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新框架、新思维 -- 解析 Observation 和 SwiftData 框架 #228

Open fatbobman opened 5 months ago

fatbobman commented 5 months ago

新框架、新思维:解析 Observation 和 SwiftData 框架

这是我在 Let's VisionOS 2024 上的演讲内容。为了便于阅读,我对原始内容进行了简化,并调整为更加书面化的表达。本次分享的核心是传达这样一个中心思想:尽管这些新框架是为了解决现有框架中的问题而设计的,但我们不应被过往的经验和惯例所限制。需要用开放的心态和全新的视角去学习和使用这些新工具。将采用新框架的过程视为将项目向更安全、更现代化方向重构的绝佳机会。

New Frameworks, New Mindset: Unveiling the Observation and SwiftData Frameworks

This content was presented at Let's VisionOS 2024. For easier reading, I have simplified the original material and adjusted it for a more formal written expression. The core message of this share is to convey the following central idea: Although these new frameworks were designed to address issues in existing frameworks, we should not be constrained by past experiences and conventions. It is necessary to learn and use these new tools with an open mind and a fresh perspective. Adopting new frameworks should be seen as an excellent opportunity to refactor projects towards greater safety and modernization.

jazzenchen commented 5 months ago
