fatihsokmen / android-icecast-broadcast

🎷 Android Audio Broadcast. Captures real-time audio from microphone, encodes and streams over icecast protocol
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Passing Title of stream #8

Open TalhaArshad opened 3 years ago

TalhaArshad commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I want to make android app which broadcasts audio on icecast server. I am using Spreaker services which uses icecast2 server as media server. I have all of it's configurations. I have tested it with desktop app and it works fine. So there is no need to setup my own icecast server.

Coming to android part, I have put configuration in code, run the application, started stream and it seems to connect with server successfully. App shows "Streaming" message on screen. But it does not list down in spreaker dashboard. Same configurations, when used with desktop app, lists that audio in spreaker dashboard successfully and we can listen to it. But not with android app.

Along with all configurations, desktop app also requires name of the stream. But in our android app there is no option to pass name along with configurations. So, my random guess is that stream has been started but as because name is not given to it, that's why it's not listed there.

Can you please comment on this and if this is the exact issue, then please guide me how to pass name in streaming details?


fatihsokmen commented 3 years ago

Source code provides all possible parameters and not sure what the issue is on your setup.