fastlane / fastlane

šŸš€ The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
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Error : [Transporter Error Output]: ERROR ITMS-3000: "Line 7 column 116: character content of element "file_name" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression #10373

Closed chauvincent closed 7 years ago

chauvincent commented 7 years ago

New Issue Checklist

Issue Description

Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:04.50]: Uploading Mighty Networks to Testflight
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:04.51]: ------------------------
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:04.52]: --- Step: testflight ---
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:04.52]: ------------------------
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:04.54]: Login to iTunes Connect (
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:06.43]: Login successful
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:06.43]: App identifier (com.mightybell.mightybell)
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:07.22]: Ready to upload new build to TestFlight (App: 1081683081)...
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:07.30]: App Platform (ios)
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:08.22]: Wrote XML data to '/var/folders/2d/0rf8h8p14h3d6055x6k206_w0000gn/T/d20170919-5886-cfcf7z/1081683081.itmsp'
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:08.30]: Going to upload updated app to iTunes Connect
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:08.30]: This might take a few minutes. Please don't interrupt the script.
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:08.41]: /Applications/\ -Djava.ext.dirs=/Applications/\ -XX:NewSize=2m -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath /Applications/\ -m upload -u -p YourPassword -f /var/folders/2d/0rf8h8p14h3d6055x6k206_w0000gn/T/d20170919-5886-cfcf7z/1081683081.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000 2>&1
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:10.92]: [Transporter]: INFO: Transporter is skipping bundle update check: Already checked recently.
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.11]: [Transporter]: INFO: Logging configured successfully.
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.11]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Attempting refresh of configuration data from
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.13]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Configuration refresh successful.
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.13]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Saving configuration to local path: /Users/vincentchau/.itmstransporter/
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.13]: [Transporter]: INFO: iTMSTransporter : iTunes Store Transporter [1.9.3]
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.13]: [Transporter]: INFO: OS identifier: Mac OS X 10.12.6 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.14]: [Transporter]: INFO: Memory: [JVM] 843M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 3909M free, 16384M total (Swap) 892M free, 6144M total
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.14]: [Transporter]: INFO: Upload mode selected.
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.16]: [Transporter]: INFO: Examining the package at: /var/folders/2d/0rf8h8p14h3d6055x6k206_w0000gn/T/d20170919-5886-cfcf7z/1081683081.itmsp
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.16]: [Transporter]: INFO: Ensuring that package has well formed metadata file...
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.16]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Getting case-sensitive metadata xml filename...
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.16]: [Transporter]: INFO: Gathering the list of valid files from the package ...
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.16]: [Transporter]: DEBUG:   metadata.xml will be verified by Apple's web service to determine if it is a valid file.
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.16]: [Transporter]: DEBUG:   Mighty Networks_e011ab94968fb2bdcea570e1aba074e0f4e00c00979e41e000b43204de18cc1e.ipa will be verified by Apple's web service to determine if it is a valid file.
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.16]: [Transporter]: INFO: Finished gathering the list of valid files from the package.
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.16]: [Transporter]: DEBUG:   Case-sensitive metadata filename is: metadata.xml
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.22]: [Transporter]: INFO: Performing authentication of package 1081683081.itmsp ...
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.22]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 833M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 3891M free, 16384M total (Swap) 892M free, 6144M total
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.22]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 833M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 3891M free, 16384M total (Swap) 892M free, 6144M total
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.22]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Using operation named: authenticateForSession
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.9.0
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.12.6 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Password = **hidden value**
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2017-09-19T15:24:11-07:00
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter StatisticsPreviousCallDurationInSecs = 0.286068
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u -p **hidden value** -f /var/folders/2d/0rf8h8p14h3d6055x6k206_w0000gn/T/d20170919-5886-cfcf7z/1081683081.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Username =
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Version = 1.9.3
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.23]: [Transporter]: INFO: id = 20170919152411-985
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter SessionId = CO2nDBIQNmxKRIkTTVeK/NsNrnT71A==
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter SharedSecret = **hidden value**
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MultipartUploadsEnabled = true
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Deflated 501 bytes to 440
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Using operation named: validateMetadata
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.9.0
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Files = [metadata.xml, Mighty Networks_e011ab94968fb2bdcea570e1aba074e0f4e00c00979e41e000b43204de18cc1e.ipa]
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Metadata = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MetadataChecksum = 891ef615e3f6fdb4020caac8b469895a
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed)
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.12.6 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter PackageName = 1081683081.itmsp
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter PackageSize = 125810513
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2017-09-19T15:24:11-07:00
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter StatisticsPreviousCallDurationInSecs = 0.212109
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Throttle = 100000
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u -p **hidden value** -f /var/folders/2d/0rf8h8p14h3d6055x6k206_w0000gn/T/d20170919-5886-cfcf7z/1081683081.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Username =
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Version = 1.9.3
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:11.44]: [Transporter]: INFO: id = 20170919152411-173
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.40]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.40]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionThresholds = {product-archive={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, ccats={extensions=[pdf], size=100000000}, large-icon={extensions=[jpg, png, jpeg], size=100000000}, in-app-purchase-content={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, bundle={extensions=[zip, ipa], size=100000000}}
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter ErrorMessage = ERROR ITMS-3000: "Line 7 column 116: character content of element "file_name" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "[^/: ]+" at XPath /package/software_assets/asset/data_file/file_name"
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter CPUToken = 043f518a-c8bc-4148-b85e-2e92ca01587c/1505859852038
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionFormat = binary
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter AssetsToDescribe = []
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Errors = [ERROR ITMS-3000: "Line 7 column 116: character content of element "file_name" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "[^/: ]+" at XPath /package/software_assets/asset/data_file/file_name", ERROR ITMS-3000: "Package "mightybell" failed schema validation."]
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter ErrorCode = 1102
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Success = false
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter FilesToUpload = [metadata.xml]
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600
ERROR [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter Error Output]: ERROR ITMS-3000: "Line 7 column 116: character content of element "file_name" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "[^/: ]+" at XPath /package/software_assets/asset/data_file/file_name"
ERROR [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter Error Output]: ERROR ITMS-3000: "Package "mightybell" failed schema validation."
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:12.41]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: The error code is: 1102
ERROR [2017-09-19 15:24:12.54]: Transporter transfer failed.
WARN [2017-09-19 15:24:12.54]: 
ERROR [2017-09-19 15:24:12.54]: ERROR ITMS-3000: "Line 7 column 116: character content of element "file_name" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "[^/: ]+" at XPath /package/software_assets/asset/data_file/file_name"
ERROR ITMS-3000: "Package "mightybell" failed schema validation."
ERROR [2017-09-19 15:24:12.66]: ERROR ITMS-3000: "Line 7 column 116: character content of element "file_name" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "[^/: ]+" at XPath /package/software_assets/asset/data_file/file_name"
ERROR ITMS-3000: "Package "mightybell" failed schema validation."
Return status of iTunes Transporter was 1: ERROR ITMS-3000: "Line 7 column 116: character content of element "file_name" invalid; must be a string matching the regular expression "[^/: ]+" at XPath /package/software_assets/asset/data_file\nERROR ITMS-3000: "Package "mightybell" failed schema validation."
The call to the iTMSTransporter completed with a non-zero exit status: 1. This indicates a failure.
WARN [2017-09-19 15:24:13.45]: Lane Context:
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:13.45]: {:DEFAULT_PLATFORM=>:ios, :PLATFORM_NAME=>:ios, :LANE_NAME=>"ios build_testflight", :IPA_OUTPUT_PATH=>"/Users/vincentchau/Desktop/master/ios-app/build/Mighty Networks.ipa", :DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH=>"/Users/vincentchau/Desktop/master/ios-app/build/Mighty", :XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE=>"/Users/vincentchau/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-09-19/Mighty Networks 2017-09-19 15.22.30.xcarchive"}
ERROR [2017-09-19 15:24:13.45]: Error uploading ipa file, for more information see above
INFO [2017-09-19 15:24:13.45]: Successfully generated documentation at path '/Users/vincentchau/Desktop/master/ios-app/fastlane/'
ERROR [2017-09-19 15:24:13.48]: fastlane finished with errors
WARN [2017-09-19 15:24:13.49]: Generating fastlane environment output, this might take a few seconds...
DEBUG [2017-09-19 15:24:13.73]: Checking if there are any plugins that should be loaded...
### Captured Output


Please run fastlane env and copy the output below. This will help us help you :+1: If you used --capture_output option please remove this block - as it is already included there.

āœ… fastlane environment āœ… ### Stack | Key | Value | | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | OS | 10.12.6 | | Ruby | 2.2.4 | | Bundler? | false | | Git | git version 2.11.0 (Apple Git-81) | | Installation Source | ~/.fastlane/bin/bundle/bin/fastlane | | Host | Mac OS X 10.12.6 (16G29) | | Ruby Lib Dir | ~/.fastlane/bin/bundle/lib | | OpenSSL Version | OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016 | | Is contained | false | | Is homebrew | true | | Is installed via | false | | Xcode Path | /Applications/ | | Xcode Version | 8.3.3 | ### System Locale | Variable | Value | | | -------- | ----------- | - | | LANG | en_US.UTF-8 | āœ… | | LC_ALL | en_US.UTF-8 | āœ… | | LANGUAGE | en_US.UTF-8 | āœ… | ### fastlane files:
`./fastlane/Fastfile` ```ruby # Fastlane Constants fastlane_version "1.54.0" default_platform :ios platform :ios do desc "Send apps to Testflight based off the Manifest.json. Assumes apps were succesfully built." lane :upload_to_testflight do puts 'Uploading apps to Testflight' puts '' loop_manifest_apps do |app_data| app_long_name = app_data['localized_metadata']['Base']['long_name'] puts "Uploading #{app_long_name} to Testflight" # Send to TestFlight testflight( app_identifier: app_data["ios_bundle_id"], ipa: "#{build_directory}/#{app_long_name}.ipa" ) puts '' end puts '' puts '' end end ```
`./fastlane/Appfile` ```ruby apple_id "" # Your Apple email address, please don't check in your own email itc_team_id "XXXX" ```
### fastlane gems | Gem | Version | Update-Status | | -------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane | 2.57.2 | āœ… Up-To-Date | ### Loaded fastlane plugins: **No plugins Loaded**
Loaded gems | Gem | Version | | ------------------------- | ------------ | | slack-notifier | 1.5.1 | | CFPropertyList | 2.3.5 | | claide | 1.0.2 | | colored2 | 3.1.2 | | nanaimo | 0.2.3 | | xcodeproj | 1.5.1 | | rouge | 1.11.1 | | xcpretty | 0.2.6 | | terminal-notifier | 1.7.1 | | unicode-display_width | 1.1.3 | | terminal-table | 1.7.3 | | plist | 3.2.0 | | public_suffix | 2.0.5 | | addressable | 2.5.1 | | multipart-post | 2.0.0 | | word_wrap | 1.0.0 | | tty-screen | 0.5.0 | | babosa | 1.0.2 | | colored | 1.2 | | highline | 1.7.8 | | commander-fastlane | 4.4.5 | | excon | 0.55.0 | | faraday | 0.12.1 | | unf_ext | | | unf | 0.1.4 | | domain_name | 0.5.20170404 | | http-cookie | 1.0.3 | | faraday-cookie_jar | 0.0.6 | | fastimage | 2.1.0 | | gh_inspector | 1.0.3 | | json | 1.8.1 | | mini_magick | 4.5.1 | | multi_json | 1.12.1 | | multi_xml | 0.6.0 | | rubyzip | 1.2.1 | | security | 0.1.3 | | xcpretty-travis-formatter | 0.0.4 | | dotenv | 2.2.0 | | bundler | 1.14.6 | | faraday_middleware | | | uber | 0.0.15 | | declarative | 0.0.9 | | declarative-option | 0.1.0 | | representable | 3.0.4 | | retriable | 2.1.0 | | mime-types-data | 3.2016.0521 | | mime-types | 3.1 | | little-plugger | 1.1.4 | | logging | 2.2.2 | | jwt | 1.5.6 | | memoist | 0.15.0 | | os | 0.9.6 | | signet | 0.7.3 | | googleauth | 0.5.1 | | httpclient | 2.8.3 | | google-api-client | 0.13.2 |
*generated on:* **2017-09-19**
abarnes commented 7 years ago

Remove the spaces from the file name. It looks like yours is ../Mighty Networks.ipa, so just change it to MightyNetworks.ipa or something else. I ran into the same issue, even though I have been uploading apps with spaces prior to today. I guess Apple decided to start enforcing that rule.

mithiljadhav commented 7 years ago

This is not a change by Apple but a regression of fastlane. Here is the change which has caused this:

Adding the original name for the uploaded ipa causes the following transporter error if the file name contains spaces:

ERROR ITMS-3000: "Line 7 column 111: character content of element "file_name" invalid; must be a 
string matching the regular expression "[^/: ]+" at XPath 

I think the spaces should be replaced with underscore.

My ipa file has a space in it "XYZ abc.ipa", so it is failing after updating fastlane to 2.57.0+. Right now the workaround is to replace the file name to "XYZ_abc.ipa" and run deliver/pilot again.

I think this needs to be fixed since it is a regression.

nghuiqin commented 7 years ago

I have same issue, because having a space between my app name. @@ facing issue after updating to 2.57.0 versioin too

RobinCaroff commented 7 years ago

Same problem here after updating to 2.57.1. I still have it with 2.57.2. Temporarily fixed it by adding an underscore instead of the space before using deliver.

KrauseFx commented 7 years ago

Sorry everyone, I really thought we already fixed this, to be sure it's fixed, we're gonna roll back the changes since the last release with and push a hotfix. Sorry for the troubles

KrauseFx commented 7 years ago

Alright, just pushed a new release which fixes the problem. Again, sorry for introducing the issue in the first place, this should be fixed now šŸ‘