fastly / sigsci-splunk-app

Splunk app for Fastly (Signal Sciences)
MIT License
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Requests data is intermittent with single input, stops collection with multiple input. #9

Closed abhisap closed 4 years ago

abhisap commented 5 years ago

After configuring the first input for requests, from 1 dashbaord site, the data came in, added second dashboard site to data input configuration, data stopped coming in. Deleted / disabled second input, data came in, but then it stopped again. Disabling and enabling input allowed data come in upon enabling and stopped again. Behaviour is the data comes only when you manually disable or enable input and only 1 dasboard site is configured. This has been observed on Splunk cloud, is there anyway to make both sites work to fetch data using API without needing to disable and re-enable the inputs, on Splunk cloud, or what should I look for for troubleshooting. The api email and access key combinations do work when run through the curl command in shell. Thanks, Abhi

dacoburn commented 4 years ago

@abhisap I believe this is now fixed in version 1.0.21. There had been an issue with how the newer SDK handled turning on multi instance mode instead of using Single Instance mode. Should be fixed in the latest commit. Reopen if that is not the case.