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在 SwiftUI 中,spacing = nil 表示什么? #234

Open fatbobman opened 4 months ago

fatbobman commented 4 months ago

在 SwiftUI 中,spacing = nil 表示什么?

在 SwiftUI 中,许多布局容器的构造函数都包含一个默认值为 nilspacing 参数,该参数负责控制临近视图之间的间隙。本文将从这一默认参数出发,深入探讨 SwiftUI 中的 Spacing 概念,并分享一些相关的技巧及注意事项。

What Does spacing = nil Mean in SwiftUI?

In SwiftUI, many layout container constructors include a spacing parameter with a default value of nil, which controls the spacing between adjacent views. This article will start with this default parameter to explore the concept of Spacing in SwiftUI in-depth, and share some related tips and considerations.

varkrishna commented 4 months ago

Great Article 👏