fatih / vim-go

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mingw: Add platform checking of GoDocBrowser for Cygwin on windows #3611

Open rwxguo opened 9 months ago

rwxguo commented 9 months ago
bhcleek commented 9 months ago

Thank you

rwxguo commented 9 months ago

welcome, happy holiday !

rwxguo commented 9 months ago

@bhcleek Thank you for your guide and instruction. I added cygwin detection go#util#IsCygwin.

The reason using uname to check the platform is inspired by the maven-wrapper project, which is widely used in enterprise level java projects using SpringBoot etc.

Plus, I also leverage the vim built-in feature list has('win32unix') to make it more concise.

I have tested these factors on three major cygwin platforms, the result is for your reference:

platform has('win32') has('win64') has('win32unix') uname
Cygwin 0 0 1 CYGWIN_...
GitBash (64bit) 0 0 1 MINGW64_...
MSYS2 - mingw32.exe 0 0 1 MINGW32_...
MSYS2 - mingw64.exe 0 0 1 MINGW64_...
MSYS2 - msys2.exe 0 0 1 MSYS_...
rwxguo commented 9 months ago

By the way, I found there is a util function go#util#IsUsingCygwinShell which might not correct, because it uses go#util#IsWin, but based on my above testing result, go#util#IsWin always return 0 on all cygwin-like platform...

 " Checks if using:
 " 1) Windows system,
 " 2) And has cygpath executable,
 " 3) And uses *sh* as 'shell'
function! go#util#IsUsingCygwinShell()
  return go#util#IsWin() && executable('cygpath') && &shell =~ '.*sh.*'

The go#util#IsUsingCygwinShell is used in path.vim, for your information

bhcleek commented 9 months ago

Yes, go#util#IsUsingCygwinShell is for a different kind of use case than you've been working on. The last I checked, it is correct for the use case for which it is intended.

rwxguo commented 9 months ago

As CYGWIN uses cygstart instead of start, but MSYS2 and GitBash uses start, I made the cygwin checking as a seprated "elseif", and use rundll32 instead of start rundll32 or cygwin rundll32. (treat cygwin as a separated system, rather than a windows variation)