfetch works as expected. However, if I'm just in the tty terminal and I type fastfetch then the terminal hangs until I press ctrl+c. A workaround is to only run fastfetch if wm =sway is defined, but it would be good if we could run fastfetch in the tty terminal too

Output of fastfetch --version:

fastfetch 1.3.1

Output of fastfetch --load-config devinfo:

                  -`                     patricka@Archbox
                 .o+`                    ----------------
                `ooo/                    OS: Arch Linux [x86_64]
               `+oooo:                   Host: 20R1CTO1WW ThinkPad X1 Carbon 7th
              `+oooooo:                  Kernel: 5.17.4-arch1-1
              -+oooooo+:                 Uptime: 6 mins
            `/:-:++oooo+:                Packages: 1346 (pacman)
           `/++++/+++++++:               Shell: fish 3.4.1
          `/++++++++++++++:              Resolution 1: 1920x1080 @ 60Hz
         `/+++ooooooooooooo/`            Resolution 2: 2560x1440 @ 75Hz
        ./ooosssso++osssssso+`           Resolution 3: 1920x1080 @ 144Hz
       .oossssso-````/ossssss+`          DE: No DE found
      -osssssso.      :ssssssso.         WM: Sway (Wayland)
     :osssssss/        osssso+++.        WM Theme: Unknown WM: Sway
    /ossssssss/        +ssssooo/-        Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
  `/ossssso+/:-        -:/+osssso+-      Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
 `+sso+:-`                 `.-/+oso:     Font: Cantarell (11pt) [GTK2/3/4]
`++:.                           `-/+/    Cursor: Adwaita
.`                                 `/    Terminal: kitty
                                         Terminal Font: Unknown terminal: kitty
                                         CPU: Intel Core i7-10510U (8) @ 4.9GHz
                                         GPU: Intel UHD Graphics
                                         Memory: 2530MiB / 15660MiB (16%)
                                         Disk (/): 61GB / 467GB (13%)
                                         Battery: 78% [Not charging]
                                         Locale: en_AU.UTF-8


Output of fastfetch --load-config devinfo-verbose:

                  -`                     patricka@Archbox
                 .o+`                    ----------------
                `ooo/                    OS: System: Linux; Name: Arch Linux; Pretty name: Arch Linux; ID: arch; ID like: ; Variant: ; Variant ID: ; Version: ; Version ID: ; Version codename: ; Build ID: rolling; Architecture: x86_64o:    
              `+oooooo:                  Host: Family: ThinkPad X1 Carbon 7th; Name: 20R1CTO1WW; Version: ThinkPad X1 Carbon 7th
              -+oooooo+:                 Kernel: Sysname: Linux; Release: 5.17.4-arch1-1; Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 20 Apr 2022 18:29:28 +0000
            `/:-:++oooo+:                Uptime: Days: 0; Hours: 0; Minutes: 7; Seconds: 20
           `/++++/+++++++:               Processes: Count: 833
          `/++++++++++++++:              Packages: All: 1346; pacman: 1346; pacman branch: ; dpkg: 0; rpm: 0; emerge: 0; xbps: 0; flatpak: 0; snap: 0
         `/+++ooooooooooooo/`            Shell: Process name: fish; Process path: /usr/bin/fish; Process exe: fish; Process version: 3.4.1; User path: /usr/bin/fish; User exe: fish; User version: 3.4.1
        ./ooosssso++osssssso+`           Resolution 1: Width: 1920; Height: 1080; Refresh rate: 60
       .oossssso-````/ossssss+`          Resolution 2: Width: 2560; Height: 1440; Refresh rate: 75
      -osssssso.      :ssssssso.         Resolution 3: Width: 1920; Height: 1080; Refresh rate: 144
     :osssssss/        osssso+++.        DE: Process name: ; Pretty name: ; Version:
    /ossssssss/        +ssssooo/-        WM: Process name: sway; Pretty name: Sway; Protocol: Wayland
  `/ossssso+/:-        -:/+osssso+-      WM Theme: Name:
 `+sso+:-`                 `.-/+oso:     Theme: Plasma: ; Plasma colors: ; Plasma colors pretty: ; GTK2: Adwaita; GTK3: Adwaita; GTK4: Adwaita; GTK: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
`++:.                           `-/+/    Icons: Plasma: ; GTK2: Adwaita; GTK3: Adwaita; GTK4: Adwaita; GTK: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
.`                                 `/    Font: Plasma raw: ; Plasma name: ; Plasma size: ; Plasma styles: ; Plasma pretty: ; GTK2 raw: Cantarell 11; GTK2 name: Cantarell; GTK2 size: 11; GTK2 styles: ; GTK2 pretty: Cantarell (11pt); GTK3 raw: Cantarell 11; GTK3 name: Cantarell; GTK3 size: 11; GTK3 styles: ; GTK3 pretty: Cantarell (11pt); GTK4 raw: Cantarell 11; GTK4 name: Cantarell; GTK4 size: 11; GTK4 styles: ; GTK4 pretty: Cantarell (11pt); GTK: Cantarell (11pt) [GTK2/3/4]
                                         Cursor: Theme: Adwaita; Size:
                                         Terminal: Process: kitty; Path: kitty; Exe: kitty
                                         Terminal Font: Raw: ; Name: ; Size: ; Styles: ; Pretty:
                                         CPU: Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz; Pretty: Intel Core i7-10510U; Vendor: GenuineIntel; Logical online: 8; Logical configured: 8; Physical: 4; Cores: 8; bios: 0; scaling max: 1.8; scaling min: 0.4; info max: 4.9; info min: 0.4; cpuinfo: 2.3; frequency: 1.8
                                         GPU: Vendor: Intel Corporation; Vendor pretty: Intel; Name: CometLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics]; Name pretty: UHD Graphics; Driver: i915
                                         Memory: Used: 2522; Total: 15660; Percentage: 16
                                         Disk (/): Used: 61; Total: 467; Files: 911879; Percentage: 13
                                         Battery: Manufactor: LGC; Model: 02DL004; Technology: Li-poly; Capacaty: 78; Status: Not charging
                                         Media Player: Name: Mozilla Firefox
                                         Song: Song: The Wedding Of The Century | YOGSCAST Best Bits Of The Week; Artist: The Wedding Of The Century | YOGSCAST Best Bits Of The Week; Album: YOGSCAST Best Bits Weekly
                                         Public IP:
                                         Local IP (wlan0):
                                         Date & Time: year: 2022; yearShort: 22; month: 4; monthPretty: 04; monthName: April; monthNameShort: Apr; weekNumber: 17; weekday: Monday; weekdayShort: Mon; dayInYear: 115; dayInMonth: 25; dayInWeek: 1; hour: 10; hourPretty: 10; hour12: 10; hour12Pretty: 10; minute: 46; minutePretty: 46; second: 15; secondPretty: 15
                                         Locale: en_AU.UTF-8


Output of fastfetch --list-features:


If you get the following error: Error: couldn't find config: [...], copy the files in presets to /usr/share/fastfetch/presets/ or ~/.local/share/fastfetch/presets/. If this isn't possible (or to much work) for you, post the output of fastfetch --show-errors --recache --multithreading false --disable-linewrap false.

Often helpful questions:

OmegaLambda1998 commented 2 years ago

Note that the debug output above is produced when I've already opened sway. When in tty I get the following: Output of fastfetch --loadconfig devinfo

                  -`                     patricka@Archbox
                 .o+`                    ----------------
                `ooo/                    OS: Arch Linux [x86_64]
               `+oooo:                   Host: 20R1CTO1WW ThinkPad X1 Carbon 7th
              `+oooooo:                  Kernel: 5.17.4-arch1-1
              -+oooooo+:                 Uptime: 14 mins
            `/:-:++oooo+:                Packages: 1346 (pacman)
           `/++++/+++++++:               Shell: fish 3.4.1
          `/++++++++++++++:              Resolution 1: 2560x1440
         `/+++ooooooooooooo/`            Resolution 2: 1920x1080
        ./ooosssso++osssssso+`           Resolution 3: 1920x1080
       .oossssso-````/ossssss+`          WM: Sway (X11)
      -osssssso.      :ssssssso.         Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
     :osssssss/        osssso+++.        Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
    /ossssssss/        +ssssooo/-        Font: Cantarell (11pt) [GTK2/3/4]
  `/ossssso+/:-        -:/+osssso+-      Cursor: Adwaita
 `+sso+:-`                 `.-/+oso:     Terminal: /dev/tty2
`++:.                           `-/+/    Terminal Font: VGA default kernel font 8x16x256
.`                                 `/    CPU: Intel Core i7-10510U (8) @ 1.8GHz
                                         GPU: Intel UHD Graphics
                                         Memory: 2537MiB / 15660MiB (16%)
                                         Disk (/): 61GB / 467GB (13%)
                                         Battery: 78% [Not charging]
                                         Locale: en_AU.UTF-8


Output of fastfetch --load-config devinfo-verbose

                  -`                     patricka@Archbox
                 .o+`                    ----------------
                `ooo/                    OS: System: Linux; Name: Arch Linux; Pretty name: Arch Linux; ID: arch; ID like: ; Variant: ; Variant ID: ; Version: ; Version ID: ; Version codename: ; Build ID: rolling; Architecture: x86_64o:    
              `+oooooo:                  Host: Family: ThinkPad X1 Carbon 7th; Name: 20R1CTO1WW; Version: ThinkPad X1 Carbon 7th
              -+oooooo+:                 Kernel: Sysname: Linux; Release: 5.17.4-arch1-1; Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 20 Apr 2022 18:29:28 +0000
            `/:-:++oooo+:                Uptime: Days: 0; Hours: 0; Minutes: 14; Seconds: 40
           `/++++/+++++++:               Processes: Count: 863
          `/++++++++++++++:              Packages: All: 1346; pacman: 1346; pacman branch: ; dpkg: 0; rpm: 0; emerge: 0; xbps: 0; flatpak: 0; snap: 0
         `/+++ooooooooooooo/`            Shell: Process name: fish; Process path: fish; Process exe: fish; Process version: 3.4.1; User path: /usr/bin/fish; User exe: fish; User version: 3.4.1
        ./ooosssso++osssssso+`           Resolution 1: Width: 2560; Height: 1440; Refresh rate: 0
       .oossssso-````/ossssss+`          Resolution 2: Width: 1920; Height: 1080; Refresh rate: 0
      -osssssso.      :ssssssso.         Resolution 3: Width: 1920; Height: 1080; Refresh rate: 0
     :osssssss/        osssso+++.        DE: Process name: ; Pretty name: ; Version:
    /ossssssss/        +ssssooo/-        WM: Process name: sway; Pretty name: Sway; Protocol: X11
  `/ossssso+/:-        -:/+osssso+-      WM Theme: Name:
 `+sso+:-`                 `.-/+oso:     Theme: Plasma: ; Plasma colors: ; Plasma colors pretty: ; GTK2: Adwaita; GTK3: Adwaita; GTK4: Adwaita; GTK: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
`++:.                           `-/+/    Icons: Plasma: ; GTK2: Adwaita; GTK3: Adwaita; GTK4: Adwaita; GTK: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
.`                                 `/    Font: Plasma raw: ; Plasma name: ; Plasma size: ; Plasma styles: ; Plasma pretty: ; GTK2 raw: Cantarell 11; GTK2 name: Cantarell; GTK2 size: 11; GTK2 styles: ; GTK2 pretty: Cantarell (11pt); GTK3 raw: Cantarell 11; GTK3 name: Cantarell; GTK3 size: 11; GTK3 styles: ; GTK3 pretty: Cantarell (11pt); GTK4 raw: Cantarell 11; GTK4 name: Cantarell; GTK4 size: 11; GTK4 styles: ; GTK4 pretty: Cantarell (11pt); GTK: Cantarell (11pt) [GTK2/3/4]
                                         Cursor: Theme: Adwaita; Size:
                                         Terminal: Process: /dev/tty2; Path: /dev/tty2; Exe: tty2
                                         Terminal Font: Raw: VGA default kernel font 8x16x256; Name: VGA default kernel font 8x16x256; Size: ; Styles: ; Pretty: VGA default kernel font 8x16x256
                                         CPU: Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz; Pretty: Intel Core i7-10510U; Vendor: GenuineIntel; Logical online: 8; Logical configured: 8; Physical: 4; Cores: 8; bios: 0; scaling max: 1.8; scaling min: 0.4; info max: 4.9; info min: 0.4; cpuinfo: 2.3; frequency: 1.8
                                         GPU: Vendor: Intel Corporation; Vendor pretty: Intel; Name: CometLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics]; Name pretty: UHD Graphics; Driver: i915
                                         Memory: Used: 2531; Total: 15660; Percentage: 16
                                         Disk (/): Used: 61; Total: 467; Files: 911884; Percentage: 13
                                         Battery: Manufactor: LGC; Model: 02DL004; Technology: Li-poly; Capacaty: 78; Status: Not charging
                                         Media Player: Name: Mozilla Firefox
                                         Song: Song: Tom's game is working exactly as planned; Artist: Tom's game is working exactly as planned; Album: Drakon Astron
                                         Public IP:
                                         Local IP (wlan0):
                                         Date & Time: year: 2022; yearShort: 22; month: 4; monthPretty: 04; monthName: April; monthNameShort: Apr; weekNumber: 17; weekday: Monday; weekdayShort: Mon; dayInYear: 115; dayInMonth: 25; dayInWeek: 1; hour: 10; hourPretty: 10; hour12: 10; hour12Pretty: 10; minute: 53; minutePretty: 53; second: 35; secondPretty: 35
                                         Locale: en_AU.UTF-8

NamorNiradnug commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem, but in tty it doesn't work with --load-config devinfo nor --load-config devinfo-verbose (it still doesn't print anything)

LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

I tried to reproduce it, but it works fine even when i disable display manager and boot directly into tty. Can someone please post the output of strace fastfetch --mulithreading false, so i can see where exactly it hangs?

LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

Is it possible that you guys have Media Player / Media enabled? dbus seems to have problem with using multiple ttys

NamorNiradnug commented 2 years ago

Can someone please post the output of strace fastfetch --mulithreading false, so i can see where exactly it hangs?


UPD: My fastfetch version is 1.3.3-3

NamorNiradnug commented 2 years ago

Is it possible that you guys have Media Player / Media enabled? dbus seems to have problem with using multiple ttys

No. My --structure is Title:Separator:OS:Host:Kernel:Uptime:Packages:Shell:Resolution:WM:Theme:Icons:Font:Cursor:Terminal:CPU:GPU:Memory:Break:Colors but running with --structure Title still doesn't work.

NamorNiradnug commented 2 years ago

BTW there is no the problem on version 1.2.3.r26.g03e949e-1 and there is on 1.2.3.r28.g8b15383

OmegaLambda1998 commented 2 years ago

Can someone please post the output of strace fastfetch --mulithreading false, so i can see where exactly it hangs?


UPD: My fastfetch version is 1.3.3-3

Just confirming my strace looks very similar

OmegaLambda1998 commented 2 years ago

So I've narrowed down the cause a little bit. I use a custom logo, loaded via --logo /path/to/logo.txt. If I run fastfetch --logo "" in tty then I get no errors. @NamorNiradnug, do you use a custom logo?

I also have --logo-color-1 90, --logo-color-2 36, and --color cyan if that matters

LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

Ok wild guess: press t two times when it hangs.

OmegaLambda1998 commented 2 years ago

Pressing it once seems to work!

NamorNiradnug commented 2 years ago

@NamorNiradnug, do you use a custom logo?

Yes, with flags

--logo-color-2 yellow
--logo-color-3 green
--logo-color-4 blue
LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

Should be fixed on git master. Can somebody please confirm?

OmegaLambda1998 commented 2 years ago

Yes, seems to be working on my end!

NamorNiradnug commented 2 years ago

Yes, it works for me.

LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

Thats the good morning news I wanted to hear! I will release a version containing this patch today evening.