fastplotlib / fastplotlib

Next-gen fast plotting library running on WGPU using the pygfx rendering engine
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`Gridplot` -> `Figure` #479

Closed kushalkolar closed 1 month ago

kushalkolar commented 1 month ago

closes #457

This PR breaks everything :smile:

Still need to do this for ImageWidget, waiting for #459 , rest of it is good to go and tests are passing on my end :partying_face:

kushalkolar commented 1 month ago

when reviewing don't be scared by the size of the diff, it's mostly stuff being moved around, and the changes to the examples are mostly renaming stuff from plot -> figure, gridplot -> figure :smile:

kushalkolar commented 1 month ago

Idea: if figure.shape == (1, 1), should be make figure.__getitem__ just pass to subplot.__getitem__ so the user doesn't have to do figure[0, 0] :thinking: