Closed msvitok77 closed 5 years ago
Having same issue from past week,have you got YCM and UltiSnips together along with vim-go? Am guessing it a conflict between YCM and gopls not definitive. Trying to debug to get root cause before reporting.
Hello here are the plugins I currently have installed: Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim' Plug 'fatih/vim-go', { 'do': ':GoInstallBinaries' } Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips' Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox' Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
thanks for response , seems this rules out theory of YCM conflict since your bundle does not have YCM have you tried forcing vim-go to use gopls for autocompletion in vimrc?
hmm I thought it has something in common with g:go_info_mode ... which uses gopls by default. I wasn't trying to use autocompletion at that time. However I've changed the godef option to: let g:go_def_mode = 'gopls', but I'm not sure if it's sufficient. Anyway it didn't help. Thanks
Which version of gopls are you using? You can use gopls version
to find out.
Having the same issue gopls version v0.1.7 h1:YwKf8t9h69++qCtVmc2q6fVuetFXmmu9LKoPMYLZid4=
I am unable to duplicate this. I'm trying a simple reproduction of what you provided @yshadow using this file (and it's the only file in the package):
package foo
import (
type Producer struct {
lg *zap.SugaredLogger
conn *grpc.ClientConn
If you can provide a simple reproduction case, I'm sure we can get to the bottom of the problem.
Having the gopls debugging output would be useful. If you can start up vim with -c let g:go_debug['lsp']
, you'll get a log window with the gopls output.
hello my gopls version is: v0.1.7 h1:YwKf8t9h69++qCtVmc2q6fVuetFXmmu9LKoPMYLZid4=
I run vim with -c let g:go_debug['lsp'] and got this output:
"g:go_debug[lsp]" [New File] airline_detect_crypt #1 gruvbox_improved_warnings #0 rainbow_conf {'guifgs': ['#d65d0e', '#cc241d', '#b16286', '#458588'], 'ctermfgs': ['166', 'red', 'magenta', 'blue']} airline_left_sep loaded_plug #1 niji_light_colours [['blue', '#458588'], ['magenta', '#b16286'], ['red', '#cc241d'], ['166', '#d65d0e']] loaded_vimballPlugin v37 vimshell_escape_colors ['#7c6f64', '#fb4934', '#b8bb26', '#fabd2f', '#83a598', '#d3869b', '#8ec07c', '#a89984', '#282828', '#fb4934', '#b8bb26', '#fe8019', '#83a598', '#d3869b', '#8ec07c', ' #fbf1c7'] airline_left_alt_sep ctrlp_mapindent_guides_auto_colors #0 did_load_filetypes #1 airline#extensions#quickfix#location_text Location airline_detect_spelllang #1 airline_section_warning %{airline#util#wrap(airline#extensions#whitespace#check(),0)} ctrlp_alltags [] airline#highlighter#normal_fg_hi 223 airline_right_alt_sep ctrlp_mruf_include go_auto_type_info #1 UltiSnipsEnableSnipMate #1 airline_right_sep UltiSnipsListSnippets go_list_type quickfix go_metalinter_deadline 5s go_highlight_fields #1 airline_symbols {'space': ' ', 'paste': 'PASTE', 'maxlinenr': ' ㏑', 'dirty': '!', 'crypt': '🔒', 'linenr': '☰ ', 'readonly': '⊝', 'spell': 'SPELL', 'modified': '+', 'notexists': 'Ɇ', 'keymap': 'Keymap:', 'ellipsis': '...', 'branch': 'ᚠ', 'whitespace': '☲'} niji_dark_colours [['blue', '#458588'], ['magenta', '#b16286'], ['red', '#cc241d'], ['166', '#d65d0e']] airline_mode_map {'s': 'SELECT', 'V': 'V-LINE', 'ni': '(INSERT)', 'ic': 'INSERT COMPL', 'R': 'REPLACE', '^S': 'S-BLOCK', 'no': 'OP PENDING', '^V': 'V-BLOCK', 'multi': 'MULTI', '__': '-- ----', 'Rv': 'V REPLACE', 'c': 'COMMAND', 'ix': 'INSERT COMPL', 'i': 'INSERT', 'n': 'NORMAL', 'S': 'S-LINE', 't': 'TERMINAL', 'v': 'VISUAL'} gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight #0 gruvbox_undercurl #1 colors_name gruvbox ctrlp_status_func {'prog': 'airline#extensions#ctrlp#ctrlp_airline_status', 'main': 'airline#extensions#ctrlp#ctrlp_airline'} did_load_ftplugin #1 airline_detect_paste #1 loaded_tarPlugin v29 ctrlp_mruf_map_string !stridx(v:val, cwd) ? strpart(v:val, idx) : v:val airline_detect_spell #1 ctrlp_cmd CtrlP UltiSnipsEditSplit normal airline_gui_mode cterm matchparen_insert_timeout #60 go_textobj_include_function_doc #0 io_fugitive {'readfile': function('fugitive#readfile'), 'isdirectory': function('fugitive#isdirectory'), 'getfperm': function('fugitive#getfperm'), 'delete': function('fugitive#del ete'), 'filereadable': function('fugitive#filereadable'), 'Real': function('FugitiveReal'), 'getftype': function('fugitive#getftype'), 'simplify': function('fugitive#simplify'), 'resolve': f unction('fugitive#resolve'), 'getfsize': function('fugitive#getfsize'), 'setfperm': function('fugitive#setfperm'), 'glob': function('fugitive#glob'), 'getftime': function('fugitive#getftime' ), 'writefile': function('fugitive#writefile'), 'filewritable': function('fugitive#filewritable')} loaded_zipPlugin v28 _uspy :py3 UltiSnipsExpandTrigger loaded_rrhelper #1 rbpt_colorpairs [['blue', '#458588'], ['magenta', '#b16286'], ['red', '#cc241d'], ['166', '#d65d0e']] airline#extensions#quickfix#quickfix_text Quickfix go_metalinter_autosave_enabled ['vet', 'golint'] loaded_spellfile_plugin #1 airline#init#is_windows #0 did_indent_on #1 ctrlp_ext_vars [] airline_theme papercolor ctrlp_alldirs [] loaded_airline #1 plug_home /home/marek/.vim/plugged did_plugin_ultisnips #1 rainbow_guifgs ['#d65d0e', '#cc241d', '#b16286', '#458588'] airline_section_a %#__accent_bold#%{airline#util#wrap(airline#parts#mode(),0)}%#__restore__#%{airline#util#append(airline#parts#crypt(),0)}%{airline#util#append(airline#parts#paste(),0) }%{airline#util#append(airline#extensions#keymap#status(),0)}%{airline#util#append(airline#parts#spell(),0)}%{airline#util#append("",0)}%{airline#util#append("",0)}%{airline#util#append(airl ine#parts#iminsert(),0)} UltiSnipsMappingsToIgnore [] ctrlp_builtins #2 loaded_fugitive #1 go_decls_includes func,type gruvbox_contrast_dark medium ctrlp_buftags {} plugs_order ['ctrlp.vim', 'vim-go', 'ultisnips', 'vim-fugitive', 'gruvbox', 'vim-airline', 'vim-airline-themes'] indentLine_color_term #239 airline_inactive_collapse #1 syntax_on #1 gruvbox_bold #1 gruvbox_guisp_fallback NONE airline_section_x %{airline#util#prepend("",0)}%{airline#util#prepend(airline#extensions#vista#currenttag(),0)}%{airline#util#prepend("",0)}%{airline#util#prepend("",0)}%{airline#util#wrap(airline#parts#filetype(),0)} airline_section_y %{airline#util#wrap(airline#parts#ffenc(),0)} airline_section_z %3p%% %#__accent_bold#%{g:airline_symbols.linenr}%4l%#__restore__#%#__accent_bold#/%L%{g:airline_symbols.maxlinenr}%#__restore__# :%3v airline#extensions#wordcount#filetypes ['asciidoc', 'help', 'mail', 'markdown', 'org', 'rst', 'tex', 'text'] UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger airline_last_window_changed [1, 1, 1, 1, ''] gruvbox_invert_indent_guides #0 airline_statusline_funcrefs [function('airline#extensions#quickfix#apply'), function('airline#extensions#netrw#apply'), function('airline#extensions#term#apply'), function('airline#extension s#ctrlp#apply'), function('airline#extensions#po#apply'), function('airline#extensions#wordcount#apply')] loaded_netrwPlugin v156 loaded_logiPat v4 UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories ['UltiSnips'] matchparen_timeout #300 loaded_airline_themes #1 airline_section_c %<%<%{airline#extensions#fugitiveline#bufname()}%m %#__accent_red#%{airline#util#wrap(airline#parts#readonly(),0)}%#__restore__# UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger airline#init#vim_async #1 go_addtags_transform camelcase airline_detect_modified #1 airline_exclude_preview #0 go_highlight_functions #1 loaded_gzip #1 go_highlight_operators #1 loaded_ctrlp #1 zipPlugin_ext *.apk,*.celzip,*.crtx,*.docm,*.docx,*.dotm,*.dotx,*.ear,*.epub,*.gcsx,*.glox,*.gqsx,*.ja,*.jar,*.kmz,*.oxt,*.potm,*.potx,*.ppam,*.ppsm,*.ppsx,*.pptm,*.pptx,*.sldx,*.th mx,*.vdw,*.war,*.wsz,*.xap,*.xlam,*.xlam,*.xlsb,*.xlsm,*.xlsx,*.xltm,*.xltx,*.xpi,*.zip ctrlp_allmixes {} airline_exclude_filetypes [] airline#themes#papercolor#palette {'accents': {'orange': ['#df5f00', '', 166, ''], 'bold': ['', '', '', '', 'bold'], 'blue': ['#005fff', '', 27, ''], 'green': ['#008700', '', 22, ''], 'purpl e': ['#af00df', '', 128, ''], 'none': ['', '', '', '', ''], 'italic': ['', '', '', '', 'italic'], 'yellow': ['#dfff00', '', 190, ''], 'red': ['#66d9ef', '', 81, '', '']}, 'inactive': {'airli ne_x': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_y': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_z': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 232, ''], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160, ''], 'airline_a': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_b': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_c': ['#585858' , '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_warning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166, '']}, 'replace': {'airline_x': ['#eeeeee', '#005f87', 255, 24, ''], 'airline_y': ['#e4e4e4', '#0087af', 254, 3 1, ''], 'airline_z': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 232], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160], 'airline_a': ['#d7005f', '#e4e4 e4', 161, 254, ''], 'airline_b': ['#e4e4e4', '#0087af', 254, 31, ''], 'airline_c': ['#eeeeee', '#005f87', 255, 24, ''], 'airline_warning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166]}, 'normal': {'airl ine_x_to_airline_y': ['', '', '31', '24', ''], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160, ''], 'airline_x': ['#eeeeee', '#005f87', 255, 24, ''], 'airline_y': ['#e4e4e4', '#0087af', 25 4, 31, ''], 'airline_z': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_b_to_airline_c': ['', '', '31', '24', ''], 'airline_warning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166, ''], 'airline_a_to_airl ine_b': ['', '', '254', '31', ''], 'airline_c': ['#eeeeee', '#005f87', 255, 24, ''], 'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 232, ''], 'airline_z_to_airline_warning': ['', '', '166', '254 ', ''], 'airline_a': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_b': ['#e4e4e4', '#0087af', 254, 31, ''], 'airline_y_to_airline_z': ['', '', '254', '31', ''], 'airline_c_to_airline_x': [' ', '', '24', '24', '']}, 'normal_modified': {'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 232], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160], 'airline_warning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232 , 166], 'airline_c': ['#eeeeee', '#005f87', 255, 24, '']}, 'visual_modified': {'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 232], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160], 'airline_wa rning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166], 'airline_c': ['#e4e4e4', '#005f87', 254, 24]}, 'insert_modified': {'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 232], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160], 'airline_warning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166], 'airline_c': ['#eeeeee', '#005f87', 255, 24, '']}, 'inactive_modified': {'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 23 2], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160], 'airline_warning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166], 'airline_c': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, '']}, 'visual': {'airline_x': ['#e4e 4e4', '#005f87', 254, 24, ''], 'airline_y': ['', '#0087af', '', 31, ''], 'airline_z': ['#005f87', '#e4e4e4', 24, 254, ''], 'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 232], 'airline_error': [ '#000000', '#990000', 232, 160], 'airline_a': ['#005f87', '#e4e4e4', 24, 254, ''], 'airline_b': ['', '#0087af', '', 31, ''], 'airline_c': ['#e4e4e4', '#005f87', 254, 24, ''], 'airline_warnin g': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166]}, 'replace_modified': {'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 232], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160], 'airline_warning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166], 'airline_c': ['#eeeeee', '#005f87', 255, 24, '']}, 'insert': {'airline_x': [...], 'airline_y': [...], 'airline_z': [...], 'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 23 2], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160], 'airline_a': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, ''], 'airline_b': [...], 'airline_c': [...], 'airline_warning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 23 2, 166]}, 'ctrlp': {'airline_term': ['#9cffd3', '#202020', 85, 232, ''], 'CtrlPwhite': ['#585858', '#e4e4e4', 240, 254, 'bold'], 'CtrlPlight': ['#e4e4e4', '#0087af', 254, 31, ''], 'CtrlPdark ': ['#e4e4e4', '#005f87', 254, 24, ''], 'CtrlParrow1': ['#0087af', '#e4e4e4', 31, 254, ''], 'CtrlParrow2': ['#e4e4e4', '#0087af', 254, 31, ''], 'CtrlParrow3': ['#0087af', '#005f87', 31, 24, ''], 'airline_warning': ['#000000', '#df5f00', 232, 166, ''], 'airline_error': ['#000000', '#990000', 232, 160, '']}} netrw_force_overwrite_statusline #0 loaded_2html_plugin vim7.4_v2 gruvbox_termcolors #256 loaded_matchparen #1 airline_section_b %{airline#util#wrap(airline#extensions#branch#get_head(),80)} airline_section_error gruvbox_improved_strings #0 ctrlp_mruf_relative #0 go_metalinter_enabled ['vet', 'golint', 'errcheck'] airline_exclude_filenames ['DebuggerWatch', 'DebuggerStack', 'DebuggerStatus'] go_loaded_install #1 ctrlp_mruf_exclude go_def_mode gopls airline_theme_map {'zenburn': 'zenburn', '\CNeoSolarized': 'solarized', 'solarized': 'solarized', 'wombat': 'wombat', '\CTomorrow': 'tomorrow', 'mo[l|n]okai': 'molokai', 'flattened': 'so larized', 'base16': 'base16', 'default': 'dark'} ctrlp_mruf_case_sensitive #1 go_metalinter_autosave #1 UltiSnipsRemoveSelectModeMappings #1 loaded_getscriptPlugin v36 go_highlight_function_calls #1 go_fmt_command goimports airline_detect_iminsert #0 rainbow_ctermfgs ['166', 'red', 'magenta', 'blue'] gruvbox_italic #0 ctrlp_mruf_save_on_update #1 go_test_timeout 10s netrw_banner #0 mapleader , gruvbox_inverse #1 gruvbox_contrast_light medium airline_section_gutter %= ctrlp_mruf_max #250 indentLine_color_gui #504945 plugs {'gruvbox': {'uri': '', 'dir': '/home/marek/.vim/plugged/gruvbox/', 'frozen': 0, 'branch': 'master'}, 'vim-go': {'uri': 'htt ps://', 'dir': '/home/marek/.vim/plugged/vim-go/', 'frozen': 0, 'branch': 'master', 'do': ':GoInstallBinaries'}, 'vim-airline-themes': {'uri': 'https://git::', 'dir': '/home/marek/.vim/plugged/vim-airline-themes/', 'frozen': 0, 'branch': 'master'}, 'vim-airline': {'uri': ' -airline/vim-airline.git', 'dir': '/home/marek/.vim/plugged/vim-airline/', 'frozen': 0, 'branch': 'master'}, 'ctrlp.vim': {'uri': '', 'dir': '/ home/marek/.vim/plugged/ctrlp.vim/', 'frozen': 0, 'branch': 'master'}, 'vim-fugitive': {'uri': '', 'dir': '/home/marek/.vim/plugged/vim-fugitiv e/', 'frozen': 0, 'branch': 'master'}, 'ultisnips': {'uri': '', 'dir': '/home/marek/.vim/plugged/ultisnips/', 'frozen': 0, 'branch': 'master'}} ctrlp_allfiles [] airline#visual_active #0 ctrlp_lines [] go_highlight_types #1 gruvbox_underline #1 ft_ignore_pat \.\(Z\|gz\|bz2\|zip\|tgz\)$ b:changedtick #3 b:did_autoload_ultisnips_map_keys #1 b:did_after_plugin_ultisnips_after #1 w:airline_lastmode normal w:airline_active #1 w:airline_current_mode NORMAL v:beval_winid #0 v:version #801 v:t_list #3 v:beval_winnr #0 v:errors [] v:lnum #0 v:hlsearch #0 v:t_channel #9 v:scrollstart command line line 0 v:dying #0 v:windowid #58720259 v:mouse_winid #0 v:lang en_US.UTF-8 v:t_none #7 v:count #0 v:progpath /usr/bin/vim.gtk3 v:true v:true v:t_string #1 v:none v:none v:progname vim v:t_bool #6 v:t_number #0 v:vim_did_enter #0 v:cmdbang #0 dying #0 v:windowid #58720259 v:mouse_winid #0 v:lang en_US.UTF-8 v:t_none #7 v:count #0 v:progpath /usr/bin/vim.gtk3 v:true v:true v:t_string #1 v:none v:none v:progname vim v:t_bool #6 v:t_number #0 v:vim_did_enter #0 v:cmdbang #0 v:foldlevel #0 v:t_func #2 v:ctype en_US.UTF-8 v:t_job #8 v:prevcount #0 v:register " v:mouse_win #0 v:count1 #0 v:foldstart #0 v:foldend #0 v:profiling #0 v:t_float #5 v:null v:null v:beval_col #0 v:beval_lnum #0 v:mouse_lnum #0 v:completed_item {} v:t_dict #4 v:false v:false v:beval_bufnr #0 v:shell_error #0 v:testing #0 v:lc_time cs_CZ.UTF-8 v:searchforward #1 v:event {} v:mouse_col #0 v:statusmsg No matching autocommands
The minimal program which causes the problem is this:
package main import ( "fmt" "" "" ) type Producer struct { lg *zap.SugaredLogger conn *grpc.ClientConn } func main() { fmt.Println("test") }
Please note that the code is located outside of GOPATH as I'm using go modules and I have export GO111MODULE=on in my .profile
to reproduce it, just open it in vim and
Here is the screenshot:
Getting the same error when hovering over package references in code. For example in the following code block, the error would be triggered when hovering on packets
in the line packets.NewPacket()
. This only happens with non-stdlib imports (e.g. fmt
doesn't cause it). And I'm also using go modules.
package main
import (
func main() {
I've pushed workaround to master, but I don't really consider this issue fixed. The info you've provided will be enough for me to figure out what's going on.
@yshadow I apologize, but that wasn't the output I need. You'll need to quote that argument to -c
thusly: -c "let g:go_debug=['lsp']"
The only way I can duplicate these errors is if there package being hovered over is not in the module cache and can't be found by gopls either. That would cover your use case @dambrisco . What about yours @yshadow ?
If that is in fact the problem, then the fix is already on master.
Hello @bhcleek I pulled the latest master and the fix worked. Good job! Thanks.
@yshadow I apologize, but that wasn't the output I need. You'll need to quote that argument to
thusly:-c "let g:go_debug=['lsp']"
thanks for this instruction. It's really interesting to see the inner working of this plugin. Cheers
Issue is fixed for me as well.
Just in case if you're still interested in gopls output:
Here's my file's imports:
package main
import (
gopls output for hovering over "fmt" package:
received: Content-Length: 644
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�{"method": "initialized", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {}}
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�{"method": "textDocument/didOpen", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///home/invine/go/src/", "languageId": "go", "text": "package main\n\nimport (\n\t\"context\"\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"log\"\n\t\"net/http\"\n\t\"path/filepath\"\n\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tp, err := filepath.Abs(\"config.toml\")\n\tif err != nil {\n\t\tlog.Fatal(err)\n\t}\n\tconfig, err := config.FromFile(p)\n\tif err != nil {\n\t\tlog.Fatal(err)\n\t}\n\trcl, err := redis.NewClient(config)\n\tif err != nil {\n\t\tlog.Fatalf(\"can't start Redis: %v\", err)\n\t}\n\tcmdC := rcl.Sub(\"commands\")\n\tdb := &storage.PsqlDB{}\n\tif err := db.Open(config); err != nil {\n\t\tlog.Fatalf(\"can't start DB: %v\", err)\n\t}\n\tfuncs := map[string]functions.Function{\n\t\t\"hash\": functions.CrackHash(),\n\t\t\"sleep\": functions.Sleep(),\n\t}\n\ta := &agent.Agent{\n\t\tCmdC: cmdC,\n\t\tDB: db,\n\t\tFuncs: funcs,\n\t}\n\ts := api.NewServer(\n\t\thttp.NewServeMux(),\n\t\trcl,\n\t\tfunc(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error) {\n\t\t\tUUID, err := uuid.Parse(id)\n\t\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\t\treturn nil, fmt.Errorf(\"getTask: can't parse ID: %v\", err)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn db.Read(UUID)\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"localhost:8080\",\n\t)\n\tgo a.Run()\n\tlog.Fatal(s.Run())\n}\n"}}}
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�{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"2019/09/27 09:53:24 Build info\n----------\ v0.1.7\n h1:YwKf8t9h69++qCtVmc2q6fVuetFXmmu9LKoPMYLZid4=\n h1:8gQV6CLnAEikrhgkHFbMAEhagSSnXWGV915qUMm9mrU=\n h1:ER45Jz0UDQ3e6em1lwXVwuPf96lvyQogb7m+gEbsoPg=\n h1:9zdDQZ7Thm29KFXgAX/+yaf3eVbP7djjWp/dXAppNCc=\n\nGo info\n-------\ngo version go1.13 linux/amd64\n\nGO111MODULE=\"\"\nGOARCH=\"amd64\"\nGOBIN=\"/home/invine/go/bin\"\nGOCACHE=\"/home/invine/.cache/go-build\"\nGOENV=\"/home/invine/.config/go/env\"\nGOEXE=\"\"\nGOFLAGS=\"\"\nGOHOSTARCH=\"amd64\"\nGOHOSTOS=\"linux\"\nGONOPROXY=\"\"\nGONOSUMDB=\"\"\nGOOS=\"linux\"\nGOPATH=\"/home/invine/go\"\nGOPRIVATE=\"\"\nGOPROXY=\",direct\"\nGOROOT=\"/usr/lib/go\"\nGOSUMDB=\"\"\nGOTMPDIR=\"\"\nGOTOOLDIR=\"/usr/lib/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64\"\nGCCGO=\"gccgo\"\nAR=\"ar\"\nCC=\"gcc\"\nCXX=\"g++\"\nCGO_ENABLED=\"1\"\nGOMOD=\"/home/invine/go/src/\"\nCGO_CFLAGS=\"-g -O2\"\nCGO_CPPFLAGS=\"\"\nCGO_CXXFLAGS=\"-g -O2\"\nCGO_FFLAGS=\"-g -O2\"\nCGO_LDFLAGS=\"-g -O2\"\nPKG_CONFIG=\"pkg-config\"\nGOGCCFLAGS=\"-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build898782976=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches\"\n"}}
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�{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"2019/09/27 09:53:24 23.346113ms for GOROOT= GOPATH=/home/invine/go GO111MODULE= PWD=/home/invine/go/src/ go \"env\" \"GOMOD\", stderr: \u003c\u003c\u003e\u003e\n"}}
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�{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"2019/09/27 09:53:24 26.619031ms for GOROOT= GOPATH=/home/invine/go GO111MODULE= PWD=/home/invine/go/src/ go \"env\" \"GOMOD\", stderr: \u003c\u003c\u003e\u003e\n"}}
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�{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"2019/09/27 09:53:24 135.456255ms for GOROOT= GOPATH=/home/invine/go GO111MODULE= PWD=/home/invine/go/src/ go \"list\" \"-m\" \"-json\" \"all\", stderr: \u003c\u003c\u003e\u003e\n"}}
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�{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"2019/09/27 09:53:25 159.164142ms for GOROOT= GOPATH=/home/invine/go GO111MODULE= PWD=/home/invine/go/src/ go \"list\" \"-m\" \"-json\" \"all\", stderr: \u003c\u003c\u003e\u003e\n"}}
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�{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"2019/09/27 09:53:25 444.89393ms for GOROOT= GOPATH=/home/invine/go GO111MODULE= PWD=/home/invine/go/src/ go \"list\" \"-e\" \"-json\" \"-compiled=true\" \"-test=true\" \"-export=false\" \"-deps=true\" \"-find=false\" \"--\" \"/home/invine/go/src/\", stderr: \u003c\u003c\u003e\u003e\n"}}
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�{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"2019/09/27 09:53:25 go/packages.Load\n\tpackages = 1"}}
received: Content-Length: 215
�{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"window/logMessage","params":{"type":3,"message":"2019/09/27 09:53:25 go/packages.Load\n\tpackage =\n\tfiles = [/home/invine/go/src/]"}}
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�{"method": "textDocument/didChange", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"contentChanges": [{"text": "package main\n\nimport (\n\t\"context\"\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"log\"\n\t\"net/http\"\n\t\"path/filepath\"\n\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n\t\"\"\n)\n\nfunc main() {\n\tp, err := filepath.Abs(\"config.toml\")\n\tif err != nil {\n\t\tlog.Fatal(err)\n\t}\n\tconfig, err := config.FromFile(p)\n\tif err != nil {\n\t\tlog.Fatal(err)\n\t}\n\trcl, err := redis.NewClient(config)\n\tif err != nil {\n\t\tlog.Fatalf(\"can't start Redis: %v\", err)\n\t}\n\tcmdC := rcl.Sub(\"commands\")\n\tdb := &storage.PsqlDB{}\n\tif err := db.Open(config); err != nil {\n\t\tlog.Fatalf(\"can't start DB: %v\", err)\n\t}\n\tfuncs := map[string]functions.Function{\n\t\t\"hash\": functions.CrackHash(),\n\t\t\"sleep\": functions.Sleep(),\n\t}\n\ta := &agent.Agent{\n\t\tCmdC: cmdC,\n\t\tDB: db,\n\t\tFuncs: funcs,\n\t}\n\ts := api.NewServer(\n\t\thttp.NewServeMux(),\n\t\trcl,\n\t\tfunc(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error) {\n\t\t\tUUID, err := uuid.Parse(id)\n\t\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\t\treturn nil, fmt.Errorf(\"getTask: can't parse ID: %v\", err)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn db.Read(UUID)\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"localhost:8080\",\n\t)\n\tgo a.Run()\n\tlog.Fatal(s.Run())\n}\n"}], "textDocument": {"uri": "file:///home/invine/go/src/"}}}
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�{"method": "textDocument/hover", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 3, "params": {"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///usr/lib/go/src/fmt/scan.go"}, "position": {"character": 0, "line": 4}}}
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received: Content-Length: 38
What did you do? (required: The issue will be closed when not provided)
I have a simple code like this: package messaging
import ( "" "" )
type Producer struct { lg zap.SugaredLogger conn grpc.ClientConn }
when I hover the grpc package within the import section It throws an error
What did you expect to happen?
If not some useful information than at least not an error at all.
What happened instead?
Error detected while processing function 16[13]..19[26]..74_hoverHandler:
line 1:
E121: Undefined variable: contents
E116: Invalid arguments for function split(a:msg.contents.value, '; ')
E15: Invalid expression: split(a:msg.contents.value, '; ')
Error detected while processing function 16:
line 13:
E171: Missing :endif
Configuration (MUST fill this out):
Installed using vim plug. I have no special configuration for this pluggin.
vim-go version:
Latest: commit e62b7405c57f4030fbcfbab6952124672c9ca0a7
you used to reproduce (use a minimal vimrc with other plugins disabled; do not link to a 2,000 line vimrc):vimrc
Vim version (first three lines from
):VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Jun 07 2019 11:42:36)
Go version (
go version
):go version go1.13 linux/amd64
Go environment
go env