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idea: MRE template for issues #33

Closed domdomegg closed 4 months ago

domdomegg commented 9 months ago


🚀 Feature Proposal

I think it'd be useful to have a minimal reproducible example template for fastify to help:

Other projects in the space do this, e.g. Next.js or Headless UI

I don't think we should make this mandatory, given the additional burden for small or obvious bugs. But it might help nail down less clear ones :)

Concretely what this might look like is a template repository in the fastify organisation with a simple hello world fastify app set up.

Eomm commented 9 months ago

I think we could use the new gitpod integration for this task!

Ref fastify/fastify#5168

metcoder95 commented 9 months ago

I believe not everybody is aware of the Minimum Reproducible Example concept; it might be worthwhile to create a small callout within the issue template to set some brief discussion

jsumners commented 9 months ago

I think it will be difficult to put together a generic template. Maybe adding a note in the issue template will help, but I firmly believe the issue template gets ignored more often than it is read.

I do have two saved replies that apply here, though. The first reply is my generic one:

Please provide a minimal reproducible example. Doing so will help us diagnose your issue. It should be the bare minimum code needed to trigger the issue, and easily runnable without any changes or extra code.

You may use a GitHub repository to host the code if it is too much to fit in a code block (or two).

The second one is the one I use for ldapjs issues, and may be more applicable to the issue under discussion:

Please provide a minimal reproducible example (MRE). Doing so will help us diagnose your issue. It should be the bare minimum code needed to trigger the issue, and easily runnable without any changes or extra code. Please review the integration tests, e.g. issue-940.test.js, for examples of good MREs.

You may use a GitHub repository to host the code if it is too much to fit in a code block (or two).