fastlane / fastlane

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iOS - base64 encoded key parsing error #22047

Open ibcylon opened 1 month ago

ibcylon commented 1 month ago

New Issue Checklist

Issue Description

Could not parsing base64 encoded API Key in .env key

alternative way, using key file path it works.

Command executed
 #------------- AppStore Auth --------------------
  desc "Auth AppStoreConnect"
  lane :auth_app do

      is_key_content_base64: true

 #.env File

key copied by using follow command

 openssl base64 < AuthKey_.p8 | tr -d '\n' | pbcopy
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Run `fastlane env` to append the fastlane environment to your issue
Fastfile:7:in `block in parsing_binding': [!] uninitialized constant Fastlane::FastFile::[KeyString!@#$@$^%&#%^*%^*$^%&$#%$@$#$!%$#^%$#%&%#^$#%@#$!#$@] (NameError)
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/fast_file.rb:127:in `platform'
    from Fastfile:3:in `parsing_binding'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/fast_file.rb:61:in `eval'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/fast_file.rb:61:in `block in parse'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/fast_file.rb:50:in `chdir'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/fast_file.rb:50:in `parse'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/fast_file.rb:40:in `initialize'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/lane_manager.rb:14:in `new'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/lane_manager.rb:14:in `cruise_lane'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/command_line_handler.rb:34:in `handle'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/commands_generator.rb:110:in `block (2 levels) in run'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/commander-4.6.0/lib/commander/command.rb:187:in `call'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/commander-4.6.0/lib/commander/command.rb:157:in `run'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/commander-4.6.0/lib/commander/runner.rb:444:in `run_active_command'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane_core/lib/fastlane_core/ui/fastlane_runner.rb:124:in `run!'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/commander-4.6.0/lib/commander/delegates.rb:18:in `run!'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/commands_generator.rb:363:in `run'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/commands_generator.rb:43:in `start'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/fastlane/lib/fastlane/cli_tools_distributor.rb:123:in `take_off'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/gems/fastlane-2.220.0/bin/fastlane:23:in `<top (required)>'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/bin/fastlane:25:in `load'
    from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/bin/fastlane:25:in `<main>'
Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used
✅ fastlane environment ✅ ### Stack | Key | Value | | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | OS | 14.4.1 | | Ruby | 3.3.1 | | Bundler? | false | | Git | git version 2.39.3 (Apple Git-145) | | Installation Source | /opt/homebrew/Cellar/fastlane/2.220.0/libexec/bin/fastlane | | Host | macOS 14.4.1 (23E224) | | Ruby Lib Dir | /opt/homebrew/Cellar/ruby/3.3.1/lib | | OpenSSL Version | OpenSSL 3.3.0 9 Apr 2024 | | Is contained | false | | Is homebrew | true | | Is installed via | false | | Xcode Path | /Applications/ | | Xcode Version | 15.0.1 | | Swift Version | 5.9 | ### System Locale | Variable | Value | | | -------- | ----------- | - | | LANG | ko_KR.UTF-8 | ✅ | | LC_ALL | | | | LANGUAGE | | | ### fastlane gems | Gem | Version | Update-Status | | -------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane | 2.220.0 | ✅ Up-To-Date | ### Loaded fastlane plugins: | Plugin | Version | Update-Status | | -------------------------------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane-plugin-discord_notifier | 0.1.7 | ✅ Up-To-Date |
Loaded gems | Gem | Version | | -------------------------------- | ------------ | | error_highlight | 0.6.0 | | did_you_mean | 1.6.3 | | syntax_suggest | 2.0.0 | | public_suffix | 5.0.5 | | addressable | 2.8.6 | | artifactory | 3.0.17 | | babosa | 1.0.4 | | bundler | 2.5.9 | | base64 | 0.2.0 | | CFPropertyList | 3.0.7 | | colored | 1.2 | | highline | 2.0.3 | | commander | 4.6.0 | | dotenv | 2.8.1 | | emoji_regex | 3.2.3 | | excon | 0.110.0 | | faraday-em_http | 1.0.0 | | faraday-em_synchrony | 1.0.0 | | faraday-excon | 1.1.0 | | faraday-httpclient | 1.0.1 | | faraday-multipart | 1.0.4 | | faraday-net_http | 1.0.1 | | faraday-net_http_persistent | 1.2.0 | | faraday-patron | 1.0.0 | | faraday-rack | 1.0.0 | | faraday-retry | 1.0.3 | | ruby2_keywords | 0.0.5 | | faraday | 1.10.3 | | faraday_middleware | 1.2.0 | | domain_name | 0.6.20240107 | | http-cookie | 1.0.5 | | faraday-cookie_jar | 0.0.7 | | fastimage | 2.3.1 | | gh_inspector | 1.1.3 | | uber | 0.1.0 | | declarative | 0.0.20 | | trailblazer-option | 0.1.2 | | representable | 3.2.0 | | retriable | 3.1.2 | | mini_mime | 1.1.5 | | jwt | 2.8.1 | | multi_json | 1.15.0 | | os | 1.1.4 | | signet | 0.19.0 | | googleauth | 1.8.1 | | httpclient | 2.8.3 | | google-apis-core | 0.11.3 | | google-apis-androidpublisher_v3 | 0.54.0 | | google-apis-playcustomapp_v1 | 0.13.0 | | google-cloud-env | 1.6.0 | | google-cloud-errors | 1.4.0 | | google-cloud-core | 1.7.0 | | google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 | 0.17.0 | | google-apis-storage_v1 | 0.31.0 | | digest-crc | 0.6.5 | | google-cloud-storage | 1.47.0 | | mini_magick | 4.12.0 | | naturally | 2.2.1 | | plist | 3.7.1 | | rubyzip | 2.3.2 | | security | 0.1.5 | | simctl | 1.6.10 | | terminal-notifier | 2.0.0 | | unicode-display_width | 2.5.0 | | terminal-table | 3.0.2 | | tty-screen | 0.8.2 | | tty-cursor | 0.7.1 | | tty-spinner | 0.9.3 | | word_wrap | 1.0.0 | | atomos | 0.1.3 | | claide | 1.1.0 | | colored2 | 3.1.2 | | nanaimo | 0.3.0 | | xcodeproj | 1.24.0 | | rouge | 2.0.7 | | xcpretty | 0.3.0 | | xcpretty-travis-formatter | 1.0.1 | | set | 1.1.0 | | aws-eventstream | 1.3.0 | | aws-sigv4 | 1.8.0 | | aws-partitions | 1.931.0 | | jmespath | 1.6.2 | | aws-sdk-core | 3.196.1 | | aws-sdk-kms | 1.81.0 | | aws-sdk-s3 | 1.151.0 | | strscan | 3.1.0 | | rexml | 3.2.8 | | nkf | 0.2.0 | | multipart-post | 2.4.1 | | rake | 13.2.1 | | json | 2.7.2 | | optparse | 0.5.0 | | forwardable | 1.3.3 | | logger | 1.6.0 | | pathname | 0.3.0 | | shellwords | 0.2.0 | | cgi | 0.4.1 | | date | 3.3.4 | | timeout | 0.4.1 | | securerandom | 0.3.1 | | uri | 0.13.0 | | openssl | 3.2.0 | | digest | 3.1.1 | | ipaddr | 1.2.6 | | resolv | 0.3.0 | | time | 0.3.0 | | stringio | 3.1.0 | | open-uri | 0.4.1 | | mutex_m | 0.2.0 | | net-http | 0.4.1 | | net-protocol | 0.2.2 | | english | 0.8.0 | | erb | 4.0.3 | | abbrev | 0.1.2 | | tempfile | 0.2.1 | | delegate | 0.3.1 | | fileutils | 1.7.2 | | tmpdir | 0.2.0 | | ffi | 1.16.3 | | rbnacl | 3.4.0 | | singleton | 0.2.0 | | open3 | 0.2.1 | | prettyprint | 0.2.0 | | pp | 0.5.0 | | find | 0.2.0 | | ostruct | 0.6.0 | | yaml | 0.3.0 | | psych | 5.1.2 | | http-accept | 1.7.0 | | mime-types-data | 3.2024.0507 | | mime-types | 3.5.2 | | netrc | 0.11.0 | | rest-client | 2.1.0 | | opus-ruby | 1.0.1 | | websocket | 1.2.10 | | event_emitter | 0.2.6 | | websocket-client-simple | 0.8.0 | | discordrb-webhooks | 3.3.0 | | discordrb | 3.3.0 | | fastlane-plugin-discord_notifier | 0.1.7 |
*generated on:* **2024-05-23**


     fastlane 2.220
gladys1258williams commented 3 weeks ago

Issue #22047 involves a parsing error for a base64 encoded API key within an OS environment, requiring an alternative key file path solution.