fastlane / fastlane

🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
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Error building the application: xcodebuild error SDK "iphoneos9.2" cannot be located. #4162

Closed dpettit closed 8 years ago

dpettit commented 8 years ago

New Issue Checklist

My goal is to setup a lane that simply builds the application and uploads it to ITC. So, I setup an "uploadbuildonly" lane in my Fastfile (see full contents below).

When I run Fastlane, I receive the errors indicated in the Output area (exit status 64, SDK "iphoneos9.2" cannot be located, FixCode.xcplugin not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs, etc.).

Any ideas as to what might be going wrong, and how to fix it?

Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used
[13:20:52]: -------------------------------------------------
[13:20:52]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version ---
[13:20:52]: -------------------------------------------------
[13:20:52]: fastlane version valid
[13:20:52]: ------------------------------
[13:20:52]: --- Step: default_platform ---
[13:20:52]: ------------------------------
[13:20:52]: Driving the lane 'ios uploadbuildonly' 🚀
[13:20:52]: -------------------
[13:20:52]: --- Step: match ---
[13:20:52]: -------------------

|                         Summary for match 0.4.0                         |
| type                  | appstore                                        |
| git_url               |      |
| app_identifier        | com.talespring.glensmith.littlemunch-newfriends |
| username              | MyUsername                     |
| keychain_name         | login.keychain                                  |
| readonly              | false                                           |
| team_id               | YNAERBDEVX                                      |
| team_name             | TaleSpring LLC                                  |
| verbose               | false                                           |
| force                 | false                                           |
| shallow_clone         | false                                           |
| force_for_new_devices | false                                           |
| skip_docs             | false                                           |

[13:20:52]: Cloning remote git repo...
[13:21:25]: 🔓  Successfully decrypted certificates repo
[13:21:25]: Verifying that the certificate and profile are still valid on the Dev Portal...
[13:21:28]: Installing certificate...
[13:21:29]: Installing provisioning profile...

|                            Installed Provisioning Profile                            |
| App Identifier       | com.talespring.glensmith.littlemunch-newfriends               |
| Type                 | appstore                                                      |
| UUID                 | 314e3445-1b1a-4f5b-aa9e-f8735ff0e408                          |
| Environment Variable | sigh_com.talespring.glensmith.littlemunch-newfriends_appstore |

[13:21:30]: All required keys, certificates and provisioning profiles are installed 🙌
[13:21:30]: 🔒  Successfully encrypted certificates repo
[13:21:30]: Setting Provisioning Profile type to 'app-store'
[13:21:30]: -----------------
[13:21:30]: --- Step: gym ---
[13:21:30]: -----------------
[13:21:30]: xcrun xcodebuild -list -project './tsbook.xcodeproj'
2016-04-11 13:21:31.210 xcodebuild[86184:20523349] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID ACA8656B-FEA8-4B6D-8E4A-93F4C95C362C for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/FixCode.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
2016-04-11 13:21:31.792 xcodebuild[86189:20523404] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID ACA8656B-FEA8-4B6D-8E4A-93F4C95C362C for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/FixCode.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs

|                                    Summary for gym 1.6.2                                     |
| export_method        | app-store                                                             |
| scheme               | tsbook                                                                |
| sdk                  | iphoneos9.2                                                           |
| clean                | true                                                                  |
| output_directory     | /Users/tsdev/Documents/TaleSpring/RandD/TS-Auto-Publish/Output-TS-ipa |
| output_name          | TheAdventuresofLittleMunch-MunchMeetstheFarmAnimalsTS-1.10            |
| project              | ./tsbook.xcodeproj                                                    |
| destination          | generic/platform=iOS                                                  |
| silent               | false                                                                 |
| use_legacy_build_api | false                                                                 |
| buildlog_path        | ~/Library/Logs/gym                                                    |

[13:21:32]: $ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -scheme 'tsbook' -project './tsbook.xcodeproj' -sdk 'iphoneos9.2' -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath '/Users/tsdev/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-11/TheAdventuresofLittleMunch-MunchMeetstheFarmAnimalsTS-1.10 2016-04-11 13.21.32.xcarchive' clean archive | tee /Users/tsdev/Library/Logs/gym/tsbook-tsbook.log | xcpretty
[13:21:32]: ▸ 2016-04-11 13:21:32.737 xcodebuild[86203:20523469] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID ACA8656B-FEA8-4B6D-8E4A-93F4C95C362C for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/FixCode.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
[13:21:32]: ▸ xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphoneos9.2" cannot be located.
2016-04-11 13:21:32.737 xcodebuild[86203:20523469] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID ACA8656B-FEA8-4B6D-8E4A-93F4C95C362C for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/FixCode.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphoneos9.2" cannot be located.
[13:21:32]: Exit status: 64
[13:21:32]: Variable Dump:
[13:21:32]: {:DEFAULT_PLATFORM=>:ios, :PLATFORM_NAME=>:ios, :LANE_NAME=>"ios uploadbuildonly", :SIGH_PROFILE_TYPE=>"app-store"}
[13:21:32]: Error building the application - see the log above

|                     fastlane summary                     |
| Step | Action                              | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying required fastlane version | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform                    | 0           |
| 3    | match                               | 38          |
| 4    | gym                                 | 1           |

[13:21:32]: fastlane finished with errors

[!] Error building the application - see the log above

Configuration Files

Please copy the complete content of your Fastfile and any other configuration files you use below:


  # Customise this file, documentation can be found here:
# All available actions:
# can also be listed using the `fastlane actions` command

# Change the syntax highlighting to Ruby
# All lines starting with a # are ignored when running `fastlane`

# By default, fastlane will send which actions are used
# No personal data is shared, more information on
# Uncomment the following line to opt out
# opt_out_usage

# If you want to automatically update fastlane if a new version is available:
# update_fastlane

# This is the minimum version number required.
# Update this, if you use features of a newer version
fastlane_version "1.52.0"

default_platform :ios

platform :ios do
  before_all do
    # ENV["SLACK_URL"] = ""


  desc "Runs all the tests"
  lane :test do

  desc "Submit a new Beta Build to Apple TestFlight"
  desc "This will also make sure the profile is up to date"
  lane :beta do
    match(type: "appstore") # more information:
    gym(scheme: "tsbook") # Build your app - more options available

    # sh ""
    # You can also use other beta testing services here (run `fastlane actions`)

  desc "Deploy a new version to the App Store"
  lane :appstore do
    match(type: "appstore")
        username: '',
        app_identifier: 'com.talespring.glensmith.littlemunch-newfriends',
        app_name: 'Munch\'s New Friends',
        language: 'English',
        app_version: '1.10',
        sku: "26_781_Munch\'s New Friends"
    submit_for_review: false,
    force: false

  desc "Deploy a new version of the BUILD ONLY (no metadata) to the App Store"
  lane :uploadbuildonly do
        match(type: "appstore")
        username: 'MyUsername',
        app_identifier: 'com.talespring.glensmith.littlemunch-newfriends',
        app_name: 'Munch\'s New Friends',
        language: 'English',
        app_version: '1.10',
        sku: "26_781_Munch\'s New Friends"
        submit_for_review: false,
        force: false

  desc "Install FixCode xcode plugin to disable Xcode 'Fix Issue' button"
  lane :xcode do
                           url: ""

  desc "Create/retrieve certificates/provisioning profiles for development"
  lane :development do
      # Call match to retrieve development certificates/profiles.
            type: "development",
            force: true

  # You can define as many lanes as you want

  after_all do |lane|
    # This block is called, only if the executed lane was successful

    # slack(
    #   message: "Successfully deployed new App Update."
    # )

  error do |lane, exception|
    # slack(
    #   message: exception.message,
    #   success: false
    # )

# More information about multiple platforms in fastlane:
# All available actions:

My Gymfile is as follows:

scheme "tsbook"

sdk "iphoneos9.2"

clean true

Where to store the .ipa file

output_directory "/Users/tsdev/Documents/TaleSpring/RandD/TS-Auto-Publish/Output-TS-ipa"

What to name the .ipa file

output_name "TheAdventuresofLittleMunch-MunchMeetstheFarmAnimalsTS-1.10"

Project included here to avoid fastlane error (previously fixed, but still included just in case)

project "./tsbook.xcodeproj"

My Matchfile is as follows:

git_url "" # One .git repo per team

type "appstore" # The default type, can be: appstore, adhoc or development

app_identifier "com.talespring.glensmith.littlemunch-newfriends" # The bundle id of the app username "MyUsername" # The Developer Portal Apple ID


fastlane version (fastlane -v): fastlane 1.81.0 Do you use bundler, rbenv or ram? No.

vpolouchkine commented 8 years ago

Looks like it's complaining about Perhaps @neonichu might know more?

neonichu commented 8 years ago

Those are only warnings that the plugin isn't being loaded because of the compatibility UUID, it is unrelated to your build failure. There's a missing SDK message, that should be the actual error.

dpettit commented 8 years ago

Thank you so much for your feedback; I sincerely appreciate it!

I was able to achieve a successful build by changing the Gym setting for sdk from "iphoneos9.2" to simply "iphoneos". I don't know if that is appropriate or not, but it seems to work ok. Do you have any further guidance on this, or is there a better/more ideal solution?

Also, when I finally received the .html page asking if the info is ok to submit, there are "no screenshots found" (this is intentional on my part, as I had uploaded the screenshots earlier, and simply needed to fix one minor item and resubmit just the build). The problem is, if I submit no screenshots, the message indicates that existing screenshots will be deleted, which I don't want to do. The app was rejected for something minor, so the screenshots were not impacted. Is there a simple way to just upload the build, and nothing else?

dpettit commented 8 years ago

While I still wonder if I'm ok by leaving my Gym setting as "iphoneos" instead of "iphoneos9.2", I was able to resolve how to upload only the .ipa build without changing any other ITC settings, by simply modifying the deliver parameters in my Fastfile uploadbuildonly lane, so that it now looks like this:

desc "Deploy a new version of the BUILD ONLY (no metadata) to the App Store" lane :uploadbuildonly do match(type: "appstore") gym deliver( skip_metadata: true, skip_screenshots: true, submit_for_review: false, force: false )


Sorry to bother you with all of this, but thank you for being available when I run into issues such as this. You guys totally rock!

TKBurner commented 8 years ago

Hi @dpettit! Can you send over the full command you are using for gym with parameters? I want to have a look. Thanks!

dpettit commented 8 years ago

I just re-tested it again, and still get the error when I use [sdk "iphoneos9.2"] instead of [sdk "iphoneos"].

I sincerely appreciate your willingness to take a look at it!


desc "Deploy a new version of the BUILD ONLY (no metadata) to the App Store" lane :uploadbuildonly do match(type: "appstore") gym deliver( skip_metadata: true, skip_screenshots: true, submit_for_review: false, force: false



scheme "tsbook" sdk "iphoneos" clean true

Where to store the .ipa file

output_directory "/Users/tsdev/Documents/TaleSpring/RandD/TS-Auto-Publish/Output-TS-ipa"

What to name the .ipa file

output_name "BabyonSafari-1.10"

Add project here to avoid fastlane error (may have been fixed, but just in case)

project "./tsbook.xcodeproj"

fastlane-bot commented 8 years ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates.

Please make sure to update to the latest fastlane version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment :+1:

fastlane-bot commented 8 years ago

This issue will be auto-closed because there hasn't been any activity for a few months. Feel free to open a new one if you still experience this problem 👍

sashakid commented 8 years ago

How to fix it, guys? Can't understand. Is it connected with gym? I'm using gym in my lane beta in that way gym(scheme: "NAME") and that's all.

AliSoftware commented 8 years ago

Had that bug just today, after updating fastlane on our CI to the latest 1.98.0. Was working great before updating (it was at least on 1.95.0 previously but maybe a little higher, not totally sure of the previous version before updating).

To fix it, we had to specify explicitly the sdk: 'iphoneos' when invoking gym (we don't use a Gymfile, we give explicit parameters to gym when invoking it from the Fastfile).

      scheme: ENV['SCHEME'],
      use_legacy_build_api: true,
+     sdk: 'iphoneos',
      clean: true,
      output_directory: "./build",
      output_name: "#{ENV['APP_NAME']}.ipa",
      xcargs: XCARGS,
      export_team_id: "OurTeam",
      codesigning_identity: "iPhone Distribution: OurTeam",
      export_method: 'enterprise'

Before 1.98.0, specifying explicitly the sdk was not necessary, but once updating to 1.98.0, if we don't specify it it seems that Fastlane defaults to iphoneos9.2 automatically, but that SDK isn't found on our CI server. Forcing to iphoneos explicitly makes it work.

TKBurner commented 8 years ago

Hi @AliSoftware Can you share your full output when you run gym? I need to isolate this to a gym issue or xcodebuild problem. Thanks!

AliSoftware commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately I won't be able to share that until 2 weeks, as I just started my vacation and the build log was on our CI at work which I don't have access to from where I'm at! 🏝

Don't hesitate to poke me again in two weeks to remind me to share it once I'll be back to work!

TKBurner commented 8 years ago

Hi @AliSoftware Thanks for letting me know. We'll keep this open, feel free to update when you are ready 👍 Have a great vacation!!!

GeoffreyPlitt commented 8 years ago

I'm still experiencing this error. Here's my gym output:

AirZona commented 8 years ago

Still seeing: Error building the application: xcodebuild error SDK "iphoneos9.2" cannot be located.

I also passed in sdk: 'iphoneos' parameter to my gym call and still seeing this error. Let me know if anyone has a workaround for this. Thanks

AliSoftware commented 8 years ago

@TKBurner I've come back from vacation and I'm not sure anymore this iphoneos9.2 was the real cause of the build failures.

Sadly, since I had this problem, the build logs got rotated on the CI slave and I don't have those logs anymore.

We still have build failures though, which link to this issue as per issue suggestions, but those failures are in fact related to CodeSigning, not related to iphoneos9.2, so I'm wondering if back a week ago I wasn't in fact misleading by the issues suggestion at the end of the fastlane build log… and if the real problem isn't totally unrelated:


The following build commands failed:
CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/MSWeakTimer.framework
CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/JSONCodable.framework
CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/KDCircularProgress.framework
CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/NibDesignable.framework
(4 failures)

▸ Signing /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/NibDesignable.framework
[11:52:04]: Exit status: 65
[11:52:04]: Variable Dump:
[11:52:04]: {:DEFAULT_PLATFORM=>:ios, :ENVIRONMENT=>"prod", :PLATFORM_NAME=>:ios, :LANE_NAME=>"ios ota"}
[11:52:04]: Error building the application - see the log above

|                     fastlane summary                     |
| Step | Action                              | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying required fastlane version | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform                    | 0           |
| 3    | gym                                 | 160         |

[11:52:04]: fastlane finished with errors

Looking for related GitHub issues on fastlane/fastlane...

➡️  Error building the application: xcodebuild error SDK "iphoneos9.2" cannot be located. [open] 14 💬
   11 hours ago

➡️  GYM ** ARCHIVE FAILED ** - Exit status: 65 [!] Error building the application [closed] 5 💬
   a week ago

➡️  Code Sign error for cocoapods [open] 8 💬
   4 weeks ago

So maybe I was misled some weeks ago and that had nothing to do with iphoneos9.2 but rather with CodeSigning. Will investigate more (especially try to unlock the keychain before) and let you know.

Build Log

Here's my latest build log from today that failed on the CodeSigning, even if the issue suggestions mention this issue which probably mislead me:

Build log ``` + fastlane ota --env prod [11:49:23]: ------------------------------------------------- [11:49:23]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version --- [11:49:23]: ------------------------------------------------- [11:49:23]: fastlane version valid [11:49:23]: ------------------------------ [11:49:23]: --- Step: default_platform --- [11:49:23]: ------------------------------ [11:49:23]: Loading from './fastlane/' [11:49:23]: Driving the lane 'ios ota' 🚀 [11:49:23]: ----------------- [11:49:23]: --- Step: gym --- [11:49:23]: ----------------- [11:49:23]: Using legacy build system - waiting for radar to be fixed: [11:49:23]: xcodebuild -list -workspace ./C43.xcworkspace +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Summary for gym 1.7.0 | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | scheme | C43 | | use_legacy_build_api | true | | sdk | iphoneos | | clean | true | | output_directory | ./build | | output_name | C43 | | xcargs | APP_ENVIRONMENT=prod APP_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=com.niji.C43 | | export_team_id | NIJI Ent | | codesigning_identity | iPhone Distribution: NIJI Ent | | export_method | enterprise | | workspace | ./C43.xcworkspace | | destination | generic/platform=iOS | | silent | false | | buildlog_path | ~/Library/Logs/gym | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ [11:49:28]: $ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -workspace ./C43.xcworkspace -scheme C43 -sdk 'iphoneos' -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath '/Users/jenkins/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-07-29/C43 2016-07-29 11.49.28.xcarchive' APP_ENVIRONMENT=prod APP_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=com.niji.C43 clean archive CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone\ Distribution:\ NIJI\ Ent | tee /Users/jenkins/Library/Logs/gym/C43-C43.log | xcpretty [11:49:31]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Alamofire [Debug] [11:49:31]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:49:31]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/MSWeakTimer [Debug] [11:49:31]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:49:31]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/JSONCodable [Debug] [11:49:31]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:49:31]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/KDCircularProgress [Debug] [11:49:31]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:49:31]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/NibDesignable [Debug] [11:49:31]: ▸ Check Dependencies […snip…] [11:49:31]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Pods-C43Common-C43 [Debug] [11:49:31]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:49:31]: ▸ Cleaning C43/C43 [Debug] [11:49:31]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:49:32]: ▸ Clean Succeeded [11:49:32]: ▸ Building Pods/Alamofire [Release] [11:49:32]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:49:46]: ▸ Processing Info.plist [11:50:08]: ▸ Compiling Alamofire.swift [11:50:09]: ▸ Compiling Download.swift [11:50:09]: ▸ Compiling Error.swift [11:50:09]: ▸ Compiling Manager.swift […snip…] [11:50:31]: ▸ Compiling Validation.swift [11:51:56]: ▸ Compiling Alamofire-dummy.m [11:51:56]: ▸ Compiling Alamofire_vers.c [11:51:56]: ▸ Compiling Alamofire-dummy.m [11:51:57]: ▸ Compiling Alamofire_vers.c [11:51:59]: ▸ Linking Alamofire [11:52:01]: ▸ Linking Alamofire [11:52:01]: ▸ Generating 'Alamofire.framework.dSYM' [11:52:02]: ▸ Copying Alamofire-umbrella.h [11:52:02]: ▸ Touching Alamofire.framework [11:52:02]: ▸ Building Pods/CVCalendar [Release] [11:52:02]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:52:02]: ▸ Processing Info.plist [11:52:02]: ▸ Compiling CVAuxiliaryView.swift [11:52:02]: ▸ Compiling CVCalendarContentViewController.swift […snip…] [11:52:02]: ▸ Compiling CVCalendar-dummy.m [11:52:02]: ▸ Compiling CVCalendar_vers.c [11:52:02]: ▸ Compiling CVCalendar-dummy.m [11:52:02]: ▸ Compiling CVCalendar_vers.c [11:52:02]: ▸ Linking CVCalendar [11:52:02]: ▸ Linking CVCalendar [11:52:02]: ▸ Generating 'CVCalendar.framework.dSYM' [11:52:02]: ▸ Copying CVCalendar-umbrella.h [11:52:02]: ▸ Touching CVCalendar.framework [11:52:03]: ▸ Building Pods/Charts [Release] [11:52:03]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:52:03]: ▸ Processing Info.plist [11:52:03]: ▸ Compiling AnimatedMoveViewJob.swift […snip…] [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling JSONTransformer.swift [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling JSONCodable-dummy.m [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling JSONCodable_vers.c [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling JSONCodable-dummy.m [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling JSONCodable_vers.c [11:52:04]: ▸ Linking JSONCodable [11:52:04]: ▸ Linking JSONCodable [11:52:04]: ▸ Generating 'JSONCodable.framework.dSYM' [11:52:04]: ▸ Copying JSONCodable-umbrella.h [11:52:04]: ▸ Touching JSONCodable.framework [11:52:04]: ▸ Signing /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/JSONCodable.framework [11:52:04]: ▸ Building Pods/KDCircularProgress [Release] [11:52:04]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:52:04]: ▸ Processing Info.plist [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress.swift [11:52:04]: ▸ ** ARCHIVE FAILED ** [11:52:04]: ▸ The following build commands failed: [11:52:04]: ▸ CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/MSWeakTimer.framework [11:52:04]: ▸ CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/JSONCodable.framework [11:52:04]: ▸ CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/KDCircularProgress.framework [11:52:04]: ▸ CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/NibDesignable.framework [11:52:04]: ▸ (4 failures) [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress.swift [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress-dummy.m [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress_vers.c [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress-dummy.m [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress_vers.c [11:52:04]: ▸ Linking KDCircularProgress [11:52:04]: ▸ Linking KDCircularProgress [11:52:04]: ▸ Generating 'KDCircularProgress.framework.dSYM' [11:52:04]: ▸ Copying KDCircularProgress-umbrella.h [11:52:04]: ▸ Touching KDCircularProgress.framework [11:52:04]: ▸ Signing /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/KDCircularProgress.framework [11:52:04]: ▸ Building Pods/NibDesignable [Release] [11:52:04]: ▸ Check Dependencies [11:52:04]: ▸ Processing Info.plist [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling NibDesignable.swift [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling NibDesignable.swift [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling NibDesignable-dummy.m [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling NibDesignable_vers.c [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling NibDesignable-dummy.m [11:52:04]: ▸ Compiling NibDesignable_vers.c [11:52:04]: ▸ Linking NibDesignable [11:52:04]: ▸ Linking NibDesignable [11:52:04]: ▸ Generating 'NibDesignable.framework.dSYM' [11:52:04]: ▸ Copying NibDesignable-umbrella.h [11:52:04]: ▸ Touching NibDesignable.framework [11:52:04]: ▸ Signing /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/NibDesignable.framework ▸ Cleaning Pods/Alamofire [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Cleaning Pods/MSWeakTimer [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Cleaning Pods/JSONCodable [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Cleaning Pods/KDCircularProgress [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Cleaning Pods/NibDesignable [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Cleaning Pods/CVCalendar [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Cleaning Pods/Charts [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Cleaning Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Cleaning Pods/OHAutoNIBi18n [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies […snip…] ▸ Cleaning Pods/Pods-C43Common-C43 [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Cleaning C43/C43 [Debug] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Clean Succeeded ▸ Building Pods/Alamofire [Release] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Processing Info.plist ▸ Compiling Alamofire.swift ▸ Compiling Download.swift ▸ Compiling Error.swift […snip…] ▸ Compiling Validation.swift ▸ Compiling Alamofire-dummy.m ▸ Compiling Alamofire_vers.c ▸ Compiling Alamofire-dummy.m ▸ Compiling Alamofire_vers.c ▸ Linking Alamofire ▸ Linking Alamofire ▸ Generating 'Alamofire.framework.dSYM' ▸ Copying Alamofire-umbrella.h ▸ Touching Alamofire.framework ▸ Building Pods/CVCalendar [Release] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Processing Info.plist ▸ Compiling CVAuxiliaryView.swift ▸ Compiling CVCalendarContentViewController.swift […snip…] ▸ Compiling CVWeekdaySymbolType.swift ▸ Compiling CVCalendar-dummy.m ▸ Compiling CVCalendar_vers.c ▸ Compiling CVCalendar-dummy.m ▸ Compiling CVCalendar_vers.c ▸ Linking CVCalendar ▸ Linking CVCalendar ▸ Generating 'CVCalendar.framework.dSYM' ▸ Copying CVCalendar-umbrella.h ▸ Touching CVCalendar.framework ▸ Building Pods/Charts [Release] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Processing Info.plist ▸ Compiling AnimatedMoveViewJob.swift ▸ Compiling AnimatedViewPortJob.swift ▸ Compiling AnimatedZoomViewJob.swift ▸ Compiling BarChartData.swift […snip…] ▸ Compiling ZoomChartViewJob.swift ▸ Compiling Charts-dummy.m ▸ Compiling Charts_vers.c ▸ Compiling Charts-dummy.m ▸ Compiling Charts_vers.c ▸ Linking Charts ▸ Linking Charts ▸ Building Pods/CocoaAsyncSocket [Release] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Processing Info.plist ▸ Compiling AsyncSocket.m ▸ Compiling AsyncUdpSocket.m ▸ Compiling CocoaAsyncSocket-dummy.m ▸ Compiling GCDAsyncSocket.m ▸ Compiling GCDAsyncUdpSocket.m ▸ Compiling CocoaAsyncSocket_vers.c ▸ Compiling AsyncSocket.m ▸ Compiling AsyncUdpSocket.m ▸ Compiling CocoaAsyncSocket-dummy.m ▸ Compiling GCDAsyncSocket.m ▸ Compiling GCDAsyncUdpSocket.m ▸ Compiling CocoaAsyncSocket_vers.c ▸ Building Pods/MSWeakTimer [Release] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Processing Info.plist ▸ Compiling MSWeakTimer-dummy.m ▸ Compiling MSWeakTimer.m ▸ Compiling MSWeakTimer_vers.c ▸ Compiling MSWeakTimer-dummy.m ▸ Compiling MSWeakTimer.m ▸ Compiling MSWeakTimer_vers.c ▸ Linking MSWeakTimer ▸ Linking MSWeakTimer ▸ Generating 'MSWeakTimer.framework.dSYM' ▸ Copying MSWeakTimer-umbrella.h ▸ Copying MSWeakTimer.h ▸ Touching MSWeakTimer.framework ▸ Signing /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/MSWeakTimer.framework ▸ Building Pods/JSONCodable [Release] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Processing Info.plist ▸ Compiling JSONCodable.swift ▸ Compiling JSONDecodable.swift ▸ Compiling JSONEncodable.swift ▸ Compiling JSONHelpers.swift ▸ Compiling JSONString.swift ▸ Compiling JSONTransformer.swift ▸ Compiling JSONCodable.swift ▸ Compiling JSONDecodable.swift ▸ Compiling JSONEncodable.swift ▸ Compiling JSONHelpers.swift ▸ Compiling JSONString.swift ▸ Compiling JSONTransformer.swift ▸ Compiling JSONCodable-dummy.m ▸ Compiling JSONCodable_vers.c ▸ Compiling JSONCodable-dummy.m ▸ Compiling JSONCodable_vers.c ▸ Linking JSONCodable ▸ Linking JSONCodable ▸ Generating 'JSONCodable.framework.dSYM' ▸ Copying JSONCodable-umbrella.h ▸ Touching JSONCodable.framework ▸ Signing /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/JSONCodable.framework ▸ Building Pods/KDCircularProgress [Release] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Processing Info.plist ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress.swift ** ARCHIVE FAILED ** The following build commands failed: CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/MSWeakTimer.framework CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/JSONCodable.framework CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/KDCircularProgress.framework CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/NibDesignable.framework (4 failures) ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress.swift ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress-dummy.m ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress_vers.c ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress-dummy.m ▸ Compiling KDCircularProgress_vers.c ▸ Linking KDCircularProgress ▸ Linking KDCircularProgress ▸ Generating 'KDCircularProgress.framework.dSYM' ▸ Copying KDCircularProgress-umbrella.h ▸ Touching KDCircularProgress.framework ▸ Signing /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/KDCircularProgress.framework ▸ Building Pods/NibDesignable [Release] ▸ Check Dependencies ▸ Processing Info.plist ▸ Compiling NibDesignable.swift ▸ Compiling NibDesignable.swift ▸ Compiling NibDesignable-dummy.m ▸ Compiling NibDesignable_vers.c ▸ Compiling NibDesignable-dummy.m ▸ Compiling NibDesignable_vers.c ▸ Linking NibDesignable ▸ Linking NibDesignable ▸ Generating 'NibDesignable.framework.dSYM' ▸ Copying NibDesignable-umbrella.h ▸ Touching NibDesignable.framework ▸ Signing /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/NibDesignable.framework [11:52:04]: Exit status: 65 [11:52:04]: Variable Dump: [11:52:04]: {:DEFAULT_PLATFORM=>:ios, :ENVIRONMENT=>"prod", :PLATFORM_NAME=>:ios, :LANE_NAME=>"ios ota"} [11:52:04]: Error building the application - see the log above +------+-------------------------------------+-------------+ | fastlane summary | +------+-------------------------------------+-------------+ | Step | Action | Time (in s) | +------+-------------------------------------+-------------+ | 1 | Verifying required fastlane version | 0 | | 2 | default_platform | 0 | | 3 | gym | 160 | +------+-------------------------------------+-------------+ [11:52:04]: fastlane finished with errors Looking for related GitHub issues on fastlane/fastlane... ➡️ Error building the application: xcodebuild error SDK "iphoneos9.2" cannot be located. [open] 14 💬 11 hours ago ➡️ GYM ** ARCHIVE FAILED ** - Exit status: 65 [!] Error building the application [closed] 5 💬 a week ago ➡️ Code Sign error for cocoapods [open] 8 💬 4 weeks ago and 73 more at:✓ [!] Error building the application - see the log above Build step 'Exécuter un script shell' marked build as failure ```

Will try to unlock keychain per 's suggestion and keep you posted

dgoyaldiksha commented 8 years ago

Facing the same issue as @AliSoftware

It is working on one system well,but is is giving error on local machine

`fastlane beta
[17:17:05]: -------------------------------------------------
[17:17:05]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version ---
[17:17:05]: -------------------------------------------------
[17:17:05]: fastlane version valid
[17:17:05]: ------------------------------
[17:17:05]: --- Step: default_platform ---
[17:17:05]: ------------------------------
[17:17:05]: Name of the lane 'appstore' is already taken by the action named 'appstore'
[17:17:06]: Driving the lane 'ios beta' 🚀
[17:17:06]: -----------------------
[17:17:06]: --- Step: cocoapods ---
[17:17:06]: -----------------------
[17:17:06]: $ pod install
[17:17:14]: ▸ Analyzing dependencies
[17:17:14]: ▸ Downloading dependencies
[17:17:14]: ▸ Using GoogleMaps (1.11.1)
[17:17:14]: ▸ Generating Pods project
[17:17:33]: ▸ Integrating client project
[17:17:35]: ▸ Sending stats
[17:17:36]: ▸ Pod installation complete! There is 1 dependency from the Podfile and 1 total pod installed.
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] Your Podfile has had smart quotes sanitised. To avoid issues in the future, you should not use TextEdit for editing it. If you are not using TextEdit, you should turn off smart quotes in your editor of choice.
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `Telematics [Production]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Telematics/Pods-Telematics.production.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [Development]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/Pods-Squadron.development.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [QA]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [Staging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/Pods-Squadron.staging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [Production Debugging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/Pods-Squadron.production debugging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [Production]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/Pods-Squadron.production.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [Development]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/Pods-NationalInterstate.development.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [QA]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [Staging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/Pods-NationalInterstate.staging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [Production Debugging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/Pods-NationalInterstate.production debugging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [Production]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/Pods-NationalInterstate.production.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [Development]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/Pods-XemplarIndia.development.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [QA]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [Staging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/Pods-XemplarIndia.staging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [Production Debugging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/Pods-XemplarIndia.production debugging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [Production]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/Pods-XemplarIndia.production.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:17:36]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:17:37]: -----------------
[17:17:37]: --- Step: gym ---
[17:17:37]: -----------------
[17:17:39]: Using legacy build system - waiting for radar to be fixed:
[17:17:39]: xcodebuild -list -workspace ./Telematics.xcworkspace
[17:17:49]: Variable Dump:
[17:17:49]: {:DEFAULT_PLATFORM=>:ios, :PLATFORM_NAME=>:ios, :LANE_NAME=>"ios beta"}
[17:17:49]: xcodebuild -list timed-out after 10 seconds. You might need to recreate the user schemes. You can override the timeout value with the environment variable FASTLANE_XCODE_LIST_TIMEOUT

|                     fastlane summary                     |
| Step | Action                              | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying required fastlane version | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform                    | 0           |
| 3    | cocoapods                           | 31          |
| 4    | gym                                 | 12          |

[17:17:53]: fastlane finished with errors
Looking for related GitHub issues on fastlane/fastlane...

➡️  gym frequently times out when calling xcrun xcodebuild -list [open] 12 💬
   12 hours ago

➡️  User scheme issue when running scan [open] 8 💬
   6 weeks ago

➡️  Failed to build gem native extension / libiconv is missing [closed] 2 💬
   26 Jan 2015

and 2 more at:✓

[!] xcodebuild -list timed-out after 10 seconds. You might need to recreate the user schemes. You can override the timeout value with the environment variable FASTLANE_XCODE_LIST_TIMEOUT
Paxcels-Mac-mini-2:Xemplar-iOS punit$ fastlane beta
[17:18:08]: -------------------------------------------------
[17:18:08]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version ---
[17:18:08]: -------------------------------------------------
[17:18:08]: fastlane version valid
[17:18:08]: ------------------------------
[17:18:08]: --- Step: default_platform ---
[17:18:08]: ------------------------------
[17:18:08]: Name of the lane 'appstore' is already taken by the action named 'appstore'
[17:18:08]: Driving the lane 'ios beta' 🚀
[17:18:08]: -----------------------
[17:18:08]: --- Step: cocoapods ---
[17:18:08]: -----------------------
[17:18:08]: $ pod install
[17:18:14]: ▸ Analyzing dependencies
[17:18:14]: ▸ Downloading dependencies
[17:18:14]: ▸ Using GoogleMaps (1.11.1)
[17:18:14]: ▸ Generating Pods project
[17:18:40]: ▸ Integrating client project
[17:19:06]: ▸ Sending stats
[17:19:07]: ▸ Pod installation complete! There is 1 dependency from the Podfile and 1 total pod installed.
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] Your Podfile has had smart quotes sanitised. To avoid issues in the future, you should not use TextEdit for editing it. If you are not using TextEdit, you should turn off smart quotes in your editor of choice.
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `Telematics [Production]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Telematics/Pods-Telematics.production.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [Development]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/Pods-Squadron.development.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [QA]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [Staging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/Pods-Squadron.staging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [Production Debugging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/Pods-Squadron.production debugging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `Squadron [Production]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Squadron/Pods-Squadron.production.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [Development]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/Pods-NationalInterstate.development.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [QA]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [Staging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/Pods-NationalInterstate.staging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [Production Debugging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/Pods-NationalInterstate.production debugging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `NationalInterstate [Production]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-NationalInterstate/Pods-NationalInterstate.production.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [Development]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/Pods-XemplarIndia.development.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [QA]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [Staging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/Pods-XemplarIndia.staging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [Production Debugging]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/Pods-XemplarIndia.production debugging.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ [!] The `XemplarIndia [Production]` target overrides the `GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-XemplarIndia/Pods-XemplarIndia.production.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or
[17:19:07]: ▸ - Remove the build settings from the target.
[17:19:12]: -----------------
[17:19:12]: --- Step: gym ---
[17:19:12]: -----------------
[17:19:14]: Using legacy build system - waiting for radar to be fixed:
[17:19:14]: xcodebuild -list -workspace ./Telematics.xcworkspace
Select Scheme: 
1. Telematics
2. Squadron
3. NationalInterstate
4. XemplarIndia
5. UnionMutualOfVermont
6. MetroMile
7. Pods-NationalInterstate
8. Pods-Squadron
9. Pods-Telematics
10. Pods-XemplarIndia
1. Telematics
?  1

|              Summary for gym 1.7.0              |
| workspace            | ./Telematics.xcworkspace |
| use_legacy_build_api | true                     |
| scheme               | Telematics               |
| destination          | generic/platform=iOS     |
| output_name          | Telematics               |
| clean                | false                    |
| output_directory     | .                        |
| silent               | false                    |
| buildlog_path        | ~/Library/Logs/gym       |

[17:19:32]: $ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -workspace ./Telematics.xcworkspace -scheme Telematics -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath '/Users/punit/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-08-04/Telematics 2016-08-04 17.19.32.xcarchive' archive | tee /Users/punit/Library/Logs/gym/Telematics-Telematics.log | xcpretty
[17:19:36]: ▸ Building Pods/Pods-Telematics [Production]
[17:19:36]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[17:19:37]: ▸ Compiling Pods-Telematics-dummy.m
[17:19:41]: ▸ Compiling Pods-Telematics-dummy.m
[17:19:42]: ▸ Building library libPods-Telematics.a
[17:19:42]: ▸ Building library libPods-Telematics.a
[17:19:42]: ▸ Building Telematics/Telematics [Production]
[17:19:42]: ▸ Check Dependencies
[17:19:42]: ▸ no rule to process file '/Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/Reachability/' of type net.daringfireball.markdown for architecture armv7
[17:19:42]: ▸ skipping file '/Applications/' (unexpected file type 'file' in Frameworks & Libraries build phase)
[17:19:42]: ▸ no rule to process file '/Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/Reachability/' of type net.daringfireball.markdown for architecture arm64
[17:19:42]: ▸ skipping file '/Applications/' (unexpected file type 'file' in Frameworks & Libraries build phase)
[17:19:42]: ▸ Copying Info.plist
[17:19:42]: ▸ Running script '[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock'
[17:20:09]: ▸ Compiling HistoricalTripsManager.m
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:14:56: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (strong,nonatomic) HistoricalTrip * _Nullable selectedTrip;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                        ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:14:57: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (strong,nonatomic) HistoricalTrip * _Nullable selectedTrip;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                         ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:16:29: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ + (HistoricalTripsManager * _Nullable) sharedInstance;
[17:20:14]: ▸                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:17:12: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ -(NSDate * _Nullable)getDateFromString:(NSString * _Nullable)date;
[17:20:14]: ▸   ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:17:52: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ -(NSDate * _Nullable)getDateFromString:(NSString * _Nullable)date;
[17:20:14]: ▸  ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:18:14: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ -(NSString * _Nullable)getStringDate:(NSDate * _Nullable)date;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                        ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:18:48: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ -(NSString * _Nullable)getStringDate:(NSDate * _Nullable)date;
[17:20:14]: ▸  ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:19:14: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ -(NSString * _Nullable)getStringTime:(NSDate * _Nullable)date;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                      ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:19:48: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ -(NSString * _Nullable)getStringTime:(NSDate * _Nullable)date;
[17:20:14]: ▸  ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:20:14: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ -(NSString * _Nullable)timeDuration:(NSInteger)seconds;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                      ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:21:49: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (strong, nonatomic) AVAudioRecorder * _Nullable audioRecorder;
[17:20:14]: ▸  ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:21:58: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (strong, nonatomic) AVAudioRecorder * _Nullable audioRecorder;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                               ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:21:59: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (strong, nonatomic) AVAudioRecorder * _Nullable audioRecorder;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                          ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:14:57: cannot declare variable inside @interface or @protocol
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (strong,nonatomic) HistoricalTrip * _Nullable selectedTrip;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:21:59: cannot declare variable inside @interface or @protocol
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (strong, nonatomic) AVAudioRecorder * _Nullable audioRecorder;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                         ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:16:55: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ - (void)locationDelegateManager:( CLLocationManager * _Nullable  )manager
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:17:44: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ didFailWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                 ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:18:54: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ - (void)locationDelegateManager:(CLLocationManager * _Nullable)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray * _Nullable)locations;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                 ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:18:102: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ - (void)locationDelegateManager:(CLLocationManager * _Nullable)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray * _Nullable)locations;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                 ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:20:37: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ - (void)updateTimeLabel:(NSString * _Nullable)time distance:(float)distance;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:28:70: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (retain,nonatomic)id<PFFrameworkManagerDelegate>  _Nullable delegate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                         ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:28:71: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (retain,nonatomic)id<PFFrameworkManagerDelegate>  _Nullable delegate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                                      ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:30:52: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ typedef void(^RequestCompletionBlock)(id _Nullable array);
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                                       ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:47: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                      ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:56: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:58: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                        ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:32: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                          ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:41: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:42: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                         ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:54: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                          ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:63: expected ';' after top level declarator
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                      ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:34: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                               ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:34: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                            ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:34: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                            ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:51:34: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderAvgSpeed;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                            ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/AppStateManager.h:28:9: could not build module 'PathFinderFramework'
[17:20:14]: ▸ #import <PathFinderFramework/PathFinderFramework.h>
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ Compiling TLMapViewViewController.m
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:16:55: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ - (void)locationDelegateManager:( CLLocationManager * _Nullable  )manager
[17:20:14]: ▸  ~~~~~~~^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:17:44: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ didFailWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                 ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:18:54: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ - (void)locationDelegateManager:(CLLocationManager * _Nullable)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray * _Nullable)locations;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                 ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:18:102: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ - (void)locationDelegateManager:(CLLocationManager * _Nullable)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray * _Nullable)locations;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                 ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:20:37: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ - (void)updateTimeLabel:(NSString * _Nullable)time distance:(float)distance;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:28:70: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (retain,nonatomic)id<PFFrameworkManagerDelegate>  _Nullable delegate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                         ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:28:71: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (retain,nonatomic)id<PFFrameworkManagerDelegate>  _Nullable delegate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                                      ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:30:52: expected ')'
[17:20:14]: ▸ typedef void(^RequestCompletionBlock)(id _Nullable array);
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                                       ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:47: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                      ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:56: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:58: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                        ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:32: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                          ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:41: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:42: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                         ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:54: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                          ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:63: expected ';' after top level declarator
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                      ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:34: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                               ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:34: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                            ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:34: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                            ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                           ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:51:34: property has a previous declaration
[17:20:14]: ▸ @property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderAvgSpeed;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                            ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
[17:20:14]: ▸ ❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/LocationManager.h:12:9: could not build module 'PathFinderFramework'
[17:20:14]: ▸ @import PathFinderFramework;
[17:20:14]: ▸                                                             ^
[17:20:14]: ▸ ** ARCHIVE FAILED **
[17:20:14]: ▸ The following build commands failed:
[17:20:14]: ▸ CompileC /Users/punit/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Telematics-bcmedvclvdkckdhckwzzuqjpsldg/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Telematics/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.m normal armv7 objective-c
[17:20:14]: ▸ CompileC /Users/punit/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Telematics-bcmedvclvdkckdhckwzzuqjpsldg/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Telematics/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ Telematics/Support/NationSafe/VS/TLMapViewViewController.m normal armv7 objective-c
[17:20:14]: ▸ (2 failures)
▸ Building Pods/Pods-Telematics [Production]
▸ Check Dependencies
▸ Compiling Pods-Telematics-dummy.m
▸ Compiling Pods-Telematics-dummy.m
▸ Building library libPods-Telematics.a
▸ Building library libPods-Telematics.a
▸ Building Telematics/Telematics [Production]
▸ Check Dependencies
no rule to process file '/Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/Reachability/' of type net.daringfireball.markdown for architecture armv7
skipping file '/Applications/' (unexpected file type 'file' in Frameworks & Libraries build phase)
no rule to process file '/Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/Reachability/' of type net.daringfireball.markdown for architecture arm64
skipping file '/Applications/' (unexpected file type 'file' in Frameworks & Libraries build phase)
▸ Copying Info.plist
▸ Running script '[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock'
▸ Compiling HistoricalTripsManager.m

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:14:56: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (strong,nonatomic) HistoricalTrip * _Nullable selectedTrip;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:14:57: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (strong,nonatomic) HistoricalTrip * _Nullable selectedTrip;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:16:29: expected ')'

+ (HistoricalTripsManager * _Nullable) sharedInstance;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:17:12: expected ')'

-(NSDate * _Nullable)getDateFromString:(NSString * _Nullable)date;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:17:52: expected ')'

-(NSDate * _Nullable)getDateFromString:(NSString * _Nullable)date;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:18:14: expected ')'

-(NSString * _Nullable)getStringDate:(NSDate * _Nullable)date;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:18:48: expected ')'

-(NSString * _Nullable)getStringDate:(NSDate * _Nullable)date;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:19:14: expected ')'

-(NSString * _Nullable)getStringTime:(NSDate * _Nullable)date;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:19:48: expected ')'

-(NSString * _Nullable)getStringTime:(NSDate * _Nullable)date;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:20:14: expected ')'

-(NSString * _Nullable)timeDuration:(NSInteger)seconds;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:21:49: property has a previous declaration

@property (strong, nonatomic) AVAudioRecorder * _Nullable audioRecorder;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:21:58: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (strong, nonatomic) AVAudioRecorder * _Nullable audioRecorder;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:21:59: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (strong, nonatomic) AVAudioRecorder * _Nullable audioRecorder;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:14:57: cannot declare variable inside @interface or @protocol

@property (strong,nonatomic) HistoricalTrip * _Nullable selectedTrip;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.h:21:59: cannot declare variable inside @interface or @protocol

@property (strong, nonatomic) AVAudioRecorder * _Nullable audioRecorder;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:16:55: expected ')'

- (void)locationDelegateManager:( CLLocationManager * _Nullable  )manager

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:17:44: expected ')'

didFailWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:18:54: expected ')'

- (void)locationDelegateManager:(CLLocationManager * _Nullable)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray * _Nullable)locations;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:18:102: expected ')'

- (void)locationDelegateManager:(CLLocationManager * _Nullable)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray * _Nullable)locations;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:20:37: expected ')'

- (void)updateTimeLabel:(NSString * _Nullable)time distance:(float)distance;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:28:70: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (retain,nonatomic)id<PFFrameworkManagerDelegate>  _Nullable delegate;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:28:71: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (retain,nonatomic)id<PFFrameworkManagerDelegate>  _Nullable delegate;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:30:52: expected ')'

typedef void(^RequestCompletionBlock)(id _Nullable array);

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:47: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:56: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:58: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:32: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:41: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:42: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:54: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:63: expected ';' after top level declarator

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:34: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:34: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:34: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:51:34: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderAvgSpeed;

❌  fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/AppStateManager.h:28:9: could not build module 'PathFinderFramework'

#import <PathFinderFramework/PathFinderFramework.h>

▸ Compiling TLMapViewViewController.m

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:16:55: expected ')'

- (void)locationDelegateManager:( CLLocationManager * _Nullable  )manager

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:17:44: expected ')'

didFailWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:18:54: expected ')'

- (void)locationDelegateManager:(CLLocationManager * _Nullable)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray * _Nullable)locations;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:18:102: expected ')'

- (void)locationDelegateManager:(CLLocationManager * _Nullable)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray * _Nullable)locations;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:20:37: expected ')'

- (void)updateTimeLabel:(NSString * _Nullable)time distance:(float)distance;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:28:70: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (retain,nonatomic)id<PFFrameworkManagerDelegate>  _Nullable delegate;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:28:71: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (retain,nonatomic)id<PFFrameworkManagerDelegate>  _Nullable delegate;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:30:52: expected ')'

typedef void(^RequestCompletionBlock)(id _Nullable array);

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:47: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:56: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:41:58: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray  * _Nullable  locationArray;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:32: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:41: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:42: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:54: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:45:63: expected ';' after top level declarator

@property (nonatomic) NSDate * _Nullable startDate,* _Nullable endDate;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:34: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:47:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderTime;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:34: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:48:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderWeather;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:34: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:43: expected ';' at end of declaration list

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;

⚠️  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:49:44: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable roomId;

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/PathFinderFramework.framework/Headers/PFFrameworkManager.h:51:34: property has a previous declaration

@property (nonatomic) NSString * _Nullable pathFinderAvgSpeed;

❌  fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]

❌  /Users/punit/ClientProjects/CIntegration/Xemplar-iOS/Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/LocationManager.h:12:9: could not build module 'PathFinderFramework'

@import PathFinderFramework;


The following build commands failed:
CompileC /Users/punit/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Telematics-bcmedvclvdkckdhckwzzuqjpsldg/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Telematics/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ Telematics/Support/AppStateManager/HistoricalTripsManager.m normal armv7 objective-c
CompileC /Users/punit/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Telematics-bcmedvclvdkckdhckwzzuqjpsldg/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Telematics/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ Telematics/Support/NationSafe/VS/TLMapViewViewController.m normal armv7 objective-c
(2 failures)
[17:20:14]: Exit status: 65
[17:20:14]: Variable Dump:
[17:20:14]: {:DEFAULT_PLATFORM=>:ios, :PLATFORM_NAME=>:ios, :LANE_NAME=>"ios beta"}
[17:20:14]: Error building the application - see the log above

|                     fastlane summary                     |
| Step | Action                              | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying required fastlane version | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform                    | 0           |
| 3    | cocoapods                           | 60          |
| 4    | gym                                 | 62          |

[17:20:15]: fastlane finished with errors

Looking for related GitHub issues on fastlane/fastlane...

➡️  Error building the application: xcodebuild error SDK "iphoneos9.2" cannot be located. [open] 16 💬
   2 days ago

➡️  GYM ** ARCHIVE FAILED ** - Exit status: 65 [!] Error building the application [closed] 5 💬
   2 weeks ago

➡️  Code Sign error for cocoapods [open] 9 💬
   12 hours ago

and 74 more at:✓

[!] Error building the application - see the log above'

why it is showing these errors.

AliSoftware commented 8 years ago

Ok strangely enough I can't seem to reproduce the iphoneos9.2 error on my side. It was a bit random so can't know if it's totally gone or just did have a lot more luck lately, but from my perspective you can consider it closed again, sorry for the noise.

@dgoyaldiksha it seems that you've made the same mistake as I did: reading your console log, the problem you're having isn't related to iphoneos9.2 at all, the problem is just that the suggested issues at the end of the console are actually not the best ones.

So Fastlane suggests this current issue at the end because its title matches the "Error building the application" string found in the console log, but in fact if you look at the errors in your logs and the lines marked with ❌ , this issue has nothing to do with some iphoneos9.2 problem. Instead, you seem to have a lot of errors related to some integration with a code in PathFinderFramework.framework and other stuff, so that's a totally different issue (which may or may not be related to Fastlane, but seing those logs I'm not sure it actually is, looks more like an framework integration problem in your project)

dgoyaldiksha commented 8 years ago

@AliSoftware Actually it working on one system and when i am setting up the same code for local machine,it is throwing the above error.When i archive the code it archived successfully,i dont why it is throwing the above errors in local machine.

AliSoftware commented 8 years ago

Given the number of unfixed warnings you have, I must say it doesn't really surprise me.

You should probably address the warnings about your project misconfiguration first:

In any way, your issue don't seem to be related to Fastlane at all to me (and even more so, not related to the Fastlane's iphoneos9.2 issue) so you probably shouldn't continue discussing it in here anymore 😉

TKBurner commented 8 years ago

Hi @AliSoftware! Can you let me know the output when you run these commands:

CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/MSWeakTimer.framework
CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/JSONCodable.framework
CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/KDCircularProgress.framework
CodeSign /Users/jenkins/workspace/EDF-C43-iOS-OTA/DerivedData/C43/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/C43/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/NibDesignable.framework


AliSoftware commented 8 years ago

Sure, but given that it's random, I'll have to wait for another build to fail to try this ^^ Will try to remember it next time it happens.

TKBurner commented 8 years ago

No problem @AliSoftware. Bump this thread when you have an update. Thanks!

fastlane-bot commented 8 years ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently. Due to the high number of incoming GitHub notifications, we have to clean some of the old issues, as many of them have already been resolved with the latest updates.

Please make sure to update to the latest fastlane version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by adding a comment :+1:

fastlane-bot commented 8 years ago

This issue will be auto-closed because there hasn't been any activity for a few months. Feel free to open a new one if you still experience this problem 👍