fastruby / next_rails

A toolkit to upgrade your next Rails application
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[BUG] `next` command clashes with `next` from Next.js library #113

Open etagwerker opened 7 months ago

etagwerker commented 7 months ago

Expected Behavior

next command should not clash with another library's command.

Actual Behavior

After running these steps:

npm install -g next
next start

I'd like it to use the next.js command.

Possible Fix

Rename the next_rails command to be next_rails so that it doesn't clash with Next.js's next command.

To Reproduce

  1. gem install next_rails
  2. npm install -g next
  3. git clone a next project
  4. next start

See something like this:

rbenv: next: command not found

The `next' command exists in these Ruby versions:

Then you can check which next command is getting used:

which next

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