fatg3erman / RompR

Web client for Mopidy and MPD
189 stars 22 forks source link

Large playlist, Large collection: Something went wrong retrieving the playlist! #168

Closed nis65 closed 1 week ago

nis65 commented 1 week ago


First thanks for that very nice web client. I have integrated RompR into my rompr branch for my multiroom setup.

My issue:

So: I am sure that one or more database queries slow down the build up of the playlist considerabely. However, after setting the log level to 8 (CORE), I see a lot of SQL statements but I am overwhelmed and fail to track to down that "bad" statement that kills the display of the playlist. What information is collected from the database when the playlist is shown? I don't seem to miss anything in the playlist when the DB is empty.

Any ideas how to proceed?

I don't think this is related, but rompr has no access to the files of the collection, they are visible via mpd only. This is because a) rompr is running in a container and b) even if this container runs on the raspi that runs rompr, the collection is "mounted" for mpd via an smb url:

music_directory         "smb://mysambahost.example.net/mysambsharename"

Some more stats:

# ls -l rompr/prefs/collection.sq3 
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 53678080 Oct  5 18:42 rompr/prefs/collection.sq3

# sqlite3 rompr/prefs/collection.sq3 "select * from statsTable where value > 0;"

Debug Information

  * **Version** 2.17
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  * **mysql_host** [Redacted]
  * **mysql_password** [Redacted]
  * **mysql_port** [Redacted]
  * **mysql_user** [Redacted]
  * **spotify_token** [Redacted]
  * **spotify_token_expires** [Redacted]
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  * **currenthost** Default
  * **player_backend** mpd
* **PHP INFO**
  * **Version** 8.2.24
  * **mbstring** 8.2.24
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  * **session.use_cookies** global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
  * **upload_tmp_dir** global_value=, local_value=, access=4
  * ****
www-data     167  0.0  1.7 119908 32224 ?        S    10:33   0:00 php /app/rompr/rompr_backend.php
www-data     177  0.0  1.6 119756 31068 ?        S    10:33   0:00 php /app/rompr/romonitor.php --currenthost Default


  * **Connection Status** Connection Successful
  * **MPD Interface Version** 0.23.5
  * **config** []
  * **tagtypes** {"tagtype":["Artist", "ArtistSort", "Album", "AlbumSort", "AlbumArtist", "AlbumArtistSort", "Title", "Track", "Name", "Genre", "Date", "OriginalDate", "Composer", "ComposerSort", "Performer", "Conductor", "Work", "Movement", "MovementNumber", "Ensemble", "Location", "Grouping", "Disc", "Label", "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID", "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID", "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID", "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID", "MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID", "MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID"]}
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  * **notcommands** true
  * **urlhandlers** ["alsa:\/\/", "cdda:\/\/", "ftp:\/\/", "ftps:\/\/", "gopher:\/\/", "hls+http:\/\/", "hls+https:\/\/", "http:\/\/", "https:\/\/", "mms:\/\/", "mmsh:\/\/", "mmst:\/\/", "mmsu:\/\/", "nfs:\/\/", "rtmp:\/\/", "rtmpe:\/\/", "rtmps:\/\/", "rtmpt:\/\/", "rtmpte:\/\/", "rtmpts:\/\/", "rtp:\/\/", "rtsp:\/\/", "rtsps:\/\/", "scp:\/\/", "sftp:\/\/", "smb:\/\/", "srtp:\/\/"]
  * **decoders** {"plugin":["mad", "mpg123", "vorbis", "oggflac", "flac", "opus", "sndfile", "dsdiff", "dsf", "faad", "mpcdec", "wavpack", "openmpt", "modplug", "mikmod", "sidplay", "fluidsynth", "adplug", "ffmpeg", "gme", "pcm"], "suffix":["mp3", "mp2", "mp3", "ogg", "oga", "ogg", "oga", "flac", "opus", "ogg", "oga", "wav", "aiff", "aif", "au", "snd", "paf", "iff", "svx", "sf", "voc", "w64", "pvf", "xi", "htk", "caf", "sd2", "dff", "dsf", "aac", "mpc", "wv", "mptm", "mod", "s3m", "xm", "it", "669", "amf", "ams", "c67", "dbm", "digi", "dmf", "dsm", "dtm", "far", "imf", "ice", "j2b", "m15", "mdl", "med", "mms", "mt2", "mtm", "nst", "okt", "plm", "psm", "pt36", "ptm", "sfx", "sfx2", "st26", "stk", "stm", "stp", "ult", "wow", "gdm", "mo3", "oxm", "umx", "xpk", "ppm", "mmcmp", "669", "amf", "ams", "dbm", "dfm", "dsm", "far", "it", "med", "mdl", "mod", "mtm", "mt2", "okt", "s3m", "stm", "ult", "umx", "xm", "amf", "dsm", "far", "gdm", "imf", "it", "med", "mod", "mtm", "s3m", "stm", "stx", "ult", "uni", "xm", "sid", "mus", "str", "prg", "P00", "mid", "amd", "d00", "hsc", "laa", "rad", "raw", "sa2", "16sv", "3g2", "3gp", "4xm", "8svx", "aa3", "aac", "ac3", "adx", "afc", "aif", "aifc", "aiff", "al", "alaw", "amr", "anim", "apc", "ape", "asf", "atrac", "au", "aud", "avi", "avm2", "avs", "bap", "bfi", "c93", "cak", "cin", "cmv", "cpk", "daud", "dct", "divx", "dts", "dv", "dvd", "dxa", "eac3", "film", "flac", "flc", "fli", "fll", "flx", "flv", "g726", "gsm", "gxf", "iss", "m1v", "m2v", "m2t", "m2ts", "m4a", "m4b", "m4v", "mad", "mj2", "mjpeg", "mjpg", "mka", "mkv", "mlp", "mm", "mmf", "mov", "mp+", "mp1", "mp2", "mp3", "mp4", "mpc", "mpeg", "mpg", "mpga", "mpp", "mpu", "mve", "mvi", "mxf", "nc", "nsv", "nut", "nuv", "oga", "ogm", "ogv", "ogx", "oma", "ogg", "omg", "opus", "psp", "pva", "qcp", "qt", "r3d", "ra", "ram", "rl2", "rm", "rmvb", "roq", "rpl", "rvc", "shn", "smk", "snd", "sol", "son", "spx", "str", "swf", "tak", "tgi", "tgq", "tgv", "thp", "ts", "tsp", "tta", "xa", "xvid", "uv", "uv2", "vb", "vid", "vob", "voc", "vp6", "vmd", "wav", "webm", "wma", "wmv", "wsaud", "wsvga", "wv", "wve", "ay", "gbs", "gym", "hes", "kss", "nsf", "nsfe", "rsn", "sap", "spc", "vgm", "vgz"], "mime_type":["audio\/mpeg", "application\/ogg", "application\/x-ogg", "audio\/ogg", "audio\/vorbis", "audio\/vorbis+ogg", "audio\/x-ogg", "audio\/x-vorbis", "audio\/x-vorbis+ogg", "application\/ogg", "application\/x-ogg", "audio\/ogg", "audio\/x-flac+ogg", "audio\/x-ogg", "application\/flac", "application\/x-flac", "audio\/flac", "audio\/x-flac", "audio\/ogg", "application\/ogg", "audio\/opus", "audio\/wav", "audio\/aiff", "audio\/x-wav", "audio\/x-aiff", "application\/x-dff", "audio\/x-dff", "audio\/x-dsd", "application\/x-dsf", "audio\/x-dsf", "audio\/x-dsd", "audio\/aac", "audio\/aacp", "audio\/x-wavpack", "application\/flv", "application\/m4a", "application\/mp4", "application\/octet-stream", "application\/ogg", "application\/x-ms-wmz", "application\/x-ms-wmd", "application\/x-ogg", "application\/x-shockwave-flash", "application\/x-shorten", "audio\/8svx", "audio\/16sv", "audio\/aac", "audio\/aacp", "audio\/ac3", "audio\/aiff", "audio\/amr", "audio\/basic", "audio\/flac", "audio\/m4a", "audio\/mp4", "audio\/mpeg", "audio\/musepack", "audio\/ogg", "audio\/opus", "audio\/qcelp", "audio\/vorbis", "audio\/vorbis+ogg", "audio\/wav", "audio\/x-8svx", "audio\/x-16sv", "audio\/x-aac", "audio\/x-ac3", "audio\/x-adx", "audio\/x-aiff", "audio\/x-alaw", "audio\/x-au", "audio\/x-dca", "audio\/x-eac3", "audio\/x-flac", "audio\/x-gsm", "audio\/x-mace", "audio\/x-matroska", "audio\/x-monkeys-audio", "audio\/x-mpeg", "audio\/x-ms-wma", "audio\/x-ms-wax", "audio\/x-musepack", "audio\/x-ogg", "audio\/x-vorbis", "audio\/x-vorbis+ogg", "audio\/x-pn-realaudio", "audio\/x-pn-multirate-realaudio", "audio\/x-speex", "audio\/x-tta", "audio\/x-voc", "audio\/x-wav", "audio\/x-wma", "audio\/x-wv", "video\/anim", "video\/quicktime", "video\/msvideo", "video\/ogg", "video\/theora", "video\/webm", "video\/x-dv", "video\/x-flv", "video\/x-matroska", "video\/x-mjpeg", "video\/x-mpeg", "video\/x-ms-asf", "video\/x-msvideo", "video\/x-ms-wmv", "video\/x-ms-wvx", "video\/x-ms-wm", "video\/x-ms-wmx", "video\/x-nut", "video\/x-pva", "video\/x-theora", "video\/x-vid", "video\/x-wmv", "video\/x-xvid", "audio\/x-mpd-ffmpeg", "audio\/L16", "audio\/L24", "audio\/x-mpd-float", "audio\/x-mpd-cdda-pcm", "audio\/x-mpd-cdda-pcm-reverse", "audio\/x-mpd-alsa-pcm"]}
* **CONFIG**
  * **click_event** click
  * **use_mouse_interface** true
  * **use_touch_interface** false
  * **has_custom_scrollbars** true
  * **rgbs** {"r":1, "g":1, "b":1, "a":"0.75"}
  * **interface_language** en-GB
  * **music_directory_albumart** 
  * **sortbycomposer** false
  * **composergenrename** ["Classical"]
  * **useclassicalrules** false
  * **classical_rule** 1
  * **classicalgenres** ["Classical"]
  * **classicalfolder** Classical
  * **preferlocalfiles** false
  * **mopidy_collection_folders** ["Local media"]
  * **lastfm_country_code** CH
  * **country_userset** false
  * **debug_enabled** 0
  * **custom_logfile** 
  * **cleanalbumimages** false
  * **do_not_show_prefs** false
  * **clear_update_lock** false
  * **load_plugins_at_loadtime** false
  * **beets_server_location** 
  * **dev_mode** false
  * **live_mode** false
  * **use_mopidy_scan** false
  * **collection_load_timeout** 3600000
  * **smartradio_chunksize** 5
  * **linkchecker_nextrun** 12.10.2024, 16:37:23
  * **link_checker_frequency** 604800
  * **link_checker_is_running** false
  * **audiobook_directory** 
  * **collection_player** mpd
  * **snapcast_server** 
  * **snapcast_port** 1705
  * **snapcast_http** 1780
  * **http_port_for_mopidy** 6680
  * **multihosts** {"Default":{"host":"REDACTED.REDACTED.net", "port":"6600", "password":"", "socket":"", "mopidy_remote":false, "do_consume":false, "websocket":false, "websocket_port":"6680", "radioparams":{"radiomode":"", "radioparam":"", "radioconsume":[], "radiodomains":["local", "spotify", "youtube", "ytmusic", "qobuz"], "toptracks_current":1, "toptracks_total":1, "stationname":""}}}
  * **old_style_sql** false
  * **auto_audiobook** [""]
  * **backend_version** 2.17
  * **spotify_mark_unplayable** false
  * **consume_workaround** false
  * **we_do_consume** false
  * **smartradio_clearfirst** true
  * **collection_type** sqlite
  * **displaycomposer** true
  * **artistsatstart** ["Various Artists", "Soundtracks"]
  * **nosortprefixes** ["The", "Der", "Die", "Das"]
  * **sync_lastfm_playcounts** false
  * **sync_lastfm_at_start** false
  * **next_lastfm_synctime** 1.1.1970, 01:00:00
  * **last_lastfm_synctime** 1728138976
  * **lastfm_sync_frequency** 86400
  * **lfm_importer_start_offset** 0
  * **lfm_importer_last_import** 0
  * **hide_master_volume** false
  * **alarm_ramptime** 30
  * **alarm_snoozetime** 8
  * **communityradioorderby** name
  * **default_podcast_display_mode** 0
  * **default_podcast_refresh_mode** 4
  * **default_podcast_sort_mode** 0
  * **podcast_mark_new_as_unlistened** false
  * **podcast_sort_levels** 4
  * **podcast_sort_0** Title
  * **podcast_sort_1** Artist
  * **podcast_sort_2** Category
  * **podcast_sort_3** new
  * **lastversionchecked** 1.00
  * **lastversionchecktime** 18.7.56732, 16:57:50
  * **use_original_releasedate** false
  * **chartoption** 0
  * **lastfm_user** 
  * **autotagname** 
  * **lastfm_logged_in** false
  * **lastfm_scrobbling** false
  * **noscrobble_audiobook** false
  * **noscrobble_podcast** false
  * **use_mopidy_search** false
  * **sortby_upgraded** true
  * **currenthost** Default
  * **player_backend** mpd
  * **browser_id** 1728127371009
  * **clickmode** double
  * **skin** phone
  * **sortbydate** 1
  * **sort_ab_bydate** 1
  * **notvabydate** false
  * **collectionrange** 0
  * **collectiondomains** All
  * **sortcollectionby** artist
  * **sortresultsby** sameas
  * **actuallysortresultsby** artist
  * **headerbar_position** bottom
  * **alarmindex** null
  * **sleeptime** 30
  * **fadetime** 1
  * **snooze** null
  * **tradsearch** false
  * **lastfm_autocorrect** false
  * **sourceshidden** false
  * **playlisthidden** false
  * **infosource** lastfm
  * **sourceswidthpercent** 25
  * **playlistwidthpercent** 25
  * **downloadart** false
  * **chooser** prefsm
  * **hide_albumlist** false
  * **hide_filelist** false
  * **hide_radiolist** true
  * **hide_podcastslist** true
  * **hide_playlistslist** true
  * **hide_audiobooklist** true
  * **hide_searcher** false
  * **hide_pluginplaylistslist** true
  * **hidebrowser** false
  * **shownupdatewindow** 2.17
  * **scrolltocurrent** false
  * **lastfmlang** interface
  * **synctags** false
  * **synclovevalue** 0
  * **theme** Numismatist.css
  * **icontheme** Bobalophagus-Dark
  * **coversize** 48
  * **fontsize** 11
  * **fontfamily** Nunito.css
  * **displayresultsas** collection
  * **crossfade_duration** 0
  * **newradiocountry** countries/GB
  * **updateeverytime** false
  * **fullbiobydefault** true
  * **mopidy_search_domains** ["local", "spotify"]
  * **outputsvisible** false
  * **wheelscrollspeed** 150
  * **displayremainingtime** true
  * **cdplayermode** false
  * **auto_discovembobulate** false
  * **sleepon** false
  * **sortwishlistby** artist
  * **player_in_titlebar** false
  * **use_albumart_in_playlist** true
  * **bgimgparms** {"dummy":"baby", "Numismatist.css":{"timeout":60000, "lastchange":1728134929305, "random":false, "position":"top left"}}
  * **playlistbuttons_isopen** false
  * **collectionbuttons_isopen** false
  * **abcollectionbuttons_isopen** false
  * **advsearchoptions_isopen** true
  * **podcastbuttons_isopen** false
  * **somafm_quality** highest_available_quality
  * **stupid_rounded_corner_buffer_size** 0
  * **skip_amount** 10
  * **maxrgbs** {"r":150, "g":150, "b":150, "a":"0.75"}
  * **bgdrgbs** {"r":1, "g":1, "b":1, "a":"0"}
fatg3erman commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the detailed logs. Unfortunately for you though, working with large playlists is simply not something RompR can do. Every track in that playlist is being looked up in the database and the issue is almost certainly that the request to retrieve it is timing out. There is no fix for this I'm afraid, that's just how it works.

nis65 commented 1 week ago

Wouldn't it be possible (as workaround) to simply skip the database lookup to create the playlist? So maybe a configuration option that says:


and in this case it would work identical to my test setup with the database removed temporarily... As I wrote - I am not missing anything in the playlist when there is no database...

Or decouple the database lookup from the gui response times like the fetching of album art?

fatg3erman commented 1 week ago

You would be missing functionality, but you haven't noticed it. There are features that don't work without the lookup, and reworking it would break more things.

nis65 commented 1 week ago

Ok, thanks for your time. I'll see what I can do to help myself :-) Closing.