fastlane-old / snapshot

Automate taking localized screenshots of your iOS app on every device
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Launch arguments not working #411

Closed jinsumv closed 8 years ago

jinsumv commented 8 years ago

Hello, I am having the following issues when I use launch_arguments. Case: 1- Noticed that by default derived data are stored in /tmp/snapshot_derived. When I gave this: launchArgs="-derivedDataPath ./derivedData" snapshot -m $launchArgs

it uses launchArgs passed to rename screenshot file name [15:06:54]: Copying '../Snapshots/Automation/en-US/iPhone6s--derivedDataPath-InboxPage.png'... [15:06:54]: Copying '../Snapshots/Automation/en-US/iPhone6s--derivedDataPath-MyReportsPage.png'...

Is there anyway to give derivedDataPath?

Case: 2- launchArgs="GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='${inherited} ' "BAMBOO_BUILD=1"" snapshot -m $launchArgs

Same issue. Runs all the tests and stores screenshot with wrong name. [14:49:00]: Copying '../Snapshots/Automation/en-US/iPhone6s-GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS=' 'BAMBOO_BUILD=1-InboxPage.png'... [14:49:00]: Copying '../Snapshots/Automation/en-US/iPhone6s-GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS=' 'BAMBOO_BUILD=1-MyReportsPage.png'...

Is there anything wrong in the way arguments are passed? I'm using Snapshot 1.5.0 & Ruby 2.2.2 I'm also calling setupSnapshot(app) before app.launch(). Thanks in advance!

vpolouchkine commented 8 years ago

Are you still running into this? If so, can you please update and try again?

fastlane-bot commented 8 years ago

This issue was migrated to Please post all further comments there.

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