fastlane / fastlane

🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
MIT License
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[ERROR] latest_testflight_build_number: You have to specify a new version number, as there are multiple to choose from #10770

Closed joncursi closed 6 years ago

joncursi commented 6 years ago

New Issue Checklist

Issue Description

latest_testflight_build_number hangs on the following error:

You have to specify a new version number, as there are multiple
to choose from
Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used
$ bundle exec fastlane ios release
/Users/joncursi/Sites/joncursi/redbird-native/fastlane/actions/increment_android_build_number.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant Fastlane::Actions::SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER
/Users/joncursi/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/fastlane-2.63.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/increment_build_number.rb:4: warning: previous definition of BUILD_NUMBER was here
/Users/joncursi/Sites/joncursi/redbird-native/fastlane/actions/increment_android_version_number.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant Fastlane::Actions::SharedValues::VERSION_NUMBER
/Users/joncursi/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/fastlane-2.63.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/increment_version_number.rb:4: warning: previous definition of VERSION_NUMBER was here
|                Used plugins                 |
| Plugin                | Version | Action    |
| fastlane-plugin-badg  | 1.0.0   | add_badge |
| e                     |         |           |

Fastfile:32: warning: circular argument reference - lane
Fastfile:43: warning: circular argument reference - lane
[18:30:55]: -----------------------------
[18:30:55]: --- Step: update_fastlane ---
[18:30:55]: -----------------------------
[18:30:55]: Looking for updates for fastlane...
[18:30:57]: Nothing to update ✅
[18:30:57]: Please help us test early releases of fastlane by opting into nightly builds 🌃
[18:30:57]: Just replace your `update_fastlane` call with
[18:30:57]: ▸ update_fastlane(nightly: true)
[18:30:57]: Nightly builds are reviewed and tested just like the public releases 🚂
[18:30:57]: -------------------------------------------------
[18:30:57]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version ---
[18:30:57]: -------------------------------------------------
[18:30:57]: Your fastlane version 2.63.0 matches the minimum requirement of 2.63.0  ✅
[18:30:57]: ---------------------------------------------
[18:30:57]: --- Step: Verifying required ruby version ---
[18:30:57]: ---------------------------------------------
[18:30:57]: Your ruby version 2.4.2 matches the minimum requirement of 2.4.2  ✅
[18:30:57]: Driving the lane 'ios release' 🚀
[18:30:57]: -------------------------------
[18:30:57]: --- Step: ensure_git_branch ---
[18:30:57]: -------------------------------
[18:30:57]: Git branch match `master`, all good! 💪
[18:30:57]: --------------------
[18:30:57]: --- Step: prompt ---
[18:30:57]: --------------------
[18:30:57]: Bump type (major, minor, or patch): 
[18:30:59]: ----------------------------
[18:30:59]: --- Step: bundle_install ---
[18:30:59]: ----------------------------
[18:30:59]: $ bundle install
[18:30:59]: ▸ The latest bundler is 1.16.0, but you are currently running 1.15.4.
[18:30:59]: ▸ To update, run `gem install bundler`
[18:30:59]: ▸ Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.15.4) is older than the version that created the lockfile (1.16.0.pre.2). We suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Bundler by running `gem install bundler --pre`.
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using CFPropertyList 2.3.5
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using concurrent-ruby 1.0.5
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using minitest 5.10.3
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using thread_safe 0.3.6
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using public_suffix 2.0.5
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using babosa 1.0.2
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using curb 0.9.4
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using fastimage 2.1.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using bundler 1.15.4
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using colored 1.2
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using highline 1.7.8
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using dotenv 2.2.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using excon 0.59.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using multipart-post 2.0.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using unf_ext
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using gh_inspector 1.0.3
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using jwt 2.1.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using little-plugger 1.1.4
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using multi_json 1.12.2
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using memoist 0.16.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using os 0.9.6
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using httpclient 2.8.3
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using mime-types-data 3.2016.0521
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using declarative 0.0.10
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using declarative-option 0.1.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using uber 0.1.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using retriable 3.1.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using json 2.1.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using mini_magick 4.5.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using multi_xml 0.6.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using plist 3.3.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using rubyzip 1.2.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using security 0.1.3
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using slack-notifier 1.5.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using terminal-notifier 1.8.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using unicode-display_width 1.3.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using tty-screen 0.5.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using word_wrap 1.0.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using claide 1.0.2
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using colored2 3.1.2
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using nanaimo 0.2.3
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using rouge 2.0.7
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using fuzzy_match 2.0.4
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using nap 1.1.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using cocoapods-deintegrate 1.0.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using cocoapods-downloader 1.1.3
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using cocoapods-search 1.0.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using cocoapods-stats 1.0.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using netrc 0.11.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using cocoapods-try 1.1.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using escape 0.0.4
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using fourflusher 2.0.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using molinillo 0.5.7
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using ruby-macho 1.1.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using i18n 0.9.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using tzinfo 1.2.4
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using addressable 2.5.2
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using commander-fastlane 4.4.5
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using faraday 0.13.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using unf 0.1.4
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using logging 2.2.2
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using mime-types 3.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using representable 3.0.4
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using terminal-table 1.8.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using xcodeproj 1.5.3
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using xcpretty 0.2.8
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using cocoapods-plugins 1.0.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using cocoapods-trunk 1.3.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using activesupport 4.2.10
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using faraday_middleware 0.12.2
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using signet 0.8.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using domain_name 0.5.20170404
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using xcpretty-travis-formatter 1.0.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using cocoapods-core 1.3.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using googleauth 0.6.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using http-cookie 1.0.3
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using cocoapods 1.3.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using google-api-client 0.13.6
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using faraday-cookie_jar 0.0.6
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using fastlane 2.63.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using badge 0.8.5
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using xcode-install 2.3.1
[18:30:59]: ▸ Using fastlane-plugin-badge 1.0.0
[18:30:59]: ▸ Bundle complete! 5 Gemfile dependencies, 83 gems now installed.
[18:30:59]: ▸ Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
[18:30:59]: ----------------------------------
[18:30:59]: --- Step: ensure_xcode_version ---
[18:30:59]: ----------------------------------
[18:30:59]: $ xcversion selected
[18:31:00]: ▸ Xcode 9.0.1
[18:31:00]: ▸ Build version 9A1004
[18:31:00]: Selected Xcode version is correct: 9.0.1
[18:31:00]: --------------------------------
[18:31:00]: --- Step: clear_derived_data ---
[18:31:00]: --------------------------------
[18:31:00]: Derived Data path located at: /Users/joncursi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
[18:31:02]: Successfully cleared Derived Data ♻️
[18:31:02]: -----------------------
[18:31:02]: --- Step: cocoapods ---
[18:31:02]: -----------------------
[18:31:02]: $ cd './ios' && bundle exec pod install
[18:31:04]: ▸ Analyzing dependencies
[18:31:04]: ▸ Downloading dependencies
[18:31:04]: ▸ Using DCTAuth (3.0)
[18:31:04]: ▸ Generating Pods project
[18:31:04]: ▸ Integrating client project
[18:31:07]: ▸ Sending stats
[18:31:07]: ▸ Pod installation complete! There is 1 dependency from the Podfile and 1 total pod installed.
[18:31:07]: --------------------------------------
[18:31:07]: --- Step: increment_version_number ---
[18:31:07]: --------------------------------------
[18:31:08]: $ cd /Users/joncursi/Sites/joncursi/redbird-native/ios && agvtool new-marketing-version 2.0.39
[18:31:09]: ▸ Setting CFBundleShortVersionString of project redbirdNative to:
[18:31:09]: ▸ 2.0.39.
[18:31:09]: ▸ Updating CFBundleShortVersionString in Info.plist(s)...
[18:31:09]: ▸ Updated CFBundleShortVersionString in "redbirdNative.xcodeproj/../redbirdNative/Info.plist" to 2.0.39
[18:31:09]: ▸ Updated CFBundleShortVersionString in "redbirdNative.xcodeproj/../redbirdNativeTests/Info.plist" to 2.0.39
[18:31:09]: ▸ Updated CFBundleShortVersionString in "redbirdNative.xcodeproj/../redbirdNativeUITests/Info.plist" to 2.0.39
[18:31:09]: --------------------------------------------
[18:31:09]: --- Step: latest_testflight_build_number ---
[18:31:09]: --------------------------------------------
[18:31:09]: Login to iTunes Connect (
[18:31:11]: Login successful
[18:31:13]: You have to specify a new version number, as there are multiple
to choose from


✅ fastlane environment ✅ ### Stack | Key | Value | | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | OS | 10.12.6 | | Ruby | 2.4.2 | | Bundler? | true | | Git | git version 2.13.1 | | Installation Source | ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/bin/fastlane | | Host | Mac OS X 10.12.6 (16G29) | | Ruby Lib Dir | ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.4.2/lib | | OpenSSL Version | OpenSSL 1.1.0f 25 May 2017 | | Is contained | false | | Is homebrew | false | | Is installed via | false | | Xcode Path | /Applications/ | | Xcode Version | 9.0.1 | ### System Locale | Variable | Value | | | -------- | ----------- | - | | LANG | en_US.UTF-8 | ✅ | | LC_ALL | | | | LANGUAGE | | | ### fastlane files:
`./fastlane/Fastfile` ```ruby # README: # All available actions: # can also be listed using the `fastlane actions` command # CONFIG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load custom actions # See: actions_path './actions' # Automatically update fastlane if a new version is available update_fastlane # Enforce a minimum fastlane version fastlane_version "2.63.0" # Enforce a minimum ruby version ruby_version "2.4.2" # ENVIRONMENT VARS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # iOS PATH_TO_IOS = "./ios" PATH_TO_XCODE_PROJECT = "#{PATH_TO_IOS}/redbirdNative.xcodeproj" # Android PATH_TO_ANDROID = "./android" PATH_TO_GRADLE_BUILD = "#{PATH_TO_ANDROID}/app/build.gradle" # GENERIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def prebuild(lane: lane) # Ensure we're on the master branch ensure_git_branch # Configure Slack ENV["SLACK_URL"] = "{ENV["SLACK_API_KEY"]}" # Ask for bump type ENV["BUMP_TYPE"] = prompt(text: "Bump type (major, minor, or patch): ") # Ensure gems are up-to-date bundle_install end def generate_release_notes(lane: lane) # Auto-generate release notes from git commits ENV["DESCRIPTION"] = changelog_from_git_commits( match_lightweight_tag: false, merge_commit_filtering: "exclude_merges", pretty: "* %s - %an (%h)", # Use the last known release of this platform > lane as a reference tag_match_pattern: "#{lane_context[SharedValues::PLATFORM_NAME]}-#{lane}-*" ) end # This block is called only if the executed lane was successful after_all do |lane| # Create a new git tag add_git_tag( tag: "#{lane_context[SharedValues::PLATFORM_NAME]}-#{lane}-v#{lane_context[SharedValues::VERSION_NUMBER]}" ) # Push the git tag to remote push_git_tags # Create a new release platform_name_display = if lane_context[SharedValues::PLATFORM_NAME] === :android then "Android" else "iOS" end name = "#{platform_name_display} #{lane} v#{lane_context[SharedValues::VERSION_NUMBER]} (Build ##{lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER]})" set_github_release( api_token: ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"], description: ENV["DESCRIPTION"] || "", is_prerelease: if lane === :beta then true else false end, name: name, repository_name: "joncursi/redbird-native", tag_name: last_git_tag, upload_assets: if lane_context[SharedValues::PLATFORM_NAME] === :android then if lane === :beta then ["#{PATH_TO_ANDROID}/app/build/outputs/apk/app-staging.apk"] else ["#{PATH_TO_ANDROID}/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk"] end else ["./fastlane/build/redbirdNative.ipa"] end ) # Send notification to Slack if ENV["SLACK_URL"] slack( message: "Successfully deployed a new #{lane_context[SharedValues::PLATFORM_NAME]} app update.", payload: { "Build Date" => } ) end end error do |lane, exception| # Send the error to Slack if ENV["SLACK_URL"] slack( message: exception.message, success: false, ) end end # IOS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- platform :ios do before_all do |lane| # Run the generic prebuild steps prebuild( lane: lane ) # Ensure that a standard version of XCode is used # verify_xcode ensure_xcode_version(version: "9.0.1") # Clean the project clear_derived_data # xcclean # Ensure that all pods are up-to-date # verify_pod_keys cocoapods( podfile: "#{PATH_TO_IOS}/Podfile" ) # Increment the version number in XCode increment_version_number( bump_type: ENV["BUMP_TYPE"], xcodeproj: PATH_TO_XCODE_PROJECT ) # Increment the build number in XCode increment_build_number({ build_number: latest_testflight_build_number + 1, xcodeproj: PATH_TO_XCODE_PROJECT }) # Commit the version bump commit_version_bump( message: "(chore) bump iOS app to v#{lane_context[SharedValues::VERSION_NUMBER]}", xcodeproj: PATH_TO_XCODE_PROJECT ) # Push the version bump push_to_git_remote # Ensure all certificates are up-to-date match( type: "appstore" ) # Generate release notes generate_release_notes( lane: lane ) end desc "Submit a new beta build to TestFlight" lane :beta do # Add a "beta" badges add_badge( dark: true, glob: "/ios/**/*.appiconset/*.{png,PNG}" ) # Build the app using the staging release scheme gym( scheme: "redbirdNative-staging" ) # Reset app icons to default sh 'git checkout -- ~/Sites/joncursi/redbird-native/ios/redbirdNative/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/' # Upload to TestFlight pilot( beta_app_feedback_email: "" # distribute_external: true ) end desc "Deploy a new release to the App Store" lane :release do # Build the app using the production release scheme gym( scheme: "redbirdNative-production" ) # Update screenshots # snapshot # Frame screenshots # frameit( # path: "./fastlane/screenshots", # white: true # ) # Upload to the App Store deliver # Set the generic iOS changelog text set_changelog end end # ANDROID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ platform :android do before_all do |lane| # Run the generic prebuild steps prebuild( lane: lane ) # Clean the Android project gradle( project_dir: PATH_TO_ANDROID, task: "clean" ) # Increment the version number in Gradle increment_android_version_number( path: PATH_TO_GRADLE_BUILD, type: ENV["BUMP_TYPE"] ) # Increment the build number in Gradle increment_android_build_number( path: PATH_TO_GRADLE_BUILD ) # Commit the version bump git_commit( path: File.dirname(PATH_TO_GRADLE_BUILD), message: "(chore) bump Android app to v#{lane_context[SharedValues::VERSION_NUMBER]}" ) # Create a new changelog changelog_file = "metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/#{lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER]}.txt" sh( "cat ./changelog.txt >> ./#{changelog_file}" ) # Commit the changelog changelog_path = File.dirname("./fastlane/#{changelog_file}") git_add( path: changelog_path ) git_commit( path: changelog_path, message: "(chore) add changelog for android-#{lane}-v#{lane_context[SharedValues::VERSION_NUMBER]} (build #{lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER]})" ) # Push the version bump and changelog push_to_git_remote # Generate release notes generate_release_notes( lane: lane ) end desc "Submit a new beta build to Google Play" lane :beta do # Add a "beta" badges add_badge( dark: true, glob: "/android/app/src/main/res/**/*.{png,PNG}" ) # Build the release APK gradle( build_type: "Staging", project_dir: PATH_TO_ANDROID, task: "assemble" ) # Reset app icons to default sh 'git checkout -- ~/Sites/joncursi/redbird-native/android/app/src/main/res' # Upload the APK to the Play Store supply( apk: "#{PATH_TO_ANDROID}/app/build/outputs/apk/app-staging.apk", metadata_path: "./fastlane/metadata/android", track: "beta" ) end desc "Deploy a new release to Google Play" lane :release do # Build the release APK gradle( build_type: "Release", project_dir: PATH_TO_ANDROID, task: "assemble" ) # Upload the APK to the Play Store supply( apk: "#{PATH_TO_ANDROID}/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk", # check_superseded_tracks: true, --> doesn't work? metadata_path: "./fastlane/metadata/android", track: "beta", track_promote_to: "production" ) end end ```
`./fastlane/Appfile` ```ruby # README: ## Android ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path to the JSON key file to authenticate our release bot with Google Play json_key_file "./fastlane/config/supply/google-play-api-secret.json" # The bundle identifier of the Android app package_name "com.cheddur" ## iOS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The bundle identifier of the iOS app app_identifier "com.cheddur" # The Apple ID used to sign in to iTunes Connect apple_id "" # Team ID for project redbird team_id "4QTE5EZH9C" ```
### fastlane gems | Gem | Version | Update-Status | | -------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane | 2.63.0 | ✅ Up-To-Date | ### Loaded fastlane plugins: | Plugin | Version | Update-Status | | --------------------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane-plugin-badge | 1.0.0 | ✅ Up-To-Date |
Loaded gems | Gem | Version | | ------------------------- | ------------ | | did_you_mean | 1.1.0 | | executable-hooks | 1.3.2 | | bundler-unload | 1.0.2 | | rubygems-bundler | 1.4.4 | | bundler | 1.15.4 | | io-console | 0.4.6 | | CFPropertyList | 2.3.5 | | concurrent-ruby | 1.0.5 | | i18n | 0.9.0 | | minitest | 5.10.3 | | thread_safe | 0.3.6 | | tzinfo | 1.2.4 | | activesupport | 4.2.10 | | public_suffix | 2.0.5 | | addressable | 2.5.2 | | babosa | 1.0.2 | | curb | 0.9.4 | | fastimage | 2.1.0 | | colored | 1.2 | | highline | 1.7.8 | | commander-fastlane | 4.4.5 | | dotenv | 2.2.1 | | excon | 0.59.0 | | multipart-post | 2.0.0 | | faraday | 0.13.1 | | unf_ext | | | unf | 0.1.4 | | domain_name | 0.5.20170404 | | http-cookie | 1.0.3 | | faraday-cookie_jar | 0.0.6 | | faraday_middleware | 0.12.2 | | gh_inspector | 1.0.3 | | jwt | 2.1.0 | | little-plugger | 1.1.4 | | multi_json | 1.12.2 | | logging | 2.2.2 | | memoist | 0.16.0 | | os | 0.9.6 | | signet | 0.8.1 | | googleauth | 0.6.1 | | httpclient | 2.8.3 | | mime-types-data | 3.2016.0521 | | mime-types | 3.1 | | declarative | 0.0.10 | | declarative-option | 0.1.0 | | uber | 0.1.0 | | representable | 3.0.4 | | retriable | 3.1.1 | | google-api-client | 0.13.6 | | json | 2.1.0 | | mini_magick | 4.5.1 | | multi_xml | 0.6.0 | | plist | 3.3.0 | | rubyzip | 1.2.1 | | security | 0.1.3 | | slack-notifier | 1.5.1 | | terminal-notifier | 1.8.0 | | unicode-display_width | 1.3.0 | | terminal-table | 1.8.0 | | tty-screen | 0.5.1 | | word_wrap | 1.0.0 | | claide | 1.0.2 | | colored2 | 3.1.2 | | nanaimo | 0.2.3 | | xcodeproj | 1.5.3 | | rouge | 2.0.7 | | xcpretty | 0.2.8 | | xcpretty-travis-formatter | 1.0.0 | | badge | 0.8.5 | | fuzzy_match | 2.0.4 | | nap | 1.1.0 | | cocoapods-core | 1.3.1 | | cocoapods-deintegrate | 1.0.1 | | cocoapods-downloader | 1.1.3 | | cocoapods-plugins | 1.0.0 | | cocoapods-search | 1.0.0 | | cocoapods-stats | 1.0.0 | | netrc | 0.11.0 | | cocoapods-trunk | 1.3.0 | | cocoapods-try | 1.1.0 | | escape | 0.0.4 | | fourflusher | 2.0.1 | | molinillo | 0.5.7 | | ruby-macho | 1.1.0 | | cocoapods | 1.3.1 | | fastlane-plugin-badge | 1.0.0 | | xcode-install | 2.3.1 |
*generated on:* **2017-11-01**
joncursi commented 6 years ago

@KrauseFx any ideas on this one? This is new.. I wonder if it crept in on one of the recent versions of fastlane. I deployed using the same script just fine about a week ago, but the last few times I tried (fastlane has been updated since then) it hangs here.

ohayon commented 6 years ago

Hey @joncursi - apologies for this issue! Is there any chance you could run this again with --verbose? Thanks!

btxkenshin commented 6 years ago

same problem, need help

taquitos commented 6 years ago

If you can add in the --verbose flag and post the output, that should help us debug this issue 👍

flipace commented 6 years ago

So, apparently this: is where it happens. I have no idea why, I tried it with fastlane 2.60 - up to 2.64.1 but all with the same result. I tried to add --verbose flag like that: bundle exec fastlane ios beta --verbose but i don't get a verbose output - not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Maybe as an aside - the same stuff worked yesterday. I tried to delete all testflight versions except for the most recent one but same result :(

Maybe something changed on apples side?

usrbowe commented 6 years ago

just today I had the same problem. Couldn't fetch the build version from iTunes Connect, using this: latest_testflight_build_number

mrgerh commented 6 years ago

Same issue. latest_testflight_build_number always returns default value. No matter which 'version' to pass as parameter. Updated fastlane to latest 2.64.1 and fastlane-plugin-versioning to latest 0.3.1

usrbowe commented 6 years ago

I think we can close this. After upgrading fastlane to latest version 2.66.0 it fetches the correct build number again! 🎉

fastlane-bot commented 6 years ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates.

Please make sure to update to the latest fastlane version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment :+1:

marktrobinson commented 6 years ago

as of 2.75.1 i'm still getting this which is strange

fastlane-bot commented 6 years ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates.

Please make sure to update to the latest fastlane version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment :+1:

joshdholtz commented 6 years ago

Closing this as it seems to be working okay. The "You have to specify a new version number, as there are multiple to choose from" is a prompt to choose which app version if there are multiple.