fastlane-old / snapshot

Automate taking localized screenshots of your iOS app on every device
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Testing Failed with Exit Status 65 #387

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Every time I run snapshot, the script fails to connect to the simulators.

I get the following message:

Connection peer refused channel request for "dtxproxy:XCTestManager_IDEInterface:XCTestManager_DaemonConnectionInterface"; channel canceled <DTXChannel: 0x7fb78c8e4dc0>

The following is the log file found at /var/folders/tl/q54gxgmn56z03q9tl9rmlbrc0000gn/T/

13:11:58.971 xcodebuild[17971:8619315] Beginning test session 596C03BE-B7BE-482F-8196-8D61375AC4B4 with Xcode 7C68 on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7fb6a39430d0> {
                SimDevice: SimDevice : iPhone 6 (B1C69A74-F855-42E7-A805-77703F93B222) : state={ Shutdown } deviceType={ SimDeviceType : } runtime={ SimRuntime : 9.2 (13C75) - }
} (9.2 (13C75))
13:11:58.972 xcodebuild[17971:8619315]  /Applications/
platform=iOS Simulator,id=B1C69A74-F855-42E7-A805-77703F93B222,OS=9.2
13:11:58.972 xcodebuild[17971:8619315] Launching with Xcode.IDEFoundation.Launcher.PosixSpawn
13:11:58.974 xcodebuild[17971:8619315] Initializing test infrastructure.
13:11:59.743 xcodebuild[17971:8619634] Launch session started, setting a disallow-finish-token on the run operation.
13:11:59.786 xcodebuild[17971:8619313] Adding console adaptor <IDEConsoleAdaptor: 0x7fb6a3f76480 'target'> for test session 596C03BE-B7BE-482F-8196-8D61375AC4B4.
13:12:00.232 xcodebuild[17971:8619731] Creating the connection.
13:12:00.233 xcodebuild[17971:8619636] Listening for proxy connection request from the test bundle (all platforms)
13:12:00.233 xcodebuild[17971:8619636] Resuming the connection.
13:12:00.233 xcodebuild[17971:8619636] Test connection requires daemon assistance.
13:12:00.233 xcodebuild[17971:8619636] Checking test manager availability..., will wait up to 120s
13:12:00.234 xcodebuild[17971:8619634] Starting test session with ID <__NSConcreteUUID 0x7fb6a41241d0> 596C03BE-B7BE-482F-8196-8D61375AC4B4
13:12:04.084 xcodebuild[17971:8619313] Test operation failure: The operation couldn’t be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.)
13:12:04.084 xcodebuild[17971:8619313] _finishWithError:Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=3 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.)" UserInfo=0x7fb6a3cb6020 {NSLocalizedDescription=The operation couldn’t be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.)} didCancel: 1
ar/folders/tl/q54gxgmn56z03q9tl9rmlbrc0000gn/T/ (END)

The following is my Snapfile

# A list of devices you want to take the screenshots from
  "iPhone 6",
  "iPhone 6 Plus",
  "iPhone 5",
  "iPhone 4s",
  "iPad Retina",
  "iPad Pro"


# Where should the resulting screenshots be stored?
output_directory "./screenshots"

radshag commented 8 years ago

Hi, I think I have the same issue. Does your app have an app extension? My scan lane stopped working the day I added an app extension. I get the same error from fastlane but when I check the logs for coresimulator it says that the app extension has the wrong bundle id... I have not figured out how to fix this yet...

quinnthomson commented 8 years ago

I had the same problem, but I installed the latest Mac OS X software updates, then snapshot worked for me.

fastlane-bot commented 8 years ago

This issue was migrated to Please post all further comments there.

fastlane is now a mono repo, you can read more about the change in our blog post. All tools are now available in the fastlane main repo :rocket: