fastly / sigsci-splunk-app

Splunk app for Fastly (Signal Sciences)
MIT License
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Descriptive User Agent for Python Scripts #5

Closed dacoburn closed 5 years ago

dacoburn commented 6 years ago

To make it easier to understand that requests are coming from the splunk app using a descriptive user agent is a good idea.


headers = {
      'UserAgent': 'SigSci-SplunkTA/1.0.12 (Python)'
dacoburn commented 5 years ago

This has been added in since version 1.0.11. The format is

SigSci-Splunk-TA-Requests/x.y.zz (PythonRequests X.YY) SigSci-Splunk-TA-Events/x.y.zz (PythonRequests X.YY)