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After failed .ipa upload, fastlane selects prior build and submits for review #210

Closed owurman closed 8 years ago

owurman commented 8 years ago

I used fastlane to update my app to version 3.1.3. The CFBundleVersion was I had to self-reject this one because of a bug which I fixed, then I tried to upload another .ipa with CFBundleVersion with fastlane, which failed.

Rather than detect the failure and stop, fastlane proceeded to select and submit it for review again.

vpolouchkine commented 8 years ago

Can you share your fastlane setup (version and Fastfile)?

owurman commented 8 years ago


Redacted comments, unused lanes and project name (I'm paranoid, don't really know why). The relative paths might throw you off: I have multiple targets and run fastlane out of their various subdirectories. All of their Fastfiles and Deliverfiles are symbolic links to the main ones, with just some different ENV variables. The failure was caused by the WWDR certificate issue (documented by I think I had fallen back on use_legacy_build_api and that was causing other signing issues, but now I can't remember. It's been removed from the Fastfile since but I've noted where it was.

fastlane_version "1.59.0"

default_platform :ios

platform :ios do

def build_ipa gym( workspace: "../../{project}.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace", scheme: ENV["SCHEME"], configuration: "Distribution"

may have had use_legacy_build_api: true here when initially produced



lane :update do ENV["DELIVER_FORCE_OVERWRITE"] = "1" Dir.chdir('..') { system('deliver download_metadata') } if !system("grep -e \"^#{ENV["APP_NAME"]}$\" metadata/en-US/name.txt") abort("name.txt doesn't match Config") end system('./') sigh build_ipa()

deliver(force: true, skip_screenshots: true)

deliver(force: true, skip_screenshots: true, submit_for_review: true)



fastlane-bot-helper commented 8 years ago

This issue was migrated to Please post all further comments there.

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