Please include a detailed description of the feature you are requesting and any details on it’s expected behavior.
As an end user of skunkI generate a skunk report for an applicationAnd I see a skunk report sorted in ascending order of skunk scores
Please include a detailed description of the problem this feature would solve.
As an end user of skunkI want to generate a skunk report in a different order, say in ascending order of churn_times_cost valuesSo that I can a analyze my application from different perspectives and emphasizing different metrics
One solution would be to provide an option that sets the sorting order of the skunk report
Another option would be to provide an option that sets the output format to something like CSV that can easily be imported into a spreadsheet application and then be sorted.
IMPORTANT: please make sure you ask yourself all intro questions and fill all sections of the template.
Before we start...:
Inform what branch/commit/version of "Skunk" you are using.
Describe the feature:
Please include a detailed description of the feature you are requesting and any details on it’s expected behavior.
Please include a detailed description of the problem this feature would solve.
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