fatih / vim-go

Go development plugin for Vim
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Adds an option to disable gohtmltmpl #3588

Closed nkzren closed 3 months ago

nkzren commented 9 months ago

Added an option to disable automatic syntax highlighting for gohtmltmpl.

I wanted this behaviour because it conflicts with .tmpl files generated by chezmoi)

bhcleek commented 9 months ago

Thank you for contributing. I think a better solution, though, may be to revert https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/pull/3146.

nkzren commented 8 months ago

Great, makes sense to me as well since it seems to forcefully override vim's default behaviour

bhcleek commented 3 months ago

Closing. This wasn't a revert of 3146, and as explained there, what vim-go does here should be safe since the template filetype that ships with Vim is a subset of what vim-go does for the gohtmltemplate filetype.

If you'd like your .tmpl files to have different behaviors, that can be accomplished by putting au BufRead,BufNewFile *.tmpl set filetype=gohtmltmpl in the right place (e.g. your vimrc or a file either in$HOME/ftdetect or $HOME/after/ftdetect) depending on where vim-go sits in your runtimepath.