fastlane / fastlane

🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
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Pilot fails after successful upload: "Could not set changelog" #10088

Closed petrmanek closed 7 years ago

petrmanek commented 7 years ago

New Issue Checklist

Issue Description

When running pilot to deploy build to TestFlight, archive and upload succeeds. Pilot then however fails similarly as in #9127 because of error:

[00:25:50]: Could not set changelog: <html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 403 </title>
<h2>HTTP ERROR: 403</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /v2/providers/118335929/apps/redacted/builds/22699186. Reason:
<pre>    Forbidden</pre></p>
<hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i>
Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used
Running with gitlab-ci-multi-runner 9.4.2 (6d06f2e)
  on Mac Mini Build Server (d72e613a)
Using Shell executor...
Running on BuildServer.local...
Fetching changes...
Removing Podfile.lock
Removing Podfile.md5
Removing Pods/
Removing fastlane/report.xml
Removing test_output/
HEAD is now at 9d834ee Updated Fastlane config.
Checking out 9d834ee2 as master...
Skipping Git submodules setup
Checking cache for default...
Successfully extracted cache
Downloading artifacts for Lint Swift (29712769)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok        id=29712769 responseStatus=200 OK token=zt_efkgv
Downloading artifacts for Unit Tests (29712775)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok        id=29712775 responseStatus=200 OK token=y1deG565
$ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
$ security unlock-keychain -p "$CI_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD" "$CI_KEYCHAIN_URL"
$ ./
Checking Podfile.md5
Everything up-to-date!
$ fastlane ios beta
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/fastimage-2.1.0/lib/fastimage.rb:67: warning: already initialized constant URI::DEFAULT_PARSER
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/uri/common.rb:545: warning: previous definition of DEFAULT_PARSER was here
[23:40:32]: For more information, check out
[23:40:36]: -------------------------------------------------
[23:40:36]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version ---
[23:40:36]: -------------------------------------------------
[23:40:36]: Your fastlane version 2.53.1 matches the minimum requirement of 2.44.0  ✅
[23:40:36]: ------------------------------
[23:40:36]: --- Step: default_platform ---
[23:40:36]: ------------------------------
[23:40:36]: Driving the lane 'ios beta' 🚀
[23:40:36]: ------------------------------------
[23:40:36]: --- Step: increment_build_number ---
[23:40:36]: ------------------------------------
Current version of project redacted is: 

[23:40:38]: $ cd /Users/gitlab/builds/d72e613a/0/redacted-app/redacted-ios && agvtool new-version -all 10993826 && cd -
[23:40:38]: ▸ Setting version of project redacted to:
[23:40:38]: ▸ 10993826.
[23:40:39]: ▸ Also setting CFBundleVersion key (assuming it exists)
[23:40:39]: ▸ Updating CFBundleVersion in Info.plist(s)...
[23:40:39]: ▸ Updated CFBundleVersion in "redacted.xcodeproj/../redacted/Info.plist" to 10993826
[23:40:39]: ▸ Updated CFBundleVersion in "redacted.xcodeproj/../redactedTests/Info.plist" to 10993826
[23:40:39]: ▸ Updated CFBundleVersion in "redacted.xcodeproj/../redactedUITests/Info.plist" to 10993826
[23:40:39]: ▸ /Users/gitlab/builds/d72e613a/0/redacted-app/redacted-ios
[23:40:39]: -----------------
[23:40:39]: --- Step: gym ---
[23:40:39]: -----------------
[23:40:39]: Successfully loaded '/Users/gitlab/builds/d72e613a/0/redacted-app/redacted-ios/fastlane/Gymfile' 📄

| Detected Values from './fastlane/Gymfile' |
| workspace           | redacted.xcworkspace |
| scheme              | redacted             |
| clean               | true                |
| output_directory    | ./build_output      |

[23:40:39]: Successfully loaded '/Users/gitlab/builds/d72e613a/0/redacted-app/redacted-ios/fastlane/Gymfile' 📄
[23:40:39]: No values defined in './fastlane/Gymfile'
[23:40:39]: $ xcodebuild -list -workspace redacted.xcworkspace
[23:40:41]: $ xcodebuild -showBuildSettings -workspace redacted.xcworkspace -scheme redacted

|                            Summary for gym 2.53.1                            |
| workspace        | redacted.xcworkspace                                       |
| scheme           | redacted                                                   |
| clean            | true                                                      |
| output_directory | ./build_output                                            |
| destination      | generic/platform=iOS                                      |
| output_name      | redacted                                                   |
| build_path       | /Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-08-18 |
| silent           | false                                                     |
| skip_package_ipa | false                                                     |
| buildlog_path    | ~/Library/Logs/gym                                        |
| xcode_path       | /Applications/                                   |

[23:40:43]: $ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -workspace redacted.xcworkspace -scheme redacted -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath /Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-08-18/redacted\ 2017-08-18\ 23.40.43.xcarchive clean archive | tee /Users/gitlab/Library/Logs/gym/redacted-redacted.log | xcpretty
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/CWStatusBarNotification [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Charts [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Alamofire [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Branch [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/AlamofireImage [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/CircularSlider [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Iconic [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/KeychainSwift [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/NextGrowingTextView [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/ObjcExceptionBridging [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:44]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/PKHUD [Debug]
[23:40:44]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Pulley [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/PusherSwift [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Realm [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/SOMotionDetector [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/SRCountdownTimer [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/SwiftyJSON [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/XCGLogger [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning LevmarKit/LevmarKit [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Pods-redactedKit [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning redactedKit/redactedKit [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/RealmSwift [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Pods-redacted [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Cleaning redacted/redacted [Debug]
[23:40:45]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:45]: ▸ Clean Succeeded
[23:40:48]: ▸ Building Pods/Alamofire [Release]
[23:40:48]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:40:48]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:41:19]: ▸ Compiling Alamofire-dummy.m
[23:41:19]: ▸ Compiling Alamofire_vers.c
[23:41:19]: ▸ Compiling Alamofire-dummy.m
[23:41:19]: ▸ Compiling Alamofire_vers.c
[23:41:21]: ▸ Linking Alamofire
[23:41:23]: ▸ Linking Alamofire
[23:41:24]: ▸ Generating 'Alamofire.framework.dSYM'
[23:41:25]: ▸ Copying Alamofire-umbrella.h
[23:41:33]: ▸ Touching Alamofire.framework
[23:41:37]: ▸ Building Pods/Branch [Release]
[23:41:37]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:41:37]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCCommerceEvent.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCConfig.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCContentDiscoveryManager.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCCrashlyticsWrapper.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCDebug.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCDeepLinkViewControllerInstance.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCDeviceInfo.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCEncodingUtils.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCError.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCFabricAnswers.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCLinkCache.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCLinkData.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCLocalization.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCLog.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCNetworkService.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCPreferenceHelper.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCServerInterface.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCServerRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCServerRequestQueue.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCServerResponse.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCStrongMatchHelper.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCSystemObserver.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCXcode7Support.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling Branch-dummy.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling Branch.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchActivityItemProvider.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchCloseRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchConstants.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchContentDiscoverer.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchContentDiscoveryManifest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchContentPathProperties.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchCreditHistoryRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchCSSearchableItemAttributeSet.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchInstallRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchLinkProperties.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchLoadRewardsRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchLogoutRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchOpenRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchRedeemRewardsRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchRegisterViewRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchSetIdentityRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchShareLink.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchShortUrlRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchShortUrlSyncRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchSpotlightUrlRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchUniversalObject.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchUserCompletedActionRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchView.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchViewHandler.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableDictionary+Branch.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling NSString+Branch.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling Branch_vers.c
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCCommerceEvent.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCConfig.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCContentDiscoveryManager.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCCrashlyticsWrapper.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCDebug.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCDeepLinkViewControllerInstance.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCDeviceInfo.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCEncodingUtils.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCError.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCFabricAnswers.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCLinkCache.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCLinkData.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCLocalization.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCLog.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCNetworkService.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCPreferenceHelper.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCServerInterface.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCServerRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCServerRequestQueue.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCServerResponse.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCStrongMatchHelper.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCSystemObserver.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BNCXcode7Support.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling Branch-dummy.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling Branch.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchActivityItemProvider.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchCloseRequest.m
[23:41:37]: ▸ Compiling BranchConstants.m
[23:41:45]: ▸ Compiling BranchContentDiscoverer.m
[23:41:46]: ▸ Compiling BranchContentDiscoveryManifest.m
[23:41:46]: ▸ Compiling BranchContentPathProperties.m
[23:41:46]: ▸ Compiling BranchCreditHistoryRequest.m
[23:41:46]: ▸ Compiling BranchCSSearchableItemAttributeSet.m
[23:41:46]: ▸ Compiling BranchInstallRequest.m
[23:41:46]: ▸ Compiling BranchLinkProperties.m
[23:41:46]: ▸ Compiling BranchLoadRewardsRequest.m
[23:41:46]: ▸ Compiling BranchLogoutRequest.m
[23:41:46]: ▸ Compiling BranchOpenRequest.m
[23:41:47]: ▸ Compiling BranchRedeemRewardsRequest.m
[23:41:47]: ▸ Compiling BranchRegisterViewRequest.m
[23:41:47]: ▸ Compiling BranchSetIdentityRequest.m
[23:41:47]: ▸ Compiling BranchShareLink.m
[23:42:00]: ▸ Compiling BranchShortUrlRequest.m
[23:42:00]: ▸ Compiling BranchShortUrlSyncRequest.m
[23:42:01]: ▸ Compiling BranchSpotlightUrlRequest.m
[23:42:01]: ▸ Compiling BranchUniversalObject.m
[23:42:01]: ▸ Compiling BranchUserCompletedActionRequest.m
[23:42:01]: ▸ Compiling BranchView.m
[23:42:01]: ▸ Compiling BranchViewHandler.m
[23:42:01]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableDictionary+Branch.m
[23:42:02]: ▸ Compiling NSString+Branch.m
[23:42:02]: ▸ Compiling Branch_vers.c
[23:42:02]: ▸ Linking Branch
[23:42:03]: ▸ Linking Branch
[23:42:04]: ▸ Generating 'Branch.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying ANSCompatibility.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying Answers.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCCallbacks.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCCommerceEvent.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCConfig.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCContentDiscoveryManager.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCCrashlyticsWrapper.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCDebug.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCDeepLinkViewControllerInstance.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCDeviceInfo.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCEncodingUtils.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCError.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCFabricAnswers.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCLinkCache.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCLinkData.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCLocalization.h
[23:42:04]: ▸ Copying BNCLog.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCNetworkService.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCNetworkServiceProtocol.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCPreferenceHelper.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCServerInterface.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCServerRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCServerRequestQueue.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCServerResponse.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCStrongMatchHelper.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCSystemObserver.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BNCXcode7Support.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying Branch-umbrella.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying Branch.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchActivityItemProvider.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchCloseRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchConstants.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchContentDiscoverer.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchContentDiscoveryManifest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchContentPathProperties.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchCreditHistoryRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchCSSearchableItemAttributeSet.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchDeepLinkingController.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchInstallRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchLinkProperties.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchLoadRewardsRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchLogoutRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchOpenRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchRedeemRewardsRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchRegisterViewRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchSetIdentityRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchShareLink.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchShortUrlRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchShortUrlSyncRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchSpotlightUrlRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchUniversalObject.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchUserCompletedActionRequest.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchView.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying BranchViewHandler.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying FABAttributes.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying FABKitProtocol.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying Fabric+FABKits.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying Fabric.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying NSMutableDictionary+Branch.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying NSString+Branch.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Touching Branch.framework
[23:42:05]: ▸ Building Pods/CWStatusBarNotification [Release]
[23:42:05]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:42:05]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:42:05]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification-dummy.m
[23:42:05]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification.m
[23:42:05]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification_vers.c
[23:42:05]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification-dummy.m
[23:42:05]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification.m
[23:42:05]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification_vers.c
[23:42:05]: ▸ Linking CWStatusBarNotification
[23:42:05]: ▸ Linking CWStatusBarNotification
[23:42:05]: ▸ Generating 'CWStatusBarNotification.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying CWStatusBarNotification-umbrella.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Copying CWStatusBarNotification.h
[23:42:05]: ▸ Touching CWStatusBarNotification.framework
[23:42:05]: ▸ Building Pods/Charts [Release]
[23:42:05]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:42:05]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:42:12]: ▸ Compiling Charts-dummy.m
[23:42:12]: ▸ Compiling Charts_vers.c
[23:42:12]: ▸ Compiling Charts-dummy.m
[23:42:12]: ▸ Compiling Charts_vers.c
[23:42:12]: ▸ Linking Charts
[23:42:17]: ▸ Linking Charts
[23:42:24]: ▸ Generating 'Charts.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying Charts-umbrella.h
[23:42:26]: ▸ Touching Charts.framework
[23:42:26]: ▸ Building Pods/CircularSlider [Release]
[23:42:26]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling CircularSlider.xib
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling CircularSlider.xib
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling CircularSlider-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling CircularSlider_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling CircularSlider-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling CircularSlider_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking CircularSlider
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking CircularSlider
[23:42:26]: ▸ Generating 'CircularSlider.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying CircularSlider-umbrella.h
[23:42:26]: ▸ Touching CircularSlider.framework
[23:42:26]: ▸ Building Pods/AlamofireImage [Release]
[23:42:26]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:42:26]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling AlamofireImage-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling AlamofireImage_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling AlamofireImage-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling AlamofireImage_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking AlamofireImage
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking AlamofireImage
[23:42:26]: ▸ Generating 'AlamofireImage.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying AlamofireImage-umbrella.h
[23:42:26]: ▸ Touching AlamofireImage.framework
[23:42:26]: ▸ Building Pods/Iconic [Release]
[23:42:26]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:42:26]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling Iconic-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling Iconic_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling Iconic-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling Iconic_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking Iconic
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking Iconic
[23:42:26]: ▸ Generating 'Iconic.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying Iconic/Source/Catalog/redacted.ttf
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying Iconic-umbrella.h
[23:42:26]: ▸ Touching Iconic.framework
[23:42:26]: ▸ Building Pods/KeychainSwift [Release]
[23:42:26]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:42:26]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling KeychainSwift-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling KeychainSwift_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling KeychainSwift-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling KeychainSwift_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking KeychainSwift
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking KeychainSwift
[23:42:26]: ▸ Generating 'KeychainSwift.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying KeychainSwift-umbrella.h
[23:42:26]: ▸ Touching KeychainSwift.framework
[23:42:26]: ▸ Building Pods/NextGrowingTextView [Release]
[23:42:26]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:42:26]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling NextGrowingTextView-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling NextGrowingTextView_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling NextGrowingTextView-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling NextGrowingTextView_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking NextGrowingTextView
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking NextGrowingTextView
[23:42:26]: ▸ Generating 'NextGrowingTextView.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying NextGrowingTextView-umbrella.h
[23:42:26]: ▸ Touching NextGrowingTextView.framework
[23:42:26]: ▸ Building Pods/ObjcExceptionBridging [Release]
[23:42:26]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:42:26]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling ObjcExceptionBridging-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling ObjectiveCMarker.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling ObjcExceptionBridging_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling ObjcExceptionBridging-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling ObjectiveCMarker.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling ObjcExceptionBridging_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking ObjcExceptionBridging
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking ObjcExceptionBridging
[23:42:26]: ▸ Generating 'ObjcExceptionBridging.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying ObjcExceptionBridging-umbrella.h
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying ObjcExceptionBridging.h
[23:42:26]: ▸ Touching ObjcExceptionBridging.framework
[23:42:26]: ▸ Building Pods/PKHUD [Release]
[23:42:26]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling PKHUD-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling PKHUD_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling PKHUD-dummy.m
[23:42:26]: ▸ Compiling PKHUD_vers.c
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking PKHUD
[23:42:26]: ▸ Linking PKHUD
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying PKHUD-umbrella.h
[23:42:26]: ▸ Copying PKHUD.h
[23:42:37]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:42:43]: ▸ Generating 'PKHUD.framework.dSYM'
[23:42:49]: ▸ Touching PKHUD.framework
[23:43:01]: ▸ Building Pods/Pulley [Release]
[23:43:01]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:43:01]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:43:01]: ▸ Compiling Pulley-dummy.m
[23:43:01]: ▸ Compiling Pulley_vers.c
[23:43:01]: ▸ Compiling Pulley-dummy.m
[23:43:01]: ▸ Compiling Pulley_vers.c
[23:43:01]: ▸ Linking Pulley
[23:43:01]: ▸ Linking Pulley
[23:43:01]: ▸ Generating 'Pulley.framework.dSYM'
[23:43:01]: ▸ Copying Pulley-umbrella.h
[23:43:01]: ▸ Touching Pulley.framework
[23:43:01]: ▸ Building Pods/PusherSwift [Release]
[23:43:01]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:43:01]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:43:01]: ▸ Compiling PusherSwift-dummy.m
[23:43:01]: ▸ Compiling PusherSwift_vers.c
[23:43:01]: ▸ Compiling PusherSwift-dummy.m
[23:43:01]: ▸ Compiling PusherSwift_vers.c
[23:43:07]: ▸ Linking PusherSwift
[23:43:09]: ▸ Linking PusherSwift
[23:43:21]: ▸ Generating 'PusherSwift.framework.dSYM'
[23:43:22]: ▸ Copying PusherSwift-umbrella.h
[23:43:36]: ▸ Touching PusherSwift.framework
[23:43:48]: ▸ Building Pods/Realm [Release]
[23:43:48]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:43:48]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling binding_callback_thread_observer.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling collection_change_builder.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling collection_notifications.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling collection_notifier.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling external_commit_helper.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling format.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling index_set.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling keychain_helper.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling list.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling list_notifier.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling network_reachability_observer.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling NSError+RLMSync.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling object.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling object_notifier.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling object_schema.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling object_store.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling placeholder.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling Realm-dummy.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling realm_coordinator.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling results.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling results_notifier.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling RLMConstants.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling RLMJSONModels.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling RLMSwiftSupport.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncCredentials.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncErrorResponseModel.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermission.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermissionChange.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermissionOffer.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermissionOfferResponse.m
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling schema.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling shared_realm.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling sync_file.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling sync_manager.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling sync_metadata.cpp
[23:43:48]: ▸ Compiling sync_permission.cpp
[23:43:51]: ▸ Compiling sync_session.cpp
[23:43:52]: ▸ Compiling sync_user.cpp
[23:43:52]: ▸ Compiling system_configuration.cpp
[23:43:52]: ▸ Compiling thread_safe_reference.cpp
[23:43:56]: ▸ Compiling transact_log_handler.cpp
[23:44:02]: ▸ Compiling uuid.cpp
[23:44:03]: ▸ Compiling weak_realm_notifier.cpp
[23:44:03]: ▸ Compiling Realm_vers.c
[23:44:03]: ▸ Compiling binding_callback_thread_observer.cpp
[23:44:03]: ▸ Compiling collection_change_builder.cpp
[23:44:04]: ▸ Compiling collection_notifications.cpp
[23:44:04]: ▸ Compiling collection_notifier.cpp
[23:44:06]: ▸ Compiling external_commit_helper.cpp
[23:44:06]: ▸ Compiling format.cpp
[23:44:06]: ▸ Compiling index_set.cpp
[23:44:06]: ▸ Compiling keychain_helper.cpp
[23:44:06]: ▸ Compiling list.cpp
[23:44:10]: ▸ Compiling list_notifier.cpp
[23:44:10]: ▸ Compiling network_reachability_observer.cpp
[23:44:10]: ▸ Compiling NSError+RLMSync.m
[23:44:11]: ▸ Compiling object.cpp
[23:44:14]: ▸ Compiling object_notifier.cpp
[23:44:16]: ▸ Compiling object_schema.cpp
[23:44:18]: ▸ Compiling object_store.cpp
[23:44:21]: ▸ Compiling placeholder.cpp
[23:44:21]: ▸ Compiling Realm-dummy.m
[23:44:21]: ▸ Compiling realm_coordinator.cpp
[23:44:28]: ▸ Compiling results.cpp
[23:44:28]: ▸ Compiling results_notifier.cpp
[23:44:28]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:28]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:28]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:30]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:31]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:34]: ▸ Compiling RLMConstants.m
[23:44:34]: ▸ Compiling RLMJSONModels.m
[23:44:34]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:34]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:35]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:35]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:35]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:38]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:39]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:39]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:40]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:42]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:42]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:42]: ▸ Compiling
[23:44:42]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling RLMSwiftSupport.m
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncCredentials.m
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncErrorResponseModel.m
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermission.m
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermissionChange.m
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermissionOffer.m
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling RLMSyncPermissionOfferResponse.m
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:05]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:08]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:08]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:08]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:08]: ▸ Compiling
[23:45:10]: ▸ Compiling schema.cpp
[23:45:10]: ▸ Compiling shared_realm.cpp
[23:45:13]: ▸ Compiling sync_file.cpp
[23:45:13]: ▸ Compiling sync_manager.cpp
[23:45:17]: ▸ Compiling sync_metadata.cpp
[23:45:17]: ▸ Compiling sync_permission.cpp
[23:45:20]: ▸ Compiling sync_session.cpp
[23:45:20]: ▸ Compiling sync_user.cpp
[23:45:20]: ▸ Compiling system_configuration.cpp
[23:45:20]: ▸ Compiling thread_safe_reference.cpp
[23:45:21]: ▸ Compiling transact_log_handler.cpp
[23:45:26]: ▸ Compiling uuid.cpp
[23:45:26]: ▸ Compiling weak_realm_notifier.cpp
[23:45:26]: ▸ Compiling Realm_vers.c
[23:45:26]: ▸ Linking Realm
[23:45:48]: ▸ Linking Realm
[23:45:50]: ▸ Generating 'Realm.framework.dSYM'
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMAccessor.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMArray_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMCollection_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMListBase.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMObject_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMObjectSchema_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMObjectBase_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMMigration_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMObjectStore.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMOptionalBase.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMProperty_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMRealm_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMRealmConfiguration_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSchema_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMResults_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncConfiguration_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermission_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncManager_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermissionOffer_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermissionChange_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermissionOfferResponse_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncUtil_Private.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/NSError+RLMSync.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/Realm.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMArray.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMCollection.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMConstants.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMListBase.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMMigration.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMObject.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMObjectBase.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMObjectBase_Dynamic.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMObjectSchema.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMPlatform.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMProperty.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMOptionalBase.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMRealm.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMRealmConfiguration+Sync.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMRealm_Dynamic.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMRealmConfiguration.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMResults.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSchema.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncConfiguration.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncCredentials.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermission.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncManager.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermissionOffer.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermissionChange.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermissionOfferResponse.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermissionValue.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncSession.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncPermissionResults.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncUser.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMSyncUtil.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying Realm/include/RLMThreadSafeReference.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Touching Realm.framework
[23:45:55]: ▸ Building Pods/SOMotionDetector [Release]
[23:45:55]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:45:55]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOLocationManager.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOMotionDetector-dummy.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOMotionDetector.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOStepDetector.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOMotionDetector_vers.c
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOLocationManager.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOMotionDetector-dummy.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOMotionDetector.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOStepDetector.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SOMotionDetector_vers.c
[23:45:55]: ▸ Linking SOMotionDetector
[23:45:55]: ▸ Linking SOMotionDetector
[23:45:55]: ▸ Generating 'SOMotionDetector.framework.dSYM'
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying SOLocationManager.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying SOMotionDetector-umbrella.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying SOMotionDetector.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying SOStepDetector.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Touching SOMotionDetector.framework
[23:45:55]: ▸ Building Pods/SRCountdownTimer [Release]
[23:45:55]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:45:55]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SRCountdownTimer.swift
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SRCountdownTimer.swift
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SRCountdownTimer-dummy.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SRCountdownTimer_vers.c
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SRCountdownTimer-dummy.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SRCountdownTimer_vers.c
[23:45:55]: ▸ Linking SRCountdownTimer
[23:45:55]: ▸ Linking SRCountdownTimer
[23:45:55]: ▸ Generating 'SRCountdownTimer.framework.dSYM'
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying SRCountdownTimer-umbrella.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Touching SRCountdownTimer.framework
[23:45:55]: ▸ Building Pods/SwiftyJSON [Release]
[23:45:55]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:45:55]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SwiftyJSON.swift
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SwiftyJSON.swift
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SwiftyJSON-dummy.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SwiftyJSON_vers.c
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SwiftyJSON-dummy.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling SwiftyJSON_vers.c
[23:45:55]: ▸ Linking SwiftyJSON
[23:45:55]: ▸ Linking SwiftyJSON
[23:45:55]: ▸ Generating 'SwiftyJSON.framework.dSYM'
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying SwiftyJSON-umbrella.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Touching SwiftyJSON.framework
[23:45:55]: ▸ Building Pods/XCGLogger [Release]
[23:45:55]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:45:55]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling XCGLogger-dummy.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling XCGLogger_vers.c
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling XCGLogger-dummy.m
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling XCGLogger_vers.c
[23:45:55]: ▸ Linking XCGLogger
[23:45:55]: ▸ Linking XCGLogger
[23:45:55]: ▸ Generating 'XCGLogger.framework.dSYM'
[23:45:55]: ▸ Copying XCGLogger-umbrella.h
[23:45:55]: ▸ Touching XCGLogger.framework
[23:45:55]: ▸ Building LevmarKit/LevmarKit [Release]
[23:45:55]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[23:45:55]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:45:55]: ▸ Compiling misc.c
[23:48:15]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:48:15]: ▸ Generating ''
[23:48:17]: ▸ Running script '[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks'
[23:48:41]: ▸ Running script '[CP] Copy Pods Resources'
[23:48:41]: ▸ Copying /Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/redacted-epdxlqtmitfkasbxdshrrqllqpec/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/redacted/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/LevmarKit.framework
[23:48:41]: ▸ Copying /Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/redacted-epdxlqtmitfkasbxdshrrqllqpec/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/redacted/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/redactedKit.framework
[23:48:41]: ▸ Signing /Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/redacted-epdxlqtmitfkasbxdshrrqllqpec/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/redacted/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
[23:48:41]: ▸ Signing /Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/redacted-epdxlqtmitfkasbxdshrrqllqpec/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/redacted/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
[23:48:41]: ▸ Running script 'Run Script'
[23:48:41]: ▸ Touching
[23:48:51]: ▸ Signing /Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/redacted-epdxlqtmitfkasbxdshrrqllqpec/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/redacted/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
[23:48:54]: ▸ Touching
[23:49:03]: ▸ Archive Succeeded
[23:49:05]: Generated plist file with the following values:
[23:49:05]: ▸ -----------------------------------------
[23:49:05]: ▸ {
[23:49:05]: ▸   "method": "app-store"
[23:49:05]: ▸ }
[23:49:05]: ▸ -----------------------------------------
[23:49:05]: $ /usr/bin/xcrun /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/fastlane-2.53.1/gym/lib/assets/wrap_xcodebuild/ -exportArchive -exportOptionsPlist '/var/folders/5d/43k1pq_d43b8hpqg1lxb24n00000gp/T/gym_config20170818-91471-ye52tl.plist' -archivePath /Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-08-18/redacted\ 2017-08-18\ 23.40.43.xcarchive -exportPath '/var/folders/5d/43k1pq_d43b8hpqg1lxb24n00000gp/T/gym_output20170818-91471-6h2c9v' 
[23:52:21]: Compressing 23 dSYM(s)
[23:52:21]: $ cd '/Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-08-18/redacted 2017-08-18 23.40.43.xcarchive/dSYMs' && zip -r '/Users/gitlab/builds/d72e613a/0/redacted-app/redacted-ios/build_output/' *.dSYM
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Alamofire.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Alamofire.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Alamofire.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Alamofire.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Alamofire.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Alamofire.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/Alamofire (deflated 72%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: AlamofireImage.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: AlamofireImage.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: AlamofireImage.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: AlamofireImage.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: AlamofireImage.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: AlamofireImage.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/AlamofireImage (deflated 72%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Branch.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Branch.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Branch.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Branch.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Branch.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Branch.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/Branch (deflated 66%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CWStatusBarNotification.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CWStatusBarNotification.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CWStatusBarNotification.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 51%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CWStatusBarNotification.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CWStatusBarNotification.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CWStatusBarNotification.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/CWStatusBarNotification (deflated 62%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Charts.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Charts.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Charts.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Charts.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Charts.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Charts.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/Charts (deflated 71%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CircularSlider.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CircularSlider.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CircularSlider.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 51%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CircularSlider.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CircularSlider.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: CircularSlider.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/CircularSlider (deflated 68%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Iconic.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Iconic.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Iconic.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Iconic.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Iconic.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Iconic.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/Iconic (deflated 68%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: KeychainSwift.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: KeychainSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: KeychainSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: KeychainSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: KeychainSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: KeychainSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/KeychainSwift (deflated 66%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: LevmarKit.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: LevmarKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: LevmarKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: LevmarKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: LevmarKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: LevmarKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/LevmarKit (deflated 60%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Mapbox.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Mapbox.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Mapbox.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 51%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Mapbox.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Mapbox.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Mapbox.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/Mapbox (deflated 81%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: NextGrowingTextView.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: NextGrowingTextView.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: NextGrowingTextView.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: NextGrowingTextView.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: NextGrowingTextView.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: NextGrowingTextView.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/NextGrowingTextView (deflated 67%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: ObjcExceptionBridging.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: ObjcExceptionBridging.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: ObjcExceptionBridging.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: ObjcExceptionBridging.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: ObjcExceptionBridging.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: ObjcExceptionBridging.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ObjcExceptionBridging (deflated 67%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PKHUD.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PKHUD.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PKHUD.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PKHUD.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PKHUD.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PKHUD.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/PKHUD (deflated 68%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Pulley.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Pulley.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Pulley.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Pulley.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Pulley.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Pulley.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/Pulley (deflated 69%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PusherSwift.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PusherSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PusherSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PusherSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PusherSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: PusherSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/PusherSwift (deflated 71%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Realm.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Realm.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Realm.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Realm.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Realm.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: Realm.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/Realm (deflated 76%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: RealmSwift.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: RealmSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: RealmSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: RealmSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: RealmSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: RealmSwift.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/RealmSwift (deflated 72%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SOMotionDetector.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SOMotionDetector.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SOMotionDetector.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SOMotionDetector.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SOMotionDetector.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SOMotionDetector.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/SOMotionDetector (deflated 62%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SRCountdownTimer.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SRCountdownTimer.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SRCountdownTimer.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SRCountdownTimer.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SRCountdownTimer.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SRCountdownTimer.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/SRCountdownTimer (deflated 68%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: (deflated 51%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: (deflated 70%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: redactedKit.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: redactedKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: redactedKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: redactedKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: redactedKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: redactedKit.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/redactedKit (deflated 72%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SwiftyJSON.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SwiftyJSON.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SwiftyJSON.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 51%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SwiftyJSON.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SwiftyJSON.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: SwiftyJSON.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/SwiftyJSON (deflated 69%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: XCGLogger.framework.dSYM/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: XCGLogger.framework.dSYM/Contents/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: XCGLogger.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist (deflated 52%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: XCGLogger.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: XCGLogger.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ (stored 0%)
[23:52:31]: ▸   adding: XCGLogger.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/XCGLogger (deflated 72%)

[23:52:31]: Successfully exported and compressed dSYM file
[23:52:31]: Successfully exported and signed the ipa file:
[23:52:31]: /Users/gitlab/builds/d72e613a/0/redacted-app/redacted-ios/build_output/redacted.ipa
[23:52:31]: ----------------------------------------
[23:52:31]: --- Step: changelog_from_git_commits ---
[23:52:31]: ----------------------------------------
[23:52:31]: Collecting the last 10 Git commits

• Updated Fastlane config.
• Commented out test which sets up reminders.
• Version bump to 1.3.1
• Corrected keychain locking.
• Fixed linter.
• Updated pre- and post- script.
• Update code signing.
• Updated signing.
• Removed test boilerplates and boilerplate classes.
• zajeti draweru na teplotach

[23:52:32]: ------------------------
[23:52:32]: --- Step: testflight ---
[23:52:32]: ------------------------
[23:52:33]: Login to iTunes Connect (
[23:52:37]: Login successful
[23:52:37]: Ready to upload new build to TestFlight (App: redacted)...
[23:52:43]: Going to upload updated app to iTunes Connect
[23:52:43]: This might take a few minutes. Please don't interrupt the script.
[23:56:48]: iTunes Transporter successfully finished its job
[23:56:48]: --------------------------------------------------------------------
[23:56:48]: Successfully uploaded package to iTunes Connect. It might take a few minutes until it's visible online.
[23:56:48]: --------------------------------------------------------------------
[23:56:48]: Successfully uploaded the new binary to iTunes Connect
[23:56:48]: If you want to skip waiting for the processing to be finished, use the `skip_waiting_for_build_processing` option
[23:56:58]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[23:57:29]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[23:57:59]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[23:58:30]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[23:59:01]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[23:59:32]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[00:00:02]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[00:00:33]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[00:01:04]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[00:01:35]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (1.3.1 - 10993826)
[00:02:06]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:02:37]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:03:08]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:03:39]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:04:10]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:04:40]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:05:11]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:05:42]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:06:14]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:06:44]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:07:15]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:07:46]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:08:17]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:08:48]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:09:19]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:09:50]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:10:20]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:10:52]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:11:22]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:11:53]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:12:24]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:12:55]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:13:27]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:13:58]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:14:29]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:15:00]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:15:31]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:16:02]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:16:33]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:17:04]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:17:35]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:18:05]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:18:36]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:19:07]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:19:38]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:20:09]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:20:40]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:21:10]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:21:41]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:22:12]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:22:43]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:23:15]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:23:46]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:24:16]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:24:47]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:25:18]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[00:25:49]: Successfully finished processing the build 1.3.1 - 10993826
|                                                     Lane Context                                                     |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM   | ios                                                                                             |
| PLATFORM_NAME      | ios                                                                                             |
| LANE_NAME          | ios beta                                                                                        |
| BUILD_NUMBER       | 10993826                                                                                        |
| IPA_OUTPUT_PATH    | /Users/gitlab/builds/d72e613a/0/redacted-app/redacted-ios/build_output/redacted.ipa                |
| DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH   | /Users/gitlab/builds/d72e613a/0/redacted-app/redacted-ios/build_output/       |
| XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE | /Users/gitlab/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-08-18/redacted 2017-08-18 23.40.43.xcarchive |
| FL_CHANGELOG       | • Updated Fastlane config.                                                                      |
|                    | • Commented out test which sets up reminders.                                                   |
|                    | • Version bump to 1.3.1                                                                         |
|                    | • Corrected keychain locking.                                                                   |
|                    | • Fixed linter.                                                                                 |
|                    | • Updated pre- and post- script.                                                                |
|                    | • Update code signing.                                                                          |
|                    | • Updated signing.                                                                              |
|                    | • Removed test boilerplates and boilerplate classes.                                            |
|                    | • zajeti draweru na teplotach                                                                   |
[00:25:50]: Could not set changelog: <html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 403 </title>
<h2>HTTP ERROR: 403</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /v2/providers/118335929/apps/redacted/builds/22699186. Reason:
<pre>    Forbidden</pre></p>
<hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i>

|                     fastlane summary                     |
| Step | Action                              | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying required fastlane version | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform                    | 0           |
| 3    | increment_build_number              | 2           |
| 4    | gym                                 | 711         |
| 5    | changelog_from_git_commits          | 1           |
| 💥   | testflight                          | 1997        |

[00:25:50]: fastlane finished with errors

[!] Could not set changelog: <html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 403 </title>
<h2>HTTP ERROR: 403</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /v2/providers/118335929/apps/redacted/builds/22699186. Reason:
<pre>    Forbidden</pre></p>
<hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i>

Running after script...
$ ./
Closing any open instances of the iphone simulator...
No matching processes belonging to you were found
$ security lock-keychain $CI_KEYCHAIN_URL
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1


🚫 fastlane environment 🚫 ### Stack | Key | Value | | --------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | OS | 10.12.6 | | Ruby | 2.0.0 | | Bundler? | false | | Git | git version 2.11.0 (Apple Git-81) | | Installation Source | /usr/local/bin/fastlane | | Host | Mac OS X 10.12.6 (16G29) | | Ruby Lib Dir | /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib | | OpenSSL Version | OpenSSL 0.9.8zc 19 Mar 2015 | | Is contained | false | | Is homebrew | false | | Is installed via | false | | Xcode Path | /Applications/ | | Xcode Version | 8.3.3 | ### System Locale | Error | | --------------------------- | | No Locale with UTF8 found 🚫 | ### fastlane files:
`./fastlane/Fastfile` ```ruby fastlane_version "2.44.0" default_platform :ios platform :ios do desc "Lints all the files" lane :lint do swiftlint( output_file: "swiftlint.result.html", reporter: "html", config_file: ".swiftlint.yml" ) end desc "Runs all the tests" lane :test do scan end desc "Deploy a new version to TestFlight" lane :beta do increment_build_number( build_number: ENV['CI_PIPELINE_ID'] ) gym changelog_from_git_commits( commits_count: 10, pretty: '• %s', merge_commit_filtering: 'exclude_merges' ) testflight( distribute_external: true ) end after_all do |lane| # This block is called, only if the executed lane was successful end error do |lane, exception| # Report error? end end ```
`./fastlane/Appfile` ```ruby app_identifier "redacted" # The bundle identifier of your app apple_id "redacted" # Your Apple email address apple_dev_portal_id "redacted" # Apple Developer Account itunes_connect_id "redacted" # iTunes Connect Account team_id "redacted" # Developer Portal Team ID ```
### fastlane gems | Gem | Version | Update-Status | | -------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane | 2.53.1 | ✅ Up-To-Date | ### Loaded fastlane plugins: **No plugins Loaded**
Loaded gems | Gem | Version | | ------------------------- | ------------ | | slack-notifier | 1.5.1 | | CFPropertyList | 2.3.5 | | claide | 1.0.2 | | colored2 | 3.1.2 | | nanaimo | 0.2.3 | | xcodeproj | 1.5.1 | | rouge | 2.0.7 | | xcpretty | 0.2.8 | | terminal-notifier | 1.8.0 | | unicode-display_width | 1.3.0 | | terminal-table | 1.8.0 | | plist | 3.3.0 | | public_suffix | 2.0.5 | | addressable | 2.5.1 | | multipart-post | 2.0.0 | | word_wrap | 1.0.0 | | tty-screen | 0.5.0 | | babosa | 1.0.2 | | colored | 1.2 | | highline | 1.7.8 | | commander-fastlane | 4.4.5 | | excon | 0.58.0 | | faraday | 0.13.0 | | unf_ext | | | unf | 0.1.4 | | domain_name | 0.5.20170404 | | http-cookie | 1.0.3 | | faraday-cookie_jar | 0.0.6 | | fastimage | 2.1.0 | | gh_inspector | 1.0.3 | | uber | 0.1.0 | | declarative | 0.0.9 | | declarative-option | 0.1.0 | | representable | 3.0.4 | | retriable | 3.1.1 | | mime-types-data | 3.2016.0521 | | mime-types | 3.1 | | little-plugger | 1.1.4 | | multi_json | 1.12.1 | | logging | 2.2.2 | | jwt | 1.5.6 | | memoist | 0.16.0 | | os | 0.9.6 | | signet | 0.7.3 | | googleauth | 0.5.3 | | httpclient | 2.8.3 | | google-api-client | 0.12.0 | | json | 1.7.7 | | mini_magick | 4.5.1 | | multi_xml | 0.6.0 | | rubyzip | 1.2.1 | | security | 0.1.3 | | xcpretty-travis-formatter | 0.0.4 | | dotenv | 2.2.1 | | bundler | 1.15.3 | | faraday_middleware | 0.12.2 |
*generated on:* **2017-08-19**
fastlane-bot commented 7 years ago

It seems like this issue might be related to code signing :no_entry_sign:

Have you seen our new Code Signing Troubleshooting Guide? It will help you resolve the most common code signing issues :+1:

petrmanek commented 7 years ago

@fastlane-bot Nice. This one however has nothing to do with code signing. It's more likely that there is some quirk in iTunesConnect that spaceship is not compatible with.

taquitos commented 7 years ago

It looks like there over 30 minutes between logging in and setting the change log. 403 is usually an expired session. Does this happen consistently? Is there an easy way we can repro this? just thinking outloud: I bet we could detect this error and then try to re-login and re-execute the last thing that caused a 403

petrmanek commented 7 years ago

@taquitos Yes, afaik. It happened 5 times out of 5 attempts.

To reproduce, try throttling your outbound connection or upload extremely large package (our .ipa has ~150 MB).

By the way, is there a way to attempt force the reauthorization, so we can see íwhether it was the culprit?

taquitos commented 7 years ago

I think you could probably call Spaceship directly, but I've never tried it in a fastfile

spaceship = Spaceship::Tunes.login
petrmanek commented 7 years ago

@taquitos I'm not sure I know where to put this. When I execute it before calling Pilot, it does not change anything because Pilot calls it as well. When I execute it after calling Pilot, it's too late because the operation has already failed. Any suggestions?

taquitos commented 7 years ago

My bad, you're right. Maybe fastlane should re-authorize (if it doesn't).

Sulfkain commented 7 years ago

Same here, it's throws a 403 Forbidden

[!] Could not set changelog: <html>
<meta http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 403 </title>
<h2>HTTP ERROR: 403</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /v2/providers/283519/apps/325813155/builds/22925468. Reason:
<pre>    Forbidden</pre></p>
<hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i>

We are waiting a fix for this. Thanks fastlane team!

twobitlabs commented 7 years ago

We are also getting this error consistently

petrmanek commented 7 years ago

Is there any plan to fix this? Or any workaround?

ohayon commented 7 years ago

Hey everyone, just want to make sure that we are all talking about the same issue here, @Sulfkain and @twobitlabs would you both mind sharing the output of your fastlane execution? I just want to see if it is the same thing that @petrmanek is seeing where there is a long time elapsed between the upload and the setting of the changelog. Thanks!! 🐙

Sulfkain commented 7 years ago

Hi @ohayon, I have tried again an upload and the what_new was changed correctly without any error.

This is the output, Which is the "death time" elapsed between upload and setting the changelog? Maybe this time, the app uploaded faster?

[12:36:42]: If you want to skip waiting for the processing to be finished, use the `skip_waiting_for_build_processing` option
[12:36:52]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (6.1.0 - 2)
[12:37:24]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (6.1.0 - 2)
[12:37:55]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (6.1.0 - 2)
[12:38:26]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (6.1.0 - 2)
[12:38:57]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:39:28]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:39:59]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:40:30]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:41:01]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:41:31]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:42:03]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:42:34]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:43:05]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:43:36]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:44:07]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:44:38]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:45:09]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:45:41]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:46:11]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:46:42]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:47:14]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:47:44]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[12:48:16]: Successfully finished processing the build 6.1.0 - 2
[12:48:19]: Successfully set the changelog for build
ohayon commented 7 years ago

Hmm thats entirely possible. It also looks like there have been a few outages in the iTC API over the past few days so its also possible something was happening on their end too? Let's wait until everyone has confirmed that they are successful before closing the issue. Thanks for reporting back @Sulfkain !! 🚀

twobitlabs commented 7 years ago

We're still reliably getting it on one of our projects (but not on the other project):

[12:59:52]: Login successful
[12:59:53]: Ready to upload new build to TestFlight (App: 1200115798)...
[12:59:54]: Going to upload updated app to iTunes Connect
[12:59:54]: This might take a few minutes. Please don't interrupt the script.
[13:03:55]: iTunes Transporter successfully finished its job
[13:03:56]: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[13:03:56]: --- Successfully uploaded package to iTunes Connect. It might take a few minutes until it's visible online. ---
[13:03:56]: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[13:03:56]: Successfully uploaded the new binary to iTunes Connect
[13:03:56]: If you want to skip waiting for the processing to be finished, use the `skip_waiting_for_build_processing` option
[13:04:05]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (2.1.4 - 311)
[13:04:36]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (2.1.4 - 311)
[13:05:08]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (2.1.4 - 311)
[13:05:39]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (2.1.4 - 311)
[13:06:10]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (2.1.4 - 311)
[13:06:42]: Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (2.1.4 - 311)
[13:07:13]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:07:45]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:08:16]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:08:48]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:09:19]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:09:51]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:10:22]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:10:54]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:11:26]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:11:57]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:12:28]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:13:00]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:13:31]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:14:03]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:14:34]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:15:05]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:15:38]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:16:09]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:16:40]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:17:11]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:17:41]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:18:12]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:18:44]: Build doesn't show up in the build list anymore, waiting for it to appear again
[13:19:14]: Successfully finished processing the build 2.1.4 - 311
|                                           Lane Context                                           |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM            | ios                                                                |
| PLATFORM_NAME               | ios                                                                |
| LANE_NAME                   | ios dev                                                            |
| GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START | true                                                               |
| BUILD_NUMBER                | 311                                                                |
| IPA_OUTPUT_PATH             | /Users/thuss/src/ios/mend/Mend/Development.ipa                     |
| DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH            | /Users/thuss/src/ios/mend/Mend/            |
| XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE          | /Users/thuss/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-08-31/Developm  |
|                             | ent 2017-08-31 12.57.51.xcarchive                                  |
[13:19:15]: Could not set changelog: <html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 403 </title>
<h2>HTTP ERROR: 403</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /v2/providers/118077326/apps/1200115798/builds/23049408. Reason:
<pre>    Forbidden</pre></p>
<hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i>
petrmanek commented 7 years ago

Interesting. We are uploading builds to TestFlight every second night at 4am CET. This is still happening consistently for us.

twobitlabs commented 7 years ago

One thing to note is that the project that fails is owned by another developer account and we've been added to their team. On the projects that succeed, we're logging into the account that owns the app. Are others on this thread in the same position? I feel like it's caused permissions problems for us in the past.

petrmanek commented 7 years ago

That might be it. Our CI account does not own the app in ITC. It was merely granted Developer role and restricted to only access the app in question. We will try to expand its permissions for tonights's build and get back to you tomorrow.

petrmanek commented 7 years ago

So far, there has been no improvement whatsoever. After removing the restriction to only manage specific apps, the CI account in iTC (with Developer role) still consistently fails to set the changelog after uploading new builds with same error as before.

I will attempt to give it Admin permissions but I'm not too confident. In the meantime, is there something else we can do or try?

petrmanek commented 7 years ago

Have some news. Adding the Admin role to the CI account seems to have made all the difference! Since Admin is equivalent to all the roles available, I will now try incrementally remove the roles one by one and repeat my experiment. Hopefully, I can identify the bare minimum of roles Pilot can work without breakage.

tschob commented 7 years ago

I got the same error and scenario as @petrmanek. I'm surprised the error is about the change log as we don't set the changelog option. @petrmanek do you use this option?

petrmanek commented 7 years ago

@tschob Yes, we do. Turns out that giving CI iTC account the App Manager role fixes the issue

BigRiceDad commented 7 years ago

wow. We are seeing similar error with an little bit different error message.

+------+------------------------+-------------+ | fastlane summary | +------+------------------------+-------------+ | Step | Action | Time (in s) | +------+------------------------+-------------+ | 1 | default_platform | 0 | | 2 | ensure_git_status_cle | 0 | | | an | | | 3 | xcversion | 2 | | 4 | cocoapods | 4 | | 5 | increment_build_numbe | 1 | | | r | | | 6 | commit_version_bump | 0 | | 7 | clean_build_artifacts | 0 | | 8 | clear_derived_data | 0 | | 9 | cert | 5 | | 10 | sigh | 5 | | 11 | gym | 288 | | 12 | changelog_from_git_co | 0 | | | mmits | | | 💥 | pilot | 1749 | +------+------------------------+-------------+

[20:00:59]: fastlane finished with errors

[!] Could not set changelog:

Error 409


Problem accessing /v2/providers/307809/apps/1011970469/builds/23407301. Reason:

    ERROR-1: The phone number is missing.

Powered by Jetty://

The above is the HTML error message. This is using an account setup specifically for the CI server though. I am going to try changing its role and see if this error goes away.

BigRiceDad commented 7 years ago

Update: The user does have Admin role already. Still seeing this issue, will try using another user.

BigRiceDad commented 7 years ago

Never mind. I am glad I took a look there.

So apparently this is checking on the "Beta Testing" info in TestFlight where I don't have a Phone number filled out. Although I am really only releasing to Internal Testers with the upload.

Seems Apple took down the "What's new" for Internal Testers for a while.

twobitlabs commented 7 years ago

It appears adding the App Manager role has resolved it for us as well

fastlane-bot commented 7 years ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates.

Please make sure to update to the latest fastlane version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment :+1:

fastlane-bot commented 7 years ago

This issue will be auto-closed because there hasn't been any activity for a few months. Feel free to open a new one if you still experience this problem :+1: