fastfetch-cli / fastfetch

An actively maintained, feature-rich and performance oriented, neofetch like system information tool.
MIT License
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Only flatpak is detected in Packages: zypper doesn't appear #156

Closed Alxhr0 closed 2 years ago

Alxhr0 commented 2 years ago

Output of fastfetch --version:

fastfetch 1.3.4

Output of fastfetch --load-config devinfo:

                                    ......              alone@localhost.localdomain
     .,cdxxxoc,.               .:kKMMMNWMMMNk:.         ---------------------------
    cKMMN0OOOKWMMXo. ;        ;0MWk:.      .:OMMk.      OS: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20220509 [x86_64]
  ;WMK;.       .lKMMNM,     :NMK,             .OMW;     Host: 20217 Lenovo IdeaPad Y510P
 cMW;            'WMMMN   ,XMK,                 oMM'    Kernel: 5.17.5-1-default
.MMc               ..;l. xMN:                    KM0    Uptime: 56 mins
'MM.                   'NMO                      oMM    Packages: 2 (flatpak)
.MM,                 .kMMl                       xMN    Shell: bash 5.1.16
 KM0               .kMM0. .dl:,..               .WMd    Resolution: 1920x1080 @ 60Hz
 .XM0.           ,OMMK,    OMMMK.              .XMK     DE: GNOME 42.1
   oWMO:.    .;xNMMk,       NNNMKl.          .xWMx      WM: Mutter (Wayland)
     :ONMMNXMMMKx;          .  ,xNMWKkxllox0NMWk,       WM Theme: Adwaita
         .....                    .:dOOXXKOxl,          Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
                                                        Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
                                                        Font: Cantarell (11pt) [GTK2/3/4]
                                                        Cursor: Adwaita (24px)
                                                        Terminal: gnome-terminal-server
                                                        Terminal Font: Monospace (12pt)
                                                        CPU: Intel Core i5-4200M (4) @ 3.1GHz
                                                        GPU 1: Intel 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller
                                                        GPU 2: Nvidia GeForce GT 755M
                                                        Memory: 3370MiB / 7857MiB (42%)
                                                        Disk (/): 14GB / 232GB (6%)
                                                        Disk (/home): 14GB / 232GB (6%)
                                                        Battery: 100% [Full]
                                                        Locale: en_US.UTF-8

Output of fastfetch --load-config devinfo-verbose:

                                    ......              alone@localhost.localdomain
     .,cdxxxoc,.               .:kKMMMNWMMMNk:.         ---------------------------
    cKMMN0OOOKWMMXo. ;        ;0MWk:.      .:OMMk.      OS: System: Linux; Name: openSUSE Tumbleweed; Pretty name: openSUSE Tumbleweed; ID: opensuse-tumbleweed; ID like: opensuse suse; Variant: ; Variant ID: ; Version: ; Version ID: 20220509; Version codename: ; Build ID: ; Architecture: x86_64
 cMW;            'WMMMN   ,XMK,                 oMM'    Host: Family: IDEAPAD; Name: 20217; Version: Lenovo IdeaPad Y510P
.MMc               ..;l. xMN:                    KM0    Kernel: Sysname: Linux; Release: 5.17.5-1-default; Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu May 5 10:06:09 UTC 2022 (e57ab05)
'MM.                   'NMO                      oMM    Uptime: Days: 0; Hours: 0; Minutes: 57; Seconds: 32
.MM,                 .kMMl                       xMN    Processes: Count: 930
 KM0               .kMM0. .dl:,..               .WMd    Packages: All: 2; pacman: 0; pacman branch: ; dpkg: 0; rpm: 0; emerge: 0; xbps: 0; flatpak: 2; snap: 0
 .XM0.           ,OMMK,    OMMMK.              .XMK     Shell: Process name: bash; Process path: bash; Process exe: bash; Process version: 5.1.16; User path: /bin/bash; User exe: bash; User version: 5.1.16xNMMk,       NNNMKl.          .xWMx    
     :ONMMNXMMMKx;          .  ,xNMWKkxllox0NMWk,       Resolution: Width: 1920; Height: 1080; Refresh rate: 60
         .....                    .:dOOXXKOxl,          DE: Process name: gnome-shell; Pretty name: GNOME; Version: 42.1
                                                        WM: Process name: gnome-session-binary; Pretty name: Mutter; Protocol: Wayland
                                                        WM Theme: Name: Adwaita
                                                        Theme: Plasma: ; Plasma colors: ; Plasma colors pretty: ; GTK2: Adwaita; GTK3: Adwaita; GTK4: Adwaita; GTK: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
                                                        Icons: Plasma: ; GTK2: Adwaita; GTK3: Adwaita; GTK4: Adwaita; GTK: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
                                                        Font: Plasma raw: ; Plasma name: ; Plasma size: ; Plasma styles: ; Plasma pretty: ; GTK2 raw: Cantarell 11; GTK2 name: Cantarell; GTK2 size: 11; GTK2 styles: ; GTK2 pretty: Cantarell (11pt); GTK3 raw: Cantarell 11; GTK3 name: Cantarell; GTK3 size: 11; GTK3 styles: ; GTK3 pretty: Cantarell (11pt); GTK4 raw: Cantarell 11; GTK4 name: Cantarell; GTK4 size: 11; GTK4 styles: ; GTK4 pretty: Cantarell (11pt); GTK: Cantarell (11pt) [GTK2/3/4]
                                                        Cursor: Theme: Adwaita; Size: 24
                                                        Terminal: Process: gnome-terminal-; Path: /usr/libexec/gnome-terminal-server; Exe: gnome-terminal-server
                                                        Terminal Font: Raw: Monospace 12; Name: Monospace; Size: 12; Styles: ; Pretty: Monospace (12pt)
                                                        CPU: Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200M CPU @ 2.50GHz; Pretty: Intel Core i5-4200M; Vendor: GenuineIntel; Logical online: 4; Logical configured: 4; Physical: 2; Cores: 4; bios: 0; scaling max: 3.1; scaling min: 0.8; info max: 3.1; info min: 0.8; cpuinfo: 3.1; frequency: 3.1
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Output of fastfetch --list-features:


If you get the following error: Error: couldn't find config: [...], copy the files in presets to /usr/share/fastfetch/presets/ or ~/.local/share/fastfetch/presets/. If this isn't possible (or to much work) for you, post the output of fastfetch --show-errors --recache --multithreading false --disable-linewrap false.

Often helpful questions:

In the packages line only flatpak is detected zypper doesn't show. Oh i see that Zypper isn't supported yet

LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

I would like to implement zypper support, but i want to avoid setting up a VM. So your help is very appreciated. Since libzypp is C++, i can't link against it, so i need a different way:

Is there a

Thanks in advance

LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

Should be working now, can you please test it?

Alxhr0 commented 2 years ago

Nope still doesn't show rpm it works on fedora tho

LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

Does the file /var/cache/dnf/packages.db or /var/lib/rpm/rpmdb.sqlite exist?

Alxhr0 commented 2 years ago

Both exist

LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

Just installed a VM. Both files are encrypted using a key unknown to me. Currently investigating on how to retrieve it (zypper / rpm do it without needing privileges, so fastfetch should be able to do so too). Worst case is, that i need to open a slow rpm process...

LinusDierheimer commented 2 years ago

1.4.2 does work in my vm