fastly / terraform-provider-fastly

Terraform Fastly provider
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Marking vcl backends as sensitive #790

Closed PaulRudin closed 10 months ago

PaulRudin commented 10 months ago

Terraform Version

terraform -v
Terraform v1.6.6
on linux_amd64
+ provider v5.6.0

Affected Fastly Terraform Resource(s)

Please list the affected resources

It seems that the provider treats any fastly_service_vcl blocks as sensitive. This means that we see this sort of thing in a plan:

      + backend {
          # At least one attribute in this block is (or was) sensitive,
          # so its contents will not be displayed.

This makes it quite hard to quickly determine whether your plan is correct or not. It looks like the ssl_client_cert and ssl_client_keysubproperties are treated as sensitive. I don't know if it's possible to show the remaining subproperties (or maybe this is a feature of terraform itself rather than just the provider?).

Integralist commented 10 months ago


Unfortunately, this issue is outside the control of the Fastly Terraform provider, and is something that the Terraform CLI introduced in its CLI release 1.4 😞

You'll see I've left a few comments on the following open Terraform GitHub issue thread in which I explain in more detail the problem this causes:

I also opened a similar issue on the OpenTofu issue tracker and it's something they are interested in resolving 🎉:

EDIT: Sorry @PaulRudin I've only just realised/noticed that you're already aware of that Terraform thread as you commented (and I replied to it there as well back in September). As mentioned in my reply in that thread, I am working on a rewrite of the Terraform provider (here) which (as well as fundamentally updating the provider to use HashiCorp's new/non-backwards-compatible plugin framework) replaces all uses of a TypeSet with a TypeMap. Still, that rewrite is a long way off being completed (just simply due to the sheer size of the Fastly provider itself).

PaulRudin commented 10 months ago

Incidentally - FWIW I'm currently using a quick and dirty script, which at least lets me see something useful

#!/usr/bin/env bash

PLANFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/plan.XXX.tfplan)
trap "rm -f ${PLANFILE}" 0 2 3 15
JSONFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/plan.XXX.json)
trap "rm -f ${JSONFILE}" 0 2 3 15
terraform plan -out=${PLANFILE}
terraform show -json ${PLANFILE} > ${JSONFILE}
readarray -t changes < <(jq --compact-output '.resource_changes[]' ${JSONFILE})
for i in "${changes[@]}"; do
    orig=$(jq --raw-output --sort-keys '.change.before|walk(if type=="array" then sort else . end)' <<< "$i")
    after=$(jq --raw-output --sort-keys '.change.after|walk(if type=="array" then sort else . end)' <<< "$i")
    sdiff <(echo "${orig}") <(echo "${after}") | colordiff | less -R
jlav1n commented 9 months ago

Great script, @PaulRudin! I adapted to my shell -- it's curious that the diff I see for my backends (with no changes on my side) is:


@Integralist Do you know if anything might have changed on the Fastly API side to cause this diff? I suspect we wouldn't see any backend diffs at all unless the API changed something with this attribute recently.

Integralist commented 9 months ago

@jlav1n looking at it seems that was added 10 months ago but hasn't been touched since.

jlav1n commented 9 months ago

Ok, yeah, I see my TF state had it as 0 for some odd reason, but now it's back to null. Sorry!