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[BUG] xonsh shell detected as "Python" #977

Closed jaraco closed 1 month ago

jaraco commented 1 month ago

Be sure to read FAQ before submitting a new issue.

General description of bug:

Often helpful information:

Screenshot: image image

The content of the configuration file you use (if any): n/a

Output of fastfetch -c ci.jsonc --format json:

``` [ { "type": "Title", "result": { "userName": "jaraco", "hostName": "Kokuyoseki.lan", "homeDir": "/Users/jaraco/", "exePath": "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastfetch/2.13.2/bin/fastfetch", "userShell": "/Users/jaraco/.local/bin/xonsh", "pageSize": 16384 }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Separator", "error": "Unsupported for JSON format", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "OS", "result": { "buildID": "23F79", "codename": "Sonoma", "id": "macos", "idLike": "", "name": "macOS", "prettyName": "macOS", "variant": "", "variantID": "", "version": "14.5", "versionID": "14.5" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Host", "result": { "family": "Mac15,6", "name": "MacBook Pro (14-inch, Nov 2023, Three Thunderbolt 4 ports)", "version": "", "sku": "", "vendor": "Apple Inc.", "serial": "HH70W3JV7C", "uuid": "B8418068-B8C0-53CD-8765-12FAA9A8259B" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Bios", "result": { "date": "Tue Apr 16 21:19:52 PDT 2024", "release": "", "vendor": "Apple Inc.", "version": "10151.121.1", "type": "iBoot" }, "stat": 1 }, { "type": "Bootmgr", "result": { "name": "iBoot", "firmware": "/System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi", "secureBoot": false }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Board", "result": { "name": "J514sAP", "vendor": "Apple Inc.", "version": "", "serial": "" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Chassis", "error": "Not supported on this platform", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Kernel", "result": { "architecture": "arm64", "name": "Darwin", "release": "23.5.0", "version": "Darwin Kernel Version 23.5.0: Wed May 1 20:13:18 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.121.3~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T6030", "displayVersion": "" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Uptime", "result": { "uptime": 694965742, "bootTime": "2024-05-21T10:27:41.073-0400" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Loadavg", "result": [ 0.8671875, 1.16748046875, 1.29931640625 ], "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Processes", "result": 898, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Packages", "result": { "all": 146, "apk": 0, "brew": 145, "brewCask": 1, "choco": 0, "dpkg": 0, "emerge": 0, "eopkg": 0, "flatpakSystem": 0, "flatpakUser": 0, "nixDefault": 0, "nixSystem": 0, "nixUser": 0, "pacman": 0, "paludis": 0, "pkg": 0, "pkgtool": 0, "macports": 0, "rpm": 0, "scoop": 0, "snap": 0, "winget": 0, "xbps": 0, "opkg": 0, "am": 0, "sorcery": 0, "pacmanBranch": "" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Shell", "result": { "exe": "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/Resources/", "exeName": "Python", "exePath": "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/Resources/", "pid": 55137, "ppid": 53272, "processName": "Python", "prettyName": "Python", "version": "", "tty": 0 }, "stat": 17 }, { "type": "Editor", "result": { "name": "subl --wait", "path": "", "exe": null, "version": "" }, "stat": 1 }, { "type": "Display", "result": [ { "width": 3440, "height": 1440, "id": 3, "name": "LG ULTRAWIDE", "primary": true, "refreshRate": 60.0, "rotation": 0, "scaledHeight": 1440, "scaledWidth": 3440, "type": "External" } ], "stat": 48 }, { "type": "Brightness", "result": [ { "name": "LG ULTRAWIDE", "max": 100.0, "min": 0.0, "current": 0.0 } ], "stat": 41 }, { "type": "Monitor", "result": [ { "hdrCompatible": false, "name": "LG ULTRAWIDE", "resolution": { "width": 3440, "height": 1440 }, "physical": { "height": 339, "width": 802 }, "manufactureDate": { "year": 2017, "week": 8 }, "serial": 440872 } ], "stat": 8 }, { "type": "LM", "error": "Not supported on this platform", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "DE", "result": { "processName": "", "prettyName": "Aqua", "version": "" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "WM", "result": { "processName": "WindowServer", "prettyName": "Quartz Compositor", "protocolName": "", "pluginName": "" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "WMTheme", "result": "Multicolor (Dark)", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Theme", "error": "Not supported on this platform", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Icons", "error": "Not supported on this platform", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Font", "result": { "display": ".AppleSystemUIFont [System], Helvetica [User]", "fonts": [ ".AppleSystemUIFont", "Helvetica", ".AppleSystemUIFontMonospaced", "Menlo" ] }, "stat": 5 }, { "type": "Cursor", "result": { "theme": "Fill - Black, Outline - White", "size": "32" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Wallpaper", "error": "All detection methods failed", "stat": 96 }, { "type": "Terminal", "result": { "processName": "Hyper", "exe": "/Applications/", "exeName": "Hyper", "exePath": "/Applications/", "pid": 53272, "ppid": 1, "prettyName": "Hyper", "version": "3.4.1", "tty": "" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "TerminalFont", "error": "Unknown terminal: Hyper", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "TerminalSize", "error": "Failed to detect terminal size", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "TerminalTheme", "error": "Failed to detect terminal theme", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "CPU", "result": { "cpu": "Apple M3 Pro", "vendor": "Apple", "cores": { "physical": 12, "logical": 12, "online": 12 }, "frequency": { "base": null, "max": 4.056, "min": 0.696, "biosLimit": null }, "coreTypes": [ { "count": 6, "freq": 2 }, { "count": 6, "freq": 1 } ], "temperature": null }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "CPUUsage", "result": [ 20.0, 19.047619047619047, 10.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "stat": 206 }, { "type": "GPU", "result": [ { "coreCount": 18, "memory": { "dedicated": { "total": null, "used": null }, "shared": { "total": 28991029248, "used": 81920 } }, "driver": "", "name": "Apple M3 Pro", "temperature": null, "type": "Integrated", "vendor": "Apple", "platformApi": "Metal 3", "frequency": null } ], "stat": 17 }, { "type": "Memory", "result": { "total": 38654705664, "used": 26850213888 }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "PhysicalMemory", "result": [ { "size": 38654705664, "maxSpeed": 0, "runningSpeed": 0, "type": "LPDDR5", "locator": "", "formFactor": "", "vendor": "Hynix", "serial": "", "partNumber": "", "ecc": false } ], "stat": 136 }, { "type": "Swap", "result": { "total": 0, "used": 0 }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Disk", "result": [ { "bytes": { "available": 499951173632, "free": 499951173632, "total": 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"free": 503869440, "total": 524288000, "used": 20418560 }, "files": { "total": 4920628, "used": 28 }, "filesystem": "apfs", "mountpoint": "/System/Volumes/iSCPreboot", "mountFrom": "/dev/disk1s1", "name": "iSCPreboot", "volumeType": [ "Hidden" ], "createTime": "2024-01-24T07:16:37.382-0500" }, { "bytes": { "available": 503869440, "free": 503869440, "total": 524288000, "used": 20418560 }, "files": { "total": 4920601, "used": 1 }, "filesystem": "apfs", "mountpoint": "/System/Volumes/xarts", "mountFrom": "/dev/disk1s2", "name": "xarts", "volumeType": [ "Hidden" ], "createTime": "2024-01-24T07:16:37.578-0500" } ], "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Battery", "result": [ { "capacity": 100.0, "manufacturer": "Apple Inc.", "manufactureDate": "2024-01--04", "modelName": "bq40z651", "status": "AC connected", "technology": "Lithium", "serial": "F5DH20004GN00000E6", "temperature": null, "cycleCount": 19 } ], "stat": 1 }, { "type": "PowerAdapter", "result": [ { "description": "pd charger", "manufacturer": 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"connected": false, "name": "takosan", "type": "Miscellaneous" }, { "address": "d4-90-9c-f3-14-e6", "battery": 0, "connected": false, "name": "Office", "type": "Miscellaneous" } ], "stat": 38 }, { "type": "Sound", "result": [ { "active": true, "main": true, "volume": null, "name": "LG ULTRAWIDE", "identifier": "103" }, { "active": true, "main": false, "volume": 38, "name": "MacBook Pro Speakers", "identifier": "74" } ], "stat": 53 }, { "type": "Camera", "result": [ { "name": "Logitech StreamCam", "vendor": "Unknown", "colorSpace": "sRGB", "id": "0x2130000046d0893", "width": 640, "height": 480 }, { "name": "FaceTime HD Camera", "vendor": "Apple Inc.", "colorSpace": "sRGB", "id": "1FD4B3A2-236E-492B-8CE5-255DD288CE50", "width": 1920, "height": 1080 } ], "stat": 25 }, { "type": "Gamepad", "result": [], "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Weather", "error": "Invalid response", "stat": 1001 }, { "type": "NetIO", "result": [ { "name": "en0", "defaultRoute": true, "txBytes": 9216, "rxBytes": 9216, "txPackets": 54, "rxPackets": 46, "rxErrors": 0, "txErrors": 0, "rxDrops": 0, "txDrops": 0 } ], "stat": 0 }, { "type": "DiskIO", "result": [ { "name": "APPLE SSD AP1024Z Media", "devPath": "/dev/disk0", "bytesRead": 151552, "bytesWritten": 118784, "readCount": 10, "writeCount": 13 } ], "stat": 1 }, { "type": "PhysicalDisk", "result": [ { "name": "APPLE SSD AP1024Z Media", "devPath": "/dev/disk0", "interconnect": "Apple Fabric", "kind": "SSD", "size": 1000555581440, "serial": "0ba0224ba0588629", "removable": false, "readOnly": false, "revision": "373.120.", "temperature": null } ], "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Version", "result": { "projectName": "fastfetch", "architecture": "aarch64", "version": "2.13.2", "versionTweak": "", "cmakeBuiltType": "Release", "compileTime": "May 23 2024, 05:31:53", "compiler": "Apple clang 15.0.0 (15000309)", "debugMode": false, "libc": "libSystem 1345.100.2" }, "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Break", "error": "Unsupported for JSON format", "stat": 0 }, { "type": "Colors", "error": "Unsupported for JSON format", "stat": 0 } ] ```

Output of fastfetch --list-features:

CarterLi commented 1 month ago

How did you run xonsh?

jaraco commented 1 month ago

I have xonsh configured as my default shell using chsh -s /Users/jaraco/.local/bin/xonsh.

 @ env | grep -i SHELL=

Then I launched the Hyper.js terminal. I get the same result when launching the Terminal app and running fastfetch.

jaraco commented 1 month ago

The launcher for xonsh looks like:

 @ head -n 4 ~/.local/bin/xonsh
'''exec' "/Users/jaraco/Library/Application Support/pipx/venvs/xonsh/bin/python" "$0" "$@"
' '''
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The reason for that convoluted script is because Unix doesn't support shebangs with spaces in the path, and xonsh was installed using pipx when its default installation location was in "Application Support".