fatalwall / SCCD-Tools

Google Chrome Extension to add features to make managing SCCD Change Records easier
MIT License
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Add Quick "New" buttons next to Generic Search #9

Open fatalwall opened 6 years ago

fatalwall commented 6 years ago

Having a button that allows you to easily create new tickets would reduce the number of mouse clicks needed.

If something similar to the following lines can be injected next to the search field on the top bar it should be fairly easy to achieve this

<a ctype="label" tabindex="0" href="Javascript: sendEvent('quickinsert','scportlets_pane1_quickinsertportlet_85599','SR$INSERT$templateid=',3);" class="text qil" title="New Service Request" clicked="true">
    <img src="../webclient/skins-20170317-2238/tivoli13/images/action_insert_sr.gif" alt="New Service Request" class="qim">
    New Service Request

<a ctype="label" tabindex="0" href="Javascript: sendEvent('quickinsert','scportlets_pane1_quickinsertportlet_85599','INCIDENT$INSERT$templateid=',3);" class="text qil" title="New Incident">
    <img src="../webclient/skins-20170317-2238/tivoli13/images/action_insert_incident.gif" alt="New Incident" class="qim">
    New Incident

<a ctype="label" tabindex="0" href="Javascript: sendEvent('quickinsert','scportlets_pane1_quickinsertportlet_85579','CHANGE$INSERT$templateid=',3);" class="text qil" title="New Change">
    <img src="../webclient/skins-20170317-2238/tivoli13/images/action_insert_change.gif" alt="New Change" class="qim">
    New Change

<a ctype="label" tabindex="0" href="Javascript: sendEvent('quickinsert','scportlets_pane1_quickinsertportlet_93285','PROBLEM$INSERT$templateid=',3);" class="text qil" title="New Problem">
    <img src="../webclient/skins-20170317-2238/tivoli13/images/action_insert_problem.gif" alt="New Problem" class="qim">
    New Problem
fatalwall commented 6 years ago

Clicking on the button will make a new ticket. However if you click to make a new IN and save the ticket you must first go back to the home page before you can click the new IN button again or you will just loop back to the ticket you just finished creating.