Closed dalingrin closed 13 years ago
This is related to ConnectivityManager returning a "null" NetworkInfo object when Vending is checking for radio. Vending appears to check for radio to determine if it can do a CARRIER_BILLING type.
This has been determined by baksmali-ing Vending and checking what it's doing is where the code is being called from so far as i can tell. Specifically line 517 getNetworkInfo is being called with parameter 0, which is ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE, hence it should be passing isNetworkTypeValid() and our null is coming from line 526.
This is as far as i've gotten
This seems to be why we don't have a TYPE_MOBILE connection defined:, line 95. Uncommenting that "MAY" cause a trickle-down effect which fixes this issue. I don't see any harm in specifying the mobile connection. It will obviously never connect, but the solution would be to provide a stub that does the same anyway
Search for an app, tap purchase...force close. Possibly due to lack of ril.