fatg3erman / RompR

Web client for Mopidy and MPD
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Adding album to playlist with phone skin #129

Closed daniauri closed 2 years ago

daniauri commented 2 years ago

I'm like 99% sure it was possible to add the complete album to the playlist in the Phone layout. I think I tapped on the CD icon (Numismatist icon set) - the first one right below the cover image - to do so. With version 1.60 I don't see any action doing so. The mopidy and mpd logs do not show any command was received. Adding albums by drag&drop or double-click in the desktop browser does work.


Adding single tracks from the album does work however.

Is there an issue or am I stupid?

Edit: I checked on my laptop by changing to phone skin and can confirm the same behaviour.

  * *Version* 1.60.1
  * *mysql_database* [Redacted]
  * *mysql_host* [Redacted]
  * *mysql_password* [Redacted]
  * *mysql_port* [Redacted]
  * *mysql_user* [Redacted]
  * *lastfm_session_key* [Redacted]
  * *spotify_token* [Redacted]
  * *spotify_token_expires* [Redacted]
  * *PHP_SELF* /music/utils/debuginfo.php
  * *SERVER_NAME* mediacenter.home
  * *SERVER_SOFTWARE* nginx/1.20.2
  * *DOCUMENT_ROOT* /srv/http
  * *HTTP_HOST* mediacenter.home
  * *HTTP_USER_AGENT* Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-G960F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.104 Mobile Safari/537.36
  * *SERVER_PORT* 80
  * *REQUEST_URI* /music/utils/debuginfo.php
  * *player-64616e* 13
  * *currenthost* Daniel
  * *player_backend* mpd
  * *skin* phone
  * *Version* 8.0.14
  * *mbstring* 8.0.14
  * *PDO* 8.0.14
  * *pdo_mysql* 
  * *pdo_sqlite* 8.0.14
  * *curl* 8.0.14
  * *date* 8.0.14
  * *fileinfo* 8.0.14
  * *json* 8.0.14
  * *SimpleXML* 8.0.14
  * *GD* 8.0.14
  * *GD Info* GD Version=2.3.3, FreeType Support=1, FreeType Linkage=with freetype, GIF Read Support=1, GIF Create Support=1, JPEG Support=1, PNG Support=1, WBMP Support=1, XPM Support=1, XBM Support=1, WebP Support=1, BMP Support=1, TGA Read Support=1, JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support=
  * *ImageMagick* Installed
  * *date.timezone* global_value=, local_value=, access=7
  * *default_charset* global_value=UTF-8, local_value=UTF-8, access=7
  * *default_socket_timeout* global_value=60, local_value=60, access=7
  * *display_errors* global_value=, local_value=, access=7
  * *error_log* global_value=, local_value=, access=7
  * *error_reporting* global_value=22527, local_value=22527, access=7
  * *file_uploads* global_value=1, local_value=1, access=4
  * *log_errors* global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
  * *max_execution_time* global_value=1800, local_value=1800, access=7
  * *mbstring.language* global_value=neutral, local_value=neutral, access=7
  * *memory_limit* global_value=128M, local_value=128M, access=7
  * *pdo_mysql.default_socket* [NOT SET]
  * *session.use_cookies* global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
  * *upload_tmp_dir* global_value=, local_value=, access=4
  * *Connection Status* Connection Successful
  * *MPD Interface Version* 0.23.5
  * *tagtype* Artist, Album, Title, Track, Name, Genre, Date, Composer, Performer, Disc
  * *Commands* add, addid, addtagid, albumart, binarylimit, channels, clear, clearerror, cleartagid, close, commands, config, consume, count, crossfade, currentsong, decoders, delete, deleteid, delpartition, disableoutput, enableoutput, find, findadd, getfingerprint, getvol, idle, kill, list, listall, listallinfo, listfiles, listmounts, listpartitions, listplaylist, listplaylistinfo, listplaylists, load, lsinfo, mixrampdb, mixrampdelay, mount, move, moveid, moveoutput, newpartition, next, notcommands, outputs, outputset, partition, password, pause, ping, play, playid, playlist, playlistadd, playlistclear, playlistdelete, playlistfind, playlistid, playlistinfo, playlistmove, playlistsearch, plchanges, plchangesposid, previous, prio, prioid, random, rangeid, readcomments, readmessages, readpicture, rename, repeat, replay_gain_mode, replay_gain_status, rescan, rm, save, search, searchadd, searchaddpl, seek, seekcur, seekid, sendmessage, setvol, shuffle, single, stats, status, stop, subscribe, swap, swapid, tagtypes, toggleoutput, unmount, unsubscribe, update, urlhandlers, volume
  * *URL Handlers* alsa://
  * *URL Handlers* cdda://
  * *URL Handlers* ftp://
  * *URL Handlers* ftps://
  * *URL Handlers* gopher://
  * *URL Handlers* hls+http://
  * *URL Handlers* hls+https://
  * *URL Handlers* http://
  * *URL Handlers* https://
  * *URL Handlers* mms://
  * *URL Handlers* mmsh://
  * *URL Handlers* mmst://
  * *URL Handlers* mmsu://
  * *URL Handlers* nfs://
  * *URL Handlers* rtmp://
  * *URL Handlers* rtmpe://
  * *URL Handlers* rtmps://
  * *URL Handlers* rtmpt://
  * *URL Handlers* rtmpte://
  * *URL Handlers* rtmpts://
  * *URL Handlers* rtp://
  * *URL Handlers* rtsp://
  * *URL Handlers* rtsps://
  * *URL Handlers* scp://
  * *URL Handlers* sftp://
  * *URL Handlers* smb://
  * *URL Handlers* srtp://
  * *plugin* mad, mpg123, vorbis, oggflac, flac, opus, sndfile, audiofile, dsdiff, dsf, faad, mpcdec, wavpack, openmpt, modplug, mikmod, sidplay, wildmidi, fluidsynth, ffmpeg, gme, pcm
  * *suffix* mp3, mp2, mp3, ogg, oga, ogg, oga, flac, opus, ogg, oga, wav, aiff, aif, au, snd, paf, iff, svx, sf, voc, w64, pvf, xi, htk, caf, sd2, wav, au, aiff, aif, dff, dsf, aac, mpc, wv, mptm, mod, s3m, xm, it, 669, amf, ams, c67, dbm, digi, dmf, dsm, dtm, far, imf, ice, j2b, m15, mdl, med, mms, mt2, mtm, nst, okt, plm, psm, pt36, ptm, sfx, sfx2, st26, stk, stm, stp, ult, wow, gdm, mo3, oxm, umx, xpk, ppm, mmcmp, 669, amf, ams, dbm, dfm, dsm, far, it, med, mdl, mod, mtm, mt2, okt, s3m, stm, ult, umx, xm, amf, dsm, far, gdm, imf, it, med, mod, mtm, s3m, stm, stx, ult, uni, xm, sid, mus, str, prg, P00, mid, mid, 16sv, 3g2, 3gp, 4xm, 8svx, aa3, aac, ac3, adx, afc, aif, aifc, aiff, al, alaw, amr, anim, apc, ape, asf, atrac, au, aud, avi, avm2, avs, bap, bfi, c93, cak, cin, cmv, cpk, daud, dct, divx, dts, dv, dvd, dxa, eac3, film, flac, flc, fli, fll, flx, flv, g726, gsm, gxf, iss, m1v, m2v, m2t, m2ts, m4a, m4b, m4v, mad, mj2, mjpeg, mjpg, mka, mkv, mlp, mm, mmf, mov, mp+, mp1, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpc, mpeg, mpg, mpga, mpp, mpu, mve, mvi, mxf, nc, nsv, nut, nuv, oga, ogm, ogv, ogx, oma, ogg, omg, opus, psp, pva, qcp, qt, r3d, ra, ram, rl2, rm, rmvb, roq, rpl, rvc, shn, smk, snd, sol, son, spx, str, swf, tak, tgi, tgq, tgv, thp, ts, tsp, tta, xa, xvid, uv, uv2, vb, vid, vob, voc, vp6, vmd, wav, webm, wma, wmv, wsaud, wsvga, wv, wve, ay, gbs, gym, hes, kss, nsf, nsfe, rsn, sap, spc, vgm, vgz
  * *mime_type* audio/mpeg, application/ogg, application/x-ogg, audio/ogg, audio/vorbis, audio/vorbis+ogg, audio/x-ogg, audio/x-vorbis, audio/x-vorbis+ogg, application/ogg, application/x-ogg, audio/ogg, audio/x-flac+ogg, audio/x-ogg, application/flac, application/x-flac, audio/flac, audio/x-flac, audio/ogg, application/ogg, audio/opus, audio/wav, audio/aiff, audio/x-wav, audio/x-aiff, audio/wav, audio/aiff, audio/x-wav, audio/x-aiff, application/x-dff, audio/x-dff, audio/x-dsd, application/x-dsf, audio/x-dsf, audio/x-dsd, audio/aac, audio/aacp, audio/x-wavpack, application/flv, application/m4a, application/mp4, application/octet-stream, application/ogg, application/x-ms-wmz, application/x-ms-wmd, application/x-ogg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-shorten, audio/8svx, audio/16sv, audio/aac, audio/aacp, audio/ac3, audio/aiff, audio/amr, audio/basic, audio/flac, audio/m4a, audio/mp4, audio/mpeg, audio/musepack, audio/ogg, audio/opus, audio/qcelp, audio/vorbis, audio/vorbis+ogg, audio/wav, audio/x-8svx, audio/x-16sv, audio/x-aac, audio/x-ac3, audio/x-adx, audio/x-aiff, audio/x-alaw, audio/x-au, audio/x-dca, audio/x-eac3, audio/x-flac, audio/x-gsm, audio/x-mace, audio/x-matroska, audio/x-monkeys-audio, audio/x-mpeg, audio/x-ms-wma, audio/x-ms-wax, audio/x-musepack, audio/x-ogg, audio/x-vorbis, audio/x-vorbis+ogg, audio/x-pn-realaudio, audio/x-pn-multirate-realaudio, audio/x-speex, audio/x-tta, audio/x-voc, audio/x-wav, audio/x-wma, audio/x-wv, video/anim, video/quicktime, video/msvideo, video/ogg, video/theora, video/webm, video/x-dv, video/x-flv, video/x-matroska, video/x-mjpeg, video/x-mpeg, video/x-ms-asf, video/x-msvideo, video/x-ms-wmv, video/x-ms-wvx, video/x-ms-wm, video/x-ms-wmx, video/x-nut, video/x-pva, video/x-theora, video/x-vid, video/x-wmv, video/x-xvid, audio/x-mpd-ffmpeg, audio/L16, audio/L24, audio/x-mpd-float, audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm, audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm-reverse, audio/x-mpd-alsa-pcm
  * *rgbs* r=1, g=1, b=1, a=0.75
  * *skin* phone
  * *music_directory_albumart* /home/media/music
  * *sortbycomposer* true
  * *composergenre* true
  * *composergenrename* 0=Classical
  * *preferlocalfiles* true
  * *mopidy_collection_folders* 0=Local media, 1=SoundCloud/Liked
  * *lastfm_country_code* DE
  * *country_userset* true
  * *debug_enabled* 0
  * *custom_logfile* 
  * *cleanalbumimages* true
  * *do_not_show_prefs* false
  * *load_plugins_at_loadtime* false
  * *beets_server_location* mediacenter.home:8337
  * *dev_mode* false
  * *live_mode* false
  * *use_mopidy_scan* false
  * *collection_load_timeout* 3600000
  * *smartradio_chunksize* 5
  * *linkchecker_nextrun* 1642101958985
  * *linkchecker_isrunning* false
  * *linkchecker_frequency* 604800000
  * *linkchecker_polltime* 5000
  * *audiobook_directory* audiobooks
  * *collection_player* mopidy
  * *snapcast_server* mediacenter.home
  * *snapcast_port* 1705
  * *snapcast_http* 1780
  * *http_port_for_mopidy* 
  * *multihosts* Irene=[host=mediacenter.home, port=6610, password=lollypop, socket=, mopidy_remote=false, radioparams=[radiomode=, radioparam=null, radiomaster=, radioconsume=0]], Daniel=[host=mediacenter.home, port=6600, password=eeree, socket=, mopidy_remote=false, radioparams=[radiomode=, radioparam=null, radiomaster=, radioconsume=0]]
  * *old_style_sql* false
  * *auto_audiobook* 
  * *displaycomposer* true
  * *artistsatstart* 0=Various Artists, 1=Soundtracks
  * *nosortprefixes* 0=The
  * *sortcollectionby* artist
  * *sortresultsby* sameas
  * *actuallysortresultsby* artist
  * *sync_lastfm_playcounts* false
  * *sync_lastfm_at_start* true
  * *next_lastfm_synctime* 0
  * *lastfm_sync_frequency* 86400000
  * *lfm_importer_start_offset* 0
  * *lfm_importer_last_import* 0
  * *hide_master_volume* true
  * *sortbydate* false
  * *notvabydate* false
  * *currenthost* Daniel
  * *player_backend* mpd
  * *collectionrange* 0
  * *lastfm_user* [Redacted]
  * *autotagname* 
  * *lastfm_logged_in* true
  * *tradsearch* false
  * *lastfm_scrobbling* false
  * *lastfm_autocorrect* false
  * *sourceshidden* false
  * *playlisthidden* false
  * *infosource* lastfm
  * *sourceswidthpercent* 25
  * *playlistwidthpercent* 25
  * *downloadart* true
  * *clickmode* double
  * *chooser* albumlist
  * *hide_albumlist* false
  * *hide_filelist* false
  * *hide_radiolist* false
  * *hide_podcastslist* false
  * *hide_playlistslist* false
  * *hide_audiobooklist* false
  * *hide_searcher* false
  * *hidebrowser* false
  * *shownupdatewindow* 1.60.1
  * *scrolltocurrent* false
  * *alarm_ramptime* 30
  * *alarm_snoozetime* 8
  * *lastfmlang* interface
  * *synctags* false
  * *synclove* false
  * *synclovevalue* 5
  * *theme* Numismatist.css
  * *icontheme* Bobalophagus-Dark
  * *coversize* 40-Large.css
  * *fontsize* 04-Grande.css
  * *fontfamily* Nunito.css
  * *displayresultsas* collection
  * *crossfade_duration* 5
  * *newradiocountry* countries/GB
  * *search_limit_limitsearch* false
  * *scrobblepercent* 50
  * *updateeverytime* false
  * *fullbiobydefault* true
  * *mopidy_search_domains* 0=local, 1=spotify
  * *mopidy_radio_domains* 0=local, 1=spotify
  * *outputsvisible* false
  * *wheelscrollspeed* 150
  * *searchcollectiononly* false
  * *displayremainingtime* true
  * *cdplayermode* false
  * *auto_discovembobulate* false
  * *sleeptime* 30
  * *sleepon* false
  * *sortwishlistby* artist
  * *player_in_titlebar* true
  * *communityradioorderby* name
  * *browser_id* 1636573713796
  * *playlistswipe* true
  * *default_podcast_display_mode* 0
  * *default_podcast_refresh_mode* 4
  * *default_podcast_sort_mode* 0
  * *podcast_mark_new_as_unlistened* false
  * *use_albumart_in_playlist* true
  * *podcast_sort_levels* 4
  * *podcast_sort_0* Title
  * *podcast_sort_1* Artist
  * *podcast_sort_2* Category
  * *podcast_sort_3* new
  * *alarms* 
  * *lastversionchecked* 1.00
  * *lastversionchecktime* 1641498203042
  * *playlistbuttons_isopen* false
  * *collectionbuttons_isopen* false
  * *advsearchoptions_isopen* false
  * *podcastbuttons_isopen* false
  * *last_cache_clean* 1641722170013
  * *next_podcast_refresh* 1641942140226
  * *use_original_releasedate* false
  * *bgimgparms* dummy=baby, Numismatist.css=[timeout=60000, lastchange=1641589866495, random=false, position=top left]
  * *chartoption* 0
  * *consume_workaround* false
  * *we_do_consume* false
  * *last_lastfm_synctime* 1631619549000
  * *mpd_host* mediacenter.home
  * *mpd_port* 6600
  * *mpd_password* 
  * *unix_socket* 
  * *collection_type* sqlite
  * *mopidy_http_port* false
  * *collectioncontrolsvisible* true
  * *hide_pluginplaylistslist* true
  * *maxrgbs* r=150, g=150, b=150, a=0.75
  * *bgdrgbs* r=1, g=1, b=1, a=0
  * *radiomode* 
  * *radioparam* null
  * *radiomaster* 
  * *radioconsume* 0

rompr-debug.log rompr-error.log

fatg3erman commented 2 years ago

You're correct that is what it should do. And it works for me. I even tried the same album :)

Check the Click Mode in the Preferences is set to single click. If it still isn't working then I'll need to see a full debug log.

daniauri commented 2 years ago

Yes, it was the double click option. So stupidity it is... sorry.

fatg3erman commented 2 years ago

Not stupidity :) I normally set the click mode automatically based on the skin, but some people like to use single click mode in the Desktop skin, so if it has been set manually I don't change it again. So if you ever change that option by hand then it doesn't get set automatically. It's annoying both ways :)