fastmail / authentication_milter

Email Authentication by SPF/DKIM/DMARC etc.
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Issues with dependencies on Debian 12 #160

Open amaclach opened 3 days ago

amaclach commented 3 days ago

I haven't tried any other distros but I'm really having issues with dependencies. Some I can get from CPAN, some I have to get as packages from the distro, and one or two I just can't get to install at all (fail on CPAN, not available from the distro) What would be great would be for a package containing all the dependencies in a .deb package. I really want to be able to get this to work....

marcbradshaw commented 1 day ago

Having everything in a .deb would be tricky as there could be issues with CPAN modules in that deb conflicting with system packages, depending on how it was packaged. It would surely be against the debian package style in that case. The way to go could be docker, there is a very old image somewhere but it hasn't been updated for a number of years. It wouldn't be something I could devote enough time to, but would also love to see as it would make installation much easier.

amaclach commented 1 day ago

Is there a full list of dependencies for the milter? That way we can favor pre-packaged modules? Are you aware of any apt repositories for perl modules?

CPAN can be a bit hit and miss, and it's super mega slow...

pgnd commented 20 hours ago


but would also love to see as it would make installation much easier.

fwiw, i build/use the milter on Fedora.

i also had issues with 'simple' install of the milter from CPAN, on Fedora. it would very frequently fail - due to wrong/unavailable packaged perl mods, prereqs etc.

not surprisingly, the milter's not packaged for the distro. to get it officially Fedora-packaged, one'd have to build/package/maintain all the correct/matching versions -- as req'd by the milter build -- of perl prereqs.

i do want a build based on current CPAN release prereqs. but, as i don't want to use docker, my solution is to mock-build my own rpm, with perl in a self-contined, local-lib environment. in effect, perl venv.

i end up with a self-consistent build under a target dir (e.g., /usr/local/fm).

it's not ideal -- do need to fuss a bit to correct perl shebangs/paths. but, it's easily (un)installable as an rpm, & avoids any/all collisions with system perl install.

as for the build, it's fairly straighforward, and easy to apply fixes to.

for example, with these in an rpm spec's system/build prereqs -- all of which ARE pkg'd @ distro,

    BuildRequires:     curl
    BuildRequires:     findutils
    BuildRequires:     gcc
    BuildRequires:     make
    BuildRequires:     pcre2-devel
    BuildRequires:     perl(local::lib)
    BuildRequires:     perl(App::cpanminus)
    BuildRequires:     perl(deprecate)
    BuildRequires:     perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
    BuildRequires:     perl(File::Copy)
    BuildRequires:     perl(Test::More)
    BuildRequires:     perl(Test::NoWarnings)
    BuildRequires:     pkgconf
    BuildRequires:     pkgconfig(libidn2)
    BuildRequires:     pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)
    BuildRequires:     pkgconfig(libzstd)
    BuildRequires:     pkgconfig(openssl)
    BuildRequires:     pkgconfig(sqlite3) sqlite
    BuildRequires:     pkgconfig(zlib)

    BuildRequires:     systemd
    BuildRequires:     systemd-rpm-macros

    Requires:          findutils
    Requires:          logrotate
    Requires:          perl(local::lib)
    Requires:          rsyslog

config'ing perl cpanm opt env,

    _opts+=" --verify"
    _opts+=" --no-prompt"
    _opts+=" --notest"
    _opts+=" --no-sudo"
    _opts+=" --no-interactive"
    _opts+=" --with-recommends"
    _opts+=" --with-suggests"
    _opts+=" --local-lib %{_fmam_local_lib}"
    _opts+=" --self-contained"
    _opts+=" --from"

    export PERL_CPANM_OPT="${_opts}"
    export PERL_CPANM_HOME="%{_build_work_dir}/.cpanm"

then using the local lib env

    cd       %{_fmam_local_lib}
    eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=./)

the build's 'simple', grabbing current/available cpanm source,

1st, grabbing ModInfo ...

    cpanm --quiet Module::Info

applying FIXES (atm, Net::IDN from CPAN is still broken, requiring a patch.) !! BUG: )

    # Net::IDN::Encode @F40
    pushd .
    rm -rf   ./tmpdir
    mkdir -p ./tmpdir
    cd       ./tmpdir
    _mod_info=$( cpanm --info ${_mod} )
    _mod_vers=$( echo ${_mod_info} | sed 's|.*/||g' | sed 's|\.tar\.gz||g' )
    curl -O${_mod_info:0:1}/${_mod_info:0:2}/${_mod_info}
    tar zxvf ${_mod_vers}.tar.gz
    cd ${_mod_vers}
    export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1
    curl -o _this.patch \
    patch --quiet -p1 -i _this.patch
    perl Build.PL
    ./Build --quiet installdeps --cpan_client 'cpanm --quiet'
    ./Build --quiet
    ./Build --quiet install
    rm -rf ./tmpdir

install all required module prereqs,

    cpanm --quiet --installdeps Mail::Milter::Authentication

then the module itself

    cpanm --quiet Mail::Milter::Authentication

after rpm install, in my env, i end up with,

`tree /usr/local/fm`

@ -->

that runs, here, started with systemd

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/local/fm/lib/perl5 /usr/local/fm/bin/authentication_milter --control start --prefix=/usr/local/etc/fm --pidfile=/run/fm/ --ident mx

processing inbound mail as usual; e.g., in headers,

        arc=none (no signatures found);
        dkim=pass (1024-bit rsa key sha256)
 header.b=T7hZiw+N header.a=rsa-sha256
        dmarc=pass policy.published-domain-policy=reject
          policy.applied-disposition=none policy.evaluated-disposition=none
          (p=reject,d=none,d.eval=none) policy.policy-from=p
        iprev=pass smtp.remote-ip=139.xx.xx.xx (;
        x-return-mx=pass policy.is_org=yes
          (MX Records found:,;
        x-return-mx=pass policy.is_org=yes
          (MX Records found:,;
        x-tls=pass smtp.version=TLSv1.2 smtp.cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256

again, it scratches my itch, and would have to be adjusted to your build/runtime env.

i'd much prefer to see this officially distro-packaged, but doubt that can happen @ Fedora, given packaging guidelines.

CPAN's the best best, imo. but mixing local and distro CPAN mods leads to fail.

when done in the 'venv' as above, it works. here, anyway.