fastlane / fastlane

🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
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CircleCI tests failing with "Could not compute signing task inputs" #19138

Closed philtre closed 3 years ago

philtre commented 3 years ago

New Issue Checklist

Issue Description

My CircleCI workflow has started failing with an error I can't seem to find any documentation for:

▸ Touching (in target 'Foo' from project 'Foo')
▸ Build Succeeded
▸ 2021-07-22 23:15:13.789 xcodebuild[3621:69570] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
[23:15:13]: ▸ Details:  Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction: <XCTHTestRunSpecification: 0x7fcdb5cda9c0>
▸ Object:   <IDETestRunSpecificationBuilder>
▸ Method:   +testRunSpecificationsForTestingSpecifiers:scheme:buildables:withBuildParameters:additionalEnvironmentVariables:additionalCommandLineArguments:testRerunPolicy:includeClangProfileParameters:shouldDebugAppExtensions:error:
▸ Thread:   <NSThread: 0x7fcdabe18fc0>{number = 1, name = main}
▸ Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.

The above repeats a few times, then:

▸ ❌  error: Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled. (in target 'Mixpanel_Mixpanel' from project 'Mixpanel')
▸ ❌  error: Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled. (in target 'Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyUI' from project 'Appboy_iOS_SDK')
▸ ❌  error: Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled. (in target 'Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyKit' from project 'Appboy_iOS_SDK')
▸ Testing failed:
▸   Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled.
▸   Testing cancelled because the build failed.

I've tried lots of different things and sometimes the error wouldn't happen and all tests would run normally, but then next time the error would occur again.

I couldn't find any documentation on the "Could not compute signing task inputs" error, and I've seen "Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction" referenced in a couple of issues but none of them seem to be related.

Any ideas why this might be happening?

Command executed

bundle exec fastlane foo_tests

Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used
[✔] 🚀 
|                                                                                                                                                                                                          Used plugins                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| Plugin                       | Version | Action                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| fastlane-plugin-appcenter    | 1.11.1  | appcenter_fetch_version_number, appcenter_fetch_devices, appcenter_upload                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
| fastlane-plugin-versioning   | 0.5.0   | get_version_number_from_git_branch, increment_build_number_in_xcodeproj, get_version_number_from_plist, get_build_number_from_plist, ci_build_number, get_version_number_from_xcodeproj, increment_version_number_in_xcodeproj, increment_version_number_in_plist, get_app_store_version_number, get_info_plist_path, get_build_number_from_xcodeproj, increment_build_number_in_plist |
| fastlane-plugin-browserstack | 0.3.2   | upload_to_browserstack_app_automate, upload_to_browserstack_app_live                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |

[23:07:05]: Sending anonymous analytics information
[23:07:05]: Learn more at
[23:07:05]: No personal or sensitive data is sent.
[23:07:05]: You can disable this by adding `opt_out_usage` at the top of your Fastfile
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
[23:07:05]: ----------------------------------------
[23:07:05]: --- Step: Verifying fastlane version ---
[23:07:05]: ----------------------------------------
[23:07:05]: Your fastlane version 2.188.0 matches the minimum requirement of 1.97.0  ✅
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
[23:07:05]: ------------------------------
[23:07:05]: --- Step: default_platform ---
[23:07:05]: ------------------------------
[23:07:05]: Driving the lane 'ios Foo_tests' 🚀
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
[23:07:05]: -----------------------------
[23:07:05]: --- Step: setup_circle_ci ---
[23:07:05]: -----------------------------
[23:07:05]: Skipping Log Path setup as FL_OUTPUT_DIR is unset
[23:07:05]: Creating temporary keychain: "fastlane_tmp_keychain".
[23:07:05]: $ security list-keychains -d user
[23:07:05]: ▸ "/Users/distiller/Library/Keychains/fastlane_tmp_keychain-db"
[23:07:05]: Found keychain '/Users/distiller/Library/Keychains/fastlane_tmp_keychain-db' in list-keychains, adding to search list skipped
[23:07:05]: Enabling match readonly mode.
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
[23:07:05]: ------------------
[23:07:05]: --- Step: scan ---
[23:07:05]: ------------------
[23:07:05]: Resolving Swift Package Manager dependencies...
[23:07:05]: $ xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -scheme Foo -project Foo.xcodeproj -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath SourcePackages
[23:07:11]: ▸ Command line invocation:
[23:07:11]: ▸     /Applications/ -resolvePackageDependencies -scheme Foo -project Foo.xcodeproj -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath SourcePackages
[23:07:11]: ▸ User defaults from command line:
[23:07:11]: ▸     IDEClonedSourcePackagesDirPathOverride = /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages
[23:07:11]: ▸     IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
[23:07:15]: ▸ Resolve Package Graph
[23:08:09]: ▸ Resolved source packages:
[23:08:09]: ▸ resolved source packages: [REDACTED]
[23:08:09]: $ xcodebuild -showBuildSettings -scheme Foo -project Foo.xcodeproj -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath SourcePackages

|                                                           Summary for scan 2.188.0                                                            |
| scheme                                         | Foo                                                                                   |
| project                                        | Foo.xcodeproj                                                                         |
| devices                                        | ["iPhone 11"]                                                                                |
| cloned_source_packages_path                    | SourcePackages                                                                               |
| clean                                          | true                                                                                         |
| disable_concurrent_testing                     | true                                                                                         |
| skip_detect_devices                            | false                                                                                        |
| ensure_devices_found                           | false                                                                                        |
| force_quit_simulator                           | false                                                                                        |
| reset_simulator                                | false                                                                                        |
| disable_slide_to_type                          | true                                                                                         |
| reinstall_app                                  | false                                                                                        |
| app_identifier                                 | com.Foo.Foo                                                                    |
| open_report                                    | false                                                                                        |
| output_directory                               | ./fastlane/test_output                                                                       |
| output_types                                   | html,junit                                                                                   |
| buildlog_path                                  | ~/Library/Logs/scan                                                                          |
| include_simulator_logs                         | false                                                                                        |
| derived_data_path                              | /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd |
| should_zip_build_products                      | false                                                                                        |
| output_xctestrun                               | false                                                                                        |
| result_bundle                                  | false                                                                                        |
| use_clang_report_name                          | false                                                                                        |
| skip_build                                     | false                                                                                        |
| slack_use_webhook_configured_username_and_icon | false                                                                                        |
| slack_username                                 | fastlane                                                                                     |
| slack_icon_url                                 |                                          |
| skip_slack                                     | false                                                                                        |
| slack_only_on_failure                          | false                                                                                        |
| xcodebuild_command                             | env NSUnbufferedIO=YES xcodebuild                                                            |
| skip_package_dependencies_resolution           | false                                                                                        |
| disable_package_automatic_updates              | false                                                                                        |
| use_system_scm                                 | false                                                                                        |
| number_of_retries                              | 0                                                                                            |
| fail_build                                     | true                                                                                         |
| xcode_path                                     | /Applications/                                                               |

[23:08:26]: Disabling 'Slide to Type' iPhone 11
[23:08:26]: $ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :KeyboardContinuousPathEnabled bool false" /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E292C88-CCD8-4097-A5F5-0BB7C07A04AA/data/Library/Preferences/ >/dev/null 2>&1
[23:08:26]: $ set -o pipefail && env NSUnbufferedIO=YES xcodebuild -scheme Foo -project Foo.xcodeproj -derivedDataPath /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd -clonedSourcePackagesDirPath SourcePackages -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=4E292C88-CCD8-4097-A5F5-0BB7C07A04AA' -disable-concurrent-testing clean build test | tee '/Users/distiller/Library/Logs/scan/Foo-Foo.log' | xcpretty  --report html --output '/Users/distiller/Foo/fastlane/test_output/report.html' --report junit --output '/Users/distiller/Foo/fastlane/test_output/report.junit' --report junit --output '/var/folders/bl/wbxjgtzx7j5_mjsmfr3ynlc00000gp/T/junit_report20210722-3276-wct85b' 
[23:08:26]: ▸ Loading...
[23:08:47]: ▸ bash: /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyKit.bundle/Appboy.bundle/ No such file or directory
[23:08:47]: ▸ Clean Succeeded
[23:09:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:10]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:09:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:40]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.mm
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.mm
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.cpp
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:47]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:51]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:09:52]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:10]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:10:10]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/mixpanel-swift/Sources/placeholder-image.png
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling TakeoverNotificationViewController~iphoneportrait.xib
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling TakeoverNotificationViewController~iphonelandscape.xib
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling TakeoverNotificationViewController~ipad.xib
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling MiniNotificationViewController.xib
[23:10:10]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:10:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:10:31]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:10:31]: ▸ Processing empty-Mixpanel_Mixpanel.plist
[23:10:31]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift

[23:10:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift

[23:10:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift

[23:10:38]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:10:38]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/zh.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:38]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/zh-TW.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:38]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/zh-Hant.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:38]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/zh-Hans.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:38]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/zh-HK.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:38]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/vi.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/uk.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/th.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/sv.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/ru.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/pt.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/pt-PT.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/pl.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/nl.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/nb.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/my.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/ms.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/lo.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/ko.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/km.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/ja.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/it.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/images/img-noimage-lrg@2x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/images/img-noimage-lrg.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/images/Icons_Unread@2x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/images/Icons_Unread.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/images/Icons_Read@2x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/images/Icons_Read.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/id.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/hi.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/he.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/fr.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/fil.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/fi.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/et.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/es.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/es-MX.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/es-419.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/en.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/de.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/da.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/cs.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/ar.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKNewsFeed/Resources/Base.lproj/AppboyFeedLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKInAppMessage/Resources/com_appboy_inapp_close_icon@3x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKInAppMessage/Resources/com_appboy_inapp_close_icon@2x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKInAppMessage/Resources/com_appboy_inapp_close_icon.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKInAppMessage/Resources/arrow@3x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKInAppMessage/Resources/arrow@2x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKInAppMessage/Resources/arrow.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKInAppMessage/Resources/FontAwesome.otf
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/zh.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/zh-TW.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/zh-Hant.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/zh-Hans.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/zh-HK.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/vi.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/uk.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/th.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/sv.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/ru.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/pt.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/pt-PT.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/pl.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/nl.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/nb.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/my.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/ms.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/lo.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/ko.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/km.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/ja.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/it.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/images/appboy_cc_noimage_lrg@2x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/images/appboy_cc_noimage_lrg.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/images/appboy_cc_icon_pinned@3x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/images/appboy_cc_icon_pinned@2x.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/images/appboy_cc_icon_pinned.png
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/id.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/hi.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/he.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/fr.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/fil.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/fi.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/et.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/es.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/es-MX.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/es-419.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/en.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/de.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/da.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/cs.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/ar.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyUI/ABKContentCards/Resources/Base.lproj/AppboyContentCardsLocalizable.strings
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling ABKInAppMessageSlideupViewController.xib
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling ABKInAppMessageModalViewController.xib
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling ABKInAppMessageFullViewController.xib
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling ABKNewsFeedCardStoryboard.storyboard
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling ABKContentCardsStoryboard.storyboard
[23:10:39]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/SourcePackages/checkouts/braze-ios-sdk/AppboyKit/Appboy.bundle
[23:10:39]: ▸ Processing empty-Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyKit.plist
[23:10:39]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:39]: ▸ Processing empty-Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyUI.plist
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:39]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:10:39]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:10:39]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:10:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:10:46]: ▸ Linking FooLegacyExtensionsKit
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.mm
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.mm
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:10:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying FooLegacyExtensionsKit.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.c
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:49]: ▸ Linking FooNetworkingKit
[23:10:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:50]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:56]: ▸ Generating 'FooNetworkingKit.framework.dSYM'
[23:10:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:10:56]: ▸ Copying {REDACTED}.h
[23:10:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:02]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:04]: ▸ Copying FooNetworkingKit.h
[23:11:04]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:05]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:06]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:07]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:14]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.mm
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.mm
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching Mixpanel_Mixpanel.bundle (in target 'Mixpanel_Mixpanel' from project 'Mixpanel')
[23:11:16]: ▸ Copying FooUIKit.h
[23:11:16]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyUI.bundle (in target 'Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyUI' from project 'Appboy_iOS_SDK')
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:11:17]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyKit.bundle (in target 'Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyKit' from project 'Appboy_iOS_SDK')
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking FooAppKit.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking Mixpanel.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking AppboyKit.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching FooLegacyExtensionsKit.framework (in target 'FooLegacyExtensionsKit' from project 'FooLegacyExtensionsKit')
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching FooNetworkingKit.framework (in target 'FooNetworkingKit' from project 'FooNetworkingKit')
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking AppboyUI.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}.o
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking {REDACTED}
[23:11:17]: ▸ Processing {REDACTED}.plist
[23:11:17]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching {REDACTED}.framework (in target '{REDACTED}' from project '{REDACTED}')
[23:11:17]: ▸ Linking FooUIKit
[23:11:18]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching FooUIKit.framework (in target 'FooUIKit' from project 'Foo')
[23:11:18]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyUI.bundle
[23:11:18]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Mixpanel_Mixpanel.bundle
[23:11:18]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyKit.bundle
[23:11:18]: ▸ Running script 'SwiftLint 🧹'
[23:12:01]: ▸     SwiftLint not installed. Install it by running ==> New Formulae
[23:12:01]: ▸ Running script 'Apollo CodeGen 🚀'
[23:13:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:41]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:42]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:42]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:42]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:42]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:42]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:43]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:44]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:45]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:46]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:49]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:55]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:55]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:55]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:55]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:55]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:56]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:13:57]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
[23:14:00]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.swift
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[23:14:03]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
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[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:09]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:10]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:11]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:11]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:11]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:11]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:11]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:11]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:11]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:11]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:11]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:12]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:13]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:15]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:16]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:17]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:18]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:19]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:20]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:21]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:22]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:23]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:23]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:23]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:23]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:23]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:23]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:24]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:24]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:24]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:24]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:24]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:25]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:25]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:25]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:25]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:25]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:26]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:26]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:26]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:26]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:26]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:26]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:26]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:27]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:27]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:27]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:27]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:28]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:28]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:28]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:28]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:28]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:28]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:28]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:28]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:29]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:29]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:30]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:30]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:30]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:30]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:30]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:30]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:30]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:30]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:31]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:32]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:33]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:34]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:35]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:36]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:37]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:38]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:39]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.m
[23:14:39]: ▸ Linking Foo
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying Localizable.strings
[23:14:44]: ▸ Copying Localizable.strings
[23:14:48]: ▸ Compiling LaunchScreen.storyboard
[23:14:53]: ▸ Compiling {REDACTED}.storyboard
[23:15:10]: ▸ Processing Info.plist
[23:15:10]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}.framework
[23:15:10]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Foo/{REDACTED}.framework
[23:15:10]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FooLegacyExtensionsKit.framework
[23:15:10]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PackageFrameworks/{REDACTED}.framework
[23:15:10]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FooUIKit.framework
[23:15:10]: ▸ Copying /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FooNetworkingKit.framework
[23:15:10]: ▸ Running script 'Remove Unused Architects'
[23:15:13]: Running Tests: ▸ Touching (in target 'Foo' from project 'Foo')
[23:15:13]: ▸ Build Succeeded
[23:15:13]: ▸ 2021-07-22 23:15:13.789 xcodebuild[3621:69570] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
[23:15:13]: ▸ Details:  Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction: 
[23:15:13]: ▸ Object:   
[23:15:13]: ▸ Method:   +testRunSpecificationsForTestingSpecifiers:scheme:buildables:withBuildParameters:additionalEnvironmentVariables:additionalCommandLineArguments:testRerunPolicy:includeClangProfileParameters:shouldDebugAppExtensions:error:
[23:15:13]: ▸ Thread:   {number = 1, name = main}
[23:15:13]: ▸ Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
[23:15:13]: ▸ 2021-07-22 23:15:13.795 xcodebuild[3621:69570] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
[23:15:13]: ▸ Details:  Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction: 
[23:15:13]: ▸ Object:   
[23:15:13]: ▸ Method:   +testRunSpecificationsForTestingSpecifiers:scheme:buildables:withBuildParameters:additionalEnvironmentVariables:additionalCommandLineArguments:testRerunPolicy:includeClangProfileParameters:shouldDebugAppExtensions:error:
[23:15:13]: ▸ Thread:   {number = 1, name = main}
[23:15:13]: ▸ Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
[23:15:13]: ▸ 2021-07-22 23:15:13.800 xcodebuild[3621:69570] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
[23:15:13]: ▸ Details:  Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction: 
[23:15:13]: ▸ Object:   
[23:15:13]: ▸ Method:   +testRunSpecificationsForTestingSpecifiers:scheme:buildables:withBuildParameters:additionalEnvironmentVariables:additionalCommandLineArguments:testRerunPolicy:includeClangProfileParameters:shouldDebugAppExtensions:error:
[23:15:13]: ▸ Thread:   {number = 1, name = main}
[23:15:13]: ▸ Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
[23:15:13]: ▸ 2021-07-22 23:15:13.804 xcodebuild[3621:69570] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
[23:15:13]: ▸ Details:  Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction: 
[23:15:13]: ▸ Object:   
[23:15:13]: ▸ Method:   +testRunSpecificationsForTestingSpecifiers:scheme:buildables:withBuildParameters:additionalEnvironmentVariables:additionalCommandLineArguments:testRerunPolicy:includeClangProfileParameters:shouldDebugAppExtensions:error:
[23:15:13]: ▸ Thread:   {number = 1, name = main}
[23:15:13]: ▸ Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
[23:15:13]: ▸ 2021-07-22 23:15:13.819 xcodebuild[3621:69570] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
[23:15:13]: ▸ Details:  Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction: 
[23:15:13]: ▸ Object:   
[23:15:13]: ▸ Method:   +testRunSpecificationsForTestingSpecifiers:scheme:buildables:withBuildParameters:additionalEnvironmentVariables:additionalCommandLineArguments:testRerunPolicy:includeClangProfileParameters:shouldDebugAppExtensions:error:
[23:15:13]: ▸ Thread:   {number = 1, name = main}
[23:15:13]: ▸ Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
[23:15:13]: ▸ 2021-07-22 23:15:13.824 xcodebuild[3621:69570] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
[23:15:13]: ▸ Details:  Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction: 
[23:15:13]: ▸ Object:   
[23:15:13]: ▸ Method:   +testRunSpecificationsForTestingSpecifiers:scheme:buildables:withBuildParameters:additionalEnvironmentVariables:additionalCommandLineArguments:testRerunPolicy:includeClangProfileParameters:shouldDebugAppExtensions:error:
[23:15:13]: ▸ Thread:   {number = 1, name = main}
[23:15:13]: ▸ Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
[23:15:13]: ▸ 2021-07-22 23:15:13.829 xcodebuild[3621:69570] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
[23:15:13]: ▸ Details:  Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction: 
[23:15:13]: ▸ Object:   
[23:15:13]: ▸ Method:   +testRunSpecificationsForTestingSpecifiers:scheme:buildables:withBuildParameters:additionalEnvironmentVariables:additionalCommandLineArguments:testRerunPolicy:includeClangProfileParameters:shouldDebugAppExtensions:error:
[23:15:13]: ▸ Thread:   {number = 1, name = main}
[23:15:13]: ▸ Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
[23:15:13]: ▸ 2021-07-22 23:15:13.834 xcodebuild[3621:69570] [MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/
[23:15:13]: ▸ Details:  Failed to compute path to baseline file during test run spec construction: 
[23:15:13]: ▸ Object:   
[23:15:13]: ▸ Method:   +testRunSpecificationsForTestingSpecifiers:scheme:buildables:withBuildParameters:additionalEnvironmentVariables:additionalCommandLineArguments:testRerunPolicy:includeClangProfileParameters:shouldDebugAppExtensions:error:
[23:15:13]: ▸ Thread:   {number = 1, name = main}
[23:15:13]: ▸ Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
[23:15:19]: ▸ ❌  error: Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled. (in target 'Mixpanel_Mixpanel' from project 'Mixpanel')
[23:15:19]: ▸ ❌  error: Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled. (in target 'Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyUI' from project 'Appboy_iOS_SDK')
[23:15:19]: ▸ ❌  error: Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled. (in target 'Appboy_iOS_SDK_AppboyKit' from project 'Appboy_iOS_SDK')
[23:15:21]: ▸ Testing failed:
[23:15:21]: ▸   Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled.
[23:15:21]: ▸   Testing cancelled because the build failed.
[23:15:21]: ▸ ** TEST FAILED **
Testing failed:
    Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled.
    Testing cancelled because the build failed.

[23:15:26]: Exit status: 65
|                                                       Lane Context                                                        |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM           | ios                                                                                          |
| PLATFORM_NAME              | ios                                                                                          |
| LANE_NAME                  | ios Foo_tests                                                                         |
| KEYCHAIN_PATH              | ~/Library/Keychains/fastlane_tmp_keychain                                                    |
| ORIGINAL_DEFAULT_KEYCHAIN  | "/Users/distiller/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db"                                       |

| SCAN_DERIVED_DATA_PATH     | /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Foo-bcsnqgkjjsnuqaalursczkqocozd |
| SCAN_GENERATED_PLIST_FILES | []                                                                                           |
| SCAN_GENERATED_PLIST_FILE  |                                                                                              |
[23:15:26]: Error building the application. See the log above.

|                fastlane summary                 |
| Step | Action                     | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying fastlane version | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform           | 0           |
| 3    | setup_circle_ci            | 0           |
| 💥   | scan                       | 501         |

[23:15:26]: fastlane finished with errors

[!] Error building the application. See the log above.

Exited with code exit status 1


🚫 fastlane environment 🚫 ### Stack | Key | Value | | --------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | OS | 11.4 | | Ruby | 2.7.3 | | Bundler? | true | | Git | git version 2.32.0 | | Installation Source | ~/foo/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/bin/fastlane | | Host | macOS 11.4 (20F71) | | Ruby Lib Dir | ~/.rubies/ruby-2.7.3/lib | | OpenSSL Version | OpenSSL 1.0.2t 10 Sep 2019 | | Is contained | false | | Is homebrew | false | | Is installed via | false | | Xcode Path | /Applications/ | | Xcode Version | 12.5.1 | | Swift Version | 5.4.2 | ### System Locale | Error | | --------------------------- | | No Locale with UTF8 found 🚫 | ### fastlane files:
`./fastlane/Fastfile` ```ruby fastlane_version '1.97.0' default_platform :ios platform :ios do before_all do |lane| lanes_to_skip = [:next] unless lanes_to_skip.include?(lane) setup_circle_ci end end desc "Runs the Foo unit tests" lane :foo_tests do scan( scheme: "Foo", project: "Foo.xcodeproj", devices: ["iPhone 11"], cloned_source_packages_path: "SourcePackages" ) end # Directory containing the .ipa file def build_output_directory ENV["BUILD_APP_OUTPUT_DIR"] || "." end after_all do |lane| end error do |lane, exception| end end ```
`./fastlane/Appfile` ```ruby app_identifier "" # The bundle identifier of your app apple_id ENV["ITUNES_CONNECT_ACCOUNT"] || "" # Your Apple email address itc_team_name "Foo, Inc." # you can even provide different app identifiers, Apple IDs and team names per lane: # More information: ```
### fastlane gems | Gem | Version | Update-Status | | -------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane | 2.188.0 | ✅ Up-To-Date | ### Loaded fastlane plugins: | Plugin | Version | Update-Status | | ---------------------------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane-plugin-appcenter | 1.11.1 | ✅ Up-To-Date | | fastlane-plugin-versioning | 0.5.0 | ✅ Up-To-Date | | fastlane-plugin-browserstack | 0.3.2 | ✅ Up-To-Date |
Loaded gems | Gem | Version | | ------------------------------- | ------------ | | did_you_mean | 1.4.0 | | bundler | 2.2.20 | | uri | 0.10.0 | | rake | 13.0.6 | | CFPropertyList | 3.0.3 | | concurrent-ruby | 1.1.7 | | i18n | 1.8.7 | | minitest | 5.14.3 | | tzinfo | 2.0.4 | | zeitwerk | 2.4.2 | | activesupport | 6.1.1 | | public_suffix | 4.0.6 | | addressable | 2.8.0 | | artifactory | 3.0.15 | | atomos | 0.1.3 | | aws-eventstream | 1.1.1 | | aws-partitions | 1.479.0 | | aws-sigv4 | 1.2.4 | | jmespath | 1.4.0 | | aws-sdk-core | 3.117.0 | | aws-sdk-kms | 1.44.0 | | aws-sdk-s3 | 1.96.2 | | babosa | 1.0.4 | | claide | 1.0.3 | | clamp | 1.3.2 | | colored | 1.2 | | colored2 | 3.1.2 | | highline | 2.0.3 | | commander | 4.6.0 | | declarative | 0.0.20 | | digest-crc | 0.6.3 | | unf_ext | | | unf | 0.1.4 | | domain_name | 0.5.20190701 | | dotenv | 2.7.6 | | emoji_regex | 3.2.2 | | excon | 0.85.0 | | faraday-em_http | 1.0.0 | | faraday-em_synchrony | 1.0.0 | | faraday-excon | 1.1.0 | | faraday-httpclient | 1.0.1 | | faraday-net_http | 1.0.1 | | faraday-net_http_persistent | 1.2.0 | | faraday-patron | 1.0.0 | | multipart-post | 2.0.0 | | ruby2_keywords | 0.0.5 | | faraday | 1.5.1 | | http-cookie | 1.0.4 | | faraday-cookie_jar | 0.0.7 | | faraday_middleware | 1.0.0 | | fastimage | 2.2.4 | | gh_inspector | 1.1.3 | | jwt | 2.2.3 | | memoist | 0.16.2 | | multi_json | 1.15.0 | | os | 1.1.1 | | signet | 0.15.0 | | googleauth | 0.16.2 | | httpclient | 2.8.3 | | mini_mime | 1.1.0 | | trailblazer-option | 0.1.1 | | uber | 0.1.0 | | representable | 3.1.1 | | retriable | 3.1.2 | | rexml | 3.2.5 | | webrick | 1.7.0 | | google-apis-core | 0.4.1 | | google-apis-androidpublisher_v3 | 0.8.0 | | google-apis-playcustomapp_v1 | 0.5.0 | | google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 | 0.6.0 | | google-apis-storage_v1 | 0.6.0 | | google-cloud-env | 1.5.0 | | google-cloud-errors | 1.1.0 | | google-cloud-core | 1.6.0 | | google-cloud-storage | 1.34.1 | | json | 2.5.1 | | mini_magick | 4.11.0 | | naturally | 2.2.1 | | plist | 3.6.0 | | rubyzip | 2.3.2 | | security | 0.1.3 | | simctl | 1.6.8 | | terminal-notifier | 2.0.0 | | unicode-display_width | 1.7.0 | | terminal-table | 1.8.0 | | tty-screen | 0.8.1 | | tty-cursor | 0.7.1 | | tty-spinner | 0.9.3 | | word_wrap | 1.0.0 | | nanaimo | 0.3.0 | | xcodeproj | 1.20.0 | | rouge | 2.0.7 | | xcpretty | 0.3.0 | | xcpretty-travis-formatter | 1.0.1 | | fastlane-plugin-appcenter | 1.11.1 | | http-accept | 1.7.0 | | mime-types-data | 3.2021.0704 | | mime-types | 3.3.1 | | netrc | 0.11.0 | | rest-client | 2.1.0 | | fastlane-plugin-browserstack | 0.3.2 | | fastlane-plugin-versioning | 0.5.0 | | mini_portile2 | 2.5.0 | | racc | 1.5.2 | | nokogiri | 1.11.1 | | slather | 2.6.0 |
*generated on:* **2021-07-23**
philtre commented 3 years ago

It seems this was happening because I was adding tests from my local SPM package into the main app scheme. This worked fine when running the tests in Xcode directly, but seemed to fail in CI/Fastlane.

Luckily, I found this PR which adds the ability to run tests in SPM packages, which I'm hoping will be shipped soon.

I modified the Gemfile to refer to that feature branch:

gem 'fastlane', :git => '', :branch => 'joshdholtz-scan-spm-packages'

And created a separate lane for my local SPM package tests in fastlane/Fastfile:

  desc "Runs the Foo unit tests"
  lane :foo_tests do
      scheme: "Foo",
      project: "Foo.xcodeproj",
      devices: ["iPhone 11"],
      cloned_source_packages_path: "SourcePackages"

  desc "Runs the FooLib unit tests"
  lane :foolib_tests do
      scheme: "FooLib-Package",
      package_path: "./FooLib",
      devices: ["iPhone 11"],
      cloned_source_packages_path: "SourcePackages"

And I updated the CircleCI configuration in .circleci/.config.yml to run both test lanes (the app's and the shared libary's):


    <<: *base_job
    shell: /bin/bash --login -o pipefail
      - restore_git_cache
      - reset_git
      - checkout
      - ssh_keychain_fix
      - store_xcode_version
      - restore_bundler_cache
      - install_bundler
      - cache_bundler
      - restore_swift_package_manager_cache
      - run:
          name: Pre-load simulator
          command: *preload_simulator
      - run:
          name: Run Foo Tests
          command: bundle exec fastlane foo_tests
      - run:
          name: Run FooLib Tests
          command: bundle exec fastlane foolib_tests
      - cache_swift_package_manager
      - store_test_results:
          path: output/scan

I'll do some more testing and then close the issue if everything checks out.

fastlane-bot commented 3 years ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates.

Please make sure to update to the latest fastlane version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment :+1:

Friendly reminder: contributions are always welcome! Check out for more information on how to help with fastlane and feel free to tackle this issue yourself :muscle:

This issue will be auto-closed if there is no reply within 1 month.

fastlane-bot commented 3 years ago

This issue will be auto-closed because there hasn't been any activity for a few months. Feel free to open a new one if you still experience this problem :+1: