fatg3erman / RompR

Web client for Mopidy and MPD
189 stars 22 forks source link

Can't remove radio stations #143

Closed izacq closed 1 year ago

izacq commented 1 year ago

Really appreciate the radio/podcast functions. I can't remove a radio station by clicking the x, I get back a 500 error. Maybe something to do with my nginx/php configuration? Have been trying to find a solution but can't figure it out.

nginx error log

2023/02/11 16:25:53 [error] 1072#1072: *13 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method collection_base::sql_prepare_queryp() in /var/www/html/rompr/collection/collection_base.class.php:720 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/rompr/api/yourradio/index.php(12): collection_base->remove_user_radio_stream() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/rompr/collection/collection_base.class.php on line 720" while reading response header from upstream, client: , server: , request: "POST /rompr/api/yourradio/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php/php-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: "http:///rompr/" 2023/02/11 16:26:11 [error] 1071#1071: *11 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method collection_base::sql_prepare_queryp() in /var/www/html/rompr/collection/collection_base.class.php:720 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/rompr/api/yourradio/index.php(12): collection_base->remove_user_radio_stream() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/rompr/collection/collection_base.class.php on line 720" while reading response header from upstream, client: , server: , request: "POST /rompr/api/yourradio/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php/php-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: "http:///rompr/" 2023/02/11 16:28:45 [error] 1072#1072: *15 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: MARK : USERSTREAMS : : Doing User Radio Stuff; PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method collection_base::sql_prepare_queryp() in /var/www/html/rompr/collection/collection_base.class.php:720 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/rompr/api/yourradio/index.php(12): collection_base->remove_user_radio_stream() #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/rompr/collection/collection_base.class.php on line 720" while reading response header from upstream, client: , server: , request: "POST /rompr/api/yourradio/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php/php-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: "http:///rompr/"

debug info (fresh install)

* **BACKEND INFO** * **Version** 2.00 * **System** Linux pi4 5.15.84-v8+ #1613 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 5 12:03:08 GMT 2023 aarch64 * **mysql_database** [Redacted] * **mysql_host** [Redacted] * **mysql_password** [Redacted] * **mysql_port** [Redacted] * **mysql_user** [Redacted] * **SERVER INFO** * **PHP_SELF** /rompr/utils/debuginfo.php * **SERVER_ADDR** * **SERVER_NAME** * **SERVER_SOFTWARE** nginx/1.18.0 * **DOCUMENT_ROOT** /var/www/html * **HTTP_HOST** * **HTTP_USER_AGENT** Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0 * **REMOTE_ADDR** * **SERVER_PORT** 80 * **REQUEST_URI** /rompr/utils/debuginfo.php * **COOKIES** * **currenthost** Default * **skin** desktop * **clickmode** double * **player_backend** mopidy * **browser_id** 1676129081780 * **PHP INFO** * **Version** 8.2.2 * **mbstring** 8.2.2 * **PDO** 8.2.2 * **pdo_mysql** * **pdo_sqlite** 8.2.2 * **curl** 8.2.2 * **date** 8.2.2 * **fileinfo** 8.2.2 * **json** 8.2.2 * **SimpleXML** 8.2.2 * **GD** 8.2.2 * **GD Info** GD Version=2.3.3, FreeType Support=1, FreeType Linkage=with freetype, GIF Read Support=1, GIF Create Support=1, JPEG Support=1, PNG Support=1, WBMP Support=1, XPM Support=1, XBM Support=1, WebP Support=1, BMP Support=1, AVIF Support=1, TGA Read Support=1, JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support= * **ImageMagick** Installed * **date.timezone** global_value=UTC, local_value=UTC, access=7 * **default_charset** global_value=UTF-8, local_value=UTF-8, access=7 * **default_socket_timeout** global_value=60, local_value=60, access=7 * **display_errors** global_value=, local_value=, access=7 * **error_log** global_value=, local_value=, access=7 * **error_reporting** global_value=22527, local_value=22527, access=7 * **file_uploads** global_value=1, local_value=1, access=4 * **log_errors** global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7 * **max_execution_time** global_value=30, local_value=30, access=7 * **mbstring.language** global_value=neutral, local_value=neutral, access=7 * **memory_limit** global_value=128M, local_value=128M, access=7 * **pdo_mysql.default_socket** [NOT SET] * **session.use_cookies** global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7 * **upload_tmp_dir** global_value=, local_value=, access=4 * **RELEVANT RUNNING PROCESSES** * **** ``` www-data 1083 0.0 0.3 108156 31936 ? S 16:24 0:00 php /var/www/html/rompr/rompr_backend.php www-data 1093 0.0 0.3 107984 30376 ? S 16:24 0:00 php /var/www/html/rompr/romonitor.php --currenthost Default ``` * **PLAYER INFORMATION** * **Connection Status** Connection Successful * **MPD Interface Version** 0.19.0 * **config** [] * **tagtypes** {"tagtype":["AlbumArtist", "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID", "Disc", "Album", "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID", "Title", "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID", "Performer", "ArtistSort", "Genre", "Name", "Track", "Composer", "X-AlbumUri", "Comment", "Date", "AlbumArtistSort", "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID", "Artist"]} * **commands** {"command":["add", "addid", "addtagid", "channels", "clear", "clearerror", "cleartagid", "close", "commands", "consume", "count", "crossfade", "currentsong", "decoders", "delete", "deleteid", "disableoutput", "enableoutput", "find", "findadd", "idle", "list", "listall", "listallinfo", "listfiles", "listmounts", "listneighbors", "listplaylist", "listplaylistinfo", "listplaylists", "load", "lsinfo", "mixrampdb", "mixrampdelay", "mount", "move", "moveid", "next", "notcommands", "outputs", 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* **mopidy_collection_folders** ["Local media"] * **lastfm_country_code** DE * **country_userset** true * **debug_enabled** 0 * **custom_logfile** * **cleanalbumimages** true * **do_not_show_prefs** false * **clear_update_lock** false * **load_plugins_at_loadtime** false * **beets_server_location** * **dev_mode** false * **live_mode** false * **use_mopidy_scan** false * **collection_load_timeout** 3600000 * **smartradio_chunksize** 5 * **linkchecker_nextrun** 1/1/1970, 1:00:00 AM * **link_checker_frequency** 604800 * **link_checker_is_running** false * **audiobook_directory** * **collection_player** null * **snapcast_server** * **snapcast_port** 1705 * **snapcast_http** 1780 * **http_port_for_mopidy** 6680 * **multihosts** {"Default":{"host":"localhost", "port":"6600", "password":"", "socket":"", "mopidy_remote":false, "do_consume":false, "websocket":":6680/mopidy/ws", "websocket_port":"6680", "radioparams":{"radiomode":"", "radioparam":"", "radioconsume":[], "radiodomains":["local", "spotify", "youtube", "ytmusic"], "toptracks_current":1, "toptracks_total":1}}} * **old_style_sql** false * **auto_audiobook** [] * **backend_version** 2.00 * **spotify_mark_unplayable** false * **consume_workaround** false * **we_do_consume** false * **smartradio_clearfirst** true * **collection_type** sqlite * **displaycomposer** true * **artistsatstart** ["Various Artists", "Soundtracks"] * **nosortprefixes** ["The"] * **sync_lastfm_playcounts** false * **sync_lastfm_at_start** false * **next_lastfm_synctime** 1/1/1970, 1:00:00 AM * **lastfm_sync_frequency** 86400 * **lfm_importer_start_offset** 0 * **lfm_importer_last_import** 0 * **hide_master_volume** false * **alarm_ramptime** 30 * **alarm_snoozetime** 8 * **communityradioorderby** name * **default_podcast_display_mode** 0 * **default_podcast_refresh_mode** 4 * **default_podcast_sort_mode** 0 * **podcast_mark_new_as_unlistened** false * **podcast_sort_levels** 4 * **podcast_sort_0** Title * **podcast_sort_1** Artist * **podcast_sort_2** Category * **podcast_sort_3** new * **lastversionchecked** 1.00 * **lastversionchecktime** 10/25/55081, 5:22:43 PM * **use_original_releasedate** false * **chartoption** 0 * **lastfm_user** * **autotagname** * **lastfm_logged_in** false * **lastfm_scrobbling** false * **scrobblepercent** 50 * **use_mopidy_search** true * **last_lastfm_synctime** 1676129801 * **currenthost** Default * **player_backend** mopidy * **browser_id** 1676129081780 * **clickmode** double * **skin** desktop * **sortbydate** false * **notvabydate** false * **collectionrange** 0 * **sortcollectionby** artist * **sortresultsby** sameas * **actuallysortresultsby** artist * **alarmindex** null * **sleeptime** 30 * **snooze** null * **tradsearch** false * **lastfm_autocorrect** false * **sourceshidden** false * **playlisthidden** false * **infosource** lastfm * **sourceswidthpercent** 25 * **playlistwidthpercent** 25 * **downloadart** true * **chooser** radiolist * **hide_albumlist** false * **hide_filelist** false * **hide_radiolist** false * **hide_podcastslist** false * **hide_playlistslist** false * **hide_audiobooklist** false * **hide_searcher** false * **hide_pluginplaylistslist** false * **hidebrowser** false * **shownupdatewindow** 2.00 * **scrolltocurrent** false * **lastfmlang** interface * **synctags** false * **synclovevalue** 0 * **theme** Numismatist.css * **icontheme** Bobalophagus-Dark * **coversize** 48 * **fontsize** 11 * **fontfamily** Nunito.css * **displayresultsas** collection * **crossfade_duration** 5 * **newradiocountry** countries/GB * **updateeverytime** false * **fullbiobydefault** true * **mopidy_search_domains** ["local", "spotify"] * **outputsvisible** false * **wheelscrollspeed** 150 * **displayremainingtime** true * **cdplayermode** false * **auto_discovembobulate** false * **sleepon** false * **sortwishlistby** artist * **player_in_titlebar** false * **use_albumart_in_playlist** true * **bgimgparms** {"dummy":"baby", "Numismatist.css":{"timeout":60000, "lastchange":1676045720771, "random":false, "position":"top left"}} * **playlistbuttons_isopen** false * **collectionbuttons_isopen** false * **advsearchoptions_isopen** false * **podcastbuttons_isopen** false * **somafm_quality** highest_available_quality * **stupid_rounded_corner_buffer_size** 0 * **maxrgbs** {"r":150, "g":150, "b":150, "a":"0.75"} * **bgdrgbs** {"r":1, "g":1, "b":1, "a":"0"} * **collectionconbuttons_isopen** true

Also would be interested if there is an easy way to get the saved radio stations/ latest podcast episodes through the api? I am currently using a playlist to map its entries to the input by an infrared remote with a script, would be neat to populate a playlist entry with the latest podcast episode (or replace the playlist request with a request to rompr's entries).

fatg3erman commented 1 year ago

That's a bug, a simple typo that crept in in version 2. Thanks for reporting.

There isn't a way to get podcasts or radio stations without also getting all the HTML, which really isn't what you want. Might be easier to write a simple script to get the info directly from the database.