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[Testing] How to get access to logger output in jest tests? #677

Closed budarin closed 2 years ago

budarin commented 2 years ago

💬 Question here

In many cases, my service generates an error with the standard text Server Error

When testing, I would like to know the reason for this error, and it is usually displayed in the logs of the service. How do I get access to the service logs during testing?

And along the way, another question-problem: during testing, the entire log log falls out into stdOutput along with the results of jest How to remove logs during testing from std output?

Fastify: next

jsumners commented 2 years ago

Typically it is not recommended to test the logs unless the log is a feature, thus logLevel: 'silent' is common for testing. However, you can provide a destination stream and inspect logs through that

budarin commented 2 years ago

and what other testing options are there in this case if it is not desirable to use logs? Its microservice and logs in it are a mandatory part of the service

budarin commented 2 years ago is tap specific how to intercept pino output with jest?

jsumners commented 2 years ago

pinojs/pino#1274 (comment) is tap specific how to intercept pino output with jest?

It is not tap specific, it just uses tap. I assume it is easily adaptable to any useful Node.js testing framework.

budarin commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I'm not strong enough in either just or pino to do this :(

budarin commented 2 years ago

What testing looks like now


budarin commented 2 years ago

pinojs/pino#1274 (comment) is tap specific how to intercept pino output with jest?

It is not tap specific, it just uses tap. I assume it is easily adaptable to any useful Node.js testing framework.

As far as I understand from the example given, there is a dest output stream in tap in context, but there is no such thing in jest It is not clear where to connect split in jest

jsumners commented 2 years ago

As far as I understand from the example given, there is a dest output stream in tap in context, but there is no such thing in jest It is not clear where to connect split in jest

No. A stream is created for each subtest and then that stream is passed to the logger in each test as the destination stream.

budarin commented 2 years ago

It is unclear how to get to the logger that is initialized in the service and pass this stream to it

In tap , as you show in the code, it is solved elegantly, but in other test runners - it is unclear how to implement it

jsumners commented 2 years ago

The example shows a logger being tested. You must adapt the concept to apply to your application.

budarin commented 2 years ago

To be honest, I can't even imagine how once you create a pino logger, you can change it on the go with each destination test (

climba03003 commented 2 years ago

To be honest, I can't even imagine how once you create a pino logger, you can change it on the go with each destination test (

You can not change the destination stream after the logger created. The same applied to tap and all test framework.

Your test should be made in self-contained. That means each test should provide it's own copy of fastify. This way, you can have separate logger for each test, you can start each test as per your needs and you can run the test in parallel.

budarin commented 2 years ago

Trying to use Writeable Streams to implement the idea, but it fails :(

const logLines = [];

class LogToArrayStream extends Writable {
    _write(chunk, encoding, done) {

const testLogger = pino({  level: 'trace' },
    pino.destination(new LogToArrayStream()),
console.log('logLines', logLines);

PS: using write instead of _write does not change the result

In console:

logLines []

What is wrong?

climba03003 commented 2 years ago

Trying to use Writeable Streams to implement the idea, but it fails :( Because you do not follow how the document does.

pino.destination do not receive stream as parameter.

budarin commented 2 years ago

IDE says it: image

budarin commented 2 years ago

Finally solved the problem! :)

import pino from 'pino';
import { Writable } from 'node:stream';

const logLines = [] as string[];
class LogToArrayStream extends Writable {
    _write(chunk, encoding, done) {

const runtimeLooggger = pino({ level: 'trace' }, pino.multistream([{ stream: new LogToArrayStream() }]));

beforeAll(async () => {
    // pass runtimeLooggger to Fastify factory 
    app = await createApp(runtimeLooggger);
    await app.ready();

afterAll(async () => {
    await app.close();

beforeEach(() => {
    logLines.length = 0;

describe('Some tests', () => {
    test('Test1', async () => {
       // check logLines is empty

        const response = await app.inject({


        // use log lines
       expect(logLines[0].msg).toBe('Some message')

@mcollina There is a need to re-export pino from fatify in order not to load a duplicate dependency in order to create a custom logger for tests and for the service

climba03003 commented 2 years ago

There is a need to re-export pino from fatify in order not to load a duplicate dependency in order to create a custom logger for tests and for the service

Why don't you pass the writable though logger option? The task is as simple as

import Fastify from "fastify";
import { Writable } from "stream";

const stream = new Writable({
  write(chunk) {

const fastify = Fastify({ logger: { stream: stream } });

This is the solution stated by @jsumners and you complicated the thing.

budarin commented 2 years ago

Why don't you pass the writable though logger option? The task is as simple as

import Fastify from "fastify";
import { Writable } from "stream";

const stream = new Writable({
  write(chunk) {

const fastify = Fastify({ logger: { stream: stream } });

This is the solution stated by @jsumners and you complicated the thing.

I want to configure other parameters as well

climba03003 commented 2 years ago

I want to configure other parameters as well

It do not block you to configure other staff.

Most of the time I would agree to re-export staff, but not for debug / test propose only.

budarin commented 2 years ago

Most of the time I would agree to re-export staff, but not for debug / test propose only.

for create a custom pino Logger instance?

climba03003 commented 2 years ago

for create a custom pino Logger?

Then, you should really install it as denpendency since it is part of your application logic.

budarin commented 2 years ago

But this dependency is already in fastify! Why increase the loading and testing time, monitor version compatibility, and increase the volume of node_modules if you can just take the re-exported dependency directly from fastify?

budarin commented 2 years ago

Why don't you pass the writable though logger option? The task is as simple as

import Fastify from "fastify";
import { Writable } from "stream";

const stream = new Writable({
  write(chunk) {

const fastify = Fastify({ logger: { stream: stream } });

This is the solution stated by @jsumners and you complicated the thing.

by the way, this code does not work (

jsumners commented 2 years ago

You have stated that the data in the logs are a feature of your application that you want to guarantee through testing. Therefore, you should treat it as such and supply your own logger instance to Fastify.

climba03003 commented 2 years ago

by the way, this code does not work (

This code does work, but it may not fulfill what you need or you do something wrongly.

Not re-export keep thing simple.

  1. We do not need to update it's type. (I know pino provide types right now, but pino@6 do not, which is fastify@3)
  2. We can change logger anytime with minor version bump and provide a compitable layer within fastify.
  3. The create logger logic can be extracted to another package. Just like ajv-compiler.
  4. Provide a logger is not a http framework should do. Out of scope I think.

Have you benchmark how importing a dependency yourself will highly impact the test load time? AFAIK, when you import it once. You will get it from cache.

budarin commented 2 years ago

You have stated that the data in the logs are a feature of your application that you want to guarantee through testing. Therefore, you should treat it as such and supply your own logger instance to Fastify.

Is there an option in fastify to configure destination option to set minLength and sync: options?

budarin commented 2 years ago

This would be the best option if it would be possible to configure pino logger for every taste using only the fastify options - then there would be no need to install an additional copy of pino!

climba03003 commented 2 years ago

This would be the best option if it would be possible to configure pino logger for every taste using only the fastify options - then there would be no need to install an additional copy of pino!

Yes, you can do it already. pass to the second parameter for pino creation. logger.file create pino.destination and pass to pino. Others, remain the same and passed to pino directly.

budarin commented 2 years ago

Yes, you can do it already. pass to the second parameter for pino creation. logger.file create pino.destination and pass to pino. Others, remain the same and passed to pino directly.

again it requires pino as explicit dependency (

climba03003 commented 2 years ago

Yes, you can do it already. pass to the second parameter for pino creation. logger.file create pino.destination and pass to pino. Others, remain the same and passed to pino directly.

again it requires pino as explicit dependency (

I think nothing more I can helps in here. Just to repeat once again. How you pass to pino(<options>, <stream>) You can do the same with fastify options only.

The below examples do the same job.

import Fastify from "fastify";
import pino from "pino";
import { Writable } from "stream";

class CustomStream extends Writable {
  lines = [];

  _write(chunk) {

  // with import pino
  const stream = new CustomStream();
  const fastify = Fastify({
    logger: pino({ level: "trace" }, pino.multistream([{ stream }])),

  await fastify.inject("/");

  // with import pino without pino.multistream
  const stream = new CustomStream();
  const fastify = Fastify({
    logger: pino({ level: "trace" }, stream),

  await fastify.inject("/");

  // without import pino
  const stream = new CustomStream();
  const fastify = Fastify({
    logger: { level: "trace", stream },

  await fastify.inject("/");
budarin commented 2 years ago

@climba03003 In general, the problem in this issue has been solved

It would be great if this was documented somewhere or posted in examples.

Thank you for your active participation and help!

budarin commented 2 years ago

{ // with import pino without pino.multistream const stream = new CustomStream(); const fastify = Fastify({ logger: pino({ level: "trace" }, stream), });

await fastify.inject("/"); console.log(stream.lines); }

{ // without import pino const stream = new CustomStream(); const fastify = Fastify({ logger: { level: "trace", stream }, });

await fastify.inject("/"); console.log(stream.lines); }

Unfortunately none of the options where a Readable Stream is passed simply as a stream work (

Eomm commented 2 years ago

Is it related to pino 6 or 7 version?

By using pino 6 it works

climba03003 commented 2 years ago

Is it related to pino 6 or 7 version?

By using pino 6 it works

It should works in both pino@6 (fastify@3) and pino@7 (fastify@next).

I would say, it (maybe) his application logic make it impossible. From the conversation above, no related code is provided. I can give advice from what it can be done.

vgorloff commented 1 year ago

Our goal was to see 'pino-pretty' output in tests. Here is how we achieved it:

First we added custom file to setupFilesAfterEnv in jest.config.mjs

// File: jest.config.mjs
const config = {
  // ...
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest-fastify-env.mjs'],
  // ...
export default config;

Then we configured global instance of the Fastify app and the Logger.

// File: jest-fastify-env.mjs
import builder from './app.mjs'; // App builder which builds Fastify instance
import { Writable } from 'stream';

const stream = new Writable({
  write(chunk) {

beforeAll(async () => { = builder({
    logger: {
      stream: stream,
      level: 'trace',
      transport: {
        target: 'pino-pretty',
        options: {
          translateTime: 'HH:MM:ss Z',
          ignore: 'pid,hostname,reqId',

afterAll(async () => {

Example output:

$ node 'node_modules/.bin/jest' 'app.test.mjs'
 PASS  ./app.test.mjs
  ✓ requests the "/" route (77 ms)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.573 s, estimated 2 s
Ran all test suites matching /app.test.mjs/i.
[20:20:33 UTC] INFO: incoming request
    req: {
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "/",
      "hostname": "localhost:80",
      "remoteAddress": ""
[20:20:33 UTC] INFO: Here is our custom log message.
[20:20:33 UTC] INFO: request completed
    res: {
      "statusCode": 200
    responseTime: 59.705299999564886

Very verbose output ;) But this was a desired behaviour.

maucrvlh commented 1 year ago

A simpler solution:

import pino from 'pino'

describe('Logger', () => {
  it('should print log lines', () => {
    const logs = new Array<string>()
    const dest = {
      write: (data: string) => logs.push(data),
    const logger = pino({}, dest)'test')

mostlylikeable commented 1 year ago

Wanted to note that @maucrvlh's answer worked out of the box for multiple messages, but if you're going to use a stream.Writable, I had to call the callback (3rd argument to _write), otherwise pino would only send the 1st message through.

Something like this worked when using a Writable:

export class TestStream extends stream.Writable {
  messages: Record<string, unknown>[] = [];

  _write(chunk: any, _encoding: BufferEncoding, cb: (error?: Error | null) => void) {
     cb(null); // indicate we're done and no errors, otherwise we'll only see the first msg

But I went with something based on @maucrvlh's approach, because it was simpler:

export class TestStream implements pino.DestinationStream {
  messages: Record<string, unknown>[] = [];
  write(msg: string) {