fastruby / skunk

A SkunkScore Calculator for Ruby Code -- Find the most complicated code without test coverage!
MIT License
512 stars 29 forks source link

Configuration file with list of ignored files #42

Open timriley opened 4 years ago

timriley commented 4 years ago

It would be nice not to see files from e.g. db/migrate/ inside my Skunk summary output. These files need to exist in a codebase but do not carry any meaningful weight when it comes to that codebase's maintainability. Do you think it could be useful to add a configuration file where file globs could be provided for files to ignore? Rubocop etc. definitely provide some prior art that could be copied here.

etagwerker commented 4 years ago

@timriley I think that is a good idea. Considering skunk relies quite heavily on rubycritic, I think we should go with whatever is decided here:

As a quick workaround, you can pass a list of n directories to skunk and it will focus on said directories.

For example:

$ skunk lib app
running flay smells
running flog smells
running reek smells
running complexity
running attributes
running churn
running simple_cov
| file                                                                                       | stink_score    | churn_times_cost | churn        | cost         | coverage     |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20090823005402_spree_zero_nine_zero.rb                           | 3918.84        | 39.19            | 1            | 39.19        | 0.0          |
| app/models/order.rb                                                                        | 2697.52        | 7067.5           | 262          | 26.98        | 0.0          |
| app/models/seller.rb                                                                       | 2307.52        | 7937.87          | 344          | 23.08        | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/ombu/base_controller.rb                                                    | 2179.84        | 4403.28          | 202          | 21.8         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091008091614_move_to_configurable_gateways.rb                  | 1775.64        | 17.76            | 1            | 17.76        | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/sellers_controller.rb                                                | 1249.96        | 1362.46          | 109          | 12.5         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/products_controller.rb                                               | 1180.2         | 1428.04          | 121          | 11.8         | 0.0          |
| app/models/product.rb                                                                      | 1178.44        | 1932.64          | 164          | 11.78        | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/orders_controller.rb                                                       | 1091.0         | 1243.74          | 114          | 10.91        | 0.0          |
| app/models/bill.rb                                                                         | 1065.96        | 906.07           | 85           | 10.66        | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/variants_controller.rb                                               | 1044.36        | 731.05           | 70           | 10.44        | 0.0          |
| app/models/shipping_method.rb                                                              | 920.24         | 662.57           | 72           | 9.2          | 0.0          |
| app/services/oca_service.rb                                                                | 911.96         | 118.55           | 13           | 9.12         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/email_templates_controller.rb                                        | 901.0          | 63.07            | 7            | 9.01         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/checkout_controller.rb                                                     | 878.76         | 1282.99          | 146          | 8.79         | 0.0          |
| app/models/user.rb                                                                         | 862.68         | 1242.26          | 144          | 8.63         | 0.0          |
| app/models/payment_gateway/mercado_pago_gateway.rb                                         | 824.6          | 412.3            | 50           | 8.25         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/base_controller.rb                                                   | 798.16         | 438.99           | 55           | 7.98         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb                                                  | 772.28         | 447.92           | 58           | 7.72         | 0.0          |
| app/models/payment_gateway.rb                                                              | 752.0          | 594.08           | 79           | 7.52         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid_template.rb                                                              | 743.04         | 148.61           | 20           | 7.43         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/discount_codes_controller.rb                                         | 724.76         | 72.48            | 10           | 7.25         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/stylesheets_controller.rb                                            | 706.08         | 56.49            | 8            | 7.06         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/orders_controller.rb                                                 | 686.72         | 466.97           | 68           | 6.87         | 0.0          |
| app/models/payment_gateway/pay_pal.rb                                                      | 669.28         | 247.63           | 37           | 6.69         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/order_mailer.rb                                                                | 644.92         | 277.32           | 43           | 6.45         | 0.0          |
| app/models/ability.rb                                                                      | 633.04         | 170.92           | 27           | 6.33         | 0.0          |
| lib/batch/uploader.rb                                                                      | 607.16         | 36.43            | 6            | 6.07         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/taxonomies_controller.rb                                             | 606.92         | 109.25           | 18           | 6.07         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/application_controller.rb                                                  | 598.56         | 424.98           | 71           | 5.99         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/spree/base_helper.rb                                                           | 575.08         | 86.26            | 15           | 5.75         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/liquid/application_helper.rb                                                   | 553.72         | 210.41           | 38           | 5.54         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/payment_gateways_controller.rb                                       | 553.4          | 293.3            | 53           | 5.53         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/products_controller.rb                                                     | 550.48         | 429.37           | 78           | 5.5          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/navigation_helper.rb                                                     | 531.08         | 127.46           | 24           | 5.31         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/checkout_helper.rb                                                             | 528.32         | 200.76           | 38           | 5.28         | 0.0          |
| app/models/payment_gateway/dinero_mail.rb                                                  | 515.6          | 175.3            | 34           | 5.16         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/pages_controller.rb                                                  | 514.6          | 195.55           | 38           | 5.15         | 0.0          |
| app/services/maintenance.rb                                                                | 501.08         | 20.04            | 4            | 5.01         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/paginate.rb                                                              | 499.24         | 34.95            | 7            | 4.99         | 0.0          |
| app/models/shipment.rb                                                                     | 491.4          | 230.96           | 47           | 4.91         | 0.0          |
| app/services/order_service.rb                                                              | 486.0          | 43.74            | 9            | 4.86         | 0.0          |
| app/models/payment_gateway/payu_latam.rb                                                   | 471.84         | 47.18            | 10           | 4.72         | 0.0          |
| app/services/statistics_service.rb                                                         | 464.72         | 23.24            | 5            | 4.65         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/shipments_controller.rb                                              | 462.96         | 152.78           | 33           | 4.63         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb                                               | 439.96         | 79.19            | 18           | 4.4          | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/adjustments_controller.rb                                            | 437.72         | 21.89            | 5            | 4.38         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/images_controller.rb                                                 | 429.24         | 103.02           | 24           | 4.29         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/ombu/password_resets_controller.rb                                         | 426.92         | 102.46           | 24           | 4.27         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/wholesalers_controller.rb                                            | 407.12         | 89.57            | 22           | 4.07         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/overview_controller.rb                                               | 393.48         | 66.89            | 17           | 3.93         | 0.0          |
| app/models/address.rb                                                                      | 393.04         | 125.77           | 32           | 3.93         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/product.rb                                                               | 373.6          | 235.37           | 63           | 3.74         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/application_helper.rb                                                          | 363.68         | 196.39           | 54           | 3.64         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/shipping_methods_controller.rb                                       | 362.64         | 159.56           | 44           | 3.63         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/taxons_controller.rb                                                 | 361.84         | 79.6             | 22           | 3.62         | 0.0          |
| app/services/variant_csv_export.rb                                                         | 360.0          | 21.6             | 6            | 3.6          | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/liquid_filters.rb                                                        | 360.0          | 54.0             | 15           | 3.6          | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/portfolio_images_controller.rb                                       | 359.56         | 43.15            | 12           | 3.6          | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/seller_samples_controller.rb                                         | 353.72         | 28.3             | 8            | 3.54         | 0.0          |
| app/models/line_item.rb                                                                    | 349.72         | 115.41           | 33           | 3.5          | 0.0          |
| app/views/docs/default/layout/html/setup.rb                                                | 346.64         | 6.93             | 2            | 3.47         | 0.0          |
| app/services/dns_checker.rb                                                                | 346.24         | 10.39            | 3            | 3.46         | 0.0          |
| app/models/variant.rb                                                                      | 340.44         | 241.71           | 71           | 3.4          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100223183812_drop_billing_integrations.rb                      | 337.04         | 3.37             | 1            | 3.37         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091017175558_create_billing_integrations.rb                    | 337.04         | 3.37             | 1            | 3.37         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100209025806_create_payment_methods.rb                         | 337.04         | 3.37             | 1            | 3.37         | 0.0          |
| app/models/inventory_unit.rb                                                               | 335.6          | 77.19            | 23           | 3.36         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/authentications_controller.rb                                              | 322.56         | 145.15           | 45           | 3.23         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/base_helper.rb                                                           | 316.92         | 123.6            | 39           | 3.17         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/application_helper.rb                                                    | 316.56         | 94.97            | 30           | 3.17         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/contacts_controller.rb                                                     | 316.44         | 31.64            | 10           | 3.16         | 0.0          |
| app/services/cart_service.rb                                                               | 315.36         | 22.08            | 7            | 3.15         | 0.0          |
| app/models/shipping_calculator.rb                                                          | 310.72         | 93.22            | 30           | 3.11         | 0.0          |
| app/services/bravo_service.rb                                                              | 302.24         | 36.27            | 12           | 3.02         | 0.0          |
| app/models/payment_gateway/bit_pagos.rb                                                    | 302.2          | 93.68            | 31           | 3.02         | 0.0          |
| app/models/stylesheet.rb                                                                   | 297.4          | 65.43            | 22           | 2.97         | 0.0          |
| app/services/mercado_libre_service.rb                                                      | 296.4          | 38.53            | 13           | 2.96         | 0.0          |
| app/models/authentication.rb                                                               | 293.64         | 167.37           | 57           | 2.94         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/ombu/sessions_controller.rb                                                | 293.04         | 43.96            | 15           | 2.93         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/customers_controller.rb                                              | 288.88         | 8.67             | 3            | 2.89         | 0.0          |
| app/models/oca_authentication.rb                                                           | 285.92         | 77.2             | 27           | 2.86         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026184714_migrate_transactions_to_payment_state.rb          | 280.88         | 5.62             | 2            | 2.81         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/mercadolibre_controller.rb                                           | 278.32         | 38.96            | 14           | 2.78         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091104151730_add_some_indexes.rb                               | 256.0          | 2.56             | 1            | 2.56         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/users_helper.rb                                                          | 245.64         | 36.85            | 15           | 2.46         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/check_paypal_credentials_job.rb                                                   | 245.04         | 31.86            | 13           | 2.45         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/check_dinero_mail_credentials_job.rb                                              | 245.04         | 41.66            | 17           | 2.45         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/bills_controller.rb                                                  | 241.04         | 48.21            | 20           | 2.41         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/oca_authentications_controller.rb                                    | 240.84         | 36.13            | 15           | 2.41         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/taxons_helper.rb                                                               | 240.28         | 9.61             | 4            | 2.4          | 0.0          |
| app/models/zone.rb                                                                         | 239.92         | 47.98            | 20           | 2.4          | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/customer_registration_confirmation_job.rb                                         | 235.56         | 11.78            | 5            | 2.36         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/registration_confirmation_job.rb                                                  | 235.56         | 25.91            | 11           | 2.36         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/seller_mailer.rb                                                               | 234.76         | 39.91            | 17           | 2.35         | 0.0          |
| app/services/seller_initializer.rb                                                         | 231.92         | 9.28             | 4            | 2.32         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/users_controller.rb                                                        | 230.52         | 53.02            | 23           | 2.31         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/statistics_mailer.rb                                                           | 214.64         | 10.73            | 5            | 2.15         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/line_items_controller.rb                                             | 214.6          | 8.58             | 4            | 2.15         | 0.0          |
| app/services/bill_factory.rb                                                               | 214.28         | 23.57            | 11           | 2.14         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/mixpanel_track_job.rb                                                             | 213.72         | 51.29            | 24           | 2.14         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/static_controller.rb                                                       | 211.8          | 48.71            | 23           | 2.12         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/templates_controller.rb                                              | 202.88         | 24.35            | 12           | 2.03         | 0.0          |
| app/models/calculator/flexi_rate.rb                                                        | 196.8          | 35.42            | 18           | 1.97         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/dinero_mail_controller.rb                                                  | 192.48         | 1.92             | 0            | 1.92         | 0.0          |
| app/services/auth_service.rb                                                               | 189.8          | 11.39            | 6            | 1.9          | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/payments_controller.rb                                               | 187.8          | 33.8             | 18           | 1.88         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/sellers_controller.rb                                                      | 186.12         | 96.78            | 52           | 1.86         | 0.0          |
| app/models/payment_method.rb                                                               | 185.68         | 63.13            | 34           | 1.86         | 0.0          |
| app/models/image.rb                                                                        | 183.36         | 71.51            | 39           | 1.83         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20090923100315_add_count_on_hand_to_variants_and_products.rb     | 180.96         | 1.81             | 1            | 1.81         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/accounts_helper.rb                                                             | 173.56         | 15.62            | 9            | 1.74         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/taxons_controller.rb                                                       | 172.2          | 53.38            | 31           | 1.72         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/engagement_helper.rb                                                           | 171.2          | 1.71             | 1            | 1.71         | 0.0          |
| app/models/discount_code.rb                                                                | 165.36         | 56.22            | 34           | 1.65         | 0.0          |
| app/services/product_cloner.rb                                                             | 164.36         | 11.51            | 7            | 1.64         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/ombu_job.rb                                                                       | 161.6          | 16.16            | 10           | 1.62         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/variant.rb                                                               | 160.84         | 35.38            | 22           | 1.61         | 0.0          |
| app/models/facebook_page.rb                                                                | 159.04         | 42.94            | 27           | 1.59         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/ombu/oauth_controller.rb                                                   | 153.4          | 21.48            | 14           | 1.53         | 0.0          |
| app/services/sitemap_factory.rb                                                            | 150.28         | 3.01             | 2            | 1.5          | 0.0          |
| app/models/calculator/flat_percent_item_total.rb                                           | 149.76         | 17.97            | 12           | 1.5          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/orders_helper.rb                                                         | 149.28         | 32.84            | 22           | 1.49         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/design_files_controller.rb                                           | 149.0          | 19.37            | 13           | 1.49         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/payment_methods_controller.rb                                        | 147.12         | 25.01            | 17           | 1.47         | 0.0          |
| app/models/taxon.rb                                                                        | 146.24         | 62.88            | 43           | 1.46         | 0.0          |
| app/models/partner.rb                                                                      | 144.76         | 37.64            | 26           | 1.45         | 0.0          |
| app/models/payment.rb                                                                      | 144.56         | 54.93            | 38           | 1.45         | 0.0          |
| app/models/account_type.rb                                                                 | 143.52         | 48.8             | 34           | 1.44         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091007134354_change_taxons_to_nested_set.rb                    | 131.56         | 2.63             | 2            | 1.32         | 0.0          |
| lib/static_constraint.rb                                                                   | 130.56         | 11.75            | 9            | 1.31         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091021133257_charge_refactoring.rb                             | 127.72         | 2.55             | 2            | 1.28         | 0.0          |
| app/models/concerns/calculated_adjustments.rb                                              | 123.64         | 7.42             | 6            | 1.24         | 0.0          |
| app/models/ombu/asset.rb                                                                   | 121.6          | 2.43             | 2            | 1.22         | 0.0          |
| app/models/page.rb                                                                         | 120.64         | 45.84            | 38           | 1.21         | 0.0          |
| app/models/adjustment.rb                                                                   | 119.04         | 39.28            | 33           | 1.19         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/user_mailer.rb                                                                 | 111.32         | 28.94            | 26           | 1.11         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/category.rb                                                              | 107.6          | 20.44            | 19           | 1.08         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/dinero_mail_helper.rb                                                          | 105.0          | 14.7             | 14           | 1.05         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100209144531_polymorphic_payments.rb                           | 104.44         | 1.04             | 1            | 1.04         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/pages_controller.rb                                                        | 100.16         | 19.03            | 19           | 1.0          | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/contacts_controller.rb                                               | 96.12          | 9.61             | 10           | 0.96         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/trackers_controller.rb                                               | 95.08          | 9.51             | 10           | 0.95         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/social_networks_controller.rb                                        | 93.08          | 13.03            | 14           | 0.93         | 0.0          |
| lib/uri_validator.rb                                                                       | 92.6           | 1.85             | 2            | 0.93         | 0.0          |
| app/models/country.rb                                                                      | 88.68          | 25.72            | 29           | 0.89         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/sale_notification_job.rb                                                          | 86.08          | 5.16             | 6            | 0.86         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/products_helper.rb                                                       | 85.4           | 13.66            | 16           | 0.85         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/shipments_helper.rb                                                      | 84.4           | 4.22             | 5            | 0.84         | 0.0          |
| app/models/calculator/per_item.rb                                                          | 82.64          | 14.05            | 17           | 0.83         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100214212536_assign_creditcard_txns_to_payment.rb              | 82.08          | 0.82             | 1            | 0.82         | 0.0          |
| app/models/seller_sample.rb                                                                | 81.76          | 16.35            | 20           | 0.82         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/shipment_mailer.rb                                                             | 80.64          | 8.06             | 10           | 0.81         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/order.rb                                                                 | 76.8           | 13.06            | 17           | 0.77         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/option_values_controller.rb                                          | 75.52          | 5.29             | 7            | 0.76         | 0.0          |
| app/models/preference.rb                                                                   | 75.36          | 6.78             | 9            | 0.75         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/seller.rb                                                                | 74.4           | 17.11            | 23           | 0.74         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/styles_controller.rb                                                 | 74.24          | 10.39            | 14           | 0.74         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091015153048_add_openid_field_to_users.rb                      | 73.84          | 0.74             | 1            | 0.74         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/products_helper.rb                                                             | 72.96          | 13.86            | 19           | 0.73         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/authentications_controller.rb                                        | 71.12          | 2.84             | 4            | 0.71         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/orders_helper.rb                                                               | 71.08          | 2.84             | 4            | 0.71         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100105132138_shipment_id_for_inventory_units.rb                | 67.08          | 0.67             | 1            | 0.67         | 0.0          |
| app/models/products_drop.rb                                                                | 66.84          | 7.35             | 11           | 0.67         | 0.0          |
| app/models/seller_social_network_contact.rb                                                | 66.72          | 7.34             | 11           | 0.67         | 0.0          |
| app/models/product_drop.rb                                                                 | 66.52          | 5.99             | 9            | 0.67         | 0.0          |
| app/models/ombu/importer.rb                                                                | 65.12          | 5.21             | 8            | 0.65         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/customer_mailer.rb                                                             | 64.32          | 1.29             | 2            | 0.64         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/sellers_helper.rb                                                        | 64.12          | 5.77             | 9            | 0.64         | 0.0          |
| app/models/option_value.rb                                                                 | 64.08          | 14.1             | 22           | 0.64         | 0.0          |
| app/services/asset_dimensionable.rb                                                        | 63.4           | 1.27             | 2            | 0.63         | 0.0          |
| app/models/portfolio_image.rb                                                              | 62.64          | 10.65            | 17           | 0.63         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/calculate_bill_job.rb                                                             | 62.52          | 3.13             | 5            | 0.63         | 0.0          |
| app/services/product_finder.rb                                                             | 60.92          | 4.87             | 8            | 0.61         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/custom_mailer.rb                                                               | 58.56          | 2.34             | 4            | 0.59         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/sitemaps_controller.rb                                                     | 57.8           | 4.05             | 7            | 0.58         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/bills_helper.rb                                                          | 56.52          | 2.26             | 4            | 0.57         | 0.0          |
| app/models/taxonomy.rb                                                                     | 56.52          | 16.39            | 29           | 0.57         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/process_oca_shipments_job.rb                                                      | 54.72          | 2.74             | 5            | 0.55         | 0.0          |
| app/services/query_builder.rb                                                              | 54.68          | 1.09             | 2            | 0.55         | 0.0          |
| app/models/variants_drop.rb                                                                | 54.32          | 3.8              | 7            | 0.54         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/seller_social_network_contacts_controller.rb                         | 51.2           | 0.51             | 1            | 0.51         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/check_mercado_pago_credentials_job.rb                                             | 50.08          | 6.01             | 12           | 0.5          | 0.0          |
| app/models/calculator/oca.rb                                                               | 49.68          | 5.96             | 12           | 0.5          | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/line_item.rb                                                             | 49.6           | 3.97             | 8            | 0.5          | 0.0          |
| app/models/discount_code/amount.rb                                                         | 49.24          | 2.95             | 6            | 0.49         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/payment_gateway.rb                                                       | 48.96          | 3.43             | 7            | 0.49         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091213222815_creditcard_last_four_digits.rb                    | 48.0           | 0.96             | 2            | 0.48         | 0.0          |
| app/services/variant_cloner.rb                                                             | 47.92          | 0.96             | 2            | 0.48         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100819170125_refactor_adjustments.rb                           | 47.36          | 0.47             | 1            | 0.47         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026184808_migrate_checkout_to_orders.rb                     | 46.56          | 0.93             | 2            | 0.47         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/search_helper.rb                                                         | 46.0           | 0.92             | 2            | 0.46         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091015110842_add_open_id_authentication_tables.rb              | 45.64          | 0.46             | 1            | 0.46         | 0.0          |
| app/services/domain_router.rb                                                              | 45.6           | 4.56             | 10           | 0.46         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/check_payu_latam_credentials_job.rb                                               | 45.04          | 0.9              | 2            | 0.45         | 0.0          |
| app/services/item_cloner.rb                                                                | 44.56          | 1.34             | 3            | 0.45         | 0.0          |
| app/models/variant_drop.rb                                                                 | 44.24          | 1.33             | 3            | 0.44         | 0.0          |
| app/models/concerns/credit_card_setup.rb                                                   | 43.92          | 0.88             | 2            | 0.44         | 0.0          |
| app/models/zone_member.rb                                                                  | 43.64          | 10.47            | 24           | 0.44         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/check_stock_job.rb                                                                | 42.32          | 1.27             | 3            | 0.42         | 0.0          |
| app/services/order_finder.rb                                                               | 41.56          | 2.49             | 6            | 0.42         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100506180619_add_icon_to_taxons.rb                             | 41.12          | 0.41             | 1            | 0.41         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/engagement_mailer.rb                                                           | 40.16          | 4.42             | 11           | 0.4          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/payment_gateways_helper.rb                                               | 40.0           | 1.6              | 4            | 0.4          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100112151511_create_return_authorizations.rb                   | 39.84          | 0.4              | 1            | 0.4          | 0.0          |
| app/models/discount_code/percent.rb                                                        | 37.04          | 2.22             | 6            | 0.37         | 0.0          |
| lib/ombu/blank_slate.rb                                                                    | 36.24          | 1.45             | 4            | 0.36         | 0.0          |
| app/services/activation_key_generator.rb                                                   | 36.2           | 0.36             | 1            | 0.36         | 0.0          |
| app/services/contact_finder.rb                                                             | 35.92          | 1.08             | 3            | 0.36         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100504142133_add_addresses_checkouts_indexes.rb                | 32.0           | 0.32             | 1            | 0.32         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026184746_delete_in_progress_orders.rb                      | 32.0           | 0.32             | 1            | 0.32         | 0.0          |
| app/models/page_template.rb                                                                | 31.64          | 1.58             | 5            | 0.32         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026184855_remove_shipped_state.rb                           | 31.4           | 0.31             | 1            | 0.31         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/check_oca_operations_job.rb                                                       | 30.92          | 1.55             | 5            | 0.31         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/check_oca_credentials_job.rb                                                      | 30.68          | 0.61             | 2            | 0.31         | 0.0          |
| app/models/design_file.rb                                                                  | 30.68          | 7.67             | 25           | 0.31         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/user.rb                                                                  | 30.16          | 3.62             | 12           | 0.3          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026184959_generate_anonymous_users.rb                       | 29.12          | 0.29             | 1            | 0.29         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100223170312_sti_for_transactions.rb                           | 28.88          | 0.29             | 1            | 0.29         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100817152723_add_shipment_and_payment_state.rb                 | 28.36          | 0.28             | 1            | 0.28         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100813023502_create_address_keys_for_order.rb                  | 28.36          | 0.28             | 1            | 0.28         | 0.0          |
| app/models/concerns/liquify.rb                                                             | 28.0           | 0.28             | 1            | 0.28         | 0.0          |
| app/models/contact.rb                                                                      | 28.0           | 4.2              | 15           | 0.28         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026184700_create_log_entries.rb                             | 27.56          | 0.28             | 1            | 0.28         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100113203104_create_trackers.rb                                | 27.56          | 0.28             | 1            | 0.28         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/payments_mailer.rb                                                             | 26.76          | 1.07             | 4            | 0.27         | 0.0          |
| lib/batch/silviamensio/translate.rb                                                        | 26.72          | 0.53             | 2            | 0.27         | 0.0          |
| app/models/calculator/flat_rate.rb                                                         | 26.56          | 3.45             | 13           | 0.27         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/admin/states_controller.rb                                                 | 26.4           | 0.26             | 1            | 0.26         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/update_sitemap_job.rb                                                             | 26.2           | 2.1              | 8            | 0.26         | 0.0          |
| app/mailers/contact_mailer.rb                                                              | 26.12          | 0.52             | 2            | 0.26         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/check_activation_job.rb                                                           | 25.92          | 1.04             | 4            | 0.26         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/check_payment_job.rb                                                              | 25.92          | 8.81             | 34           | 0.26         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091214183826_populate_legacy_shipment_state.rb                 | 22.88          | 0.46             | 2            | 0.23         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/create_afip_bill_job.rb                                                           | 22.32          | 0.67             | 3            | 0.22         | 0.0          |
| app/services/mix_panel_trackable.rb                                                        | 21.8           | 2.4              | 11           | 0.22         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/facebook_controller.rb                                                     | 20.8           | 1.46             | 7            | 0.21         | 0.0          |
| app/services/seller_suspender.rb                                                           | 19.88          | 0.4              | 2            | 0.2          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/pages_helper.rb                                                          | 19.6           | 0.78             | 4            | 0.2          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100923162011_create_mail_methods.rb                            | 18.84          | 0.19             | 1            | 0.19         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/templates_helper.rb                                                      | 18.84          | 0.19             | 1            | 0.19         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100224153127_deleted_at_for_payment_methods.rb                 | 18.6           | 0.19             | 1            | 0.19         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100811163637_add_guest_flag.rb                                 | 18.6           | 0.19             | 1            | 0.19         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100901171814_change_guest_flag_to_anonymous.rb                 | 18.6           | 0.19             | 1            | 0.19         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091126190904_checkout_state_machine.rb                         | 18.6           | 0.19             | 1            | 0.19         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026185022_update_order_state.rb                             | 18.4           | 0.18             | 1            | 0.18         | 0.0          |
| app/models/option_type.rb                                                                  | 17.88          | 4.65             | 26           | 0.18         | 0.0          |
| app/models/state.rb                                                                        | 17.6           | 2.29             | 13           | 0.18         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/logo.rb                                                                  | 17.6           | 1.06             | 6            | 0.18         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100506185838_add_description_to_taxons.rb                      | 17.4           | 0.17             | 1            | 0.17         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101008190536_move_special_instructions_to_orders.rb            | 16.8           | 0.17             | 1            | 0.17         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/process_payment_job.rb                                                            | 16.48          | 0.33             | 2            | 0.16         | 0.0          |
| app/models/null_seller.rb                                                                  | 16.4           | 1.15             | 7            | 0.16         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/product_option_type.rb                                                   | 16.0           | 0.64             | 4            | 0.16         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026192225_cleanup_legacy_tables.rb                          | 16.0           | 0.16             | 1            | 0.16         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100111205525_cim_fields_for_creditcards.rb                     | 16.0           | 0.16             | 1            | 0.16         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100125145351_add_test_mode_to_billing_integration.rb           | 16.0           | 0.16             | 1            | 0.16         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20090904192342_create_indexes_for_inventory_units.rb             | 16.0           | 0.16             | 1            | 0.16         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100213103131_change_payments_payment_method_to_belongs_to.rb   | 16.0           | 0.16             | 1            | 0.16         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100820135707_response_code_and_avs_response_for_payments.rb    | 16.0           | 0.16             | 1            | 0.16         | 0.0          |
| app/models/ombu/cached_template.rb                                                         | 15.32          | 1.07             | 7            | 0.15         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/carts_controller.rb                                                        | 15.32          | 1.38             | 9            | 0.15         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/variants_helper.rb                                                       | 13.4           | 0.13             | 1            | 0.13         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/payments_helper.rb                                                       | 13.4           | 0.13             | 1            | 0.13         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/image.rb                                                                 | 12.8           | 1.02             | 8            | 0.13         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/taxonomies_helper.rb                                                     | 12.8           | 0.26             | 2            | 0.13         | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/content_controller.rb                                                      | 12.8           | 0.64             | 5            | 0.13         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/notification.rb                                                          | 12.0           | 0.84             | 7            | 0.12         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100812162326_payments_state_and_assigned_to_order_only.rb      | 12.0           | 0.12             | 1            | 0.12         | 0.0          |
| app/models/calculator/shop_pickup.rb                                                       | 12.0           | 1.92             | 16           | 0.12         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091016174634_change_preference_value_type.rb                   | 12.0           | 0.12             | 1            | 0.12         | 0.0          |
| app/models/calculator/negotiable_shipping.rb                                               | 12.0           | 0.36             | 3            | 0.12         | 0.0          |
| app/models/calculator/free_delivery.rb                                                     | 12.0           | 0.36             | 3            | 0.12         | 0.0          |
| app/models/ombu/redis_pool.rb                                                              | 11.52          | 0.46             | 4            | 0.12         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100105090147_add_cost_price.rb                                 | 10.4           | 0.1              | 1            | 0.1          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100813185745_payment_total_for_orders.rb                       | 10.4           | 0.1              | 1            | 0.1          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101117031806_fix_problematic_index_names.rb                    | 9.32           | 0.09             | 1            | 0.09         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100811205836_drop_order_token.rb                               | 9.32           | 0.09             | 1            | 0.09         | 0.0          |
| app/models/email_template.rb                                                               | 8.8            | 1.76             | 20           | 0.09         | 0.0          |
| app/models/tracker.rb                                                                      | 8.8            | 1.41             | 16           | 0.09         | 0.0          |
| lib/paperclip_normalized.rb                                                                | 8.8            | 0.18             | 2            | 0.09         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100427121301_add_display_to_payment_methods.rb                 | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100301163454_add_adjustments_index.rb                          | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100624110730_add_display_to_shipping_methods.rb                | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100903203949_email_for_orders.rb                               | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100317120946_add_alt_text_to_images.rb                         | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100816212146_shipping_method_id_for_orders.rb                  | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100624123336_rename_payment_method_display.rb                  | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100528185820_add_index_on_users_persistence_token.rb           | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100121183934_original_creditcard_txn_id_for_creditcard_txns.rb | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100605152042_add_default_to_tax_categories.rb                  | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100113090919_add_return_authorization_to_inventory_units.rb    | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100121160010_creditcard_id_for_creditcard_txns.rb              | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026184833_migrate_adjustments.rb                            | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091211203813_ship_address_id_for_checkouts.rb                  | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091212161118_shipping_method_id_for_checkouts.rb               | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026184932_prevent_nil_email.rb                              | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100528155333_index_for_shipments_number.rb                     | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101028151745_remove_number_and_cvv_from_credicard.rb           | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091209153045_state_for_shipments.rb                            | 8.0            | 0.08             | 1            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| app/models/theme.rb                                                                        | 8.0            | 1.44             | 18           | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/page.rb                                                                  | 8.0            | 0.72             | 9            | 0.08         | 0.0          |
| app/models/ombu/liquid_parser.rb                                                           | 5.64           | 0.17             | 3            | 0.06         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/images_helper.rb                                                         | 5.64           | 0.06             | 1            | 0.06         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101026184916_prevent_nil_payment_total.rb                      | 4.0            | 0.04             | 1            | 0.04         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20101103212716_drop_anonymous_field_for_user.rb                  | 4.0            | 0.04             | 1            | 0.04         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100929151905_rename_frozen_to_locked.rb                        | 4.0            | 0.04             | 1            | 0.04         | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/adjustment.rb                                                            | 4.0            | 0.24             | 6            | 0.04         | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100624175547_rename_preferences_field.rb                       | 4.0            | 0.04             | 1            | 0.04         | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/shipping_methods_helper.rb                                               | 4.0            | 0.16             | 4            | 0.04         | 0.0          |
| app/jobs/suspend_users_job.rb                                                              | 4.0            | 0.08             | 2            | 0.04         | 0.0          |
| app/models/discount.rb                                                                     | 0.0            | 0.0              | 11           | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/shipment.rb                                                              | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100306153445_fix_by_popularity.rb                              | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/checkout.rb                                                                     | 0.0            | 0.0              | 14           | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/credit_cards_payment_gateway.rb                                                 | 0.0            | 0.0              | 9            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/states_controller.rb                                                       | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/mailing_helper.rb                                                              | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20100126103714_create_products_product_groups.rb                 | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091209202200_make_state_events_polymorphic.rb                  | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/partners_helper.rb                                                             | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20091012120519_product_groups_and_scopes.rb                      | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/social_networks_helper.rb                                                      | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/db/seeds.rb                                                                 | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/contacts_helper.rb                                                             | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/users_helper.rb                                                                | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/stores_controller.rb                                                       | 0.0            | 0.0              | 3            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/asset.rb                                                                        | 0.0            | 0.0              | 13           | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/core/lib/spree_core.rb                                                           | 0.0            | 0.0              | 16           | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/activation_event.rb                                                             | 0.0            | 0.0              | 17           | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/order_notification.rb                                                           | 0.0            | 0.0              | 3            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/adjustments_helper.rb                                                    | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/social_network_contact.rb                                                       | 0.0            | 0.0              | 4            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| lib/spree/lib/spree.rb                                                                     | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/role_user.rb                                                                    | 0.0            | 0.0              | 5            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/ombu/suspended_controller.rb                                               | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/role.rb                                                                         | 0.0            | 0.0              | 12           | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/application_record.rb                                                           | 0.0            | 0.0              | 3            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/controllers/public_controller.rb                                                       | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/credit_card.rb                                                                  | 0.0            | 0.0              | 11           | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/product_option_type.rb                                                          | 0.0            | 0.0              | 11           | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/address/ship_address.rb                                                         | 0.0            | 0.0              | 3            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/monthly_bills_helper.rb                                                        | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/address/bill_address.rb                                                         | 0.0            | 0.0              | 4            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/facebook_helper.rb                                                             | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/public_helper.rb                                                               | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/sitemaps_helper.rb                                                             | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/discount_codes_helper.rb                                                 | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/sellers_helper.rb                                                              | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/admin/design_helper.rb                                                         | 0.0            | 0.0              | 1            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/helpers/pages_helper.rb                                                                | 0.0            | 0.0              | 2            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/seller_user.rb                                                                  | 0.0            | 0.0              | 4            | 0.0          | 0.0          |
| app/models/liquid/option_value.rb                                                          | 0.0            | 0.0              | 7            | 0.0          | 0.0          |

StinkScore Total: 70854.36000000002
Modules Analysed: 353
StinkScore Average: 200.72056657223797
Worst StinkScore: 3918.84 (lib/spree/core/db/migrate/20090823005402_spree_zero_nine_zero.rb)

That would be a quick way to ignore whatever is inside the "db" directory. 😃

arielj commented 3 years ago

Another directory that would be useful to ignore is vendor/bundle. Depending on the project's configuration, gems can be downloaded at /vendor instead of a system's folder and Skunk will try to run all the reports for those files too (which my be thousands of files not related to the codebase).