fastlane-community / fastlane-plugin-ionic

Integrate your Ionic build into your Fastlane setup
MIT License
86 stars 45 forks source link

missing summary output? #57

Open josh-m-sharpe opened 4 years ago

josh-m-sharpe commented 4 years ago

Below is some output from calls to match and then ionic

Should the ionic command be showing summary output like match (and the rest of the fastlane commands)?

|                                               Installed Provisioning Profile          |
| Parameter           | Environment Variable                   | Value                  |
| App Identifier      |                                        | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
| Type                |                                        | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
| Platform            |                                        | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
| Profile UUID        | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                      | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
| Profile Name        | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                      | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
| Profile Path        | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                      | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
|                     |                                        | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
|                     |                                        | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
| Development Team ID | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                      | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |

[09:28:19]: All required keys, certificates and provisioning profiles are installed 🙌
[09:28:19]: Setting Provisioning Profile type to 'app-store'
[09:28:19]: -------------------
[09:28:19]: --- Step: ionic ---
[09:28:19]: -------------------
[09:28:19]: $ ionic cordova prepare ios --no-interactive --release --device --prod
janpio commented 4 years ago

No, I don't think this is implemented yet.

What would you like to see in the summary table?

josh-m-sharpe commented 4 years ago

Well, it seems that other fastlane actions summarize their aggregated args (e.g. args from Matchfile combined with args passed in on the command line, possibly overriding defaults) - so that it's clear what args the action is executing on. I guess I was expecting the same thing from the ionic command.