fateh999 / react-native-paper-dropdown

Dropdown using react native paper TextInput and Menu
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Added keyboardShouldPersistTaps prop #100

Open zwigglers opened 8 months ago

zwigglers commented 8 months ago

I encountered a problem when there is Dropdown and TextInput on the same screen.

Scenario: TextInput is focused and keyboard is open.

Action -- tap on Dropdown, the dropdown menu opens as expected Next, ton a menu option.

Expected: The option should be selected

Actual: Instead, the keyboard is dismissed, and the menu remains open. An additional tap on the menu option is needed to select it

Solution: set keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled' or 'always' to the ScrollView inside the menu prevents the keyboard from being dismissed and the tap going through to the menu option.

I have exposed this prop as a prop of Dropdown

Summary by CodeRabbit

New Features:

coderabbitai[bot] commented 8 months ago


In this update, we've enhanced the DropDown component in our application. We've introduced a new optional prop keyboardShouldPersistTaps to the DropDownPropsInterface interface. This prop has been integrated into the ScrollView component, allowing for more flexible keyboard interactions.


File Summary
src/DropDown.tsx Introduced a new optional prop keyboardShouldPersistTaps to the DropDownPropsInterface interface. This prop is now part of the ScrollView component, enhancing keyboard interaction.

🍂 As November winds blow, we code and grow, 🐇

With each key tap, our DropDown adapts, 🍁

Celebrating changes, as the season rearranges, 🎉

Inclusivity in our code, a globally shared ode. 🌍

So here's to the joy of autumn's hue, 🍂

And to the changes we continue to pursue. 🛠️

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