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几个在 SwiftUI 中使用惰性容器的技巧和注意事项 #225

Open fatbobman opened 7 months ago

fatbobman commented 7 months ago

几个在 SwiftUI 中使用惰性容器的技巧和注意事项

在 SwiftUI 的框架中,惰性布局容器,如 List 和 LazyVStack,提供了一种高效展示大型数据集的方法。这些容器的设计精妙,它们仅在必要时才动态地构建和加载视图,从而显著优化了应用的性能和内存使用效率。本文将探讨一些实用技巧和重要注意事项,旨在赋予开发者利用 SwiftUI 惰性容器时增强应用响应性和资源管理的能力。

Tips and Considerations for Using Lazy Containers in SwiftUI

In the SwiftUI framework, lazy layout containers such as List and LazyVStack provide a method for efficiently displaying large datasets. These containers are ingeniously designed to dynamically build and load views only when necessary, thereby significantly optimizing the app's performance and memory efficiency. This article will explore some practical tips and important considerations aimed at enhancing developers' ability to leverage SwiftUI's lazy containers for improved app responsiveness and resource management.

jihongboo commented 5 months ago


yanbodang commented 5 months ago

uiImage = UIImage(data: data) 会引起主线程的卡顿。