fastly / fastly-py

A Fastly API client for Python
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tls_configurations error on upload_tls_bulk_cert() #89

Open mechanicalgirl opened 1 year ago

mechanicalgirl commented 1 year ago



What happened

I'm attempting to upload a TLS cert with the upload_tls_bulk_cert() method.

When I structure the request as per this example:

I get this error:

AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'tls_configurations'

The error looks like it's originating from the model_utils - I've got a stacktrace here:

I've also tried structuring the request as per these docs:

Where the error returned is this:

Exception when calling TlsBulkCertificatesApi->upload_tls_bulk_cert: (400)
Reason: Bad Request
HTTP response body: {"errors":[{"title":"Missing required attribute","detail":"param is missing or the value is empty: tls_configuration_ids"}]}

(My apologies, I did not save a stacktrace from this one.)

I've been able to get this working with a workaround that uses the request library and hits the endpoint directly.

I started with a Fastly support request - one of their engineers directed me to submit an issue here. Their ticket is and may provide more detail. (There are some of my code examples in that ticket, although I don't think they'll be helpful as they mirror what's in your docs exactly, aside from the specific values being passed.)