fatih / color

Color package for Go (golang)
MIT License
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Does this package work good for windows 10 command propmpt? #78

Closed andreGarvin closed 6 years ago

andreGarvin commented 7 years ago

quick shout out to you for this amazing package this truly makes my cli tools look very colorful and amazing. Sadly there is a 'But', I tried using the compiled and executable binary of the go build and there some weird I am guessing unencoded symbols surrounding the words of text that is supposed to be colored.


error cache: run `cache --help` command to see how to use cache and what commands to use.

If you could help understand that or maybe find a way to fix it that would be coolio

thezone51 commented 7 years ago

Not FULLY correct. Some features, like italic or underlined types wouldn't work cause... Cause it's windows, who needs them?

andreGarvin commented 7 years ago

Well I mostly need them. I was using this tool called commander works fine but when I used my command prompt it did. It work, I was using the color.RedString

fatih commented 6 years ago

can you please open an issue to https://github.com/mattn/go-colorable. Let me know if there is an issue on this package though. I don't use Windows and have little I can do here. Thanks!