fastlane / fastlane

🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
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Invalid provisioning profile, not sure where Team ID is coming from #4234

Closed jschoolcraft closed 8 years ago

jschoolcraft commented 8 years ago

New Issue Checklist

fastlane -v                                                                                                                                          
fastlane 1.81.0

I'm setting up Fastlane to work with a single codebase that produces apps for different teams on different targets, I'm to the point of submitting it to iTunes (deliver/pilot) and I get an error that the provisioning profile should be from a Team ID I haven't seen when I stopped providing Team ID in the code.

Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used

☻  fastlane ios beta --env tjff2016 --verbose                                                                                                           fastlane 8613021 ✗
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.89]: -------------------------------------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.89]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version ---
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.89]: -------------------------------------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.89]: fastlane version valid
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.89]: ------------------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.89]: --- Step: default_platform ---
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.89]: ------------------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.91]: Loading from './fastlane/.env.tjff2016'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.91]: Driving the lane 'ios beta' 🚀
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.92]: -----------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.92]: --- Step: cocoapods ---
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.92]: -----------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:23:56.92]: $ pod install
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Analyzing dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Downloading dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using AFNetworking (2.6.3)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using BlocksKit (2.2.5)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using CWStatusBarNotification (2.1.4)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using DateTools (1.7.0)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using GoogleAnalytics (3.14.0)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using Lyt (0.6)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using M13ProgressSuite (1.2.7)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using MBProgressHUD (0.9.2)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using MTDates (1.0.3)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using MagicalRecord (2.3.2)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using RegExCategories (1.0)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using SDiPhoneVersion (1.1.2)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using STTwitter (0.2.3)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using SVWebViewController (1.0)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using SwipeView (1.3.2)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using UIAlertView-Blocks (1.0)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using XCDYouTubeKit (2.5.1)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Using XMLDictionary (1.4)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:00.42]: ▸ Generating Pods project
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:02.56]: ▸ Integrating client project
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:02.67]: ▸ Sending stats
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:02.70]: ▸ Pod installation complete! There are 18 dependencies from the Podfile and 18 total pods installed.
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:02.76]: -------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:02.76]: --- Step: match ---
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:02.76]: -------------------

|                            Summary for match 0.4.0                            |
| git_url               | |
| app_identifier        | com.tjff.tjff2016                                     |
| team_id               | B8P2473H68                                            |
| type                  | appstore                                              |
| username              |                         |
| keychain_name         | login.keychain                                        |
| readonly              | false                                                 |
| verbose               | false                                                 |
| force                 | false                                                 |
| shallow_clone         | false                                                 |
| force_for_new_devices | false                                                 |
| skip_docs             | false                                                 |

INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:03.02]: Cloning remote git repo...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:03.02]: $ git clone '' '/var/folders/kl/jbs5_85106b0vc73_ztgl7dh0000gn/T/d20160417-21448-wwrg1i'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:03.02]: ▸ Cloning into '/var/folders/kl/jbs5_85106b0vc73_ztgl7dh0000gn/T/d20160417-21448-wwrg1i'...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.04]: ▸ remote: Counting objects: 46, done.
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.04]: ▸ remote: Compressing objects: 100% (40/40), done.
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.06]: ▸ remote: Total 46 (delta 2), reused 42 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.06]: ▸ Receiving objects: 100% (46/46), 69.18 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.06]: ▸ Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), done.
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.11]: ▸ Checking connectivity... done.
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.15]: 🔓  Decrypted 'WN6W6N8382.cer'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.18]: 🔓  Decrypted 'BA6LZT7D6P.cer'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.21]: 🔓  Decrypted 'WN6W6N8382.p12'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.24]: 🔓  Decrypted 'BA6LZT7D6P.p12'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.28]: 🔓  Decrypted 'AdHoc_com.tjff.tjff2016.mobileprovision'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.31]: 🔓  Decrypted 'AppStore_com.tjff.tjff2016.mobileprovision'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.34]: 🔓  Decrypted 'Development_com.tjff.tjff2016.mobileprovision'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.34]: 🔓  Successfully decrypted certificates repo
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:04.36]: Verifying that the certificate and profile are still valid on the Dev Portal...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.80]: Installing certificate...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.80]: $ security find-certificate -c 'Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸ keychain: "/Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Keychains/login.keychain"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸ version: 256
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸ class: 0x80001000
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸ attributes:
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸     "alis"<blob>="Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸     "cenc"<uint32>=0x00000003
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸     "ctyp"<uint32>=0x00000001
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸     "hpky"<blob>=0x88271709A9B618608BECEBBAF64759C55254A3B7  "\210'\027\011\251\266\030`\213\354\353\272\366GY\305RT\243\267"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸     "issu"<blob>=0x3062310B300906035504061302555331133011060355040A130A4150504C4520494E432E31263024060355040B131D4150504C452043455254494649434154494F4E20415554484F52495459311630140603550403130D4150504C4520524F4F54204341  "0b1\0130\011\006\003U\004\006\023\002US1\0230\021\006\003U\004\012\023\012APPLE INC.1&0$\006\003U\004\013\023\035APPLE CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY1\0260\024\006\003U\004\003\023\015APPLE ROOT CA"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸     "labl"<blob>="Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸     "skid"<blob>=0x88271709A9B618608BECEBBAF64759C55254A3B7  "\210'\027\011\251\266\030`\213\354\353\272\366GY\305RT\243\267"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸     "snbr"<blob>=0x19
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:06.82]: ▸     "subj"<blob>=0x308196310B300906035504061302555331133011060355040A0C0A4170706C6520496E632E312C302A060355040B0C234170706C6520576F726C647769646520446576656C6F7065722052656C6174696F6E733144304206035504030C3B4170706C6520576F726C647769646520446576656C6F7065722052656C6174696F6E732043657274696669636174696F6E20417574686F72697479  "0\201\2261\0130\011\006\003U\004\006\023\002US1\0230\021\006\003U\004\012\014\012Apple Inc.1,0*\006\003U\004\013\014#Apple Worldwide Developer Relations1D0B\006\003U\004\003\014;Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority"
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:24:08.06]: Certificate 'BA6LZT7D6P.cer' is already installed on this machine
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:08.06]: $ security import /var/folders/kl/jbs5_85106b0vc73_ztgl7dh0000gn/T/d20160417-21448-wwrg1i/certs/distribution/BA6LZT7D6P.p12 -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain -T /usr/bin/codesign -T /usr/bin/security&> /dev/null
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:08.43]: Installing provisioning profile...
WARN [2016-04-17 10:24:08.52]: Setting environment variable 'sigh_com.tjff.tjff2016_appstore' to '488ebc46-53a3-4890-84e9-18b29997fb0c'

|               Installed Provisioning Profile                |
| App Identifier       | com.tjff.tjff2016                    |
| Type                 | appstore                             |
| UUID                 | 488ebc46-53a3-4890-84e9-18b29997fb0c |
| Environment Variable | sigh_com.tjff.tjff2016_appstore      |

INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:08.98]: All required keys, certificates and provisioning profiles are installed 🙌
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:08.99]: 🔒  Successfully encrypted certificates repo
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:08.99]: Setting Provisioning Profile type to 'app-store'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:09.00]: ------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:09.00]: --- Step: sigh ---
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:09.00]: ------------------

|                         Summary for sigh 1.6.1                         |
| app_identifier                      | com.tjff.tjff2016                |
| provisioning_name                   | match AppStore com.tjff.tjff2016 |
| team_id                             | B8P2473H68                       |
| adhoc                               | false                            |
| skip_install                        | false                            |
| development                         | false                            |
| force                               | false                            |
| username                            |    |
| ignore_profiles_with_different_name | false                            |
| skip_fetch_profiles                 | false                            |
| skip_certificate_verification       | false                            |

INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:09.03]: Starting login with user ''
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:10.22]: Successfully logged in
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:10.22]: Fetching profiles...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.62]: $ security find-certificate -c 'Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸ keychain: "/Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Keychains/login.keychain"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸ version: 256
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸ class: 0x80001000
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸ attributes:
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸     "alis"<blob>="Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸     "cenc"<uint32>=0x00000003
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸     "ctyp"<uint32>=0x00000001
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸     "hpky"<blob>=0x88271709A9B618608BECEBBAF64759C55254A3B7  "\210'\027\011\251\266\030`\213\354\353\272\366GY\305RT\243\267"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸     "issu"<blob>=0x3062310B300906035504061302555331133011060355040A130A4150504C4520494E432E31263024060355040B131D4150504C452043455254494649434154494F4E20415554484F52495459311630140603550403130D4150504C4520524F4F54204341  "0b1\0130\011\006\003U\004\006\023\002US1\0230\021\006\003U\004\012\023\012APPLE INC.1&0$\006\003U\004\013\023\035APPLE CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY1\0260\024\006\003U\004\003\023\015APPLE ROOT CA"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸     "labl"<blob>="Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸     "skid"<blob>=0x88271709A9B618608BECEBBAF64759C55254A3B7  "\210'\027\011\251\266\030`\213\354\353\272\366GY\305RT\243\267"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸     "snbr"<blob>=0x19
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:11.64]: ▸     "subj"<blob>=0x308196310B300906035504061302555331133011060355040A0C0A4170706C6520496E632E312C302A060355040B0C234170706C6520576F726C647769646520446576656C6F7065722052656C6174696F6E733144304206035504030C3B4170706C6520576F726C647769646520446576656C6F7065722052656C6174696F6E732043657274696669636174696F6E20417574686F72697479  "0\201\2261\0130\011\006\003U\004\006\023\002US1\0230\021\006\003U\004\012\014\012Apple Inc.1,0*\006\003U\004\013\014#Apple Worldwide Developer Relations1D0B\006\003U\004\003\014;Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority"
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:12.89]: Found 1 matching profile(s)
WARN [2016-04-17 10:24:12.89]: Downloading provisioning profile...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:13.20]: Successfully downloaded provisioning profile...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:13.24]: Installing provisioning profile...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:13.29]: Setting Provisioning Profile type to 'app-store'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:13.30]: -----------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:13.30]: --- Step: gym ---
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:13.30]: -----------------
WARN [2016-04-17 10:24:13.33]: Using legacy build system - waiting for radar to be fixed:
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:13.34]: Installing provisioning profile...
WARN [2016-04-17 10:24:13.44]: xcrun xcodebuild -list -workspace './laff.xcworkspace'
2016-04-17 10:24:13.633 xcodebuild[21545:3785665] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID ACA8656B-FEA8-4B6D-8E4A-93F4C95C362C for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/FixCode.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
2016-04-17 10:24:14.324 xcodebuild[21549:3785712] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID ACA8656B-FEA8-4B6D-8E4A-93F4C95C362C for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/FixCode.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs

|                                      Summary for gym 1.6.2                                       |
| scheme                    | tjff                                                                 |
| clean                     | true                                                                 |
| provisioning_profile_path | /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/AppStore_com.tjff.tjff... |
| export_method             | package                                                              |
| use_legacy_build_api      | true                                                                 |
| silent                    | true                                                                 |
| export_team_id            | 118188188                                                            |
| workspace                 | ./laff.xcworkspace                                                   |
| destination               | generic/platform=iOS                                                 |
| output_name               | tjff                                                                 |
| output_directory          | .                                                                    |
| buildlog_path             | ~/Library/Logs/gym                                                   |

|                                                                        Generated Build Command                                                                         |
| Option                                                            | Value                                                                                              |
| set -o pipefail &&                                                |                                                                                                    |
| xcodebuild                                                        |                                                                                                    |
| -workspace                                                        | ./laff.xcworkspace                                                                                 |
| -scheme                                                           | tjff                                                                                               |
| -destination                                                      | generic/platform=iOS                                                                               |
| -archivePath                                                      | /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff 2016-04-17 10.24.15.xcarchive |
| clean                                                             |                                                                                                    |
| archive                                                           |                                                                                                    |
| | tee /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Logs/gym/tjff-tjff.log | xcpretty |                                                                                                    |
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:15.48]: ▸ 2016-04-17 10:24:15.479 xcodebuild[21562:3785821] [MT] PluginLoading: Required plug-in compatibility UUID ACA8656B-FEA8-4B6D-8E4A-93F4C95C362C for plug-in at path '~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/FixCode.xcplugin' not present in DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.63]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/M13ProgressSuite [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.64]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.81]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/MBProgressHUD [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.81]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.81]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/CWStatusBarNotification [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.81]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.81]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/AFNetworking [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.81]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.82]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/BlocksKit [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.82]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.86]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/DateTools [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.86]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.86]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/MTDates [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.86]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.86]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Lyt [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.86]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.86]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/MagicalRecord [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.86]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/RegExCategories [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/SDiPhoneVersion [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/STTwitter [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/SVWebViewController [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/SwipeView [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/UIAlertView-Blocks [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/XCDYouTubeKit [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/XMLDictionary [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Pods-nbff [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.88]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.89]: ▸ Cleaning Pods/Pods-tjff [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.89]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.89]: ▸ Cleaning laff/tjff [Debug]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:16.89]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:17.34]: ▸ Clean Succeeded
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:17.69]: ▸ Building Pods/MBProgressHUD [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:17.69]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:17.76]: ▸ Compiling MBProgressHUD-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:17.90]: ▸ Compiling MBProgressHUD.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:18.76]: ▸ Compiling MBProgressHUD-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:18.76]: ▸ Compiling MBProgressHUD.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:19.25]: ▸ Building library libMBProgressHUD.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:19.40]: ▸ Building library libMBProgressHUD.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.06]: ▸ Copying MBProgressHUD.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.87]: ▸ Building Pods/DateTools [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.87]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.87]: ▸ Compiling DateTools-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.87]: ▸ Compiling DTConstants.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.87]: ▸ Compiling DTError.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.87]: ▸ Compiling DTTimePeriod.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.88]: ▸ Compiling DTTimePeriodChain.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.88]: ▸ Compiling DTTimePeriodCollection.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.88]: ▸ Compiling DTTimePeriodGroup.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.88]: ▸ Compiling NSDate+DateTools.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.88]: ▸ Compiling DateTools-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.88]: ▸ Compiling DTConstants.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.88]: ▸ Compiling DTError.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.88]: ▸ Compiling DTTimePeriod.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.88]: ▸ Compiling DTTimePeriodChain.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:20.89]: ▸ Compiling DTTimePeriodCollection.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:21.09]: ▸ Compiling DTTimePeriodGroup.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:21.09]: ▸ Compiling NSDate+DateTools.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:22.11]: ▸ Building library libDateTools.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:22.25]: ▸ Building library libDateTools.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:23.09]: ▸ Copying DateTools.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:23.17]: ▸ Copying DTConstants.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:23.27]: ▸ Copying DTError.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:23.38]: ▸ Copying DTTimePeriod.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:23.46]: ▸ Copying DTTimePeriodChain.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:23.58]: ▸ Copying DTTimePeriodCollection.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:23.63]: ▸ Copying DTTimePeriodGroup.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:23.75]: ▸ Copying NSDate+DateTools.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.26]: ▸ Building Pods/BlocksKit [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.26]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.26]: ▸ Compiling A2BlockInvocation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.26]: ▸ Compiling A2DynamicDelegate.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.26]: ▸ Compiling BlocksKit-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.26]: ▸ Compiling MFMailComposeViewController+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.26]: ▸ Compiling MFMessageComposeViewController+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.27]: ▸ Compiling NSArray+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.27]: ▸ Compiling NSCache+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.27]: ▸ Compiling NSDictionary+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.27]: ▸ Compiling NSIndexSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.27]: ▸ Compiling NSInvocation+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.27]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableArray+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.27]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableDictionary+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.27]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableIndexSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.27]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableOrderedSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.28]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.28]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+A2BlockDelegate.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.28]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+A2DynamicDelegate.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.28]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+BKAssociatedObjects.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.28]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+BKBlockExecution.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.28]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+BKBlockObservation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.28]: ▸ Compiling NSOrderedSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.28]: ▸ Compiling NSSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.28]: ▸ Compiling NSTimer+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.29]: ▸ Compiling NSURLConnection+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.29]: ▸ Compiling UIActionSheet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.29]: ▸ Compiling UIAlertView+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.29]: ▸ Compiling UIBarButtonItem+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.29]: ▸ Compiling UIControl+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.29]: ▸ Compiling UIGestureRecognizer+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.29]: ▸ Compiling UIImagePickerController+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.29]: ▸ Compiling UIPopoverController+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.29]: ▸ Compiling UITextField+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.30]: ▸ Compiling UIView+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.30]: ▸ Compiling UIWebView+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.30]: ▸ Compiling A2BlockInvocation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.30]: ▸ Compiling A2DynamicDelegate.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.30]: ▸ Compiling BlocksKit-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.30]: ▸ Compiling MFMailComposeViewController+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.30]: ▸ Compiling MFMessageComposeViewController+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.30]: ▸ Compiling NSArray+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.50]: ▸ Compiling NSCache+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.50]: ▸ Compiling NSDictionary+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.54]: ▸ Compiling NSIndexSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.59]: ▸ Compiling NSInvocation+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.60]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableArray+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.71]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableDictionary+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.79]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableIndexSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:24.93]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableOrderedSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:25.13]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:25.27]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+A2BlockDelegate.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:25.59]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+A2DynamicDelegate.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:25.73]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+BKAssociatedObjects.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:25.84]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+BKBlockExecution.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:25.96]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+BKBlockObservation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.18]: ▸ Compiling NSOrderedSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.21]: ▸ Compiling NSSet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.29]: ▸ Compiling NSTimer+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.29]: ▸ Compiling NSURLConnection+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.46]: ▸ Compiling UIActionSheet+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.47]: ▸ Compiling UIAlertView+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.52]: ▸ Compiling UIBarButtonItem+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.59]: ▸ Compiling UIControl+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.61]: ▸ Compiling UIGestureRecognizer+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.70]: ▸ Compiling UIImagePickerController+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.70]: ▸ Compiling UIPopoverController+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.71]: ▸ Compiling UITextField+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.83]: ▸ Compiling UIView+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:26.84]: ▸ Compiling UIWebView+BlocksKit.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.26]: ▸ Building library libBlocksKit.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.32]: ▸ Building library libBlocksKit.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying A2BlockInvocation.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying BKMacros.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying BlocksKit+MessageUI.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying A2DynamicDelegate.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying BlocksKit+UIKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying MFMailComposeViewController+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying MFMessageComposeViewController+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying NSArray+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying NSDictionary+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying NSCache+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying NSIndexSet+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.73]: ▸ Copying NSInvocation+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSMutableIndexSet+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSMutableArray+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSMutableOrderedSet+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSMutableDictionary+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSMutableSet+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSObject+A2BlockDelegate.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSObject+A2DynamicDelegate.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSObject+BKAssociatedObjects.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSObject+BKBlockExecution.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSObject+BKBlockObservation.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSSet+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSOrderedSet+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSTimer+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying UIActionSheet+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying NSURLConnection+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying UIAlertView+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying UIBarButtonItem+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.74]: ▸ Copying UIPopoverController+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.75]: ▸ Copying UIControl+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.75]: ▸ Copying UIGestureRecognizer+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.75]: ▸ Copying UIImagePickerController+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.75]: ▸ Copying UITextField+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.75]: ▸ Copying UIView+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.75]: ▸ Copying UIWebView+BlocksKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.78]: ▸ Building Pods/CWStatusBarNotification [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.78]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.78]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.78]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification.m:25:76: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientation') to different enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIDeviceOrientation') [-Wenum-conversion]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ if (SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(@"8.0") && UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation)) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification.m:196:76: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientation') to different enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIDeviceOrientation') [-Wenum-conversion]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ if (SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(@"8.0") && UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation)) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification.m:204:76: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientation') to different enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIDeviceOrientation') [-Wenum-conversion]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ if (SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(@"8.0") && UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation)) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification.m:245:39: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientation') to different enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIDeviceOrientation') [-Wenum-conversion]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ if (UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation) ||
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ Compiling CWStatusBarNotification.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification.m:25:76: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientation') to different enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIDeviceOrientation') [-Wenum-conversion]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ if (SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(@"8.0") && UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation)) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification.m:196:76: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientation') to different enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIDeviceOrientation') [-Wenum-conversion]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸ if (SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(@"8.0") && UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation)) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.79]: ▸                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification.m:204:76: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientation') to different enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIDeviceOrientation') [-Wenum-conversion]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ if (SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(@"8.0") && UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation)) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification/CWStatusBarNotification.m:245:39: implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientation') to different enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' (aka 'enum UIDeviceOrientation') [-Wenum-conversion]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ if (UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation) ||
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Building library libCWStatusBarNotification.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Building library libCWStatusBarNotification.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Copying CWStatusBarNotification.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Building Pods/AFNetworking [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Compiling AFHTTPRequestOperation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Compiling AFHTTPRequestOperationManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Compiling AFHTTPSessionManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Compiling AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Compiling AFNetworking-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Compiling AFNetworkReachabilityManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Compiling AFSecurityPolicy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Compiling AFURLConnectionOperation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.80]: ▸ Compiling AFURLRequestSerialization.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling AFURLResponseSerialization.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling AFURLSessionManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling UIActivityIndicatorView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling UIAlertView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling UIButton+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling UIImageView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling UIProgressView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling UIRefreshControl+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling UIWebView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling AFHTTPRequestOperation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling AFHTTPRequestOperationManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling AFHTTPSessionManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.81]: ▸ Compiling AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling AFNetworking-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling AFNetworkReachabilityManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling AFSecurityPolicy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling AFURLConnectionOperation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling AFURLRequestSerialization.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling AFURLResponseSerialization.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling AFURLSessionManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling UIActivityIndicatorView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling UIAlertView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling UIButton+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.82]: ▸ Compiling UIImageView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Compiling UIProgressView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Compiling UIRefreshControl+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Compiling UIWebView+AFNetworking.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Building library libAFNetworking.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Building library libAFNetworking.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFHTTPRequestOperation.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFHTTPRequestOperationManager.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFHTTPSessionManager.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFNetworkReachabilityManager.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFSecurityPolicy.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFURLConnectionOperation.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFURLRequestSerialization.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFURLResponseSerialization.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying AFURLSessionManager.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying UIActivityIndicatorView+AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying UIAlertView+AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying UIButton+AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.83]: ▸ Copying UIImage+AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Copying UIImageView+AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Copying UIKit+AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Copying UIProgressView+AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Copying UIRefreshControl+AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Copying UIWebView+AFNetworking.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Building Pods/MTDates [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Compiling MTDates-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Compiling NSDate+MTDates.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Compiling NSDateComponents+MTDates.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Compiling MTDates-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Compiling NSDate+MTDates.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Compiling NSDateComponents+MTDates.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Building library libMTDates.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.84]: ▸ Building library libMTDates.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Copying NSDate+MTDates.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Copying NSDateComponents+MTDates.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Building Pods/Lyt [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Compiling Lyt-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Compiling Lyt.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Compiling Lyt-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Compiling Lyt.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Building library libLyt.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Building library libLyt.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Copying Lyt.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Building Pods/M13ProgressSuite [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.85]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressConsole.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.86]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressHUD.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.86]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressSuite-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.86]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressView.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.86]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.86]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewBorderedBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.86]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewFilteredImage.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.86]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewImage.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.86]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewLetterpress.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.86]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewMetro.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewMetro.m:25:17: method definition for 'copy' not found [-Wincomplete-implementation]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ @implementation M13ProgressViewMetroDot
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸                 ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewMetroDotPolygon.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewPie.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewRadiative.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewRing.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:231:27: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.87]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:243:27: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸                           ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:255:27: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸                           ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:453:23: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸                           ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:532:23: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸                       ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewSegmentedRing.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewStripedBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ Compiling UIImage+ImageEffects.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ Compiling UINavigationController+M13ProgressViewBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressConsole.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressHUD.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressSuite-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressView.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.88]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.89]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewBorderedBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.89]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewFilteredImage.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.89]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewImage.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.89]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewLetterpress.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.89]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewLetterpress.m:234:7: absolute value function 'fabsf' given an argument of type 'CGFloat' (aka 'double') but has parameter of type 'float' which may cause truncation of value [-Wabsolute-value]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.89]: ▸ if (fabsf(velocity) < 1) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.89]: ▸                       ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.89]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewMetro.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.89]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewMetro.m:25:17: method definition for 'copy' not found [-Wincomplete-implementation]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.90]: ▸ @implementation M13ProgressViewMetroDot
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.90]: ▸                     ^~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.90]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewMetroDotPolygon.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.90]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewPie.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.90]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewRadiative.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.90]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewRing.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.90]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.90]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:231:27: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:243:27: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸                           ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:255:27: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸                           ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:453:23: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸                           ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/M13ProgressSuite/Classes/ProgressViews/M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.m:532:23: incompatible pointer types initializing 'CAShapeLayer *' with an expression of type 'CALayer * _Nullable' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ CAShapeLayer *layer = _segmentsLayer.sublayers[i];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸                       ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewSegmentedRing.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Compiling M13ProgressViewStripedBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Compiling UIImage+ImageEffects.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Compiling UINavigationController+M13ProgressViewBar.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Building library libM13ProgressSuite.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Building library libM13ProgressSuite.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressConsole.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressHUD.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressView.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewBar.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.91]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewBorderedBar.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewFilteredImage.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewImage.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewLetterpress.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewMetro.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewMetroDotPolygon.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewPie.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewRadiative.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewRing.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewSegmentedBar.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewSegmentedRing.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying M13ProgressViewStripedBar.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying UIImage+ImageEffects.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Copying UINavigationController+M13ProgressViewBar.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Building Pods/MagicalRecord [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Compiling MagicalImportFunctions.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+Actions.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+ErrorHandling.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.92]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+iCloud.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+Options.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+Setup.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+ShorthandMethods.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecordInternal.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling NSAttributeDescription+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling NSEntityDescription+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalAggregation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalFinders.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.93]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalRequests.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalChainSave.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalObserving.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalSaves.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalThreading.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectModel+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSNumber+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSPersistentStore+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.94]: ▸ Compiling NSPersistentStoreCoordinator+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.95]: ▸ Compiling NSRelationshipDescription+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.95]: ▸ Compiling NSString+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling MagicalImportFunctions.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+Actions.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+ErrorHandling.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+iCloud.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+Options.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+Setup.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord+ShorthandMethods.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecord-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling MagicalRecordInternal.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling NSAttributeDescription+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling NSEntityDescription+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalAggregation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalFinders.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.96]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.97]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObject+MagicalRequests.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.97]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalChainSave.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.97]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalObserving.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.97]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.97]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalSaves.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.97]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalThreading.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.97]: ▸ Compiling NSManagedObjectModel+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.97]: ▸ Compiling NSNumber+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Compiling NSObject+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Compiling NSPersistentStore+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Compiling NSPersistentStoreCoordinator+MagicalRecord.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Compiling NSRelationshipDescription+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Compiling NSString+MagicalDataImport.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Building library libMagicalRecord.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Building library libMagicalRecord.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalImportFunctions.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecord+Actions.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecord+ErrorHandling.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecord+iCloud.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecord+Options.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecord+ShorthandMethods.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecord+Setup.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecord.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecordDeprecationMacros.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecordInternal.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.98]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecordLogging.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying MagicalRecordXcode7CompatibilityMacros.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSAttributeDescription+MagicalDataImport.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSEntityDescription+MagicalDataImport.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObject+MagicalAggregation.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObject+MagicalDataImport.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObject+MagicalFinders.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObject+MagicalRequests.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalChainSave.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalObserving.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalRecord.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObject+MagicalRecord.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:27.99]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalSaves.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObjectContext+MagicalThreading.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Copying NSManagedObjectModel+MagicalRecord.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Copying NSNumber+MagicalDataImport.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Copying NSObject+MagicalDataImport.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Copying NSPersistentStore+MagicalRecord.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Copying NSPersistentStoreCoordinator+MagicalRecord.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Copying NSRelationshipDescription+MagicalDataImport.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Copying NSString+MagicalDataImport.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Building Pods/RegExCategories [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Compiling RegExCategories-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Compiling RegExCategories.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Compiling RegExCategories-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Compiling RegExCategories.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Building library libRegExCategories.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Building library libRegExCategories.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Copying RegExCategories.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Building Pods/SDiPhoneVersion [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Compiling SDiPhoneVersion-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Compiling SDiPhoneVersion.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.00]: ▸ Compiling SDiPhoneVersion-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Compiling SDiPhoneVersion.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Building library libSDiPhoneVersion.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Building library libSDiPhoneVersion.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Copying SDiPhoneVersion.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Building Pods/STTwitter [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Compiling BAVPlistNode.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Compiling JSONSyntaxHighlight.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Compiling NSDateFormatter+STTwitter.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Compiling NSError+STTwitter.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Compiling NSString+STTwitter.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.01]: ▸ Compiling STHTTPRequest+STTwitter.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.02]: ▸ Compiling STHTTPRequest.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.02]: ▸ Compiling STTwitter-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.02]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterAPI.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.55]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterAppOnly.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.55]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterHTML.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.55]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterOAuth.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.55]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterOS.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.55]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterOSRequest.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.55]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterStreamParser.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.55]: ▸ Compiling BAVPlistNode.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.55]: ▸ Compiling JSONSyntaxHighlight.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.55]: ▸ Compiling NSDateFormatter+STTwitter.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.56]: ▸ Compiling NSError+STTwitter.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.56]: ▸ Compiling NSString+STTwitter.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.56]: ▸ Compiling STHTTPRequest+STTwitter.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.56]: ▸ Compiling STHTTPRequest.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.56]: ▸ Compiling STTwitter-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.56]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterAPI.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.82]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterAppOnly.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.82]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterHTML.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.82]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterOAuth.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.82]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterOS.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.82]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterOSRequest.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.82]: ▸ Compiling STTwitterStreamParser.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.82]: ▸ Building library libSTTwitter.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.85]: ▸ Building library libSTTwitter.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying BAVPlistNode.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying JSONSyntaxHighlight.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying NSDateFormatter+STTwitter.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying NSError+STTwitter.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying STHTTPRequest+STTwitter.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying NSString+STTwitter.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying STHTTPRequest.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying STTwitter.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying STTwitterAPI.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying STTwitterHTML.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.92]: ▸ Copying STTwitterAppOnly.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.93]: ▸ Copying STTwitterOAuth.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.93]: ▸ Copying STTwitterOSRequest.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.93]: ▸ Copying STTwitterOS.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.93]: ▸ Copying STTwitterProtocol.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.93]: ▸ Copying STTwitterRequestProtocol.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.93]: ▸ Copying STTwitterStreamParser.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ Building Pods/SVWebViewController [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ Compiling SVModalWebViewController.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SVWebViewController/SVWebViewController/SVModalWebViewController.m:33:93: undeclared selector 'doneButtonClicked:' [-Wundeclared-selector]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ action:@selector(doneButtonClicked:)];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸                       ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewController-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewController.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewControllerActivity.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewControllerActivityChrome.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewControllerActivitySafari.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.94]: ▸ Compiling SVModalWebViewController.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SVWebViewController/SVWebViewController/SVModalWebViewController.m:33:93: undeclared selector 'doneButtonClicked:' [-Wundeclared-selector]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ action:@selector(doneButtonClicked:)];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸                                                                                             ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewController-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewController.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewControllerActivity.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewControllerActivityChrome.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Compiling SVWebViewControllerActivitySafari.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Building library libSVWebViewController.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Building library libSVWebViewController.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Copying SVModalWebViewController.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Copying SVWebViewController.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Copying SVWebViewControllerActivity.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Copying SVWebViewControllerActivityChrome.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Copying SVWebViewControllerActivitySafari.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Building Pods/SwipeView [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Compiling SwipeView-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.95]: ▸ Compiling SwipeView.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.96]: ▸ Compiling SwipeView-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.96]: ▸ Compiling SwipeView.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.96]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SwipeView/SwipeView/SwipeView.m:276:9: absolute value function 'fabsf' given an argument of type 'double' but has parameter of type 'float' which may cause truncation of value [-Wabsolute-value]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.96]: ▸ if (fabsf(_autoscroll - autoscroll) > 0.0001f)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.96]: ▸                                                                                             ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.96]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SwipeView/SwipeView/SwipeView.m:394:22: absolute value function 'fabsf' given an argument of type 'CGFloat' (aka 'double') but has parameter of type 'float' which may cause truncation of value [-Wabsolute-value]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.96]: ▸ if (_vertical && fabsf(_scrollView.contentOffset.x) > 0.0001f)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸         ^~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SwipeView/SwipeView/SwipeView.m:398:28: absolute value function 'fabsf' given an argument of type 'CGFloat' (aka 'double') but has parameter of type 'float' which may cause truncation of value [-Wabsolute-value]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ else if (!_vertical && fabsf(_scrollView.contentOffset.y) > 0.0001f)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸                      ^~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SwipeView/SwipeView/SwipeView.m:616:36: absolute value function 'fabsf' given an argument of type 'CGFloat' (aka 'double') but has parameter of type 'float' which may cause truncation of value [-Wabsolute-value]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ if (!_defersItemViewLoading || fabsf([self minScrollDistanceFromOffset:_lastUpdateOffset toOffset:_scrollOffset]) >= 1.0f)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸                            ^~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SwipeView/SwipeView/SwipeView.m:776:17: absolute value function 'fabsf' given an argument of type 'CGFloat' (aka 'double') but has parameter of type 'float' which may cause truncation of value [-Wabsolute-value]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ return (fabsf(directDistance) <= fabsf(wrappedDistance))? directDistance: wrappedDistance;
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸                                    ^~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SwipeView/SwipeView/SwipeView.m:776:42: absolute value function 'fabsf' given an argument of type 'CGFloat' (aka 'double') but has parameter of type 'float' which may cause truncation of value [-Wabsolute-value]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ return (fabsf(directDistance) <= fabsf(wrappedDistance))? directDistance: wrappedDistance;
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸                 ^~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SwipeView/SwipeView/SwipeView.m:797:9: absolute value function 'fabsf' given an argument of type 'double' but has parameter of type 'float' which may cause truncation of value [-Wabsolute-value]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ if (fabsf(_scrollOffset - scrollOffset) > 0.0001f)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸                                          ^~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Pods/SwipeView/SwipeView/SwipeView.m:1188:9: absolute value function 'fabsf' given an argument of type 'double' but has parameter of type 'float' which may cause truncation of value [-Wabsolute-value]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ if (fabsf(_scrollOffset - integerOffset) < 0.01f)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸         ^~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ Building library libSwipeView.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ Building library libSwipeView.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ Copying SwipeView.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ Building Pods/UIAlertView-Blocks [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.97]: ▸ Compiling RIButtonItem.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Compiling UIActionSheet+Blocks.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Compiling UIAlertView+Blocks.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Compiling UIAlertView-Blocks-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Compiling RIButtonItem.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Compiling UIActionSheet+Blocks.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Compiling UIAlertView+Blocks.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Compiling UIAlertView-Blocks-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Building library libUIAlertView-Blocks.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Building library libUIAlertView-Blocks.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Copying RIButtonItem.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Copying UIActionSheet+Blocks.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Copying UIAlertView+Blocks.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.98]: ▸ Building Pods/XCDYouTubeKit [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.99]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.99]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeClient.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.99]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeKit-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.99]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeLogger.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.99]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubePlayerScript.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.99]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeVideo.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.99]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeVideoOperation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.99]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeVideoPlayerViewController.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:28.99]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeVideoWebpage.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.00]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeClient.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.00]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeKit-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.00]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeLogger.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.00]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubePlayerScript.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.00]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeVideo.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.00]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeVideoOperation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.00]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeVideoPlayerViewController.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Compiling XCDYouTubeVideoWebpage.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Building library libXCDYouTubeKit.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Building library libXCDYouTubeKit.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Copying XCDYouTubeError.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Copying XCDYouTubeClient.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Copying XCDYouTubeKit.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Copying XCDYouTubeLogger.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Copying XCDYouTubeOperation.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Copying XCDYouTubeVideo.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Copying XCDYouTubeVideoOperation.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Copying XCDYouTubeVideoPlayerViewController.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Building Pods/XMLDictionary [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Compiling XMLDictionary-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Compiling XMLDictionary.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.01]: ▸ Compiling XMLDictionary-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.02]: ▸ Compiling XMLDictionary.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.02]: ▸ Building library libXMLDictionary.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.02]: ▸ Building library libXMLDictionary.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.02]: ▸ Copying XMLDictionary.h
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.02]: ▸ Building Pods/Pods-nbff [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.02]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.02]: ▸ Compiling Pods-nbff-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.03]: ▸ Compiling Pods-nbff-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.04]: ▸ Building library libPods-nbff.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.04]: ▸ Building library libPods-nbff.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.07]: ▸ Building Pods/Pods-tjff [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.07]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.07]: ▸ Compiling Pods-tjff-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.07]: ▸ Compiling Pods-tjff-dummy.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.07]: ▸ Building library libPods-tjff.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.08]: ▸ Building library libPods-tjff.a
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.08]: ▸ Building laff/tjff [Release]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.08]: ▸ Check Dependencies
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.10]: ▸ Running script '📦 Check Pods Manifest.lock'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.31]: ▸ Precompiling laff/laff-Prefix.pch
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.31]: ▸ Precompiling laff/laff-Prefix.pch
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.37]: ▸ Compiling FFAttributedStringUtils.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.60]: ▸ Compiling FFPlayingScreeningCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.65]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningLocations.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.65]: ▸ Compiling FFLogoFilmIndependentCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:29.65]: ▸ Compiling FFEventsManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:203:66: 'MR_contextForCurrentThread' is deprecated: This method will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0 [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ NSManagedObjectContext * localContext = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_contextForCurrentThread];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸         ^~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:213:15: 'MR_deleteInContext:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 4.0. Please use `MR_deleteEntityInContext:` instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ [screening MR_deleteInContext:localContext];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:252:18: 'MR_createInContext:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 4.0. Please use `MR_createEntityInContext:` instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ event = [Event MR_createInContext:context];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:354:26: 'MR_createInContext:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 4.0. Please use `MR_createEntityInContext:` instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ screening = [Screening MR_createInContext:context];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.14]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:408:18: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:saveBlock completion:completeBlock];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ Compiling NSString+HTML.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutNBFFVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ Compiling FFEventShowTimesCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ Compiling FFEventInfoTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/FFEventInfoTVC.m:68:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/FFEventInfoTVC.m:314:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.15]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/About/FFAboutVC.m:149:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ Compiling FFTodayScreeningCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ Compiling Event.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ Compiling Screening.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ Compiling FFWeekCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ Compiling FFXMLSerializer.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutNBFFHeaderCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.16]: ▸ Compiling FFFeaturedTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.17]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Featured/FFFeaturedTVC.m:52:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.17]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.17]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.17]: ▸ Compiling FFFilmsVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.66]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Films/FFFilmsVC.m:261:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.66]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.66]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.66]: ▸ Compiling Event+Description.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.66]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutTJFFVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.67]: ▸ Compiling FFEventDetailsTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.67]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Details/FFEventDetailsTVC.m:123:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.67]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.67]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.67]: ▸ Compiling FFFeaturedFilmVCViewController.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.67]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Latest News/Views/FFFeaturedFilmVCViewController.m:51:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.67]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.67]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ Compiling FFEventImageTitleCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/Cells/FFEventImageTitleCell.m:202:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ Compiling FFEventScreeningCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ Compiling FFDateUtils.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ Compiling FFTextTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Text/FFTextTVC.m:30:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ Compiling FFLatestNewsTitleCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutTextCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ Compiling UIColor+RGB.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningLocation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.68]: ▸ Compiling main.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.69]: ▸ Compiling FFApiClient.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.69]: ▸ Compiling FFSocialButtonsCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.69]: ▸ Compiling FFTweetCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.70]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningMapAnnotation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.71]: ▸ Compiling FFEventGetTicketsCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.88]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutTJFFHeaderCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:30.88]: ▸ Compiling FFEventActionsCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/Cells/FFEventActionsCell.m:52:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/Cells/FFEventActionsCell.m:92:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/Cells/FFEventActionsCell.m:100:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ Compiling FFDetailsItemCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.08]: ▸ Compiling FFOneLineInfoCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.09]: ▸ Compiling UIStoryboard+Main.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.09]: ▸ Compiling FFAppDelegate.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.13]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/FFAppDelegate.m:85:1: conflicting return type in implementation of 'application:supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:': 'UIInterfaceOrientationMask' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientationMask') vs 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned int') [-Wmismatched-return-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.13]: ▸ - (NSUInteger)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.13]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.13]: ▸ Compiling FFTweetsTitleCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.13]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableArray+Shuffling.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ Compiling FFMoreTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/More/FFMoreTVC.m:82:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ ^  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ Compiling FFCoverImageVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Cover Image/FFCoverImageVC.m:86:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ Compiling FFFilmSearchCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.14]: ▸ Compiling FFSocialTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.29]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Social/FFSocialTVC.m:61:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Social/FFSocialTVC.m:77:16: 'verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock:errorBlock:' is deprecated: use verifyCredentialsWithUserSuccessBlock:errorBlock: instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ [self.twitter verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock:^(NSString * bearerToken) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Social/FFSocialTVC.m:250:40: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Social/FFSocialTVC.m:256:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningLocationVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Screening Location/FFScreeningLocationVC.m:59:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ Compiling FFConstants.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.30]: ▸ Compiling FFAppVersion.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.37]: ▸ Compiling FFSponsorsNBFFVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.37]: ▸ Compiling FFLogoLAFFCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.37]: ▸ Compiling FFWeekDay.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.41]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningScheduleCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.41]: ▸ Compiling FFEventDetailsCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.41]: ▸ Compiling FFLastTweetCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.58]: ▸ Compiling GTMNSString+HTML.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.64]: ▸ Compiling FFFeaturedFilmSwipeCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.72]: ▸ Compiling FFLatestNewsTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.86]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Latest News/FFLatestNewsTVC.m:88:16: 'verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock:errorBlock:' is deprecated: use verifyCredentialsWithUserSuccessBlock:errorBlock: instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.86]: ▸ [self.twitter verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock:^(NSString *username) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.86]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.86]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Latest News/FFLatestNewsTVC.m:350:40: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.86]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.86]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.87]: ▸ Compiling FFAttributedStringUtils.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.87]: ▸ Compiling FFPlayingScreeningCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.87]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningLocations.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:31.87]: ▸ Compiling FFEventsManager.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:203:66: 'MR_contextForCurrentThread' is deprecated: This method will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0 [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ NSManagedObjectContext * localContext = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_contextForCurrentThread];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:213:15: 'MR_deleteInContext:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 4.0. Please use `MR_deleteEntityInContext:` instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ [screening MR_deleteInContext:localContext];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:252:18: 'MR_createInContext:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 4.0. Please use `MR_createEntityInContext:` instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ event = [Event MR_createInContext:context];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:354:26: 'MR_createInContext:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 4.0. Please use `MR_createEntityInContext:` instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ screening = [Screening MR_createInContext:context];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.12]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.13]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/Data/Managers/Events Manager/FFEventsManager.m:408:18: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.13]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:saveBlock completion:completeBlock];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.13]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.13]: ▸ Compiling FFLogoFilmIndependentCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.13]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutNBFFVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.13]: ▸ Compiling FFEventShowTimesCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.13]: ▸ Compiling NSString+HTML.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.13]: ▸ Compiling FFEventInfoTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.23]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/FFEventInfoTVC.m:68:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.23]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.23]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.23]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/FFEventInfoTVC.m:314:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.23]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.23]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.24]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.24]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/About/FFAboutVC.m:149:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.24]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.24]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.24]: ▸ Compiling FFTodayScreeningCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.24]: ▸ Compiling Event.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.24]: ▸ Compiling FFWeekCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.28]: ▸ Compiling Screening.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.28]: ▸ Compiling FFXMLSerializer.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.28]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutNBFFHeaderCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.29]: ▸ Compiling FFFeaturedTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.39]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Featured/FFFeaturedTVC.m:52:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.39]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.39]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.39]: ▸ Compiling FFFilmsVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.68]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Films/FFFilmsVC.m:261:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.68]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.68]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ Compiling Event+Description.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutTJFFVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ Compiling FFEventDetailsTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Details/FFEventDetailsTVC.m:123:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ Compiling FFFeaturedFilmVCViewController.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Latest News/Views/FFFeaturedFilmVCViewController.m:51:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.69]: ▸ Compiling FFEventImageTitleCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/Cells/FFEventImageTitleCell.m:202:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ Compiling FFEventScreeningCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ Compiling FFDateUtils.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ Compiling FFTextTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Text/FFTextTVC.m:30:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ Compiling FFLatestNewsTitleCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.70]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutTextCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.75]: ▸ Compiling UIColor+RGB.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.75]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningLocation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.77]: ▸ Compiling main.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.77]: ▸ Compiling FFApiClient.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.85]: ▸ Compiling FFSocialButtonsCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.85]: ▸ Compiling FFTweetCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.88]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningMapAnnotation.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.89]: ▸ Compiling FFEventGetTicketsCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:32.95]: ▸ Compiling FFAboutTJFFHeaderCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.02]: ▸ Compiling FFEventActionsCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/Cells/FFEventActionsCell.m:52:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/Cells/FFEventActionsCell.m:92:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Event Info/Cells/FFEventActionsCell.m:100:17: 'saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:completion:' is deprecated: This method has been deprecated and will be removed in MagicalRecord 3.0. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ [MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ Compiling FFDetailsItemCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ Compiling FFOneLineInfoCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.22]: ▸ Compiling UIStoryboard+Main.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.23]: ▸ Compiling FFAppDelegate.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/FFAppDelegate.m:85:1: conflicting return type in implementation of 'application:supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:': 'UIInterfaceOrientationMask' (aka 'enum UIInterfaceOrientationMask') vs 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned long') [-Wmismatched-return-types]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ - (NSUInteger)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ Compiling FFTweetsTitleCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ Compiling NSMutableArray+Shuffling.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ Compiling FFMoreTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/More/FFMoreTVC.m:82:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ ^  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ Compiling FFCoverImageVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Cover Image/FFCoverImageVC.m:86:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ Compiling FFFilmSearchCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.40]: ▸ Compiling FFSocialTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.48]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Social/FFSocialTVC.m:61:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.48]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.48]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Social/FFSocialTVC.m:77:16: 'verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock:errorBlock:' is deprecated: use verifyCredentialsWithUserSuccessBlock:errorBlock: instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ [self.twitter verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock:^(NSString * bearerToken) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Social/FFSocialTVC.m:250:40: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Social/FFSocialTVC.m:256:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningLocationVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Screening Location/FFScreeningLocationVC.m:59:39: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ Compiling FFConstants.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.49]: ▸ Compiling FFAppVersion.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.55]: ▸ Compiling FFSponsorsNBFFVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.55]: ▸ Compiling FFLogoLAFFCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.55]: ▸ Compiling FFWeekDay.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.56]: ▸ Compiling FFScreeningScheduleCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.62]: ▸ Compiling FFEventDetailsCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.62]: ▸ Compiling FFLastTweetCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.64]: ▸ Compiling GTMNSString+HTML.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.69]: ▸ Compiling FFFeaturedFilmSwipeCell.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.71]: ▸ Compiling FFLatestNewsTVC.m
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.77]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Latest News/FFLatestNewsTVC.m:88:16: 'verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock:errorBlock:' is deprecated: use verifyCredentialsWithUserSuccessBlock:errorBlock: instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.77]: ▸ [self.twitter verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock:^(NSString *username) {
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.77]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.77]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/Code/UI/Latest News/FFLatestNewsTVC.m:350:40: 'createAppView' is deprecated: Use createScreenView instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.77]: ▸ [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.77]: ▸ ^
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:33.78]: ▸ Linking tjff
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:35.69]: ▸ Linking tjff
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:35.93]: ▸ Copying laff/Texts/nbff_venues.txt
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:35.93]: ▸ Copying tjff-Info.plist
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:35.94]: ▸ Compiling FFWeekDay.xib
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Copying laff/Texts/tjff_contact.txt
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Copying laff/Texts/nbff_about.txt
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Copying laff/Texts/tjff_about.txt
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Copying laff/Texts/nbff_contact.txt
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Copying InfoPlist.strings
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Compiling TJFF\ Launch\ Screen.xib
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Copying laff/Texts/nbff_how-to-fest.txt
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Copying laff/Texts/tjff_tickets.txt
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Copying laff/Texts/nbff_privacy.txt
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.31]: ▸ Copying laff/Texts/tjff_festival_faqs.txt
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.32]: ▸ Compiling NBFF\ Launch\ Screen.xib
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:37.33]: ▸ Compiling Main.storyboard
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:50.26]: ▸ Processing tjff-Info.plist
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:50.27]: ▸ Generating ''
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:51.14]: ▸ Running script '📦 Embed Pods Frameworks'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:51.16]: ▸ Running script '📦 Copy Pods Resources'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:51.30]: ▸ Touching
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:51.31]: ▸ Signing /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/laff-ckybunvelinpsaeqkikosqejqrxu/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/tjff/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:51.91]: ▸ Touching
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.00]: ▸ Archive Succeeded
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.10]: Successfully stored the archive. You can find it in the Xcode Organizer.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:24:52.10]: Stored the archive in: /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff 2016-04-17 10.24.15.xcarchive
|                                                                                                  Generated Package Command                                                                                                  |
| Option                                                                                                                              | Value                                                                                 |
| /usr/bin/xcrun /tmp/PackageApplication4Gym -v                                                                                       |                                                                                       |
| /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff\ 2016-04-17\ 10.24.15.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ |                                                                                       |
| -o                                                                                                                                  | /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff.ipa              |
| exportFormat ipa                                                                                                                    |                                                                                       |
| --embed                                                                                                                             | /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/AppStore_com.tjff.tjff2016.mobileprovision |
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ Packaging application: '/Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff 2016-04-17 10.24.15.xcarchive/Products/Applications/'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ Arguments: output=/Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff.ipa  verbose=1  embed=/Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/AppStore_com.tjff.tjff2016.mobileprovision
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ Environment variables:
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ SECURITYSESSIONID = 186a8
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ sigh_com.tjff.tjff2016_appstore = 488ebc46-53a3-4890-84e9-18b29997fb0c
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ VERSIONER_PERL_PREFER_32_BIT = no
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ HOME = /Users/jschoolcraft
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ PROFILE_PATH = /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/AppStore_com.tjff.tjff2016.mobileprovision
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ XPC_SERVICE_NAME = 0
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ TERM = xterm-256color
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.18]: ▸ LESS_TERMCAP_me =
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ PATH = /Users/jschoolcraft/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/bin:/usr/local/Cellar/rbenv/1.0.0/libexec:/usr/local/heroku/bin:/Users/jschoolcraft/.rbenv/shims:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/TeX/texbin
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LESS_TERMCAP_md =
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ SCHEME = tjff
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ SSH_AUTH_SOCK = /private/tmp/
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render = /private/tmp/
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ TMPDIR = /var/folders/kl/jbs5_85106b0vc73_ztgl7dh0000gn/T/
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ SDKROOT = /Applications/
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ DEVPORTAL_TEAM_ID = B8P2473H68
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS = --appdir=/Applications
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ USER = jschoolcraft
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ CODESIGNING_IDENTITY = match AppStore com.tjff.tjff2016
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ SHELL = /bin/zsh
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ PROFILE_UUID = 488ebc46-53a3-4890-84e9-18b29997fb0c
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ VISUAL = vim
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ EDITOR = vim
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ ITERM_SESSION_ID = w0t0p0
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ ITERM_PROFILE = Default
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LANG = en_US.UTF-8
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LOGNAME = jschoolcraft
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LESS_TERMCAP_se =
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ BROWSER = open
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ RBENV_ROOT = /Users/jschoolcraft/.rbenv
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LESS = -F -g -i -M -R -S -w -X -z-4
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ APP_IDENTIFIER = com.tjff.tjff2016
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ ITC_TEAM_ID = 118188188
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ FASTLANE_PLATFORM_NAME = ios
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ SHLVL = 2
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LESS_TERMCAP_us =
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING = 0x1F5:0x0:0x0
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ VERSIONER_PERL_VERSION = 5.18
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ XPC_FLAGS = 0x0
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LS_COLORS = di=34:ln=35:so=32:pi=33:ex=31:bd=36;01:cd=33;01:su=31;40;07:sg=36;40;07:tw=32;40;07:ow=33;40;07:
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LSCOLORS = exfxcxdxbxGxDxabagacad
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ FASTLANE_TEAM_ID = B8P2473H68
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ FASTLANE_LANE_NAME = beta
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ PAGER = less
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ _ = /usr/bin/xcrun
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ SIGH_UDID = 488ebc46-53a3-4890-84e9-18b29997fb0c
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ RBENV_VERSION = 2.3.0
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ GREP_COLORS = mt=37;45
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ RBENV_HOOK_PATH = /Users/jschoolcraft/.rbenv/rbenv.d:/usr/local/Cellar/rbenv/1.0.0/rbenv.d:/usr/local/etc/rbenv.d:/etc/rbenv.d:/usr/lib/rbenv/hooks:/Users/jschoolcraft/.rbenv/plugins/rbenv-default-gems/etc/rbenv.d
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ GREP_COLOR = 37;45
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ RUBYLIB = /usr/local/Cellar/rbenv-gem-rehash/1.0.0:/usr/local/Cellar/rbenv/1.0.0/rbenv.d/exec/gem-rehash:
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LESS_TERMCAP_ue =
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ RBENV_SHELL = zsh
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ COLORFGBG = 7;0
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ PWD = /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LESS_TERMCAP_so =
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ TERM_PROGRAM =
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ RBENV_DIR = /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ LESS_TERMCAP_mb =
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ Output directory: '/Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff.ipa'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ Temporary Directory: '/var/folders/kl/jbs5_85106b0vc73_ztgl7dh0000gn/T/Mk3LkdlloT'  (will NOT be deleted on exit when verbose set)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.19]: ▸ + /bin/cp -Rp /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff 2016-04-17 10.24.15.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ /var/folders/kl/jbs5_85106b0vc73_ztgl7dh0000gn/T/Mk3LkdlloT/Payload
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.29]: ▸ Program /bin/cp returned 0 : []
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.29]: ▸ ### Checking original app
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.30]: ▸ + /usr/bin/codesign --verify --no-strict -vvvv /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff 2016-04-17 10.24.15.xcarchive/Products/Applications/
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.46]: ▸ Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 0 : [/Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff 2016-04-17 10.24.15.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ valid on disk
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.46]: ▸ /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff 2016-04-17 10.24.15.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ satisfies its Designated Requirement
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.46]: ▸ ]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.46]: ▸ Done checking the original app
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:52.46]: ▸ + /usr/bin/zip --symlinks --verbose --recurse-paths /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff.ipa .
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ Program /usr/bin/zip returned 0 : [  adding: Payload/    (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=58976) (out=10853) (deflated 82%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=372) (out=241) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=10467188) (out=10366831) (deflated 1%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=18997) (out=6941) (deflated 63%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=19012) (out=6905) (deflated 64%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=7545) (out=3222) (deflated 57%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=7548) (out=3238) (deflated 57%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=5185) (out=2628) (deflated 49%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=5186) (out=2637) (deflated 49%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1159) (out=749) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=1159) (out=749) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1204) (out=786) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=1204) (out=790) (deflated 34%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1204) (out=795) (deflated 34%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=1204) (out=789) (deflated 34%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=30506) (out=10716) (deflated 65%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=30510) (out=10710) (deflated 65%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=3745) (out=1893) (deflated 49%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=3745) (out=1912) (deflated 49%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=25459) (out=8685) (deflated 66%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=25464) (out=8677) (deflated 66%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ Info~iphone.nib/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ Info~iphone.nib/objects-8.0+.nib  (in=1784) (out=1086) (deflated 39%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ Info~iphone.nib/runtime.nib   (in=1798) (out=1098) (deflated 39%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=5334) (out=2530) (deflated 53%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=5333) (out=2545) (deflated 52%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ film~iphone.nib/   (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ film~iphone.nib/objects-8.0+.nib   (in=1028) (out=663) (deflated 36%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ film~iphone.nib/runtime.nib    (in=1028) (out=662) (deflated 36%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=5971) (out=2889) (deflated 52%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=5977) (out=2882) (deflated 52%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=15370) (out=5937) (deflated 61%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=15369) (out=5955) (deflated 61%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=2476) (out=1408) (deflated 43%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=2478) (out=1400) (deflated 44%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=1039) (out=674) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1039) (out=674) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=5558) (out=2832) (deflated 49%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=5559) (out=2859) (deflated 49%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=1321) (out=864) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1321) (out=858) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1127) (out=736) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1127) (out=733) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.61]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1051) (out=688) (deflated 35%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1051) (out=692) (deflated 34%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=12718) (out=4744) (deflated 63%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=12722) (out=4737) (deflated 63%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=5597) (out=2765) (deflated 51%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=5594) (out=2761) (deflated 51%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=7545) (out=3210) (deflated 57%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=7543) (out=3223) (deflated 57%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=643) (out=320) (deflated 50%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=643) (out=321) (deflated 50%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=3332) (out=444) (deflated 87%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=2000) (out=406) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1696) (out=325) (deflated 81%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1927) (out=427) (deflated 78%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1728) (out=334) (deflated 81%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1746) (out=333) (deflated 81%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1935) (out=409) (deflated 79%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=2089) (out=361) (deflated 83%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1905) (out=405) (deflated 79%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1810) (out=331) (deflated 82%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1779) (out=355) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1764) (out=351) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=3494) (out=512) (deflated 85%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=2600) (out=513) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1818) (out=357) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=2471) (out=496) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1163) (out=268) (deflated 77%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1684) (out=352) (deflated 79%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1752) (out=309) (deflated 82%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1807) (out=359) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1705) (out=331) (deflated 81%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=2030) (out=442) (deflated 78%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1638) (out=346) (deflated 79%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=797) (out=307) (deflated 61%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.62]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=2160) (out=411) (deflated 81%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=2690) (out=523) (deflated 81%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1735) (out=318) (deflated 82%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1768) (out=358) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1730) (out=338) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1717) (out=338) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=2100) (out=460) (deflated 78%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=3345) (out=667) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=2115) (out=422) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=3430) (out=416) (deflated 88%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=3462) (out=421) (deflated 88%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1885) (out=414) (deflated 78%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=3321) (out=638) (deflated 81%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1782) (out=351) (deflated 80%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=1949) (out=471) (deflated 76%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=1845) (out=429) (deflated 77%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=7511) (out=5066) (deflated 33%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=42) (out=23) (deflated 45%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=3138) (out=1749) (deflated 44%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1518) (out=1014) (deflated 33%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=11469) (out=6433) (deflated 44%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=11607) (out=6518) (deflated 44%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ 1.2.omo (in=20256) (out=5546) (deflated 73%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=11214) (out=6302) (deflated 44%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=443) (out=320) (deflated 28%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ Launch Screen.nib  (in=2327) (out=1266) (deflated 46%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=818) (out=461) (deflated 44%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=262) (out=175) (deflated 33%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=3021) (out=1408) (deflated 53%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=7836) (out=2628) (deflated 66%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1613) (out=677) (deflated 58%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=8) (out=8) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=0) (out=0) (stored 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1148) (out=774) (deflated 33%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=1311) (out=958) (deflated 27%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1152) (out=776) (deflated 33%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=1299) (out=944) (deflated 27%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=2821) (out=2509) (deflated 11%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=5345) (out=5006) (deflated 6%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=4289) (out=3928) (deflated 8%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=3333) (out=3028) (deflated 9%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/   (in=6892) (out=6534) (deflated 5%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=5153) (out=4831) (deflated 6%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1148) (out=774) (deflated 33%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1311) (out=958) (deflated 27%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=1152) (out=776) (deflated 33%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=1299) (out=944) (deflated 27%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ .  (in=16973584) (out=8958281) (deflated 47%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ App Icon29x29@2x.png   (in=7420) (out=6873) (deflated 7%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ App Icon29x29@3x.png   (in=13278) (out=12730) (deflated 4%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ App Icon40x40@2x.png   (in=9581) (out=9021) (deflated 6%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.63]: ▸ adding: Payload/ App Icon40x40@3x.png   (in=16746) (out=16128) (deflated 4%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/ App Icon60x60@2x.png   (in=16955) (out=16345) (deflated 4%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/ App Icon60x60@3x.png   (in=26776) (out=26137) (deflated 2%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/ Launch Screen.nib  (in=1576) (out=964) (deflated 39%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/ LaunchImage-700-568h@2x.png    (in=1274124) (out=1268989) (deflated 0%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/ LaunchImage-800-Portrait-736h@3x.png   (in=3806405) (out=3784148) (deflated 1%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/ (in=733) (out=535) (deflated 27%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=636) (out=355) (deflated 44%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=337) (out=254) (deflated 25%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/  (in=5518) (out=2429) (deflated 56%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ adding: Payload/    (in=3127) (out=1587) (deflated 49%)
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ total bytes=33214952, compressed=24706651 -> 26% savings
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ ]
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: ▸ Results at '/Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff.ipa'
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:24:53.64]: Checking for Swift framework
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:24:53.65]: Packaging up the Swift Framework as the current app is a Swift app
|                             Fix Swift embedded code if needed                              |
| Option          | Value                                                                    |
| --recurse-paths | /Users/jschoolcraft/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-04-17/tjff.ipa |
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:53.69]: ▸ adding: SwiftSupport/ (stored 0%)

INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:54.50]: Successfully exported and compressed dSYM file
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:54.50]: Successfully exported and signed the ipa file:
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:54.50]: /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/tjff.ipa
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:54.51]: ---------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:54.51]: --- Step: deliver ---
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:54.51]: ---------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:54.54]: Login to iTunes Connect (
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:56.55]: Login successful

|                          deliver 1.11.0 Summary                          |
| force              | true                                                |
| team_id            | 118188188                                           |
| skip_binary_upload | false                                               |
| screenshots_path   | ./fastlane/screenshots/com.tjff.tjff2016/           |
| username           |                       |
| ipa                | /Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/tjff.ipa |
| metadata_path      | ./fastlane/metadata                                 |
| app_version        | 1.0                                                 |
| app_identifier     | com.tjff.tjff2016                                   |
| skip_screenshots   | false                                               |
| skip_metadata      | false                                               |
| submit_for_review  | false                                               |
| automatic_release  | false                                               |

INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:56.83]: Making sure the latest version on iTunes Connect matches '1.0' from the ipa file...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:57.44]: '1.0' is the latest version on iTunes Connect
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:58.67]: Uploading metadata to iTunes Connect
INFO [2016-04-17 10:24:59.46]: Successfully uploaded initial set of metadata to iTunes Connect
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:00.03]: Starting with the upload of screenshots...
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:00.03]: Successfully uploaded screenshots to iTunes Connect
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:01.11]: Uploading binary to iTunes Connect
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:01.19]: Wrote XML data to '/tmp/1103788088.itmsp'
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:01.22]: Going to upload updated app to iTunes Connect
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:01.22]: This might take a few minutes, please don't interrupt the script
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:01.28]: /Applications/\ -Djava.ext.dirs=/Applications/\ -XX:NewSize=2m -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath /Applications/\ -m upload -u -p YourPassword -f /tmp/1103788088.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000 2>&1
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.21]: [Transporter]: INFO: Transporter is skipping bundle update check: Already checked recently.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.31]: [Transporter]: INFO: Logging configured successfully.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.31]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Attempting refresh of configuration data from
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.39]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Configuration refresh successful.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.39]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Saving configuration to local path: /Users/jschoolcraft/.itmstransporter/
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.39]: [Transporter]: INFO: iTMSTransporter : iTunes Store Transporter [1.8.8]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.39]: [Transporter]: INFO: OS identifier: Mac OS X 10.11.4 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.39]: [Transporter]: INFO: Memory: [JVM] 889M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 6460M free, 32768M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.39]: [Transporter]: INFO: Upload mode selected.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.41]: [Transporter]: INFO: Examining the package at: /tmp/1103788088.itmsp
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.41]: [Transporter]: INFO: Ensuring that package has well formed metadata file...
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.41]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Getting case-sensitive metadata xml filename...
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.41]: [Transporter]: INFO: Gathering the list of valid files from the package ...
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.41]: [Transporter]: DEBUG:   115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa will be verified by Apple's web service to determine if it is a valid file.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.41]: [Transporter]: DEBUG:   metadata.xml will be verified by Apple's web service to determine if it is a valid file.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.41]: [Transporter]: INFO: Finished gathering the list of valid files from the package.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.41]: [Transporter]: DEBUG:   Case-sensitive metadata filename is: metadata.xml
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.43]: [Transporter]: INFO: Performing authentication of package 1103788088.itmsp ...
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 879M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 6447M free, 32768M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 879M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 6447M free, 32768M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Using operation named: authenticateForSession
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.43]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.11.4 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Password = **hidden value**
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u -p **hidden value** -f /tmp/1103788088.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Username =
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Version = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.44]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.44]: [Transporter]: INFO: id = 20160417102503-850
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.82]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.82]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter SessionId = CISnDBIQH9dinm7ITVeWJwAccxXNDA==
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.82]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter SharedSecret = bd075038-9887-4c2f-afb5-b3b7d59a9e7f
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.82]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Deflated 452 bytes to 392
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Using operation named: validateMetadata
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Files = [115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa, metadata.xml]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Metadata = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MetadataChecksum = 63bbad89739b5516ac5bc5358023f597
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed)
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.11.4 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter PackageName = 1103788088.itmsp
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter PackageSize = 24759789
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Throttle = 100000
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u -p **hidden value** -f /tmp/1103788088.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Username =
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Version = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:03.83]: [Transporter]: INFO: id = 20160417102503-198
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter CPUToken = 0260b93d-d12a-4483-91d9-98e9b21d9055/1460903104587
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter AssetsToDescribe = [{, Role=source, ShouldDescribeAsset=true, Filename=115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa}]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter FileSizes = {115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa=24759337}
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Checksums = {115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa=c98dd5be4507aed83a6589febdf9528a}
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Success = true
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter FilesToUpload = [metadata.xml, 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter ProviderNameForToken = PDP8PC5B8F
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: INFO: The list of files requested for upload by Apple is: [metadata.xml, 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa].  These are the files that will be uploaded.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:04.75]: [Transporter]: INFO: Starting media analysis of assets
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:05.14]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Handling asset: filename=115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa,,role=source,describe=true
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:05.14]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Using container type tool name and version: iOS App Describer:1.24
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:05.14]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Using path: /tmp/1103788088.itmsp/115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:08.83]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Asset successfully described:$1@14841479
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.00]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Deflated 794289 bytes to 105579
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: INFO: Asset media analysis has completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 789M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 6371M free, 32768M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Using operation named: lookupTransportDiagnostic
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.11.4 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u -p **hidden value** -f /tmp/1103788088.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Username =
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Version = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.01]: [Transporter]: INFO: id = 20160417102509-841
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.64]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.64]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter SigniantLoggingLevel = OFF
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.64]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter AsperaLoggingLevel = OFF
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.67]: [Transporter]: INFO: Signiant TransferEngine build
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.68]: [Transporter]: INFO: Using Signiant UDP transport
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.69]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Setting the target rate to 15000001 bytes per second.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.69]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Setting the throttle to 12500000 bytes per second.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.69]: [Transporter]: INFO: Transfer engine:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.69]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is DISCONNECTED
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is CONNECTING
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Processing URL list: mxwan://
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:09.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Trying UDP
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:10.84]: [Transporter]: INFO: Connected to UDP
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:10.99]: [Transporter]: INFO: Authenticating
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:11.72]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is AWAITING_DATA_STREAMS
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:11.72]: [Transporter]: INFO: Setting up data streams
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:12.49]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is CONNECTED
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:12.49]: [Transporter]: INFO: Connected using WAN accelerator
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:12.66]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: a7f4cd01-8ee6-432e-92de-7b58dbc2bedd3672331950964739878.txt 11/11, 100% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:12.68]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: The status for the file, a7f4cd01-8ee6-432e-92de-7b58dbc2bedd3672331950964739878.txt, is TRANSFERRED.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:12.99]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is DISCONNECTED
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.12]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is DISCONNECTED
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Using token file path /Users/jschoolcraft/.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/mpHaven.fios-router.home_PDP8PC5B8F_1103788088.itmsp.token
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Attempting exclusive file lock on token file
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Set token: 0260b93d-d12a-4483-91d9-98e9b21d9055/1460903104587
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 944M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 6216M free, 32768M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Deflated 452 bytes to 392
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Using operation named: validateAssets
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter CPUToken = 0260b93d-d12a-4483-91d9-98e9b21d9055/1460903104587
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Files = [115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa, metadata.xml]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MetadataChecksum = 63bbad89739b5516ac5bc5358023f597
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed)
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.11.4 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter PackageName = 1103788088.itmsp
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter PackageSize = 24759789
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.18]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Throttle = 100000
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.19]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Transport = Signiant
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.19]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u -p **hidden value** -f /tmp/1103788088.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.19]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Username =
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.19]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Version = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.19]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:13.19]: [Transporter]: INFO: id = 20160417102513-438
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter SigniantLoggingLevel = INFO
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter WebDavFolderPath = /4/PDP8PC5B8F/uploading
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransportHosts = [,,,]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter ProviderName = PDP8PC5B8F
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter WebDavServerName =
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Checksums = {115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa=c98dd5be4507aed83a6589febdf9528a}
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Warnings = [WARNING ITMS-90159: "Invalid provisioning profile. This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with Team ID PDP8PC5B8F."]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Success = true
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter FilesToUpload = [metadata.xml, 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransportPort = 44001
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter ResumeFlag = false
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter NewPackageName = 1103788088-20160417072519-270.itmsp
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransportUser = transporter
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter CPUToken = 6a8633ac-4ca7-49ef-91ee-4b579f758d72/1460903116166
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter AssetsToDescribe = [{, Role=source, ShouldDescribeAsset=true, Filename=115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa}]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter FileSizes = {115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa=24759337}
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter ProviderNameForToken = PDP8PC5B8F
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.21]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransportPath = sgr6_pod2/transporter/content/transporter/PDP8PC5B8F
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.62]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Existing token found, cleaning up
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.62]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Unlocking token at path /Users/jschoolcraft/.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/mpHaven.fios-router.home_PDP8PC5B8F_1103788088.itmsp.token
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.62]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Releasing token file lock
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Using token file path /Users/jschoolcraft/.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/mpHaven.fios-router.home_PDP8PC5B8F_1103788088.itmsp.token
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Attempting exclusive file lock on token file
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Set token: 6a8633ac-4ca7-49ef-91ee-4b579f758d72/1460903116166
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: INFO: The list of files requested for upload by Apple is: [metadata.xml, 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa].  These are the files that will be uploaded.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: INFO: Done performing authentication.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: INFO: The asset replacement verification check is disabled.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: INFO: Checking the file size of the files: [115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:  Checking the size of file: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: INFO: Done checking the file sizes.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: INFO: Checking the md5 checksum of the files: [115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.63]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:  Checking the MD5 checksum of file: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Done checking the md5 checksum.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Preparing to upload package 1103788088.itmsp ...
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Determining which files should be uploaded ...
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Valid local files will be checked:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Remote files uploaded:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Examining working file: metadata.xml
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Adding file to be uploaded: metadata.xml
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Examining working file: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Adding file to be uploaded: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Finished determining which files should be uploaded.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: ITMSPackage: files to be uploaded:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Starting to upload the package's files (1103788088.itmsp) ...
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Resetting sizes for progress logging
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Computing total size of files to upload ...
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   adding file for % complete logging: metadata.xml , size: 452
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   adding file for % complete logging: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa , size: 24759337
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DEBUG: Setting total size of files for upload to: 24759789
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Done computing total size of files to upload.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Signiant TransferEngine build
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: INFO: Using Signiant UDP transport
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Setting the target rate to 15000001 bytes per second.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.70]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Setting the throttle to 12500000 bytes per second.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.71]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is DISCONNECTED
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.71]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is CONNECTING
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.71]: [Transporter]: INFO: Processing URL list: mxwan://|mxwan://|mxwan://|mxwan://
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.71]: [Transporter]: INFO: Trying UDP
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.71]: [Transporter]: INFO: Trying UDP
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.71]: [Transporter]: INFO: Trying UDP
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:21.71]: [Transporter]: INFO: Trying UDP
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:22.81]: [Transporter]: INFO: Connected to UDP
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:22.96]: [Transporter]: INFO: Authenticating
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:23.50]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is AWAITING_DATA_STREAMS
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:23.50]: [Transporter]: INFO: Setting up data streams
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.28]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is CONNECTED
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.28]: [Transporter]: INFO: Connected using WAN accelerator
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.46]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: metadata.xml 452/452, 100% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.46]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 697M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 6153M free, 32768M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.46]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Using operation named: assignTransportPodToUpload
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.46]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.46]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.46]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.46]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter CPUToken = 6a8633ac-4ca7-49ef-91ee-4b579f758d72/1460903116166
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.46]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter NewPackageName = 1103788088-20160417072519-270.itmsp
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.46]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.11.4 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.47]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Pod = McCarran Signiant 2
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.47]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Transport = Signiant
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.47]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u -p **hidden value** -f /tmp/1103788088.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.47]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Username =
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.47]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Version = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.47]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.47]: [Transporter]: INFO: id = 20160417102524-148
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.48]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: The status for the file, metadata.xml, is TRANSFERRED.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.49]: [Transporter]: INFO: Package upload progress: 0% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.81]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.81]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Success = true
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.82]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 505600/24759337, 2% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:24.92]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 995400/24759337, 4% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.08]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 1248200/24759337, 5% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.10]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 1501000/24759337, 6% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.13]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 1738000/24759337, 7% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.22]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 2243600/24759337, 9% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.23]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 2480600/24759337, 10% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.23]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 2733400/24759337, 11% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.26]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 3223200/24759337, 13% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.30]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 3476000/24759337, 14% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.35]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 3728800/24759337, 15% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.38]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 3965800/24759337, 16% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.42]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 4218600/24759337, 17% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.46]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 4471400/24759337, 18% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.51]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 4708400/24759337, 19% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.55]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 4961200/24759337, 20% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.59]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 5214000/24759337, 21% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.62]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 5451000/24759337, 22% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.67]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 5703800/24759337, 23% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.71]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 5956600/24759337, 24% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.74]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 6193600/24759337, 25% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.83]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 6699200/24759337, 27% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.87]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 6936200/24759337, 28% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.95]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 7441800/24759337, 30% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:25.99]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 7678800/24759337, 31% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.06]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 8184400/24759337, 33% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.11]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 8421400/24759337, 34% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.18]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 8927000/24759337, 36% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.22]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 9164000/24759337, 37% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.29]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 9669600/24759337, 39% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.34]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 9906600/24759337, 40% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.37]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 10159400/24759337, 41% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.44]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 10649200/24759337, 43% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.47]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 10902000/24759337, 44% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.55]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 11391800/24759337, 46% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.58]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 11644600/24759337, 47% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.65]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 12134400/24759337, 49% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.69]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 12387200/24759337, 50% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.75]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 12877000/24759337, 52% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.82]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 13382600/24759337, 54% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.85]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 13619600/24759337, 55% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.92]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 14125200/24759337, 57% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:26.99]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 14615000/24759337, 59% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.02]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 14867800/24759337, 60% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.05]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 15104800/24759337, 61% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.12]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 15610400/24759337, 63% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.18]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 16100200/24759337, 65% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.21]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 16353000/24759337, 66% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.24]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 16590000/24759337, 67% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.27]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 16842800/24759337, 68% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.33]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 17332600/24759337, 70% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.39]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 17838200/24759337, 72% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.43]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 18075200/24759337, 73% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.46]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 18328000/24759337, 74% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.51]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 18817800/24759337, 76% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.57]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 19323400/24759337, 78% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.61]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 19560400/24759337, 79% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.64]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 19813200/24759337, 80% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.67]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 20066000/24759337, 81% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.72]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 20555800/24759337, 83% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.78]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 21045600/24759337, 85% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.81]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 21298400/24759337, 86% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.83]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 21551200/24759337, 87% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.90]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 22041000/24759337, 89% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.94]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 22546600/24759337, 91% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:27.98]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 22783600/24759337, 92% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.01]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 23036400/24759337, 93% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.06]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 23526200/24759337, 95% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.12]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 24031800/24759337, 97% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.14]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 24268800/24759337, 98% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.17]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 24521600/24759337, 99% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.19]: [Transporter]: INFO:      File: 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa 24759337/24759337, 100% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.25]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: The status for the file, 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa, is TRANSFERRED.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.25]: [Transporter]: INFO: Package upload progress: 100% completed
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.59]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is DISCONNECTED
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.66]: [Transporter]: INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is DISCONNECTED
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.86]: [Transporter]: INFO: The file, metadata.xml, was uploaded successfully.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.86]: [Transporter]: INFO: The file, 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa, was uploaded successfully.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.86]: [Transporter]: INFO: The status for the upload is SUCCESSFUL.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.86]: [Transporter]: INFO: The package's files (1103788088.itmsp) uploaded successfully.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.86]: [Transporter]: INFO: Done performing upload.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.86]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: The transfer time for the package 1103788088.itmsp was 7157 milliseconds.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.86]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Throughput information for 1103788088.itmsp: 0 minutes, 7.16 seconds, 23.61MB, 3.30MB/sec
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: INFO: Performing uploadDone notification to Apple for package 1103788088.itmsp ...
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Deflated 814 bytes to 396
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 937M free, 982M total, 982M max [System] (Physical) 6140M free, 32768M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Using operation named: uploadDoneWithArguments
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter CPUToken = 6a8633ac-4ca7-49ef-91ee-4b579f758d72/1460903116166
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter ClientChecksumInfo = [{FileSize=24759337, CalculatedChecksum=c98dd5be4507aed83a6589febdf9528a, FileLastModified=1460903101000, Filename=115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa, CalculationTime=67}]
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter ExtraTransportLogCompressed = (suppressed)
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter FileSizeInfo = {metadata.xml=452, 115b09c60e27c5cc5a082fef5f38fccd.ipa=24759337}
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter NewPackageName = 1103788088-20160417072519-270.itmsp
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter NumberBytesTransferred = 24759789
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.11.4 (x86_64); jvm=24.80-b07; jre=1.7.0-internal-root_2015_05_12_09_52-b00
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter PackagePathWithoutBase = sgr6_pod2/transporter/content/transporter/PDP8PC5B8F
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Throttle = 100000
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransferTime = 7157
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Transport = Signiant
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransportLogCompressed = (suppressed)
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u -p **hidden value** -f /tmp/1103788088.itmsp -t Signiant -k 100000
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Username =
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Version = 1.8.8
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:28.87]: [Transporter]: INFO: id = 20160417102528-301
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:30.55]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:30.55]: [Transporter]: DBG-X:   parameter Success = true
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:30.55]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Unlocking token at path /Users/jschoolcraft/.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/mpHaven.fios-router.home_PDP8PC5B8F_1103788088.itmsp.token
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:30.55]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Releasing token file lock
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:30.55]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Removing token at path /Users/jschoolcraft/.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/mpHaven.fios-router.home_PDP8PC5B8F_1103788088.itmsp.token
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:30.55]: [Transporter]: INFO: Done performing uploadDone notification to Apple.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:30.55]: [Transporter]: INFO: The package: /tmp/1103788088.itmsp has been successfully uploaded.
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:30.61]: [Transporter]: INFO: The following warnings were received from Apple's web service ...
WARN [2016-04-17 10:25:30.61]: [Transporter Warning Output]: WARNING ITMS-90159: "Invalid provisioning profile. This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with Team ID PDP8PC5B8F."
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:30.67]: iTunes Transporter successfully finished its job
DEBUG [2016-04-17 10:25:30.67]: [Transporter]: DBG-X: Returning 0
WARN [2016-04-17 10:25:30.74]: WARNING ITMS-90159: "Invalid provisioning profile. This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with Team ID PDP8PC5B8F."
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:30.74]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:30.74]: Successfully uploaded package to iTunes Connect. It might take a few minutes until it's visible online.
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:30.74]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:30.74]: Finished the upload to iTunes Connect
INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:30.75]: Successfully generated documentation to path '/Users/jschoolcraft/code/clients/laff/laff/fastlane/'

|                     fastlane summary                     |
| Step | Action                              | Time (in s) |
| 1    | Verifying required fastlane version | 0           |
| 2    | default_platform                    | 0           |
| 3    | cocoapods                           | 5           |
| 4    | match                               | 6           |
| 5    | sigh                                | 4           |
| 6    | gym                                 | 41          |
| 7    | deliver                             | 36          |

INFO [2016-04-17 10:25:30.76]: finished successfully 🎉

☻                                                                                                                                                       fastlane 8613021 ✗

Configuration Files

Please copy the complete content of your Fastfile and any other configuration files you use below:


# Customise this file, documentation can be found here:
# All available actions:
# can also be listed using the `fastlane actions` command

# Change the syntax highlighting to Ruby
# All lines starting with a # are ignored when running `fastlane`

# If you want to automatically update fastlane if a new version is available:
# update_fastlane

# This is the minimum version number required.
# Update this, if you use features of a newer version
fastlane_version "1.81.0"

default_platform :ios

platform :ios do
  before_all do
    # ENV["SLACK_URL"] = ""

  desc "Runs all the tests"
  lane :test do

  desc "Installs FixCode which disables the \"Fix Issue\" button in Xcode"
  lane :xcode do
      url: ""

  desc "Submit a new Beta Build to Apple TestFlight"
  desc "This will also make sure the profile is up to date"
  lane :beta do
    # look at

      git_url: "",
      app_identifier: ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER'],
      team_id: ENV['DEVPORTAL_TEAM_ID'],
      type: "appstore",
    ) # more information:

      app_identifier: ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER'],
      provisioning_name: ENV['CODESIGNING_IDENTITY'],
      team_id: ENV['DEVPORTAL_TEAM_ID'],

    ENV["PROFILE_UUID"] = lane_context[SharedValues::SIGH_UDID]
    ENV["PROFILE_PATH"] = lane_context[SharedValues::SIGH_PROFILE_PATH]

      scheme: ENV['SCHEME'],
      clean: true,
      provisioning_profile_path: ENV['PROFILE_PATH'],
      export_method: 'package',
      use_legacy_build_api: true,
      silent: true,
      export_team_id: ENV['ITC_TEAM_ID'],

    # snapshot(
    #   devices: ["iPhone 6", "iPhone 6 Plus", "iPhone 5", "iPhone 4s"],
    #   languages: ["en-US"],
    #   output_directory: "./fastlane/screenshots/#{ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER']}/",
    #   clear_previous_screenshots: true,
    #   scheme: ENV['SCHEME'],
    # )

      force: true, # Just skips HTML preview of screenshots
      team_id: ENV['ITC_TEAM_ID'],
      skip_binary_upload: false,
      screenshots_path: "./fastlane/screenshots/#{ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER']}/",

    # pilot(
    #   skip_submission: true,
    #   app_identifier: ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER'],
    #   distribute_external: false,
    #   team_id: ENV['TEAM_ID'],
    # )

  desc "Deploy a new version to the App Store"
  lane :appstore do
    # match(type: "appstore")
    # snapshot
      scheme: ENV['SCHEME']
    ) # Build your app - more options available
      app_identifier: ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER'],
      force: true,
      screenshots_path: "./screenshots/#{ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER']}",
      metadata_path: "./metadata/#{ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER']}",
    # frameit

  # You can define as many lanes as you want

  after_all do |lane|
    # This block is called, only if the executed lane was successful

    # slack(
    #   message: "Successfully deployed new App Update."
    # )

  error do |lane, exception|
    # slack(
    #   message: exception.message,
    #   success: false
    # )

# More information about multiple platforms in fastlane:
# All available actions:

# fastlane reports which actions are used
# No personal data is recorded. Learn more at


CODESIGNING_IDENTITY='match AppStore com.tjff.tjff2016'


fastlane version (run fastlane -v):

fastlane -v                                                                                                                                          
fastlane 1.81.0

Do you use bundler to execute fastlane (i.e. bundle exec fastlane)?


Do you use a Ruby environment manager (e.g. chruby, rbenv, rvm)?


☻  rbenv -v                                                                                                                                             rbenv 1.0.0

☻  ruby -v                                                                                                                                              ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) [x86_64-darwin14]
KrauseFx commented 8 years ago

I assume you set the Team ID somewhere in your project, could you check that?

jschoolcraft commented 8 years ago

I ag PDP8PC5B8F from the project root and it doesn't turn up anything.

jschoolcraft commented 8 years ago

So PDP8PC5B8F is the Team ID of the Team I want to deliver/pilot the app as. I can use deliver to post screenshots for the app with the correct app/bundle id com.tjff.tjff2016 and I see them in ITC.

However if I try to use match specifying that Team ID it says:

match appstore -b PDP8PC5B8F

|                            Summary for match 0.4.0                            |
| team_id               | PDP8PC5B8F                                            |
| git_url               | |
| type                  | appstore                                              |
| username              |                         |
| app_identifier        | com.tjff.tjff2016                                     |
| keychain_name         | login.keychain                                        |
| readonly              | false                                                 |
| verbose               | false                                                 |
| force                 | false                                                 |
| shallow_clone         | false                                                 |
| force_for_new_devices | false                                                 |
| skip_docs             | false                                                 |

[11:36:25]: Cloning remote git repo...
[11:36:26]: 🔓  Successfully decrypted certificates repo
[11:36:26]: Verifying that the certificate and profile are still valid on the Dev Portal...
[11:36:29]: ==========================================
[11:36:29]: Could not find App ID with bundle identifier 'com.tjff.tjff2016'
[11:36:29]: You can easily generate a new App ID on the Developer Portal using 'produce':
[11:36:29]: produce -u -a com.tjff.tjff2016 --skip_itc
[11:36:29]: You will be asked for any missing information, like the full name of your app
[11:36:29]: If the app should also be created on iTunes Connect, remove the --skip_itc from the command above
[11:36:29]: ==========================================
[11:36:29]: An app with that bundle ID needs to exist in order to create a provisioning profile for it
[11:36:29]: ================================================================
[11:36:29]: Make sure to run `match` with the same user and team every time.
[11:36:29]: 🔒  Successfully encrypted certificates repo

[!] Couldn't find bundle identifier 'com.tjff.tjff2016' for the user ''

And if I try to create the app that already exists:

produce -u -a com.tjff.tjff2016 -b PDP8PC5B8F                                                                          fastlane 8613021 ✗

|           Summary for produce 1.1.1            |
| username       | |
| app_identifier | com.tjff.tjff2016             |
| team_id        | PDP8PC5B8F                    |
| sku            | 1460993956                    |
| language       | English                       |
| skip_itc       | false                         |
| skip_devcenter | false                         |

[11:39:20]: To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'app_name'
App Name: TJFF 2016
[11:39:54]: Creating new app 'TJFF 2016' on the Apple Dev Center

[!] Apple provided the following error info:
    An App ID with Identifier &#x27;com.tjff.tjff2016&#x27; is not available. Please enter a different string.

I'm not sure how to debug this any further. I've nuked everything (match nuke) multiple times.

TKBurner commented 8 years ago

@jschoolcraft Thanks for reaching out. Can you let me know what happens when you run fastlane init?


jschoolcraft commented 8 years ago

I think I'm mostly good at this point. Lots of little setup errors on my part. e.g. created the app_id in the wrong account and not realizing it, bundle id wrong in a target. Lots of things.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 1:26 PM, Todd Burner wrote:

@jschoolcraft Thanks for reaching out. Can you let me know what happens when you run fastlane init?


— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

TKBurner commented 8 years ago

@jschoolcraft Glad to hear you got up and running! Even happier that you are checking out Fastlane 👍