fastmachinelearning / hls4ml

Machine learning on FPGAs using HLS
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AveragePooling2D/GlobalAveragePooling2D Issue? #311

Closed jmduarte closed 2 years ago

jmduarte commented 3 years ago

I've been tracking down bugs related to this TinyML ResNet model, and you can see here (, it uses an AveragePooling2D layer with the pool_size parameter set to the whole image, so effectively it's a GlobalAveragePooling2D layer.

For some reason, I'm unable to get this type of layer to give correct results in hls4ml. See this gist to reproduce the error:

I create a random input tensor with shape [8, 8, 3], which after the (global) average pooling should have output values of:

[17.974936   9.814308   4.8630896]

The hls4ml output instead is (erroneously) the same for each channel

[0.875 0.875 0.875]

This is using ap_fixed<10,7,AP_SAT,AP_RND> precision, and io_stream, but varying these things doesn't fix the agreement. GlobalAveragePooling2D shows the exact same behavior. Curiously, MaxPooling2D and GlobalMaxPooling2D seem to be correct and don't have this issue.

jmduarte commented 3 years ago

OK, after discussing with @vloncar and @thesps offline, we narrowed down the issue to the fact that the reduce_pool function uses the same data type for the accumulator in average pooling as the data.

This easily can cause an overflow if you sum over many data elements so it's better to use a wider data type for the accumulation in average pooling.

I have a "patch" solution using the accum_t parameter so I'll submit a PR and we can discuss further there.

vloncar commented 3 years ago

Ah, you beat me to it :wink: I was also finalizing a PR with the extra change being to set accum_t to layer's input precision if not set explicitly. Otherwise it may be confusing to use a default precision in fully quantized models.

jmduarte commented 3 years ago

Ah ok great! Feel free to close my PR (#314), if your change is better!

zhuangh commented 3 years ago

Ah, you beat me to it I was also finalizing a PR with the extra change being to set accum_t to layer's input precision if not set explicitly. Otherwise it may be confusing to use a default precision in fully quantized models.

hi @vloncar what is the strategy you are using to derive the accum_t size?

vloncar commented 3 years ago

@zhuangh nothing smart atm, just making sure the default is not counter-intuitive. Do you have some suggestions? Does QTools provide some help with the choice?

zhuangh commented 3 years ago

we want to put quantization constrain (let user specify) on the 1/pool_size. Then we could derive the average pooling accum etc.

jmduarte commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue, although there may be a new issue we can open regarding default choices of for accum_t for pooling layers