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Change the default concept tree #91

Closed hohonuuli closed 1 year ago

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

The current tree is MBARI's we'd love to be able to switch between trees for most concept name functions.

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

@kakanikatija Suggests that we use the FathomNet tree. She wants to call it MorphoTaxa.

To use FathomNet tree we would need to merge in equipment from MBARI's tree. This would break the tree browser too.

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

I'd like to keep this solution generic and not tied to any M3 services. One path would be to export the equipment tree from the VARS KB as a CSV. Then modify the WormsLoader to read our new CSV on the monthly worms load and merge it into the WorMS tree. We only need enough info from VARS to build WormsConcepts. Two things to be aware:

  1. Each WormsConcept will need a unique id that doesn't clash with any already in WoRMS.
  2. The equipment branch will need a parentId to attach to. The catch is that we will probably need to add a new root node (e.g. object), then attach both the worms tree and the equipment to.
hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

I've added a script to generate CSV files that could be merged into the worms tree.


kb-branch-to-worms-format <kb branch url> <starting synthetic aphia id>

git clone git@github.com:fathomnet/fathomnet-support.git
cd fathomnet-support
sbt stage
cd target/universal/stage/bin
./kb-branch-to-worms-format "http://dsg.mbari.org/kb/v1/phylogeny/down/equipment" 1000 > equipment.csv


1002,1000,Clathrate Bucket
1003,1000,Benthic Instrument Node;BIN
1004,1000,TPC;temperature, pressure, conductivity sensor
1005,1000,Wax corer
1006,1000,site marker
1007,1000,Dissolution Ball
1008,1000,Odor Pump
1009,1000,Remote Instrument Node;RIN
hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

Next steps:

This will give us a more complete tree with a few caveats:

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

Updated cron on eione to grab equipment and geological feature branches from the external VARS knowledgebase. The new crontab is:

58 23 1 * * podman run mbari/fathomnet-support kb-branch-to-worms-format "http://dsg.mbari.org/kb/v1/phylogeny/down/equipment" 1000 > /home/podman_user/worms/kb_equipment.csv
59 23 1 * * podman run mbari/fathomnet-support kb-branch-to-worms-format "http://dsg.mbari.org/kb/v1/phylogeny/down/geological%20feature" 10000 > /home/podman_user/worms/kb_geological_feature.csv
0 0 2 * *  /home/podman_user/fetch_worms.sh
0 2 2 * *  /home/podman_user/fathomnet_start.sh
hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

Released as version worms-server 0.3.0. I've added the geological features and equipment branches of the VARS KB.

Note that all non-worms nodes will have negative aphiaIds to indicate that we made them up. Also note that there are no guarantees of unique names enforced when the new branches are added to the worms trees.

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

Also, there's a new root node named object with an aphiaId of -1

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

@ermbutler Did you update the UI to use the fathomnet taxonomy provider instead of MBARI's?

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago
ermbutler commented 1 year ago

Hi @hohonuuli I put in a pull request for the change to the explorer terms autocomplete here: https://github.com/fathomnet/fathomnet-web-ui/pull/5

It is using https://fathomnet.org/worms/query/startswith/{inputValue}

Take a look and let me know if you need any changes. I left a small amount of logging in the code that I can remove later on.

hohonuuli commented 1 year ago
hohonuuli commented 1 year ago

I've made the above change on the main branch as they're relatively minor. Not that there's an issue with duplicate nodes being added to the search tree that still needs to be resolved before deploying these changes.

ermbutler commented 1 year ago

Final task @ermbutler todo:

ermbutler commented 1 year ago

Related to this PR - https://github.com/fathomnet/fathomnet-web-ui/pull/5 Still todo.

ermbutler commented 1 year ago

I checked the warnings - they are related to where the key is placed on the iteratable tree nodes. It is a warning and not an error, there may even be a way to suppress the warning if it is too repetitive which I might look into because functionally things look ok.

I started the autocomplete work but the UI there is a bit tricky and I would like to "punt" on it @hohonuuli -- I am creating another github issue so we can prioritize it, and closing this one.