fastify / fastify-jwt

JWT utils for Fastify
MIT License
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"authenticate" example creates a new verifier instance and a new cache instance for each request #334

Open NikitaIT opened 7 months ago

NikitaIT commented 7 months ago


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An example from the documentation looks like this:

fastify.decorate("authenticate", async function(request, reply) {
    try {
      await request.jwtVerify()
    } catch (err) {

Steps to Reproduce

But this example creates a new verifier instance and a new cache instance for each request:

  1. request.jwtVerify(next=undefined)
  2. function requestVerify (options, next=undefined)
  3. options = {}
  4. if (next === undefined) {
  5. request[jwtVerifyName](options, function (err, val) {
  6. function requestVerify (options={...}, next=function)
  7. function verify (secretOrPublicKey, callback)
  8. if (useLocalVerifier) { and useLocalVerifier is true
  9. const localVerifier = createVerifier(verifierOptions)
  10. cache: createCache(cacheSize), src/verifier.js#L518

So, this config should call key: fn once, but with request.jwtVerify() it's no-cache policy.

      secret: {
        public: async (_1, _2, callback) => {
          console.log("on request: false");
          return false;
      // namespace: "-",
      verify: {
        algorithms: ["ES512"],
        cache: true,
        maxAge: "2d",
        cacheTTL: 100000000000,
        key: ((x: unknown, cb: (err: unknown, currentKey: unknown) => void) => {
          console.log("fetching public key", "should be cached and called once");
          return Promise.resolve("external kms key");
        }) as unknown as string,

Expected Behavior

So, correct usage is:

server.decorate("authenticate", async (request, reply) => {
      try {
        await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
              request.jwtVerify((err, payload) => {
                if (err) {
      } catch (err) {
        await reply.send(err);

Maybe this is how it should work, but I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why the cache doesn't work.

I used a test with namespaces from your library. And when using asynchronous key this test fails.

If key is async then

  1. verifier(token) => Promise<result>
  2. const user = formatUser ? formatUser(result) : result // Promise<result>
  3. request[decoratorName] = user // Promise<result>

And key should be async because it shouldn't be called under TTL.

For example, I use AWS KMS, and the library should not do kms.fetchPublicKey() for every incoming request. I can of course use my own cache for public keys, but this is supported out of the box in fast-jwt.

NikitaIT commented 7 months ago

And if key is async and signature is invalid then

{"statusCode":500,"code":"FAST_JWT_INVALID_SIGNATURE","error":"Internal Server Error","message":"The token signature is invalid."}

instead of 401.

Same with key as secret.public

public: async (_1, _2, callback) => callback(null, (_3, cb) => Promise.resolve("my public key").then(pk => cb(null,pk)))